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Amadriecllya is a scientist, inventor, and artist. Her studies can be found at her study hall:

Amadriecllya is beautiful and strange. An elven faerie, she knows not whether she is a hybrid, a person with birth defect, or something different all together. Her wings are large, and although they are disproportionate to her body size, they are gorgeous nonetheless.

In elven form, She is normally sized, but a little chubby. She has eyes that shift from grey, to blue, and to green depending on her body temperature. Her skin is very pale, and no matter how much time she spends outside, she always seems to stay pale. It's a lovely porcelain color. Her hair is jet black, and is grown down to her knees. She loves to play with her hair, and has the strange ability to change it's length whenever she pleases. Ammy has very small hands and feet, and thinks it's very odd that a musician could have such small hands. Ammy has a scar on the back of her neck, but she refuses to tell where it came from. When she is in her faerie form, she is about one and a half inches tall. She looks exactly the same as she does in her elf form. In faerie form, however her eyes seem to be larger. Amadriecllya's wings are similar to those of the Blue Morpho butterfly, only with green flecks in them.

Whenever Amadriecllya appears or disappears, she does so in a cloud of magic that has several magical effects. The first is a fragrance, which varies by whoever is smelling it. For example. If a person or thing preferred the smell of lavender, they would smell lavender. If another liked garbage, it would smell like garbage. Most interestingly, if there are several people in a room, the smell is different for each one of them. If the garbage lover and the lavender lover were to vocalize the smell she left, they'd both be terribly confused. The second is a shimmer. It really isn't magical, but it's pretty. Also, if she is outdoors, petals will appear, and fall from where she apparated.

When Amadriecllya first arrived in Hollow, she awoke in the middle of the Forest, without any memories except being mute. However, when she did arrive in this world, she discovered she now was able to speak. Being a fast, and we mean INSANELY FAST learner, she was able to perfect her literacy skills in a matter of three weeks. Now it is absolutely impossible to tell. She still has no memories of her past life. She does however remember her name.


Amadriecllya, being the scholar that she is, decided to go out to the far east to learn about who she was, and where her wings came from. Along her way, she came across a tribe of people who had records of winged elves like herself. She learned that many years ago she had been a Princess of her people. They were called Faeries. Not to be confused with Pixies or Fairys. They are very different, from what she learned. A Faerie was an elf with the same magical abilities as a Pixie or a Fairy. A Faerie is a type of elf. Faeries had two sets of wings; their battle wings, and their normal day to day wings, both of which can be concealed at any time. Amadriecllya read in the records that there was a great battle between a hoard of goblins and the Faerie nation. Amadriecllya had disobeyed her father's orders to stay in the castle, where it was safe, and went out to fight with her people. She was captured, and while she was captured, her kingdom fell, leaving her the last known one of her kind. She was forced into slavery, and was taught through torture that speaking at all was a bad thing. Her records stopped there. How she ended up in the forest was still a mystery to her. All she knew was that she was an ex-Princess.

Amadriecllya continued her journey, and came across another tribe of people of different species. They were a gypsy tribe. Upon her arrival, she was immediately revered, and respected. Apparently there was a prophecy that a winged elf would come and raise them from the illness that had been ravishing them for years. It was a horrible plague, and Amadriecllya, using the knowledge that she had gained from her non stop studying was able to find a cure for the ailment. Out of gratitude, the people made her their Queen. She had saved many lives. She now travels hollow with what she calls her "Merrymen" so that she can expand her knowledge. She welcomes all who need home into her band of gypsies.