RP:Time of Your Life

From HollowWiki

This is a Devout's Guild RP.

Synopsis: From a Devout's Guild Task: A small cult of Vakmathras followers has taken to using chronomancy to magically force victims into old age, to send their souls on to the Death God early. There’s no real reason for this sort of torture, beyond an attempt to tone down the blood sacrifices--can’t be charged with murder if there’s no evidence after all!--but that’s served to be their undoing. One of their victims has managed to flee their captors and reported their unfortunate situation to the authorities, but the cultists are, for now, unaware of this. Find them and put an end to their madness.

Players: Brennia, Zahrani

House of Ara, Larket

Brennia has been spending a lot of time with a patient by the name of Thurgood and learning of his unusual tale. He seems to be a human in his late fifties, but when he arrived a couple of weeks ago, he’d been suspected to thirty years young. She helped the man sleep through night terrors, therapy, rehab and take necessary precautions on getting the man to eat again, but it seems she’s taking this patient far more seriously than any other and given her more recent past, who could blame the avian? The man is also under observation to make sure he’s not grown an unhealthy attachment to his captors, but he seems to despise them and want them caught, so he’d been very talkative of their evil doings. Deciding to take a little break, she finds herself up at the front with Mei who has some difficult news, but is unsure how to bring it up to Brennia. Deciding to just leave the patient file open, surely that will spark the conversation. At first glance, the avian looks rather plain and cheerful as usual, but those that know her well can see the stress showing in the dullness of her large black wings, the slight bags under her eyes and the way her hair is carelessly pulled up into a bun at the top of her head. 

Zahrani had spend the day in Larket, providing healing services and counseling to the common folk around town. The people that were usually overlooked, or looked down upon. There were whispers and rumblings of a few who had mysteriously died from premature aging, but the feline had not been able to ascertain if those were leftovers from last year, or if perhaps the protection the king had promised was actually wearing off. When her duties take her to the west side of the city, the panther decides to check in on the House of Ara. The medical facility would be the perfect place to see if there was any truth to these rumors, but it’s hardly the only reason the paladin is visiting. A soft smile forms on her dark face once her cyan gaze locks onto Brennia, the feline crossing the threshold into the main lobby. The sound of clicking platemail accompanies each step, the woman garbed in a combination of plating and robes. She offers a wave to Mei, before lowering her gray hood and looking up at the avian bard’s lovely face, “I hope I’m not here at a bad time.” She glances at the file, but decides against reading through it; for she did not have permission to read a stranger’s medical records.

Brennia looks up as Mei gives her a little elbow nudge and immediately a warm smile spreads over her lips which pokes dimples on her cheeks, “Zahrani.” Stepping out from behind the front desk and wrapping her lover in a warm embrace while taking a small moment to breath the familiar scent of the paladin in for it soothes her stress. “Of course not! What brings you here, sweetie?” She asks as she regrettably breaks free of Zahrani’s arms and takes up the file, but after a small moment of reading, she closes it and in a somber tone the avian says, “...oh.” Then she looks to Mei who nods once to confirm and after an awkward silence, she clears her throat free of emotion to kindly ask the feline, “would you help me with something?” Holding a hand out in hopes that Zahrani will take it and lend her a little emotional support as they walk the short distance down the corridor to Thurgood’s room, “this gentleman’s name is Thurgood and I believe he could use some strength from Cyris at this time if you wouldn’t mind praying with him because there are some difficult news I have to deliver.” With the file tucked under her arm and releasing Zahrani’s hand in order to place it on the knob to the patient's room as she waits for the panther’s reply.

Zahrani grins and wraps her arms around Brennia, and as they part, she is about to answer, before seeing her lover’s attention drawn back to the file in her hands. She waits with mild curiosity, before smiling warmly and accepting the avian’s hand. The paladin walks at a steady pace while listening to the plight of Bre’s patient. At the request for prayer and strength from Cyris, the feline nods, “Of course. I would be glad to help...” She follows Brennia into Thurgood’s room, her cyan gaze resting upon an aged man. Her amulet of Cyris taps lightly at her breastplate, giving off its own warm glow.

