RP:We Three Exiles

From HollowWiki

Part of the Thy Kingdom Come Arc

Summary: Having successfully escaped Frostmaw, Aira meets with Orikahn and Hildegarde in Gualon's grogshop to discuss their next steps. Hildegarde ensures that Orikahn's allegiance belongs to her and that he has no remaining ties to The Savage Queen. She tells them that she plans to go to Vailkrin soon, to gather more allies before making any formal move on Frostmaw.

Gualon Grogshop

Orikahn strides into the grogshop, looking first left, then right as he slips through the swinging, saloon-style doors. Given recent events, its no wonder the cat's cautious about his surroundings, but given *even more* recent events, he's at least brave enough to travel without his visor on. His three eyes glow from beneath the shade of his hood, and his feline maw wrinkles at the offensive smell of too many orcs in one place. Though he draws a few glances, none linger long enough to warrant trouble, at the cat sidesteps, opting not to block the doorway. It'll be good to have some grog in his hand, he reckons, wiping his nose on the inside edge of his armored bracers. Opting for one of the many booths he makes his way over and begins unclasping his gauntlets.

Hildegarde had spent the night by Kenway in the city plaza, making sure her companion was comfortable and safe. He had urged her off at some point, insisting on having some time alone to bask in the glorious sun of Gualon and the knight had assented to his plea. She wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable, of course. Entering the grogshop, she hopes to find a little meal and perhaps some news of the world. It’s exhausting, living in the lap of luxury! Everyone does everything for you, there’s no real independence. It was flattering, but embarrassing. So here she found herself, in search of a meal she could pay for herself and conversation that was not altogether polite. But upon entering the grogshop, her sole eye spotted the three-eyed cat. She gave a small wave of her hand and made her way over to his booth.

Aira appeared some time later after an uncomfortable night at the mansion. The accommodations were wonderful, everyone doting and wonderful, but big houses always reminded Aira of her home back in Rynvale and they weren't pleasant memories. Despite a few bruises and scratches, the high elf seemed unscathed from her time hiding out in the wilds of Frostmaw. Pushing her way through the double doors, copper irises scan the establishment and immediately fall on the feline. Slow, deliberate steps take her to his booth where she pulls her bow from across her body, then her quiver of arrows and tosses them on the ground before leaning against the table pressing her palms against the wood. Only then does Aira move that unblinking stare from Kahn to the Steward, a more gentle expression finding it's way to her face. "Hildegarde, how is Kenway?"

Orikahn had just begun addressing a busty orcish barmaid when one, two familar faces arrive at his booth. "...and stick around," the cat adds at the end of his own order, glancing at Hildegarde, then Aira, "because I'm sure these two will want something." It's a slow day, and the staff doesn't seem too bothered to wait. Kahn offers the Silver a nod, but he can't seem to keep his attention from flickering uncertainly over to Aira. "Hildegarde, thought you might show up." His eyes drop to Aira's arrows, then slide up to the elf's gaze, just in time for the scout to look away. "I came here to get *away* from the north. We see how well this has worked."

Hildegarde looked to Aira and offered her a little smile as she asked about her beloved companion, “He is well, thank you. He’s quite enjoying the heat of Gualon, I have to say,” she answered, stopping briefly to clasp her hand on Aira’s shoulder. “Thank you. For helping him, for protecting Pilar. You have done much in the name of Frostmaw,” she said the words fondly, patting Aira’s shoulder before turning to move towards Orikahn’s booth once again. “It seems as if your fate is bound to the north,” she replied with a little grin, “and that is no bad thing. Having you both here is ideal to me.”

Aira tilted her head back to Kahn and couldn't help the smirk that twitched onto her lips. "Don't look so happy to see me." A pause, "Had I known we would end up in the same place -again- I would have just went with you instead of hiding in the woods for however long I was out there." She sighed, turning her attention back to Hildegarde when she clasps her shoulder. "I am glad he is alright. And I should be the one thanking you, for getting us out of there. I'm sure it was only a matter of time before they found me." Aira chuckled softly at the mention of her fate being in the north. "I suppose it's growing on me," she conceded with a smile.

