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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.


Name: Alana Kaase
Race: Lycanthrope 
Class: Monk.  
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Aramoth
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 140 lbs
Age: 30
Build: Very Athletic
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue


Alana is a tall woman, just shy of six feet, and there's little in the way of body fat on her giving her toned, athletic build a lean look. Her skin is fair with freckles on her face and shoulders. She wears her hair simply, tying it back with a ribbon when in battle, but otherwise letting it hang free. Her eyes are a sky blue and very introspective and she rarely wears armor, preferring to utilize her strength and dexterity to avoid harm rather than rely on armor to block it. Her coordination is extreme from a life of practice in the unarmed fighting styles and she's capable of impressive acrobatic feats. A natural-born lycan, her heritage manifests in her nails, which are thicker and longer than a normal humans would be as well as considerably sharper. She carries a simple walking staff carved with images of predatory animals that live in the north which is also a deadly weapon in her skilled hands.

Image: Alana Used with permission of the artist, Smilika (Deviantart).

Image: Alana Used with permission of the artist, Jinxiedoodle (Deviantart).

In her hybrid form, Alana grows to nearly nine feet in height, her frame becoming broad and massively muscled as thick, reddish brown fur emerges from her skin. Her jaws are large and her claws elongate into vicious weapons; capable of moving on all fours or on two legs, she's not as fast at her werewolf cousins, but more than makes up for it in raw strength and ferocity as a bear. A thick mane of hair protrudes from atop her head and midway down her back in this form. Wild and untamed, this is not a form that Alana uses for negotiation, but for killing or when pushed beyond the limits of her self-control.

Image: Hybrid Form Used with permission of the artist, Rıdvan Şoray (Deviantart).

In her animal form she appears to be a larger-than-average if otherwise unremarkable grizzly bear. Her fur retains its reddish brown tint and her natural weapons remain deadly, with all the strength of the animal she resembles. There's a spark of intelligence in her eyes that doesn't belong in a normal animals, but aside from that and her excellent health, little distinguishes Alana as a lycan to the unknowing or unobservant. Image: Permission Pending


Alana's parents were both human until the night her mother was attacked by a lycanthrope while hunting. Pregnant with her young daughter at the time, the curse passed into the infants blood, resulting in the condition being natural for her as opposed to inflicted. Even as a child, the young woman had severe temper issues, and her strength when incensed made her a danger to keep in the family's home. Thus, Alana was taken to a priest of Aramoth who saw to it that the young woman was taken in by a monastery dedicated to perfecting the body in glory and honor of their deity. For the most part, this is the only life that Alana has ever known, and she doesn't resent it finding that life as a monk is quite fulfilling. The meditation and inner-seeking path helped her gain a better control over her feral side (though it still slips from time to time). Now, convinced she's learned all she can while cloistered, the nascent werebear has set out to see the world and further work on refining her own inner perfection.

Current Events

12/22/14: Alana met the elf ranger, Tasaki Falconhand, and the two have begun traveling together as companions in arms.


Alana is a very capable hand to hand fighter as well as skilled in the traditional weapons of a monk. Rigorous training has put her in excellent physical condition and made her light on her feet. Fast and strong, with youth on her side, Alana may well find the inner perfection she seeks if her journey isn't cut short by violence. Courtesy of her bestial heritage, her senses are sharp in any form, especially smell. This extends to her human shape as well but is more pronounced in her hybrid and animal shapes.

In her hybrid and animal forms, Alana is extremely strong, easily capable of knocking over small trees or hurling boulders weighing several hundred pounds. Her instincts are prevalent and make her a more vicious combatant along the massive reach the form offers, exceeding that of most men with a spear, and enabling her to strike her foes with her massive paws before they can even get close enough to wound her.

While possessing no natural immunity to simply being stabbed, she is a lycan, and heals quicker than a normal being would. Being a younger member of her race this isn't the instantaneous rejuvenation of her elders but it is markedly fast; she rarely bruises, repairing the damage causing any such injury within minutes, and even cuts and lacerations seal up and mend within fifteen minutes to an hour depending on how deeply or badly injured she is. Alana could conceivably regenerate missing organs or limbs though this would no doubt take even longer as well as an extended period of rest. Her hide while in hybrid and animal shapes is thick, making small weapons unlikely to damage anything vital, and preventing larger ones from penetrating as deeply. Bludgeoning attacks are markedly less effective against the wall of muscle that she becomes.

Unfortunately, as with any lycan, Alana suffers her kinds allergies to silver. The lunar metal inflicts injuries that are exceptionally painful and slower to heal. While she can handle the metal with some discomfort, cuts would instantly cauterize as they boiled the blood they came in contact with while leaving vicious scars. Accordingly, you'll never see her wear jewelry of pure silver. As a side note, unless magically enhanced, silver is a poor material for weapons being as it's soft.