Brennia sees the human’s deceptively old and wise eyes light up at the sight of the paladin, but when she pulls the chair up next to the man’s bedside and gently rests her hand on his shoulder, the man sighs, “the chair huh? You never give me good news when you sit down.” Brennia grins even though the hint of tears well in eyes and her large wings slightly slump, “mister Thurgood. The master healers have found evidence of gastrointestinal perforation due to the powerful poison along with the torture you’ve been through and they are going to do everything in their power during your surgery tomorrow to fix it so your stomach is smaller,” Thurgood grins and swallows hard before finishing for her, “but in my advanced age, it’s risky and I might not live through it.” After a small awkward pause, she takes the man’s hand and gives it a little squeeze, “trust me. I’m going to help you through this and aid you beyond every rough spot, but most importantly - these people know what they are doing.” When she met his eyes, she could see his doubt right before he asked, “what do you know? I don’t think a woman like you has ever had to deal with something like this.” With a shaky sigh, she smiles softly in a knowing way because she actually has been through that very same procedure. “You’ve spoken to me before about Cyris,” her free hand goes to seek Zahrani’s. “This is Zahrani and she is a paladin of Cyris. Would you allow her to pray over you,” Thurgood solemnly nods.

Zahrani takes a seat next to Thurgood, gently taking the old man’s hands in her own and scanning the wrinkles on his face. Something was off. Her instincts and her divine aura were telling her that this man should not be this aged. “Thurgood...how many winters have you actually seen?” she asks. She thinks back to the whisperings of the aging curse that the other townsfolk were talking about earlier today. As much as she didn’t want to believe it, it seems there is some substance to those rumors after all. In her own tongue, she utters an opening litany known to the worshippers of Cyris, “Build within me, strength of Cyris, to gather the chains that cling to us, that we may rise unbound.”

Brennia quickly pulled up a chair next to herself beside the man's bed so Zahrani could sit and trades Thurgood's hand off to the feline as she watches humor wash over the wrinkled face, "only twenty three winters." Slowly the humor dulls in the man's face and turns into despair as he explains, "these… sick 'people'. They, well - they took me once I was alone after a long day's work in the fields and held me in some dark dungeon. Some cult of Vakawhosiwhatsit," he scoffs and takes a deep breath when the feline prays. A sense of peace and serenity comes over the room while Thurgood speaks on in a calmer tone, "I remember coming from a sort of ruin on the outskirts of Larket or something when I was fleeing, but I don't remember much because of the haze from the potions they were giving us and the days without food or water to drink as they tortured us." He grins and looks up to Brennia, "I feel better now. Thank you Miss Bre, but I am very tired now and wish to nap." Brennia nods and pulls the covers up to make the man's more comfortable before she quietly makes her way out the patient's room.

Zahrani speaks a prayer of protection and peace in the common tongue, allowing the old man to pray along while he rests. As he prepares to nap, she stands up and places a sigil of Cyris upon the footboard of the bed, a fractal-like geometric pattern that glows with a soft amber hue. It would provide additional protection until they got back. Joining Brennia, the feline speaks in a soft voice, “That man is 7 years younger than I am. His time on Lithrydel is being stolen from him. If a faction of Vakmatharas is involved, then they might have a way to reverse this.” As she walks down the hallway, she adds, “I think the forest has some old ruins in it. It’s a perfect place to hide, hardly anyone goes there anymore.” At the entrance, the feline looks out the door, then asks, “Have you seen any other cases like this?”

Brennia nods as she follows and begins taking the grey tunic off that all the healers wear while working, "you think they will?" Her voice sounds soft, but determined as she tosses the tunic in a nearby hamper and follows Zahrani to the door, "no, just him. I'm coming with you," there is emotion in her eyes, but not in her voice as she steadily makes her way through the threshold of the door and outside. It is obvious that she may be a little too close to this and she is ready to argue if Zahrani tries to protest, but something tells Brennia that Zahrani isn't the type to try and tell her what to do, even in the face of certain danger. "Where have you seen these old ruins?" Teal eyes lock to those cyan ones when she asks in wait for the feline to lead the way. Under the tunic, she had a simple long sleeve cotton shirt and thick fleece leggings, but her wings provide the warmth she needs as they curve around her like a cloak.

