Silver Glowing Snail

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Silver Glowing Snail - Pet
Bonus: +0
Sold at: The Oracle of Alithrya
Cost: 25250 sp <br />2,500 cp <br /> gp, 00 gp <br />0 cp <br /> sp, 00 gp <br />0 sp <br /> cp


The Silver Glowing Snail grows to the size of a large plum, and in darkness emits a soft, silvery light. It’s only known natural habitat is a system of damp tunnels near Alithrya, but it has become a popular household pet with children all over Lithrydel, for whom it acts as a novel night-light.


Not only does the body of this snail glow, but the trail of slime it leaves behind will incandesce for several days. Creatures dwelling in the snail’s murky habitat are known to use Glowing Snail trails to leave cryptic messages and even works of art on tunnel walls.