RP: The Awkward Aftermath of an Alcoholic Affair

From HollowWiki

Summary: Both Khitti and Dominic wake up after the events of A Fairy Tale Of Fire And Ice and somehow everything works out for the pair.

Frostmaw Tavern

Khitti was the first of the two to wake up. This wasn't some instant "oh gods I'm awake, please kill me now" sort of waking up. This was long and drawn out. It was agonizing and painful and thank the gods she didn't look to her left to see who was next to her. Instead of noticing the fact that she was completely naked, which was entirely out of the ordinary for Khitti, she slowly shuffled her way towards the other room with the bath and wash basin, letting out a groan that'd put any shambling undead to shame. She didn't bother with lighting in there; she didn't need it anyway and her head hurt way too much from that hangover to deal with it. She goes to put water in the bowl, but her stomach had different plans. Guess what vampires throw up? You guessed it. It's blood. Or at least for Khitti it was, seeing as how she'd not eaten anything else before she got Brand-drunk. This was probably the worst experience in the world for her. That's also a lie considering her past and the fact that she had to -die- to become a vampire. Well. For now, it was the worst experience in the world for her. And now she was half hanging off of the pedestal with the wash bowl on it. And now, she's on the floor. Naked. Things could probably not get any worse today. No wait, they definitely can.

Uggggggggh. Thanks a lot Brand, you jerk. Dominic woke up to his head splitting open, and no Khitti to be found. What was this, the fourth time since they’d rescued her? The fifth? He’d lost count. It seemed damn near every day. There was no food laying out for him this time, no tea, and not even the fire was freshly tended to. Dominic stretched his legs out of the bed and padded across the floor, shivering -- what the heck. Brand slept naked?! Okay, then. Dominic stopped by the dresser to fetch some clothes, stirred the fire to new life, and stepped into the room with the bath with the intent of freshening up. And that… that was when he found a naked Khitti on the floor. That was when memories of the night before came floating to the surface, of Khitti and Brand drinking, of Brand telling that story of back when they’d been enslaved, of … everything else. Dominic dropped his clothes in shock and dove back around the corner, peeping around it with eyes as wide as those fireballs Brand liked so much. “Khitti?! You… I… um...”

The vampiress' green eyes snapped open almost immediately. Dominic. DOMINIC?! Oh god. Last night. Last night happened. It definitely happened and she was naked now on the floor and--. Khitti turned and just managed to catch the tail end (a bare one at that) of her dear boyfriend as he darted back into the other room. Doing her best to resist the urge to throw up again from all of her panicking and that damned headache, she scrambled to her feet, found her towel and quickly wrapped herself in it. Noooope, she's throwing up again. Yeah, that's gross, Khitti. "D-Dominic..." She didn't say anything else, and hid behind the bathtub as soon as the anxiety and shock wore off as much as it could and the guilt started to set in. How was she ever going to face him? She couldn't...she was...she had... Nothing positive about herself came to mind. Everything in her head was in the red and now she was certain she was going to lose him. This day -did- get worse and she'd not even been awake for very long.

Dominic crawled across the floor enough to retrieve the underwear and shirt, then hid away again to put it on. Only when he was at least that much dressed would he circle back to Khitti, dodging puke and timidly approaching her in her hiding spot. “Khitti… I… um… a-are you okay?”

"N-no. Stay away from me. I'm--" -An awful, terrible person that doesn't deserve you at all-, was all she could think of right now. She was crying again, always with the crying, and he'd definitely be able to tell too by the way she spoke. Realizing he was oh so near, she clawed her way to her feet and ran into the other room. Behind the changing screen she hid, her back up against the wall opposite from it, doing her best to keep her tears to a minimum, but failing miserably at it. The redhead put her face in her hands, hiding herself from the world and muttering, praying to whatever gods might listen to pull back the hands of time and let her redo last night. It wasn't going to happen though, was it? She was doomed to this fate. Doomed to have to deal with the consequences to her drunken actions.

