RP:Zahrani Meets Agatol

From HollowWiki

This is a Devout's Guild RP.

Synopsis: Zahrani crosses paths with a centaur named Agatol fending off some exceedingly foolish drunkards. It's been awhile since she had seen one this far east, and ascertains that he seems to have left Venturil just before the blockade situation with the Razurath. She invites him to take shelter in the Sanctum of the Divine, should he require it.

Kelay Way

Agatol stands upon the streets of Kelay. An impressive sight is he; with an equine portion to rival the finest draft horse covered in sleek roan fur; and a human torso of solid muscle and tan skin fully on display. Green eyes glare at the drunkards who have decided it was a good idea to goad the massive centaur on. Alcohol will make human's fools; it seems; as this particular unruly pack has decided to try and sneak a ride, and failed miserably. The hot blooded centaur's silky hair and tail of black sway wildly as he swats the men away like flies.

Zahrani walks down the main road, the paladin having just come from the Sanctum of the Divine just west of here. The woman wears her more elf-like face today; the only feline traits she currently bears are the tufts of black fur on her pointed ears, and the black tail swishing behind her. Cyan eyes contrast sharply with her dark-brown skin, her hair in shoulder-length dreadlocks with random beadwork and metal attached. She wears a simple sleeveless breastplate, leggings, and plated boots, which make a soft clank with each step. She idly steps to the side upon seeing some drunkard flying by her, before turning back to the centaur with a raised brow. Her voice is a mid-tenor, and whenever Agatol finishes chasing off these fools, she speaks, "The entitlement of some people. At least once a week, one of them thinks it's a good idea to pull my tail." Her voice has a faint feline accent to it, but not quite as raspy thanks to the current form she takes.

Agatol let out a baritone shout and reared upon his hind legs, flailing his front hooves towards his harrassers to thoroughly intimidate them. He is fairly sure at least one of the bunch wets himself. With a loud thud his plate sized hooves crash back to the earth as the centaur huffs his displeasure. His hair brushes against his back as he turns to face the lady who spoke. His reply cam in a rich tone that resonated from his chest, "Hmmf...one would think my stature would be a disuassion." His lips which had been drawn into a frown twitched to curve slightly upward, "I've heard some of these fools like the idea of being scratched for their fun...I doubt being trampled would be as appealing." He angled his large form to better face the woman, "Not that I doubt you could cause great discomfort as well. The entitlements assumed by men make them fools. My name is Agatol. Who might I have the pleasure of addressing?"

Zahrani turns towards one of the drunken fools, one who had a rather nasty scar across the bridge of his nose. Upon recognizing the feline, the man stumbles away, followed by a couple others. Crossing her arms, the paladin responds, "A pleasure to meet you, Agatol. My name is Zahrani." Upon uncrossing her arms, an amulet is revealed to be resting atop her breastplate, bearing a symbol of Cyris and indicating that her role as a paladin. "I admit, it's been awhile since I had seen a centaur in this part of Lithrydel. Have you only just arrived?"

Agatol cannot help but release a deep chuckle at the men's reaction to the feline. Clearly she can hold her own, "Indeed, Zahrani, a pleasure." His gaze momentarily dropped to her amulet, registering it only as a symbol of her role. He wasn't one for religion himself. As for markers of his own training, a quiver of arrows arranged over his withers, and a bow along with it. Forest green eyes met cyan as the conversation continued, "I've recently arrived from regions to the west."

Zahrani glances at the other drunkards as they leave, keeping an eye and an ear open for any funny business from them. As they decide to leave the two beastfolk alone, she responds to Agatol, "I've heard troubling news from over there. A reptilian group called the Razurath have set up a blockade leading to Venturil. Did you find a way past, or did you leave before they set up their gate?" It seems like it's only been one crisis after another. As for the panther's choice of armament, she has a mace attached to her utility belt and a crossbow over her back, accompanied by a quiver of bolts. Were the centaur sensitive to magic, he might detect an aura of strange energy coming from her athletic form. This cat seems protected by more than just her mundane armor and weapons.

Agatol tries to maintain a neutral expression; though a frown pulls at his features, "I hadn't been aware...they must have arrived after my departure." His ebon tail flicked against the air as he contemplated this news and what it might mean for his tribe, "How long ago did the news of these Razurath and their gate reach you?"

Zahrani watches the centaur as he frowns and flicks his tail. She never likes being the bearer of bad news. "I had just received the news a couple days ago. It's probably been around a week or two. Word is they're after magical creatures and people." She pauses for a moment, wondering what this could mean for the other provinces should the Razurath advance further. Snapping back to reality, she then asks with a concerned look, "Have you receive any such news from friends or loved ones there?"

Agatol grimaced at the further explanation of the ongoings. Magical creatures were being targeted. Given the make up of his tribe, this was not a good thing, "I have heard nothing...but I have been on the move lately, so perhaps their messengers are simply unable to find me..." His own baritone seemed to doubt his words even as he spoke them, "Damn. Of all the times for me to leave."

Zahrani sighs empathetically, the panther responding, "I am sorry to be the bearer of such troubling news to you. I hope your people are safe." The paladin thinks on what to do; she could certainly scout out the blockade and see what they were dealing with, but she would check in with her guild first to let them know where she was going; in case she didn't return. With that in mind, she says to Agatol, "If you need anything - shelter, a meal, or just some sober company - I usually work out of the Sanctum of the Divine here in Kelay." She points westward, "It's just down the road from here."

Agatol lets his eyes meet hers, "Not at all, I am only glad to hear of the trouble from someone. To continue without any knowledge would be..." Shaking his head, Agatol lets the though go unfinished, "Your offer is appreciated; and I will keep it in mind. I am fortunate that a kind soul brought the news to me." His human torso dipped slightly in an awkward looking bow, "I am grateful."

Zahrani bows politely in return, before saying, "I should return there. I'll let them know about you, so they won't shocked if you come to visit. Until we meet again, Agatol." The panther proceeds westward; should the centaur follow, she would not mind.

Agatol offered her a smile; genuine if distracted; "Yes; I suppose a large centaur appearing suddenly would be surprising. I will be glad to see you gain, Zahrani."