RP:You Lied

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Summary: After a turbulent meeting with Hildegarde, Josleen runs into Kelovath. The old lovers fight about the past, evade discussing the present, and leave on sour terms. Seeing Kelovath in Frostmaw, Josleen wonders how long Frostmaw has been harboring the paladin, and whether or not Kelovath is the true motive behind Queen Hildegarde's choice to end the peace treaty with Larket (which had stipulated that should Frostmaw find Kelovath first, then the city must hand him over to Larket).

Frostmaw Fort Main Room

Kelovath and Marcel decided to take a trip to Frostmaw. Marcel desperately wanted to check out the fort, not castle, of The City of War and the paladin had no objections to that. It had been quite some time since visiting the city and more than likely, nobody would recognize him anyway. He wasn't wanted anymore, but he still had the thought in his head that it'd be best to keep a low profile. The paladin and his companion were looking over the tapestry and Kelo was giving a brief history lesson about the figures depicted. "See, the one that delivers the final blow? That's Satoshi, the previous Queen of Frostmaw. A wonderful woman. And see, that one there, the darkly dressed one, is Kasyr. A strange fellow, but immensely strong. He isn't around much like he used to be." Marcel listened closely and nodded along. "And you knew them?" The robed paladin smiled, "Yes. I healed Satoshi. In Vailkrin. Long before she became a Queen. Kasyr and I have fought together during the Wraith's that Vuryal unleashed. A lot of fighting back then..." The young man stepped closer to the decor and examined it closely. The paladin turned and studied the mounted head.

Josleen’s peace negotiations with Queen Hildegarde had not gone quite as smoothly as she had hoped. Yes, the Silver has accepted Larketian soldiers in the fight against Kahran, but the alliance only applies to the problem of Kahran, and only for as long as he is alive. Tensions between the City of War and the Hard City have escalated since the execution of the terrorist Valrae Baines-Older. Worse yet, Josleen and Hildegarde, one close confidantes, are at odds. The private meeting between the Queens ended in shouting and tears, and though Josleen’s face is dry now, her puffy eyes and ruddy complexion give her away. Her heels click quickly as she races across the main hall en route to rouse the Larketian caravan and announce they’re leaving one full day and night earlier than planned. Upon seeing an all too familiar golden armor, the clicking heels come to an abrupt stop. Frozen in place, surprised out of her wits and a little frightened, Josleen stares at the back of Kelovath’s head.

Kelovath heard the clicking of heels. He ignored it. Heels usually mean someone of nobility, so best to avoid. But, when the clicking stopped and Marcel nervously clearly his throat, the paladin glanced to the young follower, "Hm?" Marcel silently motioned to Josleen, to which Kelovath turned to look at. For some strange reason, his first instinct was to kneel. She was royalty and for most of his life, Kelovath has usually served those of that rank. Thea, at one point, Jacklin, Parsithius, and even Hildegarde during the war for Frostmaw. He didn't serve Vuryal, but at one point, he had bowed to the Timelord. Different times, then. The instinct was ignored and he did not bow or kneel or even offer a physical greeting. He noticed the puffy eyes and knew she was not having a pleasant experience. But, that wasn't really something he should feel concerned about. Right? Truthfully, he wasn't sure. The only thing he could offer was, "Jos." Like he's said so many times before. Marcel, on the other hand, was terrified. And couldn't bring himself to say or do anything.

Josleen || The first thing Josleen asks herself is why is Kelovath here. Does Hildegarde know? Has she been sheltering him all this time? Is he the -real- reason she burned the peace treaty, and all this anger over The Red Witch is pretextual? She trembles slightly, part rage (a gift from her husband) and part emotional turmoil, from the fight with Hildegarde to this. Is Kelovath angry at her? Does he want revenge? “Why are you here.”

Kelovath blinked several times at the question/statement and looked to Marcel. Dude was sweating. In Frostmaw. Back to Josleen. "Visiting. Um. Marcel wanted to come here. He's...Never seen the tapestry. Or the head." Knowing about the complex relationship now between Frostmaw and Larket, he repeated her question. "Why are you here? Isn't there some...Tension between...Larket. And Frostmaw?" Between Jos and Hilde, really, but that didn't seem like the correct thing to mention.