Rani pauses for a moment at Brennia’s insistence that she accompany the paladin. Turning back to the avian, she offers a warm smile, “I could use some eyes in the sky. How are you at avoiding arrows and magic?” The panther wants to learn everything she can in a short time about the bard’s capabilities. If her lover is going to join her on a mission, the last thing the feline wants is for her to fall into a role that doesn’t suit her. “Because of the forest, I can get close without being seen, but I don’t know who is guarding the ruins on the outside.” Zahrani honestly isn’t sure what to expect. No account of how many there are involved, or what sort of magical or mundane defenses they have put up. A scout from the ground and a scout from the sky could provide answers.

Brennia looks up to the darkening skies, “In an hours’ time, they won’t even spot me.” Her own wings reflect the night skies and their dark allure, “I have an enchanted lyre with me and can lul some guards asleep.” She walks alongside her lover, “whenever we get close enough, just tell me which direction to fly over and I can assess the dangers from above.” During the walk to wherever Zahrani has seen these ruins, Brennia allows a comfortable silence rest between them as she’s got quite a lot on her mind with this Thurgood character. Does she want vengeance or justice? Is she too close to this because of her own past? She awaits for Zahrani to give the queue to fly up and begin playing a lullaby over the area, but not before motioning for the feline to cover her ears. The song choice is serene and relaxing, but simple at the same time and once the song is through, she waits for Zahrani at the entrance into the ruins below. Being unsure how long the spell will last on the few guards because it’s been some time she’s used her bardic powers and even longer since she’s flown.

Zahrani watches as Brennia flies ahead, the panther putting her helmet on with some extra padding over the ears to keep her protected from both the song and any incoming arrows, should she be spotted. The feline disappears into the brush lining the forest, approaching from the ground while the bard approaches from the sky. The paladin keeps her crossbow in hand, sneaking up to the ruins to find every single guard out like a light. ~I do know how to pick them,~ the woman thinks to herself, smiling beneath her plating. Rendezvousing with Bre at the entrance, the armored Rani takes point, her steps quiet and decisive as they descent a staircase into an underground area. Turning a corner, the passages are revealed to be quite well-lit. The sound of sniffing comes from the feline’s helmet, trying to determine how close any of the other occupants of the ruins were. The narrow, torchlit hallway makes her nervous, so she leads them through it at a brisk pace so as not to be caught in a narrow passageway. As they emerge, they enter a large chamber built much like an arena, with a stone table at the center. Blood-red runes glow vibrantly on the surface. Six robed figures are gathered at this table, speaking loudly; for why would they whisper when they anticipate no one coming? A deep male voice speaks out, “With enough sacrifices to our Lord, this glyph of Entropy will be self-sustaining. Vakmatharas craves Larket for Himself, but their king has only delayed the inevitable to preserve his own throne. We’ll show them the true nature of Death’s hunger.” Laughter erupts from the room, and their leader, the one who had just spoken, lowers his hood to reveal a pallid face, bright blond hair, and a pair of red eyes and fangs. The eyes, attuned to movement and darkness, quickly turn towards the feline and the avian, the triumphant smile being replaced with a look of panic. Zahrani has her crossbow aimed right between the vampire’s eyes, the bolt being loosed by her weapon and traveling at blinding speed, leaving a serpentine arc of Sunfire in its wake. The arc disrupts the wicked red glyph, causing it to fizzle out, but unfortunately misses its intended target (who is now quite upset, to say the least.) With a growl, the leader of the cult says, “And to think I wouldn’t have dinner this evening...” Rani reloads her crossbow, while the cultists attempt to scale the steps towards them. Fortunately, the two women have the high ground.

