RP:The Relief Effort Continues

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Part of the Larketian Fault Lines Arc

Summary Another Knight shows up attempting to control the devastated areas of Larket. A Larketian representative, Reinhardt, holds true to Larket’s grasp on the situation. All horrors aside, the Larket community comes together in this time of great sorrow.

Reinhardt has been busy once again this day since sun up. The man has rallied his men once again, but also managed to get locals who are able bodied to assist in many tasks, from manual labor, to repairs and specialized jobs. The man, now garbed in leather leggings, a leather breastplate and a heavy winter cloak with fur trim, walks among the workforce examining where he should. A sword strapped to his hip, and a knife to his boot, are the only weapons he carries as he has been working as much as managing this day. With night having fallen, and the bitter drop in temperature having reached its climax, the Larketian Knight knows its only so much longer he can drive these people on. His breath is visible in the night air, but if the cold has any hold upon him he doesn't show it. For now, the men just keep going at it, while Reinhardt heads down to check on his men that are working under Sabrina, whose tents are just outside the Fortress Gate.

Kaori has only heard of Larket until today, having finally found her way through northern Sage and into the kingdom proper. Sadly, it appears a calamity has rocked the city. The sight of the earth split asunder and here and heavy damage to buildings there confirms to the young woman that a earthquake has occurred. Such disasters are somewhat common in her home, and they were always devastating. Kaori wears a rather somber look upon her features as she makes her way through the damaged city, careful not to intrude upon repair efforts along the way. A small group gathered near the fortress gathers the young lady's attention, who decides to walk out to greet them. She stops with a bow, "Can I be of some assistance?" She offers, turning her eyes to Reinhardt first. One might note the way the young woman is dressed: a suit of leather lamellar armor with a blade fixed to her hip, making her status as a warrior quite known.

Rorin barely slept. He barely ate. There was no time to rest no time to lay down. He had been under this much stress very few times before. It wasn't every month he travelled into a people packed city on the eve of a royal wedding only for a natural disaster to happen. Or an unnatural disaster, he wasn't so sure about that yet. The fires had been put out at least. Those nearesr the fort were saved first- of course they'd save the rich and pompous, but that was any city. The Towering Tenements though... that's where he had just come from now. Hours of digging througj rubble. Through bodies. Through broken homes. Only now was he ordered to breath amd seated himself on rubble of stone where not far in front of him native soldiers gathered, their barracks in shambles. The training yard was full of noble survivors and the healers tents were nearby. Rorins full helm sat beside him caked in grime, his face less dirty but not by any means clean. He looked young- too young to be a soldier, but here he was in an armored coat tucked into full grieves and knights armored boots with weapons about his hips. All he could do was eat some bread. It was all he had. Someone had loaned a rescue dog to him on break to play with- keep their spirits up. He had to wear a smile and throw a ball. These poor dogs could die of sadness on days like these. Some people may only be able to see a boy playing with a dog while the streets behind him sunk in with the bodies of the dead. What would they think if they knew the truth?

Sabrina was working just fine, another tent had been erected. The tent is sealed and those going in and out wear face masks and hooded leather garments designed to protect from an unknown ailment that swept across the encampment during her short leave the night before. People were bleeding out from simpler wounds and it was undiscovered the reasoning behind it, but it had settled in recent hours. Rich or poor, young or old, it didn’t matter. The healers took people by case, not class. Sabrina is dressed in a button-up coat with mandarin collar and form fitting black pants that are tucked into militaristic boots. She doesn’t carry a weapon and she seems to be the only one walking around without a face covering of some sort. She sees Reinhardt and snatches the nearest bit of cloth and clears the distance between herself and the knight, forking it over. “One can never be too sure.” A smile, fleeting as it was. “Best case scenario, we have more supplies per patient now.” She didn’t sound happy about it. Kaori was met by a healer brandishing a red sash tied to his arm. He is tall, and thin, most likely a half-bred human of some sort. He is looking down at his clipboard in reference to her offer of help. “What is your level of healing experience?”

Reinhardt has heard of some unknown sickness, disease or other-worldy calamity hitting the area near vambrance, but Sabrina's people were on top of it and handling this new unknown threat with the best possible means. Another reason why his respect for this woman was growing tremendously day by day. And just like that, she is there in front on him, trying to ensure his safety. What a damn woman! He tags the cloth, ties it about his face, and looks about. His men are doing as instructed, and the Healer's Guild is in full swing. Truth be told its a sight to behold how efficient these people are, and it makes the knight very appreciative of their invaluable presence. " I don't know what Larket would do without you, and your people, Lady Sabrina." Replies the larketian soldier, who looks over to a two new faces, one that offers aid and one that seems like he has seen better days. Haven't they all? Turning back to Sabrina, the man offer a warm smile, as he says. "Do -you- need anything?" As much as she looks after everyone, he wanted to make sure someone is looking after her.

