
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Full Name: Duth Ongg
Race: Ogre
Height: 19 feet
Wight: 13 tons (rounded up), but a gentlemen never asks, and a lady never tells.
Age: 350 years
Eyes: Red 
Skin: Green (sometimes purple) 
Hair: Messy matted grey 

Here is Duth standing next to his friend Abacus, big isn't he? (Image approved by Vuryal.)

Arrival of the Preklek

It was a bad week for Duth he did not mind the rain that poured down so hard that it seemed to bounced back up from the swap as he marched though it. The job had not gone well the elf prince he was hired to protect had tried to kill him. How was Duth meant to know the woman seeking up on prince was his bride to be? All the ogre had known was some one was sneaking up on the one he was paid to guard, and before looking back he had cleaved the she elf in two. Duth was told to be alert to bandit attack while the prince was escorted to wherever he was going, and being the strongest was left to bring up the rear. (That was how the bandits liked to attack.) The strange forest the party had been traveling through made him on edge. (It was not called the forest of ghosts for nothing) he heard the twig snap and turned to attack not knowing the one creping up on him was not his foe. His employer took it hard and sent the rest of the guards to attack Duth the five or six humans and elves that made up the mostly random band were not much of a threat to the rather large ogre and were dealt with quickly. The prince was knocked unconscious so Duth dragged him to his intended destination. (The bandits seeing how the ogre treated the other guards decided to avoid him.) Despite all the work the prince refused to pay him more than half the agreed pay. (Something about funeral costs which made since to Duth as he had killed most the others after all)

After all that trouble Duth returned home to find the tribe was going to war. A strange hole had appeared in the sky over an orcish settlement of Talgruod at the southern edge of the swamp of daggers, and spewed forth an army. The orcs were soon struggling to fight back the strange invaders in black armor, and offered the ogre war chief large amounts of food for assistance in turning back the invaders. Gathering his armies the war chief marched from Garthog to aid the orcs.

The Invaders, (Prekleks as they called themselves,) seemed unfamiliar with the use of their weapons. The archers had deadly aim but acted like they did not know what a crossbow was, the swordsmen were simply inept. It did not matter in the long run as the Prekleks seemed to have an infinite supply of troops the orcs and ogres were pushed out of the orc hold and forced back into the swamp to lick their wounds. Fortunately the preklek did not pursue instead they began to build a strange fortress and looked to the west

Coming of the Claw

Two years had passed since the arrival of the Preklek, and word had spread quickly of “the fall of Talgruod.” All hopes that the invaders were a force for good however were smashed along with the eleven citadel of Yenien to the west of what the Preks were now calling “Selkari” (renamed after their gods of space and Dimension) the Preklek marched ever west and south smashing most in their path until seen in the east was an army marching under a flag of a claw wrapped in flame.

Led by what appeared to be a dragon with glowing eyes and an elf ranger, saying they had come to drive back the invaders. The Flaming Claw quickly formed alliances with whole kingdoms of Elves, Men, and Dwarves until they came to the swamp of daggers, and Garthog.

Untong the ogre clan chief was stubborn having held the swamp through a combination of fear and the preklek attention being elsewhere felt that the Claw was a nuisance and refused to join them. The leader of the Claw Vgfh knew he would need the ogre tribe more or less intact to aid him in fighting the preklek so he challenged Untong to combat for control of the tribe.

Untong had fought dragons in his youth and although he was not big for an ogre, (only fifteen feet tall) he felt he could take this up start dragon. Long story short, he was wrong Vgfh quickly won the duel and took control of the tribe and set about setting up defenses in the swamp.

Years passed and the war was fought to a stand still the prekleks having most of the west and south the claw having the north and east when Vgfh got a suspicion that the Preklek were gong to try to slip behind the Flaming claws lines and go far into the east so he chose a low ranking lieutenant with a habit of getting himself in trouble and sent him to a land called Hollow.