Brennia’s wings shift uncomfortably before she forces them to curve around herself again like a cloak or cape. Being underground for a creature of the skies is quite difficult, but she trusts Zahrani that they won’t be trapped down here. Her heart starts beating a little faster once they are underground in the ruins and her wings feel achy as the muscles are sore from flying, but also because her whole body feels tense in this situation. It’s at this time that she briefly remembers Thedez and the fact she ducked out of the house of ara without him… he’s going to be so mad. She quickly forgets about all that when they come to the end of the torch lit hallway and stays quiet until all hell breaks loose. Teal eyes follow the impressively aimed bold and her lips nearly curved up into a shy swooning grin, but now is not the time. The bard takes a deep breath and lets out a magical scream which gives the cult members pause as they stumble and cover their ears. Unfortunately, as soon as the avian steps aside from Zahrani so she didn’t get caught in the bardic sound blast, the vampire was quick with his unnatural speed. Both arms wrap around her from behind and one hand covers her mouth while the other holds a dagger to her throat, all the while pulling the frail woman back from Zahrani to face her with his captive. “Lower your weapon and I’ll let her live,” the vampire feels successful as he hides behind his avian shield. Brennia’s eyes don’t look widened in fear as she’s being held against her will by a vampire and a dagger at her throat, but she looks annoyed when a blackness as dark as ink begins creep across her eyes.

The feline moves to the side as she feels the shockwave of Brennia’s attack, watching a couple of the robed acolytes falling to the floor unconscious. Upon seeing the vampire rush past her to take the bard hostage, the woman pivots, her crossbow aimed right between the man’s eyes. A low growl resonates in her helmet in response to his ultimatum. While the remaining cultists recover and slowly make their way up the stairs towards them, Zahrani appears to reluctantly lower the crossbow so that it’s aimed between the legs of the cult leader and his hostage. The panther notices the triumphant look on the man’s face, along with the look of annoyance on her partner and the blackening of her usually-teal eyes. A wry grin forms beneath the faceplate of her helm, her finger covertly wrapped around the trigger of her weapon and pulling. Within a fraction of a second, a second bolt is released, flying between the legs of Bre and her vampiric captor and embedding itself in the floor. With a pale amber glow, rivulets of divine energy extend from the bolt like arcs of plasma, making contact with the vampire’s back and causing his entire body to sieze up. The weapon’s effect was the undead equivalent of being electrocuted, paralyzing the cult leader and leaving Brennia unharmed and able to deal with him herself. Another of the robed figures yells, running up the stairs at the paladin and swinging a curved blade haphazardly at her. His form is poor, the sword feebly deflecting off of his target, who then hooks her crossbow around his neck and uses it to slam him facefirst into the stone floor. He doesn’t seem to be getting up any time soon. “Next!” she yells to the other cultists closing in on her.

Brennia feels the release from the vampire and he falls limply behind her, which causes both of them to topple to the side. This is fine. She scrambles until she is sitting against the wall, the inky blackness had dissipated now that she’s not in any horrible danger anymore and her breathing quickened. Hating that feeling of losing control even for a second and possibly harming someone. Her gaze refocuses on Zahrani’s badassery as shaky hands pull free her lyre and her fingertips quickly strum a melody of strength and courage to aid the feline as her voice softly hums a harmony, but only her allies will benefit from the magic and right now that’s only Zahrani in these underground ruins. Making sure to keep her focus on Zahrani when the paladin challenges the rest of the cultist as Brennia continues to slowly slide away from the unconscious vampire near her.

