Reinforced Granite Shield

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Reinforced Granite Shield - (Shield)
Creator: Odhranos
Last Known Owner: Odhranos

At first glance, this shield appears not to be a shield at all. It's primary appearance is that of a frame of lightweight steel, the bracings for a shield, but with no material inside it to act as a physical shield. This purpose becomes clear when in battle, Odhranos can use the terramantically affected materials around him, be it stone, sand, earth, or in some cases metal, to temporarily construct the main body of the shield, assembling them in the bracing frame, which provides both structure and strengthening. This means that the shield is extremely adaptive, reacting based upon the surrounding landscape.


This shield is most often seen in its granite form, but has been known to use thick mud and sand, to trap an opponent's blade or blind with a maelstrom of sand respectively.

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