Welp. A bath was going to have to wait. Dominic followed her to where she was cowering against the wall, hands clinging tightly to the edge of the screen. “Khitti, I… I thought you’d be happy… I’m sorry...” Leave it to Dominic to blame himself for something he wasn’t even involved in. “Can I…?” He drew closer, taking Khitti’s hands in his if she’d let him.

Khitti let him take hold of her hands, but they shook in his grasp. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Much like Brand's 'I can't' from the night before, her apology echoed along their link and in the room around them, her face contorted in confusion as she stares up at him. He knew? He knew and he let it happen? Why would he do that? Why didn't he yell at her? Why didn't he get angry? Why did he blame himself? All of those questions trickled over into that ocean-sized pool of thoughts they both shared. She was horrid and her actions unforgiveable. She was no better than that damned elder vampire. It hadn't been just the alcohol, had it? She'd wanted to be with Brand too. She wanted and loved them both and was the worst creature in existence.

“Khitti.” He said it again, more firmly. “Were you happy?” A hand lifted to trace along her cheek, to try and still that quivering throughout her body. “If you were happy, then that’s the only thing that matters. After all, he’s still… me. I guess. Sort of.” He sighed and placed a kiss on that same cheek. “If you’re happy, that’s all that matters to me. That’s… all that’s ever mattered. That hasn’t changed. It’s a bit unusual, sure, but… so are we.” He gestured to his own body, indicating himself and Brand.

Was she happy? Well, not right now at this particular moment, but she had been. She was so sure Brand had been too, but... "I vas...I zhink." She grabs his hand, pressing it to her cheek again. He had a way with calming her and she needed it now more than ever. "I don't zhink it meant anything...to him...and zhat makes it all zhe vorse in my head. I never should've drank. Never should've come back. I shouldn't--I'm sorry." She shakes her head, still cling to his hand.

Dominic just sighed again and shook his head. “I… I don’t think you know him as well as you think you do, then,” he murmured, as kindly as possible. His line of sight began to fall… and then, blushing, he drew it back up to her eyes. “Um.” Focus, Dominic. “I’ll, uh. I’ll let you get dressed.” He practically ran back to the other room, face still crimson. Don’t panic. Dooooon’t panic. It’s all right, she’s just as awkward as you are. Okay. Phew. Deep breaths. Dominic searched for a broom and mop in the closet and began cleaning up after Khitti, purely to calm his nerves, and those thoughts that kept creeping into the gutter. If there was one thing he -was- going to blame someone for, he was definitely blaming Brand for that.

And just like that he was gone, off to the other room to take care of her mess. She frowned, reaching a hand out to stop him, but failing to do so. She'd linger there for a few minutes, listening to him work away in the other room, until finally she pushed herself up off the floor and got dressed. Still a little woozy from the hangover, she manages to stumble her way to the doorway that split the two rooms, dressed in the long-sleeve, green shirt she'd bought with Pilar. Unfortunately for Dominic, she still wasn't wearing pants; she likely wouldn't have been able to put them on in her current state without falling on her face. However, much like Dominic's own clothing, it hung low enough on her to cover those parts that Dominic was trying so hard not to think about. Brows furrowed at him, she'd lean first her head, and then the rest of her body, against the doorframe, watching him quietly. Was he right? Had Brand really felt the same way that she did? It wasn't just the alcohol?

Dominic was too consumed by his own thoughts and his cleaning to hear her approaching. Only once he’d finished did he turn back towards the door and -- “Oh. Um, it’s clean now, if you wanted to use it…” He’d meant to step past her and back into the bedroom, but he slowed as he approached and ended up hovering just within arm’s length. Before he was fully conscious of his actions, he was tugging at the hem of her shirt, creeping closer and closer until her face was just inches from his. “But I, uh… I kind of want to…” He couldn’t say it. It was too embarrassing. He was too awkward. He’d have no clue what to do. Blushing again, he opted to flee past her instead of finishing his sentence -- and promptly tripped on the threshold, planting his nose hard into the floor. He cried out and pulled himself to fetal position along the floor, rubbing his face, but… his hand came back dyed crimson. Oh, fantastic. His nose was bleeding.