Orikahn senses the first hints barmaid's budding impatience and dismisses her with a simple. "Three grogs." Good enough for her; the barmaid saunters off. Orikahn tries to get comfortable, pulling down his hood so his ears can stand upright, and he wrinkles his nose again, eager for the spicy bouquet of mulled liquor. "I mentioned, Hildegarde, having much to discuss." Taking one hand in the other, the hunter rubs and massages his knuckles. "I suppose," his phosphorescent gaze rests on the tabletop. "It's just as well the both of you are here." Aira's words bring a smirk to his lips, and he can't help throwing her a somewhat sardonic glance. "I considered it," he admits. "Next time, I'll just tie you to a toboggan and be done with it."

Hildegarde smiled at Aira’s kind words before finally taking a seat at Orikahn’s chosen booth. “Well, I suppose it’s for the best that we get right onto discussing matters then, isn’t it?” she was always direct and to the point, not one to beat about the bush. “We all parted on bad terms or at least less than pleasant terms. But that is not to say we cannot heal the wound that has been done. Frostmaw… it is not the Frostmaw that we know and love. It has changed.”

Aira snorts at Kahn's statement. "Oh yes, because that would go over so well." The image of the feline abducting Aira was amusing to say the least. For the moment, Aira chose to remain standing, and quickly so as Hildegarde said her piece. It was true, Frostmaw was most certainly not the one the huntress had grown to love.

Orikahn snorts with Aira and gives his head a gentle shake. He raises an inquisitive brow at Hildegarde's assessment of Frostmaw's current state. "Some snake-man mentioned that." Kahn is about to elaborate, but he finds himself interrupted by the returning wench. She passes out drinks. Kahn's eyes light up, and he gratefully accepts the stout, wooden flagon, wrapping his fuzzy mitt around the handle to wet his muzzle with a sip. "Aah. Hmm." He sits up, back against the seat, and he sighs, finding his grit again. "Both of you have been driven out, haven't you? Exiles, us three together." Confusion breaks his expression. "Could things truly be that bad, there?"

Hildegarde nodded as Orikahn questioned whether or not things could truly be so bad in Frostmaw. “I would not be in Gualon if they were not,” she said, gesturing to Aira, “but Aira has lived there. She has witnessed how terrible things are and she will be able to tell you about the grim turn of events.” The Silver paused for a long moment before speaking again, “Aye, exiles we may be now, but not for long. I intend to reclaim Frostmaw.”

Aira looks to Kahn and nods her head gravely. "Anyone who is not I league with Balgruuf is forced into work or punishment. Anyone who is a not a giant..." she scoffs. "Not welcome at all. They were sending scouting parties out into the woods to look for anyone hiding. Thankfully, I never witnessed them finding any stragglers, but I would be lying if I didn't say I had a couple of close calls." The huntress sighs before shaking her head. "Seems as if being a runaway is -my- lot in life." First Rynvale, now Frostmaw.

Orikahn flexes his grip on the flagons handle, ruminating on all this new information. It certainly sounds like a lot has happened since he fled the north. What's more, "there's another one with eyes on the city," Kahn warns them. "Desparrow thinks I am an enemy of Frostmaw. He knows many strong magics, and he wishes me to help him destroy Cenril," his gaze gradually narrows, "which I don't understand." Shaking his head to clear it, Kahn takes another sip of grog. "Right now, he believes he has my allegiance."

Hildegarde’s hands cupped the flagon of grog, though she had no intention to drink it. She had never had an inclination to drink alcohol or similar such substances that might alter the mind, though she was well aware that as a dragon it would take much to do so. The words of Aira make her go rigid and tense. To know her people were being bullied and treated as such, it made her feel cold inside. It clenched at her new heart with an unfathomable strength and despair. But then she recognises the name Desparrow. “I encountered that one not so long ago,” she informs the pair. “He was here in Gualon, looking for me. He told me of his desire to destroy Frostmaw and we fought to ensure he would leave it well alone for now. So for now, his eyes are away from Frostmaw and we have the giants to contend with only. I think. But it would do no harm for him to continue to believe he has your allegiance, Orikahn,” she said gently.

