RP:Unseen blades

From HollowWiki

Blut was out on the streets of Larket as he was arresting a few hooligans that were supposedly coning the local residents of the area. With this new form came new authorities along with some support. This and with Bluts knowledge of the underground made him very efficient with this transition playing the detective wasn't very hard when you were the crime. Blut had ordered to take the men back for interrogation as the sun dipped below the surface and the sky started to fill with clouds.

Blut had left the prison to head to his temporary home his colleges said their good byes knowing his position. That his family were dead he saw a therapist to fake his grief a few times a week. Today was void of appointments so he headed straight home by this point the sky poured down heavy rains, thunder and lightning was also included in the mix. The streets were dark even the light of the lanterns were dim due to the sheer volume of the rain.

Blut stopped for a moment before continuing to walk he could feel the eyes gazing into his back and amongst the darkness his eyesight was far greater than most humans. He turns into a alleyway narrow and dark whilst a figure dressed in a black hood and cloak as he drew a crossbow. Blut sighed as he swiftly drew his own crossbow and shot a chaos bolt destroying the enemies crossbow causing him to run into a mad sprint grabbing Blut slamming him into the walk so Blut dropped his own crossbow.

The assailant drew a silver dagger as he swung towards Blut but he caught the hand spinning the man into the wall and twisting his arm causeing the man to drop the dagger. Blut caught it as it fell and stabbed the man in the side. The assailant tried to smack Blut in the face with his palm causeing Blut to raise his arm to block the blade. A blade shot out of the mans wrist slicing Bluts arm which only resulted in him getting his face smashed against the wall again as he blacked out.

The man woke up as tied to a chair stripped of his weapons and armour bandages cover his chest his eyes widened as he looked at Blut who's inspecting the wrist blade that the man once armed. "What are you doing with my weapons." The man yelled as he tried to get up only to realise the dire situation he was in. Blut knelt by the man as he asked "lets cut a deal you teach me how to make these and I'll let you go free."

The man started to laugh as he spat in Bluts face causing the assassin to grab the man looking his straight in the eyes of the hostage. "Well lets leave you here for a few years and see if you want to teach me then." Blut chuckled as he cast a illusion on the man causeing him to view time very differently. A few minutes felt like years to the man he would feel starvation thirst even the sense of disposal in his own clothes as the years flew past him. He was soon screaming for the nightmare to end that he would help Blut with the creation of his weapons.

The man lead Blut to his lair as he showed Blut the blueprints to the weapon as well as lending the man some of his tools. Blut smiled and thanked the man before stabbing him in the back of the head with his own weapon setting ablaze to the mans home.

Blut visited the local blacksmith to borrow the forge as he started to craft and with help of the local blacksmith using mithril and steel to forge retractable claws. In its regular state it looks like regular gauntlets with steel knuckle guards in a wedge shape for more damage when he punches or for easier deflection when defending against the blades. However with a special contraption requiring the press of two figures so it would not accidently trigger when he tried to grab something it would eject two long blades from the sides with a gap between the pair. The blades were 10 inches long. These two blades were made of melted down mithril to ensure clean cuts every time and the gap in the center between the two blades was so that Blut could catch and control blades. Blut tipped the blacksmith as he walked away past the burned down home of his victim throwing a gold coin in the ashes as thanks.