RP:Welcome to the Guild

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This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

Summary: Joan joins the Necromancer's Guild.

The Black Library

It should not be too hard for inquiring minds to ascertain that one way to join the Necromancer's Guild would be to speak with Bradyn Mahara. What sort of places does the Maharan haunt? Well he is not a social butterfly, thus places like the Hanging Corpse are ruled out. Word is the best hope of locating Bradyn would be to lurk around the Black Library with the hope of crossing paths with the vampire. Even then, the library has various sections that open only to members of the Necromancer's Guild, and some of those areas require a certain rank to gain admittance. Catching Bradyn at the library could prove a daunting task, but as luck would have it the Maharan is out in the most public area of the library. He is seated at a table, nose in a book. Typical for the vampire.

Joan entered into the library with her haul of books she was able to check out, the titles mostly gave away the fact that Joan was rather new to the subjects she was studying about, with her load under one arm the business woman picked the nearest table not to far from Brandy. She’d offer a nod in greeting, and a ‘hello’ before placing her load on the table, making herself busy by arranging them by subject.

Bradyn is not one for conversation, Joan will come to learn that the Maharan is not always great at social situations and it is more often than not by choice. This is one of those moments. Joan enters the library causing Bradyn to look up from his own readings, the woman nods and offers up her hello before moving to a table to arrange her books by subject. Someone with more charisma might have the notion to try and strike up idle conversation -- what are you studying? It might be obvious, but it would still be an icebreaker. This does not happen. Joan is greeted with a nod, which is fairly forward for Bradyn all things considered. He would be content to ignore a vast majority of the population. Outside of that nod, she has her books and Bradyn has his. The man who is dressed primarily in black is happy to set his sights back on the pages of his book....not that one would be able to tell. Bradyn? Look happy? What?

Joan wrinkles up her nose as she takes in the sight of the library, her left hand raises up slightly as her index finger flickers out in each direction as she turns in a slow circle near the chair she chooses. Sparks of amethyst colored magic dart about, making the dimly light room slight enough that one didn’t need to strain their eyesight now to read with such horrid lighting, resting her right hand on her hip as she now directed a bit of air current to circulate through the library as she moved towards the public section on beginning Necromancy. With the improved lighting the Blackheart head of house could make out a few titles the library mage informed her she’d need to read and take note from. Grinning to herself she takes a few off the shelf before adding them to her table. Content she’d sit and run her pale fingers over the spine of each book, noting the texture of each. Someone had a book fetish.

Something is going to have to give, or else this cycle will continue. Joan will have her book, Bradyn will have his. Given the nature of this particular library, almost all the tomes contained within these four walls are related to necromancy or the dark arts. There are no fairy tales and fictional stories kept here. At the rate the two are going, hello may be the only two words that Joan and Bradyn say to one another -- which will not bode well for getting her in the guild. Thankfully a willowy woman enters the scene, not from the main entrance but presumably from some other portion of the library. This woman weaves through the tables only to come to stand immediately next to Bradyn. Her tone suggests an air of familiarity with the Maharan, it is likely she bears the name Mahara just as Bradyn does. Her name remains a mystery for now, but Joan will clearly be able to overhear her words. "Lord Mahara. I have heard that Lady Dragana is once again within Vailkrin." Straight to the point of the business that she has with Bradyn. "I have heard," he responds blandly. "A meeting with her to discuss the Necromancer's Guild would be wise." Bradyn responds, his tone still lacking inflection of any amount. "In good time."

Joan tilts her head as she listens in, her mouth purses up, nose crinkles as well as she brews thoughtful before speaking up after she coughs in a light manner. “Is there some sort of problem?” She’d ask before lightly tapping her left hand against her vested chest. “Sorry for interrupting, I’m Joan Blackheart, returning minor noble and beginner learner in the art of Necromancy.”

To know if there was some sort of problem, one would have to understand the politics of Vailkrin and the history that Larewen and Bradyn have had with one another thus far. They tolerate one another at best, and it is no big secret. Kharis, the female vampire standing next to Bradyn, falls silent at Joan's approach. Not in a hostile way that has her glowering at this unfamiliar woman, she is clearly just giving room for Joan to speak her piece. "Joan Blackheart. Minor nobile and a novice in her studies of Necromancy." Bradyn repeats, putting his own spin on the wording selected for her introduction. His tone of voice is still monotone, his expression remains devoid of emotion. He was particularly hard to read. Which might make his next statement confusing. Was he being hostile? Formal? Rigid? Does he have somewhere he needs to be? "I assume that you are sharing this information because you have an interest in joining the Necromancer's Guild?"

Joan nods slightly as she holds out her hand in a polite manner, “Correct, merchant house awarded a title and land after our hard honest work for the royals.” She’d offer a smile as well. It was manners she learned to use on her oversea travels. “Are you the new guild master? If so, I’d like to talk to you about requirements about entering.” She might have the lingering scent of fresh spices lingering about her as she did just recently open a taco shop just outside of town.

Bradyn's diet is a strict one, but his sense of smell is a delicate one so the spices to not escape his attention. He does not ask though, this circles back to those social skills he is clearly lacking in. He is not so socially inept that he does not realize that he should take and shake Joan's offered hand. He does so, but it is quickly released. "Bradyn Mahara," he says, letting his name confirm the fact that he was in fact that current leader of the Necromancer's Guild. "Joining our ranks is not a very difficult process. Now that you are having a conversation with me and have expressed your interest, I need to see a demonstration of your skills. Show off with a spell. As long as you have a willingness to learn and demonstrate some amount of capability, the guild will accept you into it's ranks as a probationary member. Novus Morior " It is probably not recommend to try and attach Bradyn or Kharis directly, but some are more brazen than others. But there is no telling how they will react to it. Bradyn remains seated, but he does go on to explain, "Numerous spells protect the library so that it is not likely to sustain damage while Necromancer's attempt to practice and hone their skills." So don't fret too much about breaking something during this demonstration, is his bottom line. "So go ahead, show off."

Joan takes a few quite steps back to make room, as she does so she scans along the floor for any useful long dead creatures. Her eyes land upon a tiny skeleton of a long dead mouse, she makes a point to jut her chin towards the bones before she folds and crackles her fingers and knuckles with loud audible snaps and pops. Flexing her fingers a couple times Joan narrows her view on her target, making small simple gestures she learned from one of the books she picked up along her travels. Magical energy smoke out from the corner of each of her voided eyes. As this happens darker colored energy encases the tiny skeleton, moving to set the bones in all their correct positions as the energy now begins to breath unlike into the creature. With a small snap the tiny mouse sits up. If she could the vampire would sweat as she closes her fist to give it free movement.

Different members of the Necromancer's Guild have different skill sets and specialties. There is one of slightly higher rank than what Joan will be who still struggles with basic animation. Joan manages to do so with a mouse, which is hardly an impressive being, but Bradyn recognizes this is not an easy feat. What was given motion falls lifeless to the ground again, this time at the behest of Bradyn. "Welcome to the guild, Joan. At present you hold the rank of Novus Morior, a probationary rank within the guild. Your initial focus should be familiarizing yourself with the other members within the guild. I would also like you to take the time to study the different arts of Necromancy and gain a basic understanding of what they are. When you and I next meet, I want you to have an idea of what path you would like to take and what areas you would like to first put your focus in." With this good news delivered to Joan, still using that blase tone of voice, Bradyn rises from his seat while folding his book closed, keeping it within the grasp of one hand. "If you have no further questions, I have business elsewhere."