"You kind of vant to vha-" Oh. He tripped. Wait...did she smell blood? Yep, that's blood. Oh good, his hand's covered in it and likely his face to and--geez, Dominic. "Oh, love...you're as bad as I am." Thankfully, she was so close by to the bathroom that she could grab a washcloth and be back in seconds to tend to him. In no time, she was back, a hand gripping his unbloodied one, helping him to sit up, and then she was soon sitting in his lap. In his lap? Yes. In his lap. Definitely straddling him a bit and not even giving a second thought to it. The first, and only, was to help him. "Hey...it's okay. C'mere." Holding the washcloth to his face, she'd pinch the bridge of his nose, tilting his head down a little, "Hold it vhere my hand is, okay?" Khitti didn't even seem to consider the fact that -maybe- he'd had a nose bleed before and could deal with it, but it was more than likely because she wanted to be useful in some way. It certainly helped to take her mind off of the night before.

Dominic's brain flatlined. She was right on top him -- and the shirt -- and her legs -- Dominic flailed so hard he might fly away, if Khitti wasn't in his lap weighing him down. "I don't know how I can keep up in dancing with you and also trip all over my own feet that badly." Oh, yes you do, Dominic. Yes you do.

Khitti'd blink a few times at his flailing, then realize possibly what he might be doing so about: her. She coughs and quickly rises from his lap and steps out of the way, "You can, um...you can have a bath first. If zhat's vhat you vish. I can make you some tea...and maybe lie down a bit longer until you are finished." She stepped around him, moving to start the tea as soon as possible.

Dominic remained where he was until his nose finally dried up. The, slowly, ever so slowly he pushed himself up the wall and back onto his feet. He felt a bit lightheaded now. Maybe that was the alcohol, too? "Alright, y-yes." The rest of his clothes were still in the other room, anyway. The door clicked shut and... oh. Whoops. Dominic poked his head out again. "Um... do you mind... heating up some water for me? With your flames? I could go downstairs and bring hot water up, but..."

She had just finished getting the water for the tea on to boil when he poked his head out the door. "Just...um...just a moment." With her head cleared enough, she managed her pants finally and then wandered to the door. She cleared her throat a little, her gaze fixed on the floor, "R-ready vhen you are." She'd wring her hands absently as she waited for him to do whatever was necessary for her to enter.

Dominic opened the door further, no less undressed than he’d been a moment ago. “Oh, you… um.” Yeah, he noticed she’d put on pants. He maybe looked just the slightest bit disappointed. “A-anyway. Yes, thanks. I could ask Brand to do it, I guess, but I’ve noticed the switching back and forth makes me dizzy if it happens too fast.” He mostly tried not to think about if that had any long-term negative impact on his body.

Khitti looked down at her pants as he looked in that direction, as well as also seemed disappointed. "I did..." There's a moment or two's hesitation, her attention shifting to the tub. "Should...um..." Welp, there was her own awkwardness surfacing to match his own or at least got pretty damned close to it. "S-should I not have...? She'd bite her bottom lip a little with uncertainty, a look of confusion shot his way before she pushes past him with a faint apology for squeezing through between him and the doorway, and moves to the bathtub. "Hmm." She takes a minute to figure out the most logical way to go about heating the water. Ultimately, she decides on turning on the water and placing her hand around the pipe it flowed out of, heating the pipe with her magic to in turn do the same with the water. Once it's filled up enough, the water would be shut off again, and Khitti'd turn to leave, "Do...you...require anything else of me...?" She was hesitant again, still unsure of whether or not he'd actually want her around.

Dominic wanted to say yes. He wanted to push her against the wall like he’d seen Brand do, to be as smoothly and effortlessly cool about physical affection as he’d been, to make her… oh. Great. He was blushing even harder now. “I. Um. M-maybe?” He took one of her hands, then slowly the other. His were shaking. He pushed her, ever so slowly, ever so unsure, towards that wall. “I -- I want you to -- I mean, if it’s alright -- maybe we could --” Thud. They’d run out of space between her back and the wall. Dominic just stood there, mouth gaping, face impossibly red, wringing his hands in hers.

