RP:What we do when the world seeks to exterminate us

From HollowWiki

Heads up: The writer of this worked hard to stay within Hollow parameters. Yes there will be a runic weapon that does activate, and no it cannot be stopped, however it will stop no more than 12 seconds after it began, because if you have read Redlceth then you are aware the Razurath are no more, and thus the spell would end. So what happens happens, how you deal with it later or how you move on afterward is up to you. But it will happen regardless. It should be noted that what they think will happen with the gods and such, may not happen, they don't have the same perception as everyone else does. So I am not causing any forced events other than what i was given permission to produce. Thank You.

Location: Abrupt Cliff

Location:The solitary mountain comes to an abrupt end here, with sheer cliff walls dropping to the west and south, entirely impossible to scale. From this vantage point, Venturil's high walls to the southeast can be seen clearly, as well as the town of Chartsend to the west. Southwest is a wide prairie, while northward leads to the highest point in the west. The eastern slope, however, descends more gradually into large, strangely-shaped hills. Location Modified: What had once been impossible to scale cliff face, was now transformed into a palace of Gold. Originally intended to have been the Vacation Palace of Rathal when Venturil and Chartsend had been conquered, this “Summer Home” had been constructed along and within the cliff, which every major exterior window looking forward out into the city of Venturil towards, Chartsend. The size of the palace is extravagantly vast, with over nine balconies stretching across the cliff face, able to pass along multiple archways and entrances to any of the various 77 cliff side rooms, over the course of nearly 7 levels. The palace would make any would be ruler jealous, if not covetous of ruling these lands if only to obtain the palace. On top most surface of the cliff, a lone building almost 30ms long and wide and 15m tall stands erect acting as the heavily guarded entrance that could be manned by less than two guards and hold off an entire besieging army through elaborate traps and runic defenses. This structure not only acts as a watch tower, entrance and landing site, but is also used to help ventilate the house. With a colossal chimney void which plummets deep below the cliff into a lava lake far below, with scores of large fan like structures which thrust water through a network of pipes at high speeds, used in some unknown way to generate magic for the entirety of runes in the structure to operate off of. A steady and powerful expanse of heated air jets upward from here.

Interior: For those who were invited, or lucky enough to enter the structure when the guards were absent, the winding corridors of the top most structure eventually curve around a corkscrew ramp which winds down the central chimney, the entirety of interior around the central structure to very tiles that wind down has been made of purest of white marble, and room for those of tall species seems to be plenty of head room as one would make their descent or ascent. The guardrails surrounding this are made of ivory and solid gold, constructed in unusual ornate patterns, it is possible the gold work is not Razurathian.

After the ramp comes to its end, and even while the chimney descends onward, the route is made to end by an exit to the left, and into an immense room, made of polished granite smooth silver tiles rising almost 20m up to a beautiful painted ceiling depicting the aspirations (now Broken) of the Razurath, where every race is depicting sitting at a distinctly round table, no race excluded not even drow, where a singular Razurath can be seen at one end as if the world they had dreamed of would have been united by singular council. At the left most end of this room from the exit, a singular throne sits made of constructed of Cathabraka, and sits in such a way that inspires awe and terror all at once, even while this room remains empty. As if whoever should sit upon the throne be they so worthy, would have been the most powerful individual of all, beyond this throne room two entrance halls wind around entering a beautiful foyer where waters cascades down a series of mini cliffs down into large pool before corkscrewing down into to the depths of a void possibly deeper into the cliff. Surrounding this pool, are six very disturbing to look at trees, which seemed to be made of ivory not wood, and more disturbingly a single enlarged skull emerges from every tree at its top with many branches similar to ribs that hang down and around it and spiral out from its spine. Hanging from these branches is the brown Meitsfruit, the produce of the Razurath, and what they would have had in much larger plantations back in the Valley of Rathul before its destruction. Its seems these trees fruit is for visitors to pick off to snack on while they wait. And a singular bar seems to be stocked with a variety of odd bottles filled with a multilayered and multicolored drinks.

Onward from this room a many series of hallways branch off, one to a massive pool used by the palace for recreation, another leads to colossal dining room, made to hold a most impressive thousand guests. Still more hallways lead to an innumerable amount of guests quarters and servants staircases to their desired barracks. There seems to be no end to this overly abundant amount of wealth, but then for those who know their history, the valley of Rathul had no shortage of these resources and often used them building because of their extreme commonality. At lowest level still exposed to cliff, entered by a singular box which descended to the level, not by any stair. Is of course the Private quarters of the Razurath Overlord, Rathal.

