
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.

General Information

  • Name: Distraite Lork'aane Scotraisthe
  • Age: 24 in Drow years (She is fairly young)
  • Born: In her mother's house, House Scotraisthe, in the hallows of the Underdark
  • Race: Drowess
  • Class: Deathknight
  • Eyes: Metallic green- The lower portion of her right eye is now an electric blue hue
  • Hair: Platinum white
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: Fluctuating between 105-115
  • Markings: Painted runes on her face, marking her as a servant of the Dark Mother. She also has a scar on her right cheek in the shape of a pair of lips; a constant reminder of the consequences of even a small transgression. As mentioned above, her right eye is half tinted blue- another reminder of the Matron's power over her.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Distraite's metal green eyes are constantly roaming about, looking for potential danger, threats, and success. Her youth is both a blessing and a curse, as she is quick to act before thinking through a situation thoroughly. Her platinum white hair contrasts the nearly neon glow of her eyes, and still complements her pure white teeth. Garbed in full armor she has been described by a combatant as "a demon... a sick joke from Death himself." (credits for that go to Ilmus, the Half-Elf assassin during a duel.)


  • Family: All of her biological family members have died.
  • Mother:Ezideth committed suicide
  • Sister: Dylaine was murdered
  • Brother: Xanisth was killed after the murder of Dylaine
  • Father: Kurtz'anth was murdered by Ezideth
  • NOTE She was adopted by Malice La'Ru Tyr'Anea

The second child of three, Distraite was the epitome of the ‘middle child'. Her mother, Ezideth was more concerned about raising her sister Dylaine to become Matron of their house when she passed, than in raising all of her daughters equally. Distraite's younger brother Xanisth was forever ignored by the rest of his family unless some menial chore needed to be done. Distraite's father, Kurtz'anth was murdered a year after her brother was born- her mother's justification was that he had grown to question her authority as Matron of the house. Distraite tried desperately to win her mother's approval, but never seemed to succeed. She spent much of her time ordering around Xanisth, forcing him to do humiliating tasks before the other Drow of the Underdark or honing her own skills in battle, all in order to prove to her mother that she was worthy of being called a member of the Scotraisthe clan. All of her attempts were indeed in vain, as her mother only looked to Dylaine for hope of the clan's future. As Distraite grew, so did her penchant for forcing Xanisth into menial servitude, and her aggression would overflow into physical violence toward him. The year that Distraite turned 17 (in Drow years), her brother had finally had enough and retaliated by attacking Dylaine. The attack went unnoticed by the rest of the family as her mother was out of town searching for the proper gift for Dylaine's ascension to head of the clan, and Distraite herself was out sulking on the borders of the Underdark. As she returned home, she saw her sister lying in her own blood and Xanisth sitting on the floor beside her. She could only scream. She ran, searching for their mother, hoping that the elder Drowess could bring some kind of justice to the abomination that had occurred. She finally found her mother, and brought her, frantic, back to the house. Upon seeing her dead daughter, Ezideth immediately went from the powerful and fearsome Drowess she was, to a mental wreck. In her grief Ezideth took her own life. Stunned and bewildered, Distraite could only blink back tears. After several minutes, she turned her metal green eyes to her brother who was still sitting on the floor. In a rage she grabbed a sword off the wall and tore him apart. She never had cause to hate her brother until that night. With her mother's death, she would never have the chance to prove herself worthy, and it was her brother's fault. Covered in blood, Distraite left the house and wandered the streets of the Underdark for months, never claiming the title of Matron of the House of Scotraisthe. Her wanderings took her up to the surface world of Hollow, a new, horribly bright place with races she had only heard of. She spent many weeks wandering the surface world aimlessly until she met a lycan by the name of Cerebus. While her distate for men was rooted in her being, she was unavoidably attracted to this male lycan and soon befriended him. Though she rarely sees him, she thinks of him often, and of the kindness he showed her. After several more weeks of slightly more directed wandering, Distraite ran across another Drow on the surface: a male Drow by the name of Shaiith, and he came with a message. Reluctant to give her attention to a male of her race, Distraite was anxious to get on her way when he mentioned the Underdark. Her wanderings had made her miss her home world, and this mention of it perked her interest. The Drow spoke of another Drowess by the name of Matron Malice Tyr'Anea, a High priestess who was looking for Drow to return and strengthen the Underdark and temple. Interested by this proposition, she agreed to meet Malice and soon met her face to face. To see this Drowess was to look on a female clearly accomplished and respected in her circles. The Priestess had colossal power and seemed to radiate the strength given to her by the goddess. Distraite agreed to join the cause, more so because she was curious about Malice, than from a desire to strengthen anything. Malice took Distraite under her wing and has helped her in many, many ways. Distraite had found a woman whom she could emulate, one she could find strength in, look to as a mother, and possibly a friend. For Malice's friendship and generosity, Distraite has sworn to protect her and her cause- whatever the cost. As Distraite grew in Malice's favor, the Matron mother named her Captain of the temple guards of the Underdark. She takes this position very seriously and will fiercely guard the entrance to the temple should any strangers or heretics try to approach. Distraite was adopted by Matron Malice and for an extensive period, she served faithfully. However, a promise made to the Matron is to be carried out.


  • An Imp Familiar named Wyrd. She named him so because she found him after the slaying of her brother.
  • She has a human slave who was, at one point in her past, an Aeromancer and an assassin. Distraite came upon this woman during her travels on the surface. Finding the woman nearly dead, she could have killed this human without a second thought- but something stopped her. Distraite has taken this human and named her Nex Misericordia (Death's mercy).


Distraite has two main weapons: her enchanted scythe and her cursed sword.

  • Scythe: Nex Tempestas (Death's Storm) This enchanted scythe is always attached to Distraite's back, strapped down by small clips attached to her armor. The weapon, much like its sword companion, absorbs physical energy. (Physical being blood) Should the weapon spill blood, the blade itself absorbs the blood and strengthens the wielder. The blade glows a ruby hue when empowered, granting the wielder drastically increased strength and speed.
  • Cursed Sword: Nex Postulo (Death's Requiem) This weapon absorbs both blood as well as magic and delivers the same effect as Nex Tempestas. However, should Distraite wield the blade for more than ten minutes, she loses all mental control and is effectively possessed by the blade itself. This weapon is rarely used to its full power, as Distraite fears the effects of the possession. She will draw the weapon in battle but mainly as a defensive maneuver. Wielding the blade in this matter allows her to remain in control.