Khitti'd just stare at him as he slowly backed her against the wall, dark eyes searching his as he tried to speak. Say it. Just say it. You can do it. Please tell me? She waited and as he finished struggling with his words, she'd ask softly, "Dominic...?" She'd pause, still searching his face, trying to decipher his thoughts without actually prying into his head. "Kiss me." Maybe that would calm him enough for him to say what needed to be said. She had a feeling she already knew, but...she wanted to hear it, to hear him say that he wanted her around. It might be something that'd help ease the guilt she felt, at least she hoped it would.

Dominic certainly didn’t need to be told a second time. He pried his fingers away from hers and moved them to her waist as they kissed, trying to remember. How had Brand done things? He seemed so confident, so -- he tried to ask internally. Brand wouldn’t mind giving a little guidance, would he? But Dominic found that wall again. Ugh. Brand was constantly isolating himself lately. Fine, then. He’d figure it out himself. Dominic leaned further into the kiss, as much with passion for Khitti as with defiance to Brand and … whatever the heck was going on with him.

She could tell he was distracted, at least for a little bit. Just what was going on inside of that head of his? Was he talking to Brand? Was he unsure of doing whatever it was he intended to do? [Dominic...] She called to him over the link that had been formed the night before, trying to get him to focus on her, on them. [I love you. You know you can tell me anything, right? You don't have to be afraid...You don't have to be anxious.] She could probably take her own advice, to be honest, but she didn't think on that just now. Khitti did her best to comfort him as they kissed, a hand moving to gently brush against his cheek.

Dominic’s frustration was palpable through the link. [I don’t know what I’m doing. But I want to… -show- you I love you.] He was cringing outwardly now, and he broke off the kiss. “You might, um, you might have to…” He tugged just a bit at the hem of her shirt. What in the hell did he even mean? Should she take off her shirt? “...teach… me…?” Oh, poor Dominic. His voice came out in a squeak.

Khitti blinked. Several times in fact. Brand wasn't helping him at all with this, that much was crystal clear now to her. Well, that can't be dealt with now. She'd probably punch Brand later for it. He was such a damned jerk. For now, though, her focus is on Dominic and his terribly awkward, squeaky question. He was gifted with another kiss in response, and his hands carefully brought up to the buttons on her shirt, guiding him until the task was done. And then, suddenly, a wave of awkward overcomes her too, and she's quickly looking elsewhere, biting her bottom lip again, her hands squeezing his absently.

Dominic pulled back, stammering apologies. “W-we don’t have to if you don’t want to, I just… I just thought…” His gaze wandered to the tub. “Um, maybe I should bathe while that water’s still warm. Or else you’ll have used all that magic for nothing…”

"No!", she said quickly as he pulled away. "No... It's not like zhat. I just don't vant you to be disappointed in me. I'm not...I'm not..." [I'm not anything spectacular to look at.] Khitti shook her head, pulling him closer again, "Ve...could take one together. If you vant to. Maybe. I zhink. It's up to you, zhough." She'd soon move away from him though, instinctively holding her shirt together and looking towards the door.

Dominic looked back at her, scrunching his brows together. “W-what? Of course you are. And of course we can.” He took her hand and slowly led her back to the tub. “I just don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” They came to the end of the tub and he paused, fingers playing with his bottommost button. “Are you -sure- this is all right?”

Khitti turned to eye him again, tilting her head somewhat, "I'm sure. Are -you- sure?" This would be so much easier if she had that alcohol in her again. But, at the same time, she didn't want things to end up like it had with Brand. "I don't vant you to zhink ve have to just because o-of...Because of Bra--." She couldn't say it. Couldn't say his name. He'd be able to figure it out. She wanted to cover him in apologies again, wrap him up and keep him safe from the mistakes she made. "You never really seemed like you vanted to until now...and, I don't vant you to zhink it's necessary. L-last night I shouldn't have--zhe alcohol it--." Now she was definitely the bundle of nerves out of the two.

