The Alystrian Cigar Lounge and Emporium

From HollowWiki

Directions from Cenril Recall - 1S, 1E, 3N, 1E

Current Room Description

Built within the heart of Cenril itself, this establishment’s doors welcome all walks of life to enter. Upon entrance one’s gaze is drawn to the simplistic design that was chosen for efficiency and practicality, but also the surprising floor space. The business seems bigger on the inside. Once well within, one could notice the roar of the busting city has died down considerably, a hint at possible enchantments well paid for. The emporium is a tobacco user’s wonderland as three of the four walls have hand carved shelves that are stocked to the brim with an assortment of local and imported tobacco, herbs (like clove) and their related items all neatly arranged in a manner that makes it easy to sort through. Directly across from the entrance stands the shopkeeper behind a large counter, he is a massive feline from the Isran Collective that resides in the western part of the city named Kadiir, and he dutifully goes about cleaning a whisky glass as he awaits to care for customers. A small shelf behind the counter holds the limited high-quality alcohol and wine options the store sells. Spread throughout the emporium are also several high-end cushioned chairs that are positioned around tables for customers to sit and enjoy a smoke of their choice, be that cigar, cigarette, or hookah. To the left and the right of the business counter are two sets of stairs, one leading up to a more private lounge, the other leading down to another room. Both have guards watching over them, as to enter each room has a different price.

Current Employees

  • Jaxson -- Owner and financier of the shop. Often seen in his office upstairs.
  • Kadiir (NPC) -- Shopkeeper and Day to Day Manager. He is a large and powerful feline from the Isran Collective as part of a union between Jaxson and Matriarch Roahin in an attempt to establish more representation for the feline populations of Cenril's citizens. He is far more than just a shopkeep, as the powerful creature is also there to serve as a reminder to Jaxson what awaits him should he try to betray the Collective

Out Of Character Note

Please feel free to use the room for rp, just also respect it oocly as I do pay for this tile and wouldn't like it to be trashed/destroyed icly without my knowledge. Thank you

Item List

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