
From HollowWiki
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A squishy-looking figure perches on a chair nearby. They seem to be all nervous limbs and enormous, darting eyes.


The creature opens their mouth and licks the air, then frowns, and sighs as their tongue doesn't do what their instincts tell them it should.


You see a jersher, potentially lankier than most, but you haven't seen many others to compare this one to, now have you? You're struck by an impression of long limbs hunched tight, awkward and deliberate in their movement. It's not readily evident whether the creature is male or female, but when you ask, Anura smiles widely (with such a mouth, he can hardly smile any other way) and tells you he/him pronouns would be acceptable.

Anura's skin is a milky pale mint color, his eyes large, round, and dark blue. His body is an odd mix of blobbish and lanky. It would be unattractive except... with those boggle eyes, easy smile, and eagerness to please, he somehow comes off as cute. In a creepy sort of way.

He is skittish, easily startled, and he doesn't seem quite comfortable operating in a humanoid world. He's not sure if that will ever really go away.


Anura's very first memory is waking up on the cold stone floor of a Naga laboratory. He took comfort in the other jesher with him, forming quick bonds through the shared experience. When they finally escaped, he made the conscious decision to go out into this strange world, despite the fact it terrified him.


He is enamored of all things spiritual and metaphysical. Being a constructed being as opposed to a natural one, he is eager to discover his place in the world. Knowledge is a curious and fascinating thing, and he seeks as much of it as he can. About anything and everything.

Anura is naive but wary. He's dazzled by almost everything he sees, but is cautious around new people, especially any that remind him of his tormentors (or those who want to eat him!)

Mostly a pacifist, Anura would much prefer to heal or stand in the back.


I am extraordinarily new and rusty at this RP thing. Be patient with me! And please correct any mistakes I make!

Discord: Jaylee✨Gaven#7598