Kaori hesitates when this man asks her about healing experience. She was more offering to help with any rebuilding tasks at hand, not so much tending to the wounds of others. "Oh, ah..." The young woman starts, "I'd probably be of more help in general rebuilding tasks, honestly. My healing experience is limited to dressing basic battlefield wounds, I'm afraid. Best leave proper healing to the true professionals." Though familiar with Rorin, Kaori has yet to notice him here. Perhaps he's not in her present field of vision.

Rorin handed the ball off to another rescue worker. They and the dog could finally get some sleep. Rorin bid her adieu. 32 black flags, 3 still breathing. That had been their shift. Barely even a corner of the tenements let alone a floor. He chewed his bread in melancholy. Today was not the worst of days though it seems something has been happening. A quarantine tent is set up not far away and some of them have those creepy beaked plague masks on others paper or cloth. Whatever works. Maybe that could be Larkets new motto. Then someone familiar a face not so distant as others in the months past. Kaori? Rorin got up and trotted over, holding out a symbol of Akrhen as if it were a badge- and it may as well be so few paladins walked these lands now that holding this was as if a drow pulled out his house seal. Tis a symbol of power. "Sir Rorin, Ranger Graduate, Paladin Hopeful out of the Academy of Aramonth Queens Escort Mission. This is my rescue partner," he grabbed Kaoris shoulder as show of companionship, "give us a report on your wounded and point us in that direction. We need to make sure the quarantine is without civilians running into the Tenements fallout zone." Just enough explanation to get to the point while covering up the lesser known idea that paladin hopefuls were just squires. In truth no one had to tell him anything. He was just hoping they didn't notice.

Sabrina took a place next to his much larger frame, not minding how small it made her look so long as no one drew attention to it. She surveys the various levels of community before them. Larket was strong even at its weakest. She jests “A hot bath and a warm bed?” It wouldn’t have been readily apparent, but the woman who did not require sleep hadn’t even acquired a moments peace. Her hair, even, was tied up in a simple pony- which was far off from the standard elvish braiding akin to her general appearance. She did take the liberty of filling the Knight in though, on something she appreciated greatly. “Your second shift showed up early, all of them.” The tall thin man places his hand on Kaori’s shoulder and directs her attention via extension of finger toward the Knight and the Master Healer currently surveying the work area. “That is your guy, over there.” He also hands her a green stretch of cloth for her to tie around her arm as an indicator to those here that she was with the labor workers and not an assistant to the ‘Guildy’s.’ He is interrupted by Rorin and the response to such a rude intrusion was not appreciated. “I don’t answer to you.” And to Kaori he adds “This gentleman has no authority here.” Again, he points to Reinhardt. “That is your man, the one in the leathers with the Lady.” The man was guilded; on Larketian soil he reported to Larketian authority, and in every breath, he reported to Sabrina. The elfess ran a tight ship.

Reinhardt was just about to mention something about a warm bath sounding wonderful with company, but fate seems to intervene and prevent his lapse in character as he overhears a demand for a report. Sabrina's report on his second shift is noted, but overshadowed by another outsider thinking they were in charge while in Larket. It seems to be becoming a trend these days. Excusing himself, but also to spare Sabrina the pain of dealing with such herself, Reinhardt makes his way over to both Kaori and Rorin. TO the lady first, he addresses her statement of placement. " Labor is needed, and you can be stationed with some folks repairing the market place, if you'd like." Then, to Rorin, he exhales first. It was almost a repeat of yesterday. " Excuse me, but you are of no authority here to be demanding reports. If you're here to help, it is as nothing more than help, and as help -you- will report to either a Larketian authority, such as myself, Mythayus, or likewise people, or to Lady Sabrina, or whomever she has in charge of whatever she needs." Noting the symbol the stranger holds out, Reinhardt shrugs. " If you're looking for religious services, priest, then the Chapel of Cyris is in need of repair." Hoping that settles the matter, Reinhardt waits for any questions, or replies, before he'd return to work himself. There was much to do.

Kaori begins to smile to Rorin, though the way the man grabs her shoulder seems to irk her a bit. Luckily she's wearing pauldrons and her bare shoulder is not touched. Perhaps that's a taboo in her native culture. Despite her minor annoyance with the squire, the young woman almost winces when Rorin is handed a stinging rebuke not once, but twice. Nodding her dark-haired head toward the tall thin man, she turns her attention toward Reinhardt and Sabrina. "Very well, thank you." His touch to her shoulder is mostly ignored. Maybe people greet others this way here. Tying the green sash on securely, Kaori turns to walk toward the two indicated, though not before making a belated greeting to Rorin. "It is good to see you again, Rorin, despite these circumstances." Giving another bow to Reinhardt and Sabrina, she makes an introduction. "Greetings, I am Kaori. I'm willing to lend a hand if you've some work I can attend to." She makes no effort to indicate the sash, trusting they'll know just what it means of course.