The tiles here are simple, but they are entirely of polished and see through Amber. Revealing not the cave floor beneath but ornate illusion of the empire, which now maintains the illusion of a ghastly valley where fire and ice seem to exist in a mismatch existence. Where lava falls along side ice into a black smoky abyss that was once the valley, where the ash clouds continue to rise from a faint glow nearly blocked from view by the thick smoke, this glow is presumed to be the superheated rock from the explosion and also ice seems to be left over from the damage to the environment caused by the polarite mine. The illusion is hard to pull away from, as it seems to feel so real.

The walls of the halls and rooms are made of acacia wood, with a few walls made of the amber, to be see through. The source of light is unknown, but the room is well lit. The furniture of this room seems to be made for the tail oriented races of world as the Razurath were, with couches and chairs, with space for tails. Extensive wine rackets lines the walls moving towards the cliff, already somehow it seems stocked from every part of lithrydale and rhynvale, and even some unrecognizable from other lands. Hidden stair cases within large columns seem to lead up to rooms made to hold the many concubines of the Razurath leader, or would have had they been filled. Lastly on the most distant edge to the western most part of the palace, lies a brilliant room, with a hall leading to possibly a room to refresh the body. The entirety above a large rise is bed built into the floor, of great size, and feeling of the fabric and whatever it was stuffed with, could not be found any more on this world. It is here two being sleep with the large blankets covering them, that of Nexura, and Aetherclaw.

The RP:

Aetherclaw awoke, his sleep a turmoil even in this most ungodly comfortable bed. The legend of the bed which was to have been released to public as soon as the world had been conquered for nearly a decade would have said that the bed was so comfortable that no one could wake from it unless awakened by a servant. Clearly the architect of the bed, had not considered that someone of nearly exterminated race would be able to stay asleep within it. As he pulled himself across the bed he soon felt a hand grasp him by his tail. “Did you think could sneak off, this bed awakens those sleeping within it if someone awake was getting out, or getting in.” Came the voice of Nexura. He turned briefly to look at the black and green Razurath female, whose scolding was a mixture of false irritation and plenty of sass.

Aetherclaw grabbed his own tail and snatched it out of her hand, and continued to crawl away, until he reached the solid floor where the enchantment of the bed ended and he could at last stand up. Reaching for the royal purple robe that sat on a chair he pulled it around him and tied the belt together as he walked out of the room. Nexura smiled and soon followed pulling around herself an amber colored silken robe, and drawing the belt more loosely around her waist, as she followed him out.

Nexura chuckled as she saw pulling out a bottle of Aramantium White, “Did you feel powerful doing that, just walking out after you used your servant expecting her to just see herself out, like your half brother would?” She asked with a mischievous smile.

Aetherclaw poured himself a glass, without so much as a glance to her, “I don’t know what… aw hell it doesn’t matter now, yes I did it felt good.”

Nexura smiled, “I thought you would enjoy it. You always did have that air for the dramatic, it why I fell in love with you.”

Aetherclaw looked at her, “Had you said that a year ago, i might have dismissed you,”

Nexura, “But now, you think I am telling the truth?”

Aetherclaw “You have always told the truth Nexura, even when no one wanted to hear it, that was your second best trait,”

Nexura chuckled, “And I am guessing my best trait was my…”

Aetherclaw interrupted, “It was that your reliable, one could always know where you would be on the battlefield and when your in a camp one always knew where and how to find you. Your reputation precedes you Nexura, I know I am not the only one you loved.”

Nexura smile vanished and she sighed. “Aeth, I can’t help that side of me, anymore than you can help wanting to drop everything and go back to working in the kitchens of camp. The curse of being half a shadow, is that your always, always in that heat, and to anyone wanting to be free of it, they will do anything to sate it, because they can’t have the relationship they need, only the one their body wants right then.”

Aetherclaw shrugged, “So when you say what you need rather than what you want. You mean/”

Nexura growled a bit, “I mean, that the curse of want, that L of word, is something that is always at the forefront of the mind, but it can be so empty, when what you need is the simple friendship, that ability to share a life with someone, rather than simply a bed, Aeth, you and I have always had a good working relationship, but what you may have failed to notice was, that everytime you shared something with, something in relation to your life, and to your day, and to your feelings was always making me want to share with you what i had, but i have so little to run through my mind other than appeasement and when i did, i felt so connected to you, in what few moments I get to enjoy just the simplest of things to partners get to share, the emotional connection, the exchange of words and communication not just chemically stimulated feelings, but times when you held me, as a friend, coached me into being able to stand and face the enemy, when your half shadow or even entirely a shadow, the deepest desire you crave in your heart is simply have friends, not mates.”

