RP:The Woodland Horde

From HollowWiki

Part of the Conquest:The Return of the Prek Arc

Summary: The build up of Sage defenses continues as units of fighting forces report for training and assignment in the heart of the forest. Traps are laid and defenses prepared for an assault that is expected any day now.

Characters: Lirithen, Rikailin, NPC elf army

LOCATION: Sage; The Archery Range (Elf command outpost)’’’

The usually deathly quiet clearing was a hubbub of activity, the clash of swords and shouts of the many elves going to and fro between the many tents that had been erected to cater to the various facilities. Multiple rings of large stones were placed strategically around the range, giving whoever wished it space enough to practise for close encounters while a multitude of healers catered to the few who were unlucky enough to suffer proper wounds. The whizz and thunk of arrows into many various target boards and Preklek-sized stuffed dummies was a common sound, rangers and far-seers taking advantage of their soon-to-be-short-livid peace to warm their flawless expertise. Smoke billowed from a few of the tents, the clanging of iron on steel ringing out as elven smiths went about crafting and improving the quality of weapons brought to their attention, while bowsmiths hastily yet expertly carved flawless bows from wooden logs and stretches of flax. Lirithen marched before a gathered line of archers, selecting individuals at random to present their bows for inspection. “Excellent!” he boomed approvingly, stepping to examine another weapon, “flawless!... Brilliant!... Got a little notch here, might get in the way... But otherwise, sublime!”

Rikailin glides into the center of the makeshift encampment surrounded by an entourage of like-minded druids, cat-silent and possessed of the look of predatory anticipation. Her ears, which had been catching the sounds of the army amassing and bolstering itself, are nonetheless set to twitching by the sudden blast of sound around her, and she knows that the other battle-druids, some with familiars and some without, have likely registered similar mild alarm. Not being able to see Lirithen but suspecting that he might be found somewhere near the base's center, Rikailin moves that way with her contingent of followers, hailing him with a wave and a grim smile. "It looks as if you've got the rangers and far-seers into shape," she shouts, making herself heard over the hubbub and hoping that Lirithen catches her words, wherever he might be. "I've brought in some reinforcements. We're happy to give demonstrations if they should be needed, and I'd like to hear about the specific battle plans you've laid out. It is high time we brought our combined might to bear."

Lirithen's attention was snatched the ripple of surprise that carried across the encampment, the somewhat jittery male already reaching for one of the many weapons concealed in his coat before Rikailin's tone registered to pointed ears. Apprehensive gaze travelled over the amassed druidic troupe, eyes set firmly upon Rikailin's face as he bent forward into a bow of greeting, as rangers should in druid's presence. “A demonstration, hmm?” all hint of former humble respect washed from his stance as the archer-elf took to scrutinizing the vampire's following, though an off-hand gesture baited similar shows of respect from passing rangers, “I don't think that will be necessary, if you approve of them... Though by all means, if you think it necessary...” An arm rose and fell in a dismissive arc, and the ranger gathering scattered to train or tend to their equipment. “Aye, this clearing is one of many. There are gatherings of horses on either fringe, obviously they can't come too far in... Swordsmen as well. Bladesingers, I think. Not as many as I'd of hoped for... But enough, in any case.”

Rikailin nods her head at Lirithen's words, face set and sober. "There are never enough resources in war, it seems to me. I've watched enough of them come and go and leave ravaged lands in their wake to know. It's a sad business." She sighs, then shakes her head as if to clear it. "There are druids speckled throughout the forest, mostly keeping themselves out of sight. These here--" She gestures to her battle druids, "are less afraid of open combat, though putting a sword in their hand and asking them to wrestle is probably a mistake." She grins a little as if to convey that the statement was a light-hearted one. "With the help of the Academy of Magic north of here, we've been able to truly blanket the forest. You will probably be pleased to know that, unless our wards and runes fail, no tree of Sage will burn outright. Many will die or be crippled, I am sure, but the shielding we have implemented will protect them from fire, at least...and our enemies likely don't have too much use of ice. Should they have...well, I work in that same field, and we will match spikes, they and I." She shows her teeth briefly in a ghoulish grin, fangs prominent. "We have also taken the liberty of laying snares in some of the deeper second-growth tangles. If you should see white teardrops on tree-trunks, don't touch them! They're triggered to make the trees hurl down nets of branches to tangle melee units. They're natural-looking, in their own way, but visible enough that your far-seers, in particular, should be able to spot them...rangers too, if their eyesight is good and their line of vision unimpeded. Try and hit them with arrows or other projectiles while enemies are within the range of the trees, if you can. Also, be aware of open clearings in the forest with a dull red-looking soil. Step on those for long enough and they'll disintegrate your boots for you...acid trap, quite fast-acting. We'll have to herd enemies in the forest in order to make them trigger these types of traps, I'm sure, but it shouldn't be too difficult. If you've got any questions or concerns, or have laid any snares of your own, please let me know."

Lirithen gave a look of grim understanding, nodding his head in reiteration. “'Twill be my first 'war', per se, and I hope my last. Gathering and organizing these men was tiresome enough, ignoring the potential for a gruesome death.” A grin cracked fair lips wide at the corners in contemplation of her query, “we have set traps, aye. We dug pits square pits, two metres wide and two metres deep, and placed spikes at the bottom. They have a covering, disguised as the forest-floor, and on an axle. Unable to take a man's weight, when the cover is stepped on the victim will tumble into the pit and be impaled upon the spikes. Because of the axle they do not need resetting, and close after the weight has been lifted, camouflaging themselves and drowning out the cries of the hapless humanoid caught within. There are also...” The ranger clicked his fingers in direction of an approaching hunter, receiving a long wooden tube, attached to which was a piece of string, “these little beauties. Doesn't look much does it?” Lirithen angled the tube high above their heads and tugged on the end of the string, and from the end of the tube launched a single steel arrow with surprising force. The elf grinned, “attached to trip-wires, you see, in groups. Most are arranged in vertical succession, though in some places we have utilized a more elaborate set-up... A single man trips either wire, and all with launch in unison, skewering entire squadrons. We've tried to keep them mostly indistinguishable... We have mapped their positioned, however, if you feel you can memorize them all. If not... Stick to the trees.”