“ ‘The alcohol’ nothing,” he snapped, though his face softened immediately after. “It’s all right. You love him, too. You don’t have to give me excuses.” A hand reached to play with her hair. There was no judgment in his face, though he assumed Khitti would be busy judging herself regardless. “Really. I mean it. It’s fine. I just… I want to…” Dominic kissed her again. “I want to feel that too. It’s just that he knows what he’s doing, and I… don’t. I guess it’s a little awkward to ask. That’s probably why he’s gone silent. Trying to give us privacy?”

There was nothing said after he snapped at her. What was there for her to say? Instead, she took to staring at the floor, avoiding his gaze even after he played with her hair and kissed her. She merely nodded in agreement, a frown threatening to surface. After a few moments of silence between them, she said quietly, "Get in...and I vill be right back." This was not how she envisioned things to go. She should've stayed in Xalious last night. This was not how things were supposed to be. The word 'hypocrite' echoed in her head as she quickly scurried away to tend to the kettle that had thankfully started whistling. The sound of liquid pouring, and teacups clattering, and spoons rattling came from the other room, and nothing else but silence.

“But, Khitti --” Nope, she was gone. Dominic sighed and did as he was told, stripping down and then settling into the bath. Would she even come back now? He hadn’t meant it harshly. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything at all. [I love you…] he sent through their link, and started pouring the solution needed to make all those lovely bubbles into the bath.

Khitti definitely considered leaving, just as she had the night before. Her bag still sat on the dresser, and even now as she tended to the tea, she side-eyed the knapsack. It was right there, and her boots were so nearby. She wondered how Dominic might react to that. Brand, unfortunately, had not been a happy one when she mentioned it. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, and even more so until...until he said those words over their link. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought them off, taking a few moments to compose herself after a tray with the teapot and cups were loaded up before finally setting off back to the other room. There was a brief pause in the doorway as her line of sight settled on him, but she was soon pulling a table close the bath, filling the cups, and leaving them there for when either of them wanted the tea. "Are you sure...? I can leave." was said when she finally finished, her attention half lingering between him and the floor.

Dominic watched her from over the mountain of bubbles. “Of course I’m sure. Why would you leave?” A wet, soapy hand reached out to her, waiting to guide her into the tub after she’d undressed. “Please. I really do want you to stay.” And… more than that. He blushed again.

The redhead shook her head at his question, choosing to not answer it any other way. With a lot more hesitation beforehand, Khitti undressed and took his hand, letting him help her into the tub as she settled down onto the other side. She'd do her best to keep to her own side for now, her knees drawing up beneath her chin. "It's...uh...chamomile," was said quietly as she tilted her head in the direction of the tea.

Dominic moved until he was sitting at Khitti's side. "Chamomile. That's a good pick." The mountain of bubbles were pushed around; even beneath, the water was too murky with soap to make out much. It was almost a relief, given how nervous they both were. Dominic took the opportunity to lessen some of the tension by placing a ring of bubbles on top of Khitti's head. "Frostmaw has a new queen," he said with a grin. "Queen of Bubbles. ...And Spiders." He braced himself for the inevitable backlash he'd get for that joke.

Khitti's right eye twitched a little at the 'Queen of Spiders' bit, but...she didn't retaliate. Instead, she casts a side glance towards Dominic, a smirk accompanying it, as well as a shake of her head. "You're lucky I'm not in a fighting mood. I almost punched Brand in zhe face zhe other day for zhat." She pauses a moment, "Vell, no, I -did- punch him in zhe face. Just not for zhat." She still seemed entirely pleased with herself for that, the faintest hint of a grin appearing before she lets out an awkward cough, "Sorry...uh...if zhat hurt you too." A few innocent blinks were given to him as she snuggled up against his arm, giving it a few kisses.

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not Brand, I guess,” Dominic shot back, “...although, I guess if I was I could have warmed up my own water. And tea. Probably at the same time, even.” He stuck his tongue out, matching Khitti’s playfulness. “But… yeah. Go easy on him. You’re punching me, too, you know, even if it doesn’t always look like it.” It was true. While the discoloration on Brand’s face from Khitti’s fight with him was still fading, Dominic had no such blemish.