Aetherclaw was thoughtful as he listened, “I am sorry to say I never considered that, that you actually perceived me as a friend, and for the longest time I always thought you just wanted me to be a member of the bed not of your life,”

Nexura added shifting her form into a chair which she took a seat in drawing the bottle away and drinking it straight. “I wanted both, since any relationship i would have would need to have both, but i wanted what i needed more.”

A clapping noise suddenly interrupted the thoughts causing aetherclaw to immediately turn around. “Well well well, another heart to heart chat, oh do tell, was she is aggressive, or was she passive, where did it fall between you two love birds.” came the cackling voice of a frail, burned, and twisted Razurath of a dark blue color and radiant yellow eyes, patches of stripes of brown and green over its body and yet he was despite his fraility, taller still then Aetherclaw.

Aetherclaw without hesitation stepped forward and punched the Razurath in the face, the intent to break his skull and kill him. And yet as the Razurath went down he spat out some red blood on his rise. “How are you still alive!?!” Aetherclaw said grabbing him by the skin of neck.

Nexura equally arose, “What do you want Claymore, we are in this mess because of you, because you kidnapped that snowflake, which started this whole fiasco!”

Claymore chuckled spitting out blood. “Heh, well, after that so called fiasco where I worked my, heh, magic persay on that little snowflake, I had to consult my notes, by then of course she had been made free by her avian friend. I chose hiding, I slipped through the neva’crevice and made my way first to Cenril, and then by ship to the east of rhynvale, there I met with a powerful deacon, who was interested in my trade, and also into the affairs of this land. I was delighted to work with him, and when i heard there was an extermination, he told me that he was thinking of returning to these lands yet again, but he would prefer to have access to my work, which I provided, in return, he allowed me to use something he called the extraction chamber, and well, heh, here i am, bones broken will not die, I bleed like every man now, a fact of nature that few will think about.”

Aetherclaw interrupted, “Or care about, the gods this realm hate us, and because this whatever natural abilities we had in our homeland so many people seem to outright treat it like we don’t have abilities, only weakness. People are blind in this realm, a lightning bolt emanating from a staff striking them in the scales and they think we are throwing spears at them, people here are idiots and yet they are winning, we are down to a thousand razurath because of you, and Rathal!”

Nexura felt the need to say, “We did have another thousand Chartsend soldiers loyal to our cause until Aetherclaw told them that if they wanted to survive the coming exterminators they would need to have the heads of Razurath, and bury all their armor and weapons we gave them, told them to start fasting so that it would look like we oppressed them, because when the drow come, I have little doubt that once they are done with us, they will seize control of Venturil and Chartsend and give the positions away to their infernal houses. The start of the Drow Empire, ruled by either an empress or, with how deep Drow Ego’s go, a self appointed goddess, to which your responsible for putting in power Claymore, your idea led to all this.”

Claymore snickered, “Is it not funny how well that experiment worked, needless to say, I have a solution, and I have 37 spell-casters and runesmiths from Chartsend college who are and still fanatically loyal to the cause, who would rather watch the whole world burn as the Drow exterminate the last of us, with the seven blues that remain, I have one last idea, that take them with us.”

Aetherclaw threw him aside and leapt upon him his mouth closing over Claymores neck. Nexura said, “Your insane, what makes you think this will work.”

Claymore ignoring the fact that he could lose his life as Aetherclaw could quite literally bite off his head now, said, “Because the spell I have, will incur only one response from the gods, and the mages guild will be scrambling to figure out how we did it. Especially when the gods will rage at their followers for failing to prevent this kind of magic, from reentering the world. Let just say, what is in store for them, will be something that many will not walk away from, mentally or physically and possibly both. Let alone spiritually.”

Aetherclaw closed his jaws a bit before releasing and pulling away. “Fine, fine, if you want to create one more genocide before you die so be it, if the Drow are intent on exterminating us fine, so be it, but let be said, “I would have preferred your mages craft a curse upon the Drow an all evil aligned races and individuals that they receive all that they could ever want but are never able to obtain anything they need, and that would drive them all to either change or to kill themselves in an attempt to free themselves from the pain, that would be my preferred option, because in that the words are true even without magic. But, if the world thinks that if one race dies to make the world a better place, then lets wipe the Drow out with us, for surely by their false logic two races exterminated will bring even greater good to the world.” Aetherclaw said storming back off to the bedroom.

Claymore eyed Nexura evilly, “You ought to know, that the priest i met, he said in our death their is new life, but the life that awaits this world is only hell, and personally I hope they send me back into it, I personally say one mans hell, is another man’s heaven.”

Nexura shuddered, “Go do, what you want to do Claymore.”

