Snazzy Black Leather Goggles

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Snazzy Black Leather Goggles - (Armour-Head)
Creator: Satoshi
Last Known Owner: Satoshi

A pair of slim goggles made of a supple black leather. A deep scratch runs vertically across the right lens, marring the pale blue coloration. At one point, their purpose was merely to protect the wearer's eyes from sand, snow, and other environmental debris. With times of war, threats, and paranoia, however, their owner has begun to weave enchantments into even this mundane piece of gear. For those with the arcane sight, the faint outlines of runes are visible upon the lenses, although not easily seen except out of the corner of one's eye. What exactly they do is difficult to determine, as the runes lie one on top of the other, masking their meanings in a complex weave of near-invisible marks.


This item's history is a mystery at this time.

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