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Most commonly called by her given name, Celaeno (named after some stars by her father, meaning "Dark One").

Nicknames include: Cela, Cel, Silverhands

A prim and proper Magelet who specializes in runic enchantment (though she dabbles in fire and barriers) and a budding Necromancer who learns new tricks every day.


- Doubling her efforts to advance in her new field and improve her current specialty. Visibly taking its toll with her eyes appearing sunken from lack of sleep and her elven-tinged features appearing sharper after losing a little weight.

- Discovered that some of her important organs are covered in leftover necrotic energy. When she performs strong spells, it opens lesions that won't close without magical intervention (healing magic, healing potions, etc). It hasn't proved deadly, yet, but makes recovery after enchanting or rituals time consuming.

- Behavior may seem a little off, funny expressions out of nowhere like something unseen is talking to her and/or chiding her.

- Starting to freeze up sometimes out of nowhere. The result of unpleasant reminders causing flashbacks or seeing things that don't seem to actually be there...

- Has been loaned a mysterious, metal book full of runes, tied to a ship apparently powered by some sort of curse or dark magics. To say she's fascinated is an understatment.

- Has found most of the libraries in Lithrydel now. All that remains is Frostmaw.

- Working with a smith, Mister Ranok, to construct a sturdier metal attachment for her gauntlets.



A young half-elf whose delicate/angular bone structure favors her pointy-eared father, while her tawny features, dark hair, and storm-gray eyes take after her mother’s nomadic folk. She appears no older than twenty, her true age closer to eighteen or nineteen winters--she lost track of a year somewhere down the line.

She has taken to wearing a newer set of black robes over an alternating set of red and black outfits. Her pack still carries what worldly possessions she needs: cooking supplies, tools of her craft, and essential reference volumes, to name a few.


One might notice she often keeps her hands tucked under her sleeves, hidden from sight. However, when necessary, she will use them and onlookers would glimpse the gauntlets she has. Pure silver, etched in glowing runes from at least four languages, they’re the most valuable things she owns. They are smithed more like gloves than armor, though, and when they move, their joints click together, hollow inside.

Something happened before she came to these lands, you see, where she lost both of her hands to nefarious forces. For all intents and purposes, those enchanted gauntlets have replaced them. For those sensitive to dark magic, they might detect something strange from her chest. If one is fortunate enough to earn seeing those scarred on sigils, they might be able to divine their purpose for themselves.

Underneath the silver armor, the black stockings used to protect her skin from chaffing hide her only ink thus far. Tattooed by a Miss Meri after Celaeno came to Lithrydel, they're a series of neat runes with a thick black outline, accented by warm summer colors. While not as quick to show them off, as others might, the young mage is no less proud to bear them.


Celaeno comes off as someone people might call “still waters.”

Her childhood was spent traveling all over her home continent, so she learned early that the key to diplomacy was good manners and natural charisma. Since she lacked the latter, she honed her sense of formality, perhaps a bit too much. At times she can come off as reserved, socially awkward, easily embarrassed, but she has been trying to open herself up to others in this new land.

Knowledge both arcane and mundane makes her light up, and she sometimes gets lost searching out new libraries to explore.

Touching others wasn’t always her forte--maybe an introductory handshake here, a nudge or a tap there.

Nowadays, she still freezes up, but she's becoming more comfortable day by day, especially with a certain kind of person that reminds her of her long lost family. In the end, once she cracks a smile, she’s just as friendly and considerate as any common person.

As for any romantic inclinations, they do not exist for this particular young woman. She aspires to find family bonds--brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, mentors--and that will be enough to cure whatever loneliness she suffers.

But you know what they say about still waters. Time will tell if she stays that way.


Cela (a childhood nickname she only offers a select few) has a few walls she can’t seem to crack yet. This subject has most of them. Sure, she’ll offer a few vague details:

She grew up wandering from place to place with her family.

Her homeland offered limited magical resources. What she knows of runes, pyromancy and barriers is self-taught.

She had a sister known for being a warrior and a flirt.

Her mentor was a particularly nasty necromancer, and he is responsible for taking her hands.

It’s not quite enough to paint a full picture yet, but a few are starting to put it together.