RP:Walrick learns to Blacksmith

From HollowWiki

A weary man stumbles into Wayland's smithy, the sun's endeavor visible on his red skin. He's bulky, massive, and a bit wild looking due to the grizzled look he wears. Although actually quite young, the beard he wears has aged him aesthetically. It may be time for a cut, but it looks as though he can't even afford it. Walrick wears rags only. Though he doesn't look starved, therefore one would wonder what fate befell him? He seems more than capable of doing any tough job, sought after at least. "Excuse me, Wayland" he begins politely, knowing by the directions and descriptions of citizens that this is in fact Wayland, "it was recommended by my friend Raidh that I aid you in your duties as a blacksmith...though I admit, I'm not a blacksmith..." He has more talk prepared, an entire speech actually to persuade his new master, but it doesn't seem that anymore is needed.

The blacksmith known as Wayland speaks: "Queen Raidh herself has instructed that you take this business? Then for better or for worse, I think I'd better start training you. Let's begin...but you can't be seen training under me wearing those rags. Pray take this and get yourself tailored, I can't have the Queen's servant looking like that while he makes her soldier's swords." And thusly he hands Walrick a small bag of gold, which he graciously takes with the oath of it being repaid. "Yes I know, you'll make it up to me in the work you do here, I promise," Wayland knowing all to well the burden of giving favors to honorable men.

After a short while, he returns dressed in what clothes he could find in short notice, he says: "I realize this might not be exactly what you had in mind for clothes, but I think I'll be needing this more than a silk shirt. You understand." Wayland does, and he creates no sour vibes in the revelation. They begin working, and although he doesn't notice it, Walricks rock has it's carved rune glowing crimson for much of the time, during each of his demonstrations. For the next few hours, the incessant hammering that was present before he arrives, is maintained, and the status quo is kept. Though unbeknownst to the people outside of the smithy, there's a new perpetrator to the ceaseless racket.

Wayland exclaims, "And you say you haven't done this before? My boy you are astoundingly gifted with good instincts and good sense with the steel." Walrick stared at the new dagger proudly. "Now if you're done marveling at it, how about we start the real work? Listen, I've-we've! got a tall order coming in for outfitting our boys with quality arms and armor, now I can only devote so much time into coddling you boy. Soon you have to start putting out quality pieces on your own! Now I won't lie to ya, you might regret your circumstances after a while. I know, the novelty wears off quick, but that don't change facts: this job needs doing, and since there ain't no one 'sides me 'n' you what'll do it, I reckon it falls to us."

Walrick thought the speech seemed uncalled for so early in the apprenticeship, but he would soon find out why it wasn't. He stuck out his hand, "I'm your apprentice, you're my master. I'll learn." The next thing they made was a chain-link for an article yet to be determined. Wayland examined it closely for weak points.

"It's solid. Now can you do this a thousand more times until it looks like clothes?" And that was the last human voice that was ever heard in the smithy...anything else drowned out by metallic barks of hammering steel.

Wayland's Smithy