RP: Arrival of (De)Livery

From HollowWiki

Part of the Thy Kingdom Come Arc

Summary: Kreekitaka finally arrives at the army camp carrying all manner of goods ordered by Hildegarde and her people, where he's met and recieved by Pilar and Ashe

Rolling Hills

A cool breeze rolls over your back. These hills are covered in lush, deep green grass, and this park seems to be well taken care of. There are patches of wildflowers growing all around these hills. All around are people playing sports and games, and some children running rampant as their parents stand by and enjoy a respite from their constant pestering and numerous questions that all kids ask. You duck as a ball whizzes past your head, almost hitting you, and you hear an apology from a group of teens playing soccer. You pick the ball up and toss it back to them and they resume the game where they left off. As you look up to the high peaks of the mountains that surround this peaceful valley, you find yourself standing in one of the many scenic views of Hollow. To the east is a picnic area and to the south is a beautiful fountain.

An array of tents and Frost Giants is here.

Kree arrived to the camp atop Vindicator, dressed a little differently--now, in addition to his typical kilt/sash combo, he also wore a long flowing cape made from some sort of dark grey material, embroidered with silver. Vindicator had a different harness, as well--this one featured a holster for a long lance and a place to hang a shield. Kree was out heavily-armed today for some reason, wonder what that's about. But he also came bearing several crates of -stuff-, that stuff being... well, you'll see. Interestingly enough, his wasn't the only scorpion--he also came with what appeared to be a small honor guard. A pair of flanking uyeer whose scorpions were a little smaller but armed similarly, with a holster for a lance and shield. He dismounted and flicked a whip-tail and his two guards also dismounted then began off-loading his items, bringing them towards the camp. In the meantime, he stood there, looking extremely pleased with himself. Or at least, he was extremely pleased with himself. Whether he looked that way or not would depend on how easily one could read Uyeer body posture.

Pilar was walking about the camp, practicing her magic. She was still feeling drained from the day before, but spending the night sleeping under the Xalious tree, and feeding on fresh blood, had restored most of her strength. She wasn't doing anything too strenuous anyway, just doing laps while an entourage of illusory people followed her. There were five fakes, of varying ages, but all looked similarly to her. Family? She rounded the corner, and saw Kreekitaka and his men unloading. Curious, she approached. "Hello, Mister Kreekitaka."

Kreekitaka turned his attention to Pilar--aha, someone he needed to see. "Hi, Piyar--" He tilted his head. She had ghosts following her. He shifted his stance and put a claw near his jawblade, paddles flaring (albeit slowly, trying not to make sudden movements). "Ah. Piyar, are you aware of HHHTHe ghosTAH!s foyowing you?" He took note of their resemblance to her and relaxed, but only slightly. "HHHTHey appear TAH!oo be famiyee. Has someHHHTHing happeneDAH!.?" He could talk about his goods later. Right now, ghosts. And possible busting of ghosts. Who ya gonna call?

Pilar started. Ghosts? Then it occurred to her. Her illusions. "Oh. These are not ghosts, they are just illusions." She let out a sigh, releasing her concentration, and the illusions vanished. She gave him a sad look. "Then again, you're still right... In a way. I'd... rather not speak of what happened." She masked her sadness with a half-hearted smile. "It's nice to see you, Mister Kreekitaka." She looked at the crates. "Delivery for Hildegarde?"

Kreekitaka tilted his head a little but bowed respectfully, clenching his facial crushers, allowing the matter to drop. Unsure of what would cause that reaction--family ghosts certainly wouldn't make him sad, if anything he'd be rather ticked off that they wouldn't just stay dead and out of his way--he instead gestured to the crates being offloaded when she asked about the delivery. "Yes. For her, for you, for Yinn. Your armor is reaDAH!ee, an' I have broughTAH! her war fyag. I aoso broughTAH! some equipmenTAH! for fixing iTAH! if iTAH! is noTAH! TAH!oo her yiking."

Ashe was likely to be heard before he was seen. Just another figure moving through the camp before he disentangled himself and approached past guards and palisades. He stood apart from soldiers and servers, though, with his bright white dress shirt and two-colored pants. Though he lacked the usual vest and cloak. The bard pulled at the strap of the lute slung over his back and peered at Kreekitaka and his peculiar beasts of burden. “Ah! Master Kreekitaka-- You'll have to excuse me if I butcher the name as I literally lack the ability to vocalize your language-- This would be the banners then?” he eyed the crates. “And the other assorted order, surely. I trust you weren't bereft of any of the cargo? It is rather valuable.”

Pilar thought it was something like that. She couldn't wait to see Hilde's battle standard. "I'm sure it will be lovely, Mister Kreekitaka. And I..." She trailed off as Ashe arrived and spoke to Kreekitaka. Once Ashe was finished, she spoke again. "Excuse me, please, Mister... Ashe? I'm sorry it has been so long since we're seen each other." She turned to Kreekitaka. "I hate to be a bother, but maybe I could... try the armor on? I'm sure it fits, but... I've been waiting to see it forever, it seems." She bounced a little on her heels. "I'm excited, is all." Okay, she wasn't all THAT excited, not as excited as she would be for other things, but hey, she was a girl, she had a new outfit. You do the math.

