
From HollowWiki
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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


Name: Gartuz
Born in: The Caves of Xalious
Race: Cave Troll
Class: Death Knight
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald
Skin: Stone Grey
Height: 10'
Alignment: Neutral Evil


Gartuz stands at an impressive ten feet tall form his feet to the crown of his bald head and his hide is as gray as stone - with the durability to match. Due to the ever increasing space requirements for his tribe in the cave systems of the Xalious Mountain Range, he has developed strength beyond that of an average Troll. His torso is tall and his legs look somewhat short by comparison. The Cave Trolls arms are quite long however, his knuckles drag across the ground if his arms are allowed to hang limply by his side.


Gartuz is a Cave Troll, and while most Trolls may take shelter in caves or earth mounds, his tribe went deeper. They reside in deep underground tunnel systems further expanded by the hard labor all in the tribe must take part in. This is seen as a form of strength training by the Trolls and is a respected activity outside of combat. The result is not near as neat or sophisticated as the dwarves, but it serves their more basic needs and keeps them physically stronger than most of their surface dwelling kin. However, this does lead to some skirmishes with the Dwarves, Drow, and other creatures of the Underdark - which only further contributes to their hardiness. Despite this, they try to keep to themselves as often as they can, preferring the company of their own kind to others.

Gartuz himself left his tribe of his own free will. He desires more than what his world of deep dark caves could offer him.