Rikailin cannot see the tube that lirithen is holding, but knows the whistling flight of an arrow wel enough by sound to be pleased with the invention. "They launch in numbers, do they? Oh, very bloody...just my kind of engagement." Rikailin unconsciously licks her lips. "If the positions are mapped, we will commit them to memory. We've also got druids with smaller familiars who are likely to warn us if they know of the wires, so in a worst-case scenario, we won't be perforated in the hundreds as the Preklek will be. Your pit traps, by the way, sound absolutely...sharp." She chuckles at this half-joke. "In the thick of it, don't be alarmed if you see birds, bears, stags and even snakes getting themselves embroiled in combat. It's normal, particularly for battle-druids in tight skirmishes. Combat might be surprisingly loud even though we hope for stealth. You should also be aware of the redouts...they're warded against enemy fire and should hold out small caches of troops or supplies. We can trade maps, if you like, as yours will hold the location of your traps while ours will hold the locations of the hideouts. Use them if you're under pressure and need a break, or as posts for snipers in deep-forest combat. There aren't many, and never more than one per square mile of forest. There will, in most cases, be at least one druid hiding nearby to heal the inujured, if need be...though most squads will have druids along for precisely such a purpose while on the march anyway." She spreads her hands, then dusts them together as if pleased at the dealing of business. "Is there anything else that should be discussed? Marching patterns? Sentries? Open plains combat? If any or all of these concern you, now would be a very good time to speak up."

Lirithen dipped a hand within the armoured coat on his shoulders, drawing forth a roll of parchment bound by a piece of flax, nodding in agreement. “Indeed, I can see the value in such things. They'll likely come in very handy. Here, this should highlight the locations of the pits and poles.” His hands came to rest behind his back, fingers linked tightly together as an eyebrow lifted. “The plains have been where I have put most of my thoughts, actually... We cannot be certain they will not bring devices to set us alight from afar... And I have reason to fear the use of avian war-machines. We should plan for these possibilities... Any suggestions? In any case, I would have far-seers and swordsmen on the edges on the plains, where the ground is open enough to pick off a far portion of their force before they even reach the forest border. I am hoping a feigned retreat will draw them into the woods, and if not, cavalry will be waiting on the northern border of the Milous Plains, ready to flank them and drive them either further south into the plains, or force them into Sage proper. Mounted scouts, also, I think, should patrol the plains, to give us an early warning.”

Rikailin nods in affirmation, producing a roll of her own and passing it over after tossing the received map back over her shoulder toward one of the battle-druids who can actually read it. "Catapults. Can we salvage large stones or tree-stumps from anywhere? We can enchant them with the elements if it is wished, set them up far enough back that they will appear to be nothing more than piles of tree-branches. As for avian attacks...well, Sage is home to thousands of birds; many are small, no more than song-sparrows and the like, but clouds of them will keep our ground troops safe long enough that they can direct fire at the sky if necessary. In open combat, druids and mages both will have more control of the elements...and if it will not hurt the horses too much, my thought was to try to summon a cold front over the Mylous plains, to simulate either a heavy rainfall or a particularly cold pocket of air where aerial units will have trouble flying properly. Your plan of flanking, by the way, seems sound enough, and I will leave the movement of cavalry in your capable hands."

Lirithen extended a hand to accept the offered roll, stowing it quickly away within his coat as his head dipped into a mimicry of the vampire's own confirming nod, “there is no single large concentration of stumps, to my knowledge, though sufficient numbers are spread throughout the woods. Rocks... I'd have to think about, though I'd say 'tis doubtful.” Pale brows narrowed in contemplation of the suggested elemental tampering, “rain... Will hinder the sights of the archers. We need them to be able to see... Cold air may work, perhaps, but I am unsure of the effect on the horses. Best to keep it from the ground, just in case. I also believe you misinterpret my worries regarding avian war-machines. They have technology, the avian race, and I have witnessed their Senator in talks with the Preklek general regarding some form of agreement. We -must- plan for the event the preklek arrive in sky-ships, or wielding defence platforms, or some other horrendous use of machinery.”

Rikailin nods once more, now fully understanding the ranger's worries when before she had not. "Electricity, by arrow or by lightning-bolt, is dangerous for any such mechanical devices, is it not? Perhaps it might be best if we set up a unified cold front high off the ground and made sure that, due to the inherent meteorological effects, a great deal of chain lightning was present. If you wish to keep the plains free of impediments to horseflesh, we may have to take the risk of mechanical storming on the ground, but lightning in vast quantities in the air, or borne on arrows toward ground-bound units, should act as a damper on any tide which might be thrown toward us." Rikailin sighs, shakes her head, runs a hand through her hair. "It is sad to see any race, avian or otherwise, considering alliance with an invading army, when Sage itself has done no harm to anyone. I know of at least one good avian, so I hope that your surmise is wrong at their part in the war...but we cannot afford to take chances. Does the lightning-storm suffice? It will require a good deal of druidry and magecraft to perpetuate."

Lirithen shook his head, expression quite grim. “Cerinii seems to think she can speak for the entire Republic, with only her personal interests to heart. I, too, would hope they are not all so self-centred. The archers are capable of enchanting their arrows, worry not. Anything mobilized on the ground, provided we reach it quickly, should be incapacitated simply enough. Is there anything else?”