Zahrani’s ears pick up the sound of the lyre, her eyes emitting a vibrant amber glow behind her visor. Her focus is heightened, her senses aware of each foe bearing down on her. She feels lighter, her mind clear. The cultists are inexperienced fighters, but they’re somewhat coordinated. Two of them attempt to get on either side of her before swinging their weapons. Another pair grabs a rope, intending to bind or obstruct her with it and give their buddies an easier target. The panther parries with both her mace and her crossbow, guiding both sword users into the other two carrying the rope. The cultists inadvertently gut their comrades, before the sword-wielders back away from their crumpled bodies in horror. Meanwhile, the vampire has regained consciousness, springing to his feet and coming in to tackle the paladin. The head of her mace begins to glow like a small star, arcing with divine energy as she twists her body, swinging the melee weapon like a baseball bat. With a bone-chilling roar, she connects the mace with her assailant’s skull; it makes a sickening crunch, the cult leader falling to the floor with a twitch. The remaining two members of the cult have dropped their bloodied swords, the looks on their faces showing how demoralized they had become. One drops to his knees, babbling for mercy while the other’s knees quiver, “He...blackmailed us into joining! Said he’d kill our families!” They weren’t lying, it seemed. With a deep exhale and a growl, the panther’s glowing yellow eyes fix on the man, “Seek the Devout’s Guild for sanctuary, and tell them what you know of this plot.” They would send someone to bury the bodies and permanently disable the aging ritual. “And if you’re lying, I will find you.” Small sigils of the God of Freedom rest inconspicuously on their backs. The two men sigh with relief, “Oh, bless you, my Lord!” and beat a hasty retreat to Kelay. Rani turns to her partner, before wiping the vampire’s blood off of her mace using the man’s robes. With a sharp inhale, and a steady exhale, the feline comes down from the adrenaline rush of the battle, simply saying, “Thanks for your help, love.”

Brennia watched her partner bring the foes to sweet justice before her eyes and the tune fades after the vampire’s head got bashed in since she had to cringe while averting her gaze. Her breathing leveled… mostly (being underground and all is still causing unease). Holding a hand out to Zahrani be helped to her own feet and her knees nearly give out since the bard’s adrenaline has now dissipated, leaving the already weak woman even more drained. A soft grin spreads across her lips as she holds back any truthful comment that she was actually in the way more than she was helpful, “anytime, sweetie.” Even though every fiber of her being wants to sprint out of the ruins and back to the open skies, she gently pulls the helmet off of her love’s head so she may place a passionate kiss on her lips just as gooseflesh raised on her skin. Being in such a tense situation lit a little flame in Brennia and she just felt the need to express a little affection to the paladin before they leave this wretched place. “You were outstanding,” she practically swoons as they finally emerge from the ruins, “they didn’t hurt you did they?” Teal hues dart all over Zahrani’s face and body as if she could see through all that armor, “because I could fix that.”

Rani helps Bre to her feet, offering a weary grin as the avian lifts off her helmet and gives her a kiss. She sways steadying herself before venturing out of the ruin with the bard. Sighing, she checks her gear, her armor, and her weapons for any damage. Fortunately nothing seems to be broken, including the paladin. “I think I’m alright. I just need to rest and write a report to the Guild.” The two of them make their way back to the House of Ara, hand-in-hand. “How about you? Any injuries?”

Brennia shrugs half-heartedly, “I’m sore, but I think I’ve healed a little… in a way that isn’t physically seen.” Shyly admitting that, yeah, she was a little too close to this side quest, but boy did it feel great to get one over on kidnappers! “Would you maybe wish to do your resting in close proximity to me while I also rest?” She asks in a coy way in attempts to be slick and subtly alluring. In truth, she will really enjoy the company and Brennia always sleeps so much better next to Zahrani. Then she tucks her hair behind one of her own tapered ears and glances down to their feet walking side by side, “if you need to submit a report right away, I will understand. I just wanted to offer in case you felt like it.” A short and nervous chuckle escapes her just as they reach the House of Ara and she waits to either bid her love farewell, or guide her inside to possibly bathe and rest.

Zahrani walks into the building with Brennia, offering a grin in return, “Let me write that report and get it sent. I’ll get back to you.” Bathing and resting are all well and good, but she needed to get a quick message out to her Guild leader before those two cultists get to the Sanctum. A few moments later, the message is sent via night courier, and the panther is free to decompress with someone important to her.