Kreekitaka turned to Ashe--ah yes, this gentleman. ...he still needed a scarf. Kree made a note to design one. "I was noTAH!. You mighTAH! be surpriseDAH! how much of a... hm... whaTAH! is a worDAH! for someHHHTHing HHHTHaTAH! keeps HHHTHings or peepo away? Jaeks are iTAH! TAH!oo HHHTHieves." The word you're looking for is 'deterrent', Kree, but I'm not going to let you launch into a noncanonical aside at the moment because Pilar wants to try on her armor and this post has taken long enough in coming as it is. Kree nodded to Pilar, then flicked a whiptail and clattered for a bit at one of his underlings, who grabbed one of the crates and carried it over, then broke it open and revealed the armor inside. Kree got out a couple of rather shiny pieces that were slightly heavier than they looked but appeared like regular pants and shirt. Or well, they would look like that if pants and shirt were SUPER SHINY. Then he handed them to Pilar.

Ashe nodded with a flourish to Pilar. “Ashe Stormcrow. Pleased to make your acquaintance once again, Miss.” Though he didn't linger on the courtesies long before turning back to the Uyeer. “You may leave the deliveries down the row, by the cart where the tents clear. We'll see them delivered to whomever or wherever they belong.” he gestured down the path he'd come from with an outstretched arm. “You and your men are welcome to rest here, too. We've got a few open accommodations, still, for envoys and messengers and what not.” For lack of work as Hildegarde's envoy for the last few days, Ashe had engaged himself in the logistics of the camp. Getting to know the people as it were. Applying a bard talent for fingers in pies towards organization, as it were.

Pilar dipped her head towards Ashe. "Nice to see you, again." She took the shirt and pants from Kree, and then it occurred to her that her tent was some distance away. "Um... be right back." With vampiric speed, she crossed the camp, allowing time for Ashe and Kree to converse without her. She changed out of her frock and into a set of cloth leggings and a shirt. The material felt a little rough, like it might be uncomfortable against her bare skin. She returned to Ashe and Kree, looking almost as shiny as Linn did on a given day.

Kreekitaka relayed Ashe's instructions to his men and nodded when he said they were welcome to stay. "Suppose I were TAH!oo bring more, sir Ashe? Perhaps a DAH!ozen. An' scorpions for each. More fighTAH!ers for your baTAH!oh. Is HHHTHere space nearby, or mus' we camp esswhere?" Logistics were important, and having a good heavy cavalry was important, figured Kree. He didn't expect the giants to be prepared for a scorpion march. Or April, for that matter. Kree nodded approvingly when Pilar returned--they fit just like he'd said they would. With that out of the way, he handed her her gloves, and after that came the rest of the armor pieces, each fitting snugly with a neat snap-hook system that made them easy to put on but impossible to accidentally dislodge. The armor, once it was all put on, would be reminiscent of a samurai's armor.

Ashe paid little heed to Pilar, focused as he was on the task. He stood still for a moment, stroking his clean shaven jaw for a moment in a theatrical posture. "More men?" he questioned, finally. "Depends. I suppose. I wasn't informed whether you had commited a fighting force to our cause or not. Can your men do battle in the frigid north? I would have supposed the cold would be a rather daunting obstacle for your kind. What if your water freezes in a blizzard, for example? Can your scorpion climb mountains? The road to Frostmaw is not an easy highway one can march an army down. Still. There's room too fill out the reserve. Though I wouldn't suggest commiting forces that aren't up to the task."

Pilar carefully, minding the sharkskin, pulled on the pants and boots, then the cuirass and gloves, and finally, the helmet. She looked down at herself, wishing she had a mirror. "It's... very comfortable." She tested out her kicking ability, backing away from Ashe and Kree to do so. Yup, could still reach someone's face. Well, not a giant's face. Definitely a giant's crotch though. Hehe.

Kreekitaka hadn't considered the cold. He figured he could just outfit his troops like he'd been set up back when he had visited for the ball, but upon realizing that he wouldn't be in the city and that there may in fact be more of a siege scenario with far more exposure to the elements, Kree decided to rethink that commitment. "Io have to consiDAH!er ao of HHHTHis," he said finally, then turned to Pilar and nodded approvingly as she made a kick and declared how comfy it was. Of course it was comfy. "WonDAH!erfo. I knew iTAH! wooDAH! be a gooDAH! fiTAH!. Try HHHTHe feeTAH! mechanisms. I have HHHTHe bursTAH! spheres somewhere aoso, buTAH! we shooDAH! save HHHTHose for HHHTHe baTAH!oh, yes?" It was at this point that he noticed his people were going in the wrong direction with the cratestacking. "...I shooDAH! TAH!ake care of HHHTHem, you keep TAH!okking. Io be aroun'." And then he darted off, clicking and clacking at his underlings. Stupid, stupid underlings.

Ashe watched Pilar don the custom armor with... mild interest, from the look of it. The bard raised an eyebrow to the kick and brought his hands togather in a singular clapping motion. "Well. Seems you're shaping up nicely, Miss Pilar. I'm sure you'll do splendidy. Just try not to get too caught up in heroics, yes?" mocking as the words might seem coming from anyone else, Ashe delivered them with perfect sincerity. "After all. Heroes often die heroes." to Kree, however, he nodded and said. "I belive I'll join you, actually. I've duties to attend to at your destination." and he made off with the Crabman.

Pilar had no idea how to activate the springy boot things, and before she could ask, Kreekitaka was off. Guess it was up to her to figure it out on her own. "Farewell, Mister Kreekitaka. Mister Stormcrow." She walked back to her tent. Several minutes later, a vampire went flying through the air, shrieking.