
From HollowWiki

Seele {Gluttony}

Weapon Of The Ouroboros//3rd Tier


What it is: It was birthed with utter Abandon, Ansheras conflicts with Kasyr escalating to such a degree that rather than resolve it by plea, or some means of escape, he endeavoured to see if it could not be finished in combat. Although the polymorph is normally all but impervious to blows, The hybrid was able to land a solid blow, one which actually seemed to do have some sort of effect due to the timely usage of a spell. And yet, from that simple action did not come any form of resolution. There was no victory, no retreat, there was nothing but the simple displacement of a portion of the blades taint within her- Gospel detecting an odd sort of kinship with her and placing upon her it's mark. A mark which in itself drove her to even greater fury. In a display of wrath, and arcane might, she transported both herself and the tiefling to the subterranean lava flow, on the very foothold to Coreliants hidden shrine. It was there the violence resumed, an ever growing ferocity which seemed to peak with the hybrid apparently grazing Anshera with a blade which keens through magic. An unforunate incident which did enough harm to warrant Seele's premature appearance. Having been aided by the copious amount of magic that the rested within the Polymorph to accelarate it's own formation. A blade which only amplifies it's mistresses Wanton Desires.


What it can do: Seele is interesting, in the sense that how it's particular vice is manifested most accutely depends on who the wielder is. Though all who hold the weapon will gain an increased affection for food, and drink- each will also obtain a specific hunger most particular to them. For a vampire, it would most likely be a seemingly unquenchable thirst for blood, a Lycan would desire meat & the sound of bones and tendons snapping. Indeed, each hunger will be based upon that why the person desires to indulge in the most- when it comes to consuming~ to the point of addiction {Humourous indeed, would the day be that an opium addict or Lush would acquire the sword- or something else of the like}. Most unforunate for the wielder however is a pair of interesting facts. They will never be able to fully quench their thirst or sate their hunger- even for narcotics- they will simply get to a point where the hunger is bearable and they can function somewhat normally for a time. The other twist to this, is that they lose the ability to starve to death, or die of dehydration- essentially meaning they could endure all sorts of agony by being Imprisoned with no means of gaining sustenance. *Should the wielder die, or someone/something be slain by the blade, their spirit is drawn into the blade and amalgamated by the Ouroboros contained within ( ressurections or stupid reincarnations from DD's..or being shanked and killed thoroughly in a non DD and coming back peachy fine dandy...unless your like vuryal and have divine intervention...maybe.) Also, due to the trapped being inside, its exceedingly resilient to damage, and will not lose its supernatural keen. When wielded, the blade will slowly drain energy from its wielder, is a fact to note if used for exceedingly prolonged periods of time, if someone of {relatively} mundane nature inherited the blade , as they would find wielding it rather tiring. Nonetheless, the energy transfer allows them to rather effortlessly swing the blade {It is essentially weightless to the chosen wielder}...mixed blessing.*


Glutton For Punishment: Gluttonys particular eccentricity of note is related to kinetic force in the form of accumulating the physical -force- which meets it and then redirecting it within it's own attacks. To be specific, any attack which utilizes physical momentum will find the 'energy' behind it partially reduced, essentially lowering the damage and push as the whole of the 'force' behind the attack is drawn into the blade. This is Seeles fashion of charging up it's reserve of force. At first, it has a relatively low 'reserve' only able to store the kinetic force of a few sword swings- but as it ramps up in power, it's total 'carrying' capacity, is essentially the force equivalent to being stepped on by a dragon, three times. As for how much force can be exerted in an individual strike, it is minimum and Maximum of one third of it's carrying capacity. Essentially when at max strength, the force of a dragons strike could be laced into one blow- though that does insinuate the user has survived through that sort of detriment.


Seeles' Personality: A Ravenous bloodthirsty creature, Seele is morbidly obsessed with the slaughter of creatures, if only so it can experience the sensation of ripping through flesh and 'tasting' it's blood. It does in fact have a penchant for slipping into it's familiar form of a serpent and ripping out chunks of corpses if it's wielder is not busy. Overall, the thing is grotesque, it's personality reminiscent of a mass murderers. There is no lust for fights, simply Carnage & Death, then Nourishment.


Seeles' Form: The Zweihander

Physical Description: {Dormant} When Inactive, The weapon takes the humble appearance of a serpent composed entirely of ebon ink, essentially ethched onto the stomach of the person. Whilst relatively minute at first, as the weapon grows in strength, the image will grow relatively larger annd larger- until it's a complex mazework of coiled scale, which veritably encompasses the whole of the midriff.

{Manifest} Seeles particular means of making an entrance is grotesque to a certain extent, as the blade 'pushes' it's way out from the wielders stomach, either blade or hilt first. To be graphic, the colouring of the Tattoo seeps across skin, then bursts forward- taking the shape of either the weapons hilt, or blade. Whilst assuredly disturbing to watch, the actual process does not cause any real damage to the blades possessor..just a negligible degree if discomfort and some slight bleeding on the surface level.

{Sole} When actually manifested, the weapon of gluttony is hardly subtle; what with being a five foot blade, with a hilt and pommel extending the total length by another one and one quarter feet. Composed of some abyssal material, it is Obsidian esque in hue and sharpness- though it's Supernatural durability immediately dispels any illusion of brittleness that the actual mineral carries. Beyond that, the blade is rather simple at conception, a single serpentile eye imbedded in the blade, just above the center of the hilt. It's only as the sword grows in power that visible complexities begin to form, the weapon taking on an almost organic quality in appearance, as more eyes begin to form along it- and little 'veins' of pulsing darkness spread up along the blade. Whats more, the actual edge of the weapon slowly becomes more and more serrated, until it noticeably possesses 'teeth' upon attaining full power. Altogether, rather vicious.


Blade Element: Gluttonys particular elemental affinitys are relative to Terramancy and Darkness manipulation- an amplification to both those abilities by a noticeable degree.


Custom Name (s): Seele {Weapon}


Serpent Type: Ouroboros


List of owners: 1.Anshera

    • Disclaimer:: This Be Intellectual Property Of Kasyr Aka Jerrett W.S. Booth. All Moine!