Starlit Sunset Crystal Crown

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Starlit Sunset Crystal Crown - (Head Armor +15)
Creator: Kanna
Last Known Owner: Khitti

Clear quartz crystals polished and shaped into small stars, wrapped in silver wire to give the illusion of captured starlight are but one of many eye-catching features of this crown. No single flower could encompass the heart of it's intended wearer, and so when crafting it, Kanna chose them all. Trumpet-shaped fire lilies from the volcanoes of Rynvale, black azalea from Vailkrin, and delicate peach blossoms from the Gothic Garden of Cenril have been intertwined along the crown, creating a sunset-like palette of colors over a willow-branch wreath. These flowers were chosen less for their Larketian interpretations, though Kanna does insist that they all carry meaning, but for the meaning behind where the flowers were sourced from. In lieu of magical preservation, the vibrant blossoms have been dipped in a clear plant resin mixed with ground mica stones, giving them a glittering luster. Interspersed throughout the wreath are sprigs of fragrant spearmint, their pale green foliage draping like pastel clouds along the quartz stars. The largest of the quartz resides at the front of the crown, shaped into a crescent moon that falls just over the wearer's brow. The colorless quartz chosen is considered by some to be the crystal of the divine, for whatever energy is poured into it will pour out tenfold. When imbued with arcane or bardic energies like these crystals are, clear quartz is said to bring clarity of mind to it's holder.


Commissioned from Khitti at the Cenrili Charity Bazaar, Kanna assembled and gifted this crown to her towards the end of the God of Undeath arc as a token of their friendship.

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