Josleen balks throatily, a low incredulous sound. Does he really think she will discuss politics with him? Or explain herself? “I don’t owe you that. I don’t owe you anything. You lied to me about Macon.”

Kelovath knew this was unavoidable. "Besides Macon, which I didn't lie about, what else has came about that you seem to think I've lied about? Surely something else has came up, yes? Have you even asked him what actually happened with Andurla?" Marcel felt the need to step in and say something, but that's about as far as that went. A feeling. "I did not lie. About Macon. About my intentions with Larket. Or with you. I..." Nope. He stopped himself and remained in control. She isn't the same person anymore, based on the rumors. He had to remember that.

Josleen shakes her head in tiny peeved strokes. “No. No no. You lied about Macon. You told me he was evil, when he is not. I know for a fact he is not evil. And yes, I did ask him about Andurla, and he told me everything, the whole truth.” She rubs at her collar in an anxious tic that Kelovath may recognize. “There’s no point spinning your same tall tales, Kelovath. Clearly you have the support of Frostmaw again.” Her lips curl slightly into a snarl, laced with the hatred unique to an ex lover who, when she learned of her lover’s deceit, transmuted love into a loathing just as sharp. “What a funny coincidence, isn’t it? As soon as someone emerges as an enemy to a good King, you come out from whatever hole you’ve been hiding in and ally yourself with them.”

Kelovath did not protest her claim to his lies. It's what she believed. And he knew how strong belief can be. "The whole truth...Okay." Marcel finally made a move, but it was a step backwards. Less of a step and more of a slow slide of his foot. His gaze locked onto Josleen, maybe thinking if he moved slow she'd never notice him being there. Standing in the open. "My allegiance is with those who stand against Kahran. I have no intention of returning to Larket. Not if Macon remains King. So, that should put you at some ease, for the moment. Your King is safe from the truth." He took a step toward Josleen, which was followed by another, "What he is not safe from, is the people of Larket. I heard about the witch. How you -burned- her alive, Josleen. You!" A quick shake of his head in disbelief, his eyes widening for a fast moment. "I didn't believe it at first. I couldn't bring myself to hear those stories and how easily it sounded for you to do it." For whatever reason, Marcel seemed to relax some and listened to the paladin closely. "Becoming Queen has certainly done a number on you. Or maybe it's Macon? His 'truth' changed your perspective on how things work? Or who you are...Who you were. Because you are -not- the Josleen I knew."

Josleen‘s gaze flickers to Marcel, whom she recognizes but cannot bring herself to address beyond the flicker of recognition in her gaze. When Kelovath steps in, Josleen resists the urge to back away for the sake of appearing as strong and fearless as the Queen of the Hard City should be. She glares at Kelovath as she states for seemingly the dozenth time in as many hours, “That witch was a criminal with the blood of hundreds of Larketians on her hands, and with the blood of children staining her cloak red. She attacked me, she attacked my husband, and the entire city. Your morals, like so many others, run as deep and as shallow as your interests, nothing more. And you won’t step foot in Larket because if you did you would be arrested and gods help you then for what you did to Larket.” Finally she looks Marcel square in the eyes and says, “You are young, and easily misled by this heroic bravado. I was too. If you what I am saying makes any sense to you, if you think those who slaughter hundreds have forfeited their own lives, then Larket welcomes you.”

Kelovath started to interject, but Marcel managed to speak up. "Kelovath has saved my life. Several times. I do not serve him as a slave or follow blindly. He is a good man and a loyal man. You are...Misguided. And Macon is crazy." The paladin spoke up, "Marcel!" Kelovath turned slightly and looked to his friend. "Thank you, but insults won't get you anywhere." He nodded to him a single time, which was silently returned. Shifting his attention back to Josleen. "You have your truth, Josleen. I have mine. I remember how stubborn you are and I don't expect you to believe what I say. Your mind is made up. And Larket is yours. You've won and eventually, I'll crawl back to the hole I've been hiding in, as you so eloquently put it." He took a step back from the woman, expecting her to leave.

Josleen shakes her head in disappointment at Marcel. It’s a shame to see youth so misled. When Kelovath states he’ll eventually crawl back into a hole, she purses her lips and says dispassionately, “Good.” She leaves, as he expected, eager to return home to a son who makes all these political fights worthwhile, and a husband who loves her in a way the world doesn’t understand.