"It's veird to hear you stick up for him all zhe time now." She's thoughtful for a moment, then nods to him, "I'll be nice. I guess." Khitti sticks out her tongue in return, then grins. "He did derserve it, zhough. It's too bad zhat I can't properly beat him up." She giggles a bit, then leans forward, putting her hands in the water in front of them. "Hmm." The vampiress squints her eyes a bit as she ponders to herself, then lets loose a bit of her flames under the water, making sure it was far enough away from either of their feet. Soon the water's piping hot again, and Khitti sits back against the tub once more in silence, her head leaning against his arm.

“I’d say you could beat him up in illusion form, but he wouldn’t feel it then, anyway,” Dominic mused. “I… hadn’t really thought of it like sticking up for him, though? I think I just understand him a little better.” Dominic idly pushed more of the bubbles towards the both of them, then used them to create lines around the lower half of his face, until he had a swath of bubble stubble. He furrowed his brows and created a very Brand-like scowl. “ ‘I’m too much of a gorram broodin’ loner man to acknowledge my emotions, peach,’ “ came his next words, in a -very- poor impression of Brand’s voice. Same body or no, Dominic was no good at matching the other man’s timbre. “Frak, frak, frak. Gorrrrrrrraaaaaaaaam. SEVEN HELLS, KIWI!” He took Khitti by the shoulders and shook her.

In a sudden, strange turn of events, Khitti's brain died. Yeah. It's dead. Good job, Dominic. The bubbles hadn't really done it, nor the first sentence in his attempt to imitate Brand. No. It was the shouting of Brand's beloved curse words and the shaking her that did her in. She was going to say something intelligent in response to his musings of the blonde, but that...that just...that broke the poor vampiress. It started out as stifled giggling, and slowly worked its way up to hysterical, uncontrollable laughter. So much so, in fact, that she slowly slid from her spot with her back against the tub, to half laying down with her legs and feet sticking out on the opposite end and Khitti's top half submerged unter the water. Despite this, the laughter still hasn't stopped and bubbles form above her mouth, the woman looking entirely like she belonged in a cartoon. It's, uh, a good thing she doesn't need to breath, I guess. It didn't matter that his impression was awful, it was 'gorram' hilarious.

Dominic took a deep breath and then dove under the water to join her, placing kisses on her lips and bringing tickling fingers up to her waist. Of course the bubbles didn’t stay once he was underwater, but he did his best to keep his Brand-scowl on his face, until it had to give way to his own laughter. He went up for air before diving down again, placing more kisses on her and… gradually moving those lips downward. Yep. Dominic was gonna try to do the thing.

Round two of Khitti's brain breaking. Dominic, if you keep this up you're going to have a vegetable for a girlfriend. She giggles as he tickles her, and returns his kisses, but as she realizes what he's doing her eyes get all big and wide like a deer in headlights, and just before he can do the thing, she'd grab him by the chin and pull him above the water. "...You're going to drown yourself if you stay down zhere for too long..." She was actually blushing now, now that the water had warmed her entire form for a little while. She didn't move away from him though, instead guiding his face back up to hers so that she could kiss him again.

“Sooo… hurry up and finish bathing,” said Dominic, sticking out his tongue again. He kissed her once more, longer now that they were above water, and slowly pushed her back against the edge of the tub. And just when it looked like he might resume his path downward… “Okay, it’s all yours. I think I just needed a rinse.” He rose out of the tub and placed the table with the tea between himself and Khitti, innocently raising one of the cups to his lips.

Khitti smirked as he got out and promptly put that table right in front of him. It didn't stop her from checking out the top half of him, though, and she did so blatantly and with the biggest lop-sided grin plastered on her face. "Yes, vell, you're zhe one zhat vas so eager to come in here." She gives him a slow bat of her eyes before sinking back entirely under the water. The vampiress gives her face a bit of a scrub with her hands, runs her fingers through her hair, then finally stands up. She didn't get the luxury of a table to hide her parts, so she grabbed her towel from earlier and wrapped it around her. Her hair is wrung out, and the water in the tub let out, and then with a brief glance over her shoulder to Dominic, she heads into the other room.