Aira wrinkles up her nose at the name Desparrow. Should she had been a cat she might have hissed, granted the noise she made sounded similiar. "That man abducted me not weeks before I got stuck in Frostmaw. Brought me to his home and attempted to poison me. Hmph!" Clearly, the high elf was still bitter about the encounter. "You looked bored!" His voice echoed through her mind and she quickly shook her head, turning to look upon Hildegarde. "In the interest of being transparent, I shot a giant. The day Kahn escaped, he had a weapon and I thought he was going to hit Leone," she confessed with a small shrug. "I'm not sure who he was or what power he holds but I imagine I made an enemy somewhere up there."

Orikahn is impressed to see Desparrow's name so quickly and readily recognized. And ill-received. "Poison you!" Orikahn looks very surprised to hear that particular bit of news. It spikes his curiosity, but Hildegarde's focus is on the giants. "Shot and killed?" He asks instead, and Aira can tell he's hopeful.

Hildegarde waved her hand in a dismissive manner as Aira reported shooting a giant with her bow, “I am sure you did it for the right reasons,” and it certainly sounded as if she had! In any case, Hilde does not seem angered or hurt by the shot; she must believe it was a righteous one. “We have to focus on what we will do to get Frostmaw back. Orikahn, you and I have had our… differences. But can we mend that? Can we mend that and trust in one another?” The Silver paused and looked between the two, “Because I need the Prime Hunter. I need the hunters of Frostmaw at my back.”

Aira gives Orikahn an apologetic smile and shakes her head. "No I just shot his arm hoping he would drop his weapon. Which is did." A pause, "And he was awfully whiney about the whole thing. Roaring in pain and all of that. I don't remember causing such a scene when I was shot. Or stabbed." Quickly clearing her throat, she finally slides herself into the booth next to whomever and grabs the grog and lifts it to her lips as Hilde asks the most pressing of questions.

Orikahn mouthes a silent "ahh" of disappointment at Aira's report, but the sentiment is short-lived. He offers his attention when addressed, and Hildegarde can tell that her question twists in him like an awl. "Hildegarde." Nares flare in a sigh, and he sets down his cup. "Whatever god presides presides over Frostmaw, that god has bested my once-queen. Though I was loyal to you, Hildegarde, I was loyal to her before you, and when she asked me to lead the march against you and against your people, I did not hesitate. Now with her dead," his eyes widen, as if he still cannot believe it, "and you alive, alive," he can't keep his eyes from flickering over to Aira as he concludes, "then it falls to you to inherit my allegiance." If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, or so the old saying goes.

Hildegarde smiled at Orikahn’s declaration of allegiance. She hadn’t expected it to be quite so easy, but she supposed that it was similar to the traditional means of conquest. Like a warlord, she had defeated Orikahn’s Queen and had inherited his loyalty as a result. “I am no Queen,” she reminded with a little smile, “but I accept your allegiance and tell you plainly that I will not accept another betrayal,” her words were light-hearted and polite, the threat not needing to be overbearing or exaggerated. He already knew she would not accept it. “We will rest in Gualon for a while longer and learn of Josleen’s plan for Tristram. Then we move to Vailkrin. I need you all to gather strength to my banner.”

Aira does to hide her satisfied smirk behind her flagon of grog when Kahn explains where he allegiance now lies. The huntress had had a few choice words with the feline about his fallen Queen since the ball, and she couldn't say she was sorry she was dead. Aira, herself, had almost found herself killed thanks to the goddess. But no matter, it seemed like that was behind everyone now. Aira bobs her head in ascent at the mention of gathering strength for her banner. "Whatever you need," Aira intoned.

Orikahn scratches under his chin. "Vailkrin." Now there's a name he knows, though it had been a *long* time since he'd troubled himself with that strange land of twilight. Rest first, then travel. "I'll abide by that." Kahn easily consents. All this is very new, and he's feeling more than a little off balance. A few days, and maybe a few bar-room brawls with these, smelly, rowdy orcs, and Kahn will be settled back into his own fur. He picks back up his flagon. "Order's restored. I'll get the red blood running again. Aira," he peeks at her over the rim of the cup as he pauses for a sip, "target practice, an hour before sundown. We've got lost training to make up."