Claymoor chuckled, “But I already have, whether i had his permission or not, It was going to happen, whether i lived or died, now if that matron drow tries to remove his runes they will activate and my secret weapon will go off. She kills him, it goes off, and if she gets something else or someone else to kill him, it goes off, i have made impossible for it to not go off, and Aetherclaw is the trigger.” His cackle echoed off the halls as he turned around and walked out.

Nexura watched him go, that malignant cancer of her kind walk off, responsible for their deaths, and finding extermination to be a joke he could laugh about. That was nothing short of sickening. "Aeth, I want you to know, that if we somehow survive this, which i doubt, make sure he is dead by the end of it!" She said turning around to go back to the bedroom.


“Ta ta, ta ta dah.” Claymore said climbing the stairs and stepping into the rising box. As the doors slid shut his grin came to full extension. “I am predicting a very very ashen summer. With just a tad of spazz.”

He turned his head to the side, listening to the cracking noise. “Gods Vakmatras that feels so good, to crack ones neck, such a delightful feeling don’t you think?” He said turning to his left as if seeing someone likely the person he referred to being there, even though no one appeared. “No, oh you’d love it, it give you some time to put some dearly needed space between those bones, be so good for the spine yes!” He smiled as he pulled his arms behind his back and hearing the crack. “Ooh i do believe I cracked a bone, oh look at me I am dying oh gods the pain the pain.” He broke out into a cackle, “Hah, no more, I think i am going to like being able to crack bones without death, ah what pleasures it will be to simply bleed out.” He added spreading his pointer fingers and the pulling them out as the door slid open. He spun out the doors walking forward while his momentum moved back doing the moon walk, “Oh yeah, I am so bad, hah ha.” he said spinning to about face to look at a wide assortment of mages around a colossal rune inscribed sphere which dominated the room, lowering slowly by a feasible crane into the central chimney, and being held by magic in the center as an several terraces formed around it for some mages and necromancers to continue the chant, while other runes smiths were inscribing mass quantities of runes running all over the polarite, maybe not polarite sphere, the alloy was unusual and it was radiating power, immense power, which only seemed to increase exponentially with every hour.

He gave a little clap, and as danced between the working mages, “Doing well i see, we already to bake some drow, good good, I do enjoy a good Drow pudding.” Several other blues were still etching razurath runes into the etching while the others worked, as if somehow everyone was pouring every ounce of destruction magic into the sphere and the razurath were writing spells to force the magic to work in unision, and amplify the magic being placed within.

“Now now, we must be careful, we can fill it only ever so much, and because even Wrathium, can break just like any other substance from to much magic.”

One of the blues looked at him and said, “Did you honestly just called it Wrathium, this alloy of Cathabraka is extremely volatile and incredibly hard to make, do you have any idea how hard it is making cathabraka without dementhium? Are you insane?”

“Positively and enjoying it to a plus, remember the words of any Razurath scientist, always go out with a bang!” Claymore said with a giggle. “Now then, let me see, ah, yes you the necromancer, there seems to be a certain lack of death curses on this particular spot, do ensure that it is properly labeled.”

The necromancer an obvious vampire looked at him, and then looked at the sphere. “Oh my, your right, good catch, its always a pleasure, normally when people make chaos magic they never think to catch this.”

Claymore grabbed the vampire by the shoulders in a bit of hug, “Ha ha, yes most chaos magic users are limited by their own ability to perceive true chaos, if you want to see the greatest form of chaos in its most purest form, one has to be able to think in the highest form of order, to make their mind a total confusion, as creatures of extreme order, in which part we lacked a god of order, nonetheless we had to work with what he had, and now with your assistance we can instil a truely maddening abuse of magic power in the form of extreme chaos, the mages guild will long to discover how we did it, and no doubt it will drive them mad, especially when our exterminators will look forward to wanting to use to conquer this world, oh, oh, I can’t wait.”

The necromancer, “Yes, yes, i can’t wait either…” he said now feeling very uncomfortable.

Claymore giggled, ‘Oh if only this little bang would make me immortal, how many more years i could torture these lands with my experiements oh how many more children i could barbque in their own beds, how many more mothers i could force to eat their young. Oh goody dee do.”

The necromancer looked at the razurath in horror. As Claymore lost interest in him, and soon ran off to find his own tools for his own maddened additions the necromancer looked at one of the other blues. “Is that normal?” The blue looked at him, “Normally we are the ones who are dubbed insane, but Claymore… well, me being exterminated makes me glad, I hate to leave him in this world, no evil being no matter how cruel deserves to have to put up with his mad experiments, that will be one small mercy on this world.”

The necromancer nodded, “I am think I am beginning to agree with you. One less happy go lucky genius mad scientist, is exactly what this world needs.”