
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Aoshi was a Lycanthrope and Fighter.


Name: Aoshi

Age: 15
Born in: Frostmaw
 Areas Active: Frostmaw
Race: Human/Lycan 
Class: Fighter
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Silver
Fur: Silver
Skin: Light
Height: 5'10 (human form)
Weight: 180 lbs  (human form)
Marital Status: Single 
Alignment: Unknown
Political Status: None 
Clan Status: N/A at this time 
Guild Status: N/A at this time
Pack Status: N/A at this time

Current Events

Aoshi has moved from the wild lands of Frostmaw and into the city section of the frozen land. He has earned his coin through hunting and and trading with local traders. When he is not out hunting. He can be found training in combat at Royal Academy of Aramoth's training grounds.


Aoshi, is a standard 15 year old boy. Complete with squeaky voice. How ever, since finding his parents, the young boy dosen't seem to show emotion. Sure he smiles, but the smile is seen easily as being fake as if he feels he should smile at that point. No signs of fear, or anger. Something that might be quite hard for those who read off their opponents emotions.


Since his parents death, Aoshi has quickly taken on responsibilities of being an adult. From finding his own food, and coin. To securing a place to stay. After his encounter with a knight, had decided to start his training for the Frostmaw Army, or watch.


Aoshi has taken to the studies of Aramoth studying under his statue in Frostmaws training grounds


When Daniel and Shinta became expecting parents, they thought it best to became passive members of their pack in order to raise the little one as peaceful as they could until the child was old enough to join the pack on their own. The years were simple and easy. Daniel using his instincts became a hunter and hunted through out all of Frostmaw providing shelter and food for He, his wife, and their son Aoshi.

When Daniel thought Aoshi was old enough, he started taking him on hunts with him. And teaching him how to fair in combat. A day after Aoshi's 15th birthday, He was sent out into the woods to collect wood for the fireplace. Meanwhile, back at home, the old pack returned seeking for Daniel, Shinta, and Their pup to join back into the pack. After a long, peaceful, and reletivly safe fifteen years, Daniel was adamant about not re-joining their family. Lucianus (the pack leader) didn't take the news well. There was a struggle, Daniel and Shinta both fought well, but domestication takes the edge off even the best fighters, and not having an edge when fighting a pack.. there was only so much Daniel and Shinta could do.

Aoshi found their bodys torn to shreds when he returned home. Devastated and frightend, he took his fathers staff, and left the house wandering out into frostmaw, and into the world for the first time... alone.

Aoshi then moved from the wild lands of Frostmaw and into the city section of the frozen land. He has earned his coin through hunting and and trading with local traders. Training day and night against the dummies under the eyes of Aramoth. After time, the knight Hildegarde took him in to start his long long path of becoming a knight.