Rorin recoiled a bit. Rude. He put away his token, clearly not actually needing it here. A hard days work and this is the thanks he gets? Ah well, Rorim was certain Lionel wasn't doing any better. Hildegarde was commanding the Frostmaw half of the relief effort- that poor woman never slept. Regardless he'd simply turn with Kaori and meet the relief commander of the area. A few minutes rest had been all he wanted before getting back on his feet. Larketians. As if they didn't need all the help they could get? Rorin nearly laughed while the Larket soldier barked orders at him. Apparently not. "I'll head in with her if that's all right with you," he said in a low and much more serious tone, his eyebrows dropping a considerable note. His goal was to help. Not to incite a riot. Did that man just call him a priest? Nevermind. Helping with Kaori was what he wanted to do. Though true helping at all was the goal here.

Sabrina watches Reinhardt head up towards the trio with minimal interest, but she follows for a brief moment and remains silent during a second delivery of a similar speech he had given the previous day to another attempting to attain a foreign presence. It would seem other areas were without honor in their non-diplomatic approach to seize land. She gives a formal bow to Kaori as she makes her greeting, but the band on her arm says she is not one of hers. “Please excuse me.” She heads into the red tent at the sign of three more survivors coming in from the Tenements, barely breathing. “Evaluations?” One by one the reports are given while she checks for vitals and assigns care-orders for each one, as well as laying their designated colors across the midsections that they may continue the path to the urgent-care cots recently made ready due to earlier circumstances. The tall thin man reluctantly hands the green sash to Reinhardt; making that decision in the presence of the commander was no longer his call.

Reinhardt sure is barking orders, right? With people of non-larketian residency demanding things, him reminding them they are not in charge makes him the bad guy? Frostmawians. So full of crap. Either way, Reinhardt is used to it, and doesn't care so long as aid is given, and people realize this isn't a country club where they get what they want when they want it. Sabrina's presence with the Healer's Guild is a godsend. And the fact she willingly, and without demanding payment, tribute or anything of the sort, lead the charge on the medical front with a realm wide known organization such as the guild, gives her an authority in that sector of the relief efforts. Even still, she allows proper protocol to maintain itself as far as reports, but she will also tell King Macon himself to bugger the right hell off if he gets in her way of saving lives. That, Reinhardt can deal with. People flashing medallions of a god, demanding reports and trying to toss their weight around? Not so much. But either way, this is overlooked so long as actual aid is lent, and peace and order is maintained. " If you and your lady wish to help, as I said, the labor crews in the market need the most help right now. Take a green cloth and tie it to your arm, so as not to cause confusion, and take orders from Old Ben, he is the foreman in charge, and if you've any other questions, seek me out, as well as any other guard or knight you see, if any situations arise." He nods, hoping that clears things up, before he says to the pair. " Thank you for your willingness to help, it -is- most appreciated." It was, and he had the crap job of maintaining order in the middle of chaos, thus he must be the "bad guy". Someone has to, and he'll do it a thousand times over for his King, Queen, countrymen and of course, Larket herself. " If you'll excuse me." Back to Sabrina he goes. " Hell of a day."

Kaori is thankful that Sabrina returns her bow, if briefly. Perhaps she'll meet the lady properly another time; she seems very busy, after all, and the young woman takes no offense or slight that she cannot introduce herself at this time. Moving her attention to Reinhardt, Kaori accepts his suggestion with a slight pause given toward the implication that she was Rorin's 'lady'. Not wanting to create confusion of her status to an acquaintance, Kaori clears the air in a tactful manner. "Thank you, sir. I wasn't certain of my friend's status in this city, really. I am new not only to Larket, but the realm as a whole." Knowing Reinhardt is quite busy, Kaori moves toward Old Ben with Rorin assumed behind her. "You are familiar with these people, perhaps? My homeland had many disasters like this...they come so unexpectedly and do tremendous damage. It's tragic, truly." Rorin nodded along, "green cloth, Old Ben, market area- got it." He amended himself with a very curt and respectful salute to the foreign officer, snapping to attention with an "Aye, sir!" Before he grabbed a green cloth and jogged towards his helmet. It only took him a moment to be back at Kaoris side, "familiar with them? You could say something like that. I went to war with them a few weeks back. I nearly killed their king." He left it at that and pulled his helmet on tight with the face mask covering him again and adding a tin and gravel sound to his voice. Something changed whenever he put that on, from boy to soldier, from no one to a grand paladin. "Tragedy begets tragedy." He commented with little want for explanation. He helped Larket. That didn't mean he liked it any more than aught.

Sabrina had a knowing smile in Reinhardt’s approach, she knew his job was hard and wondered if it were her in his shoes if that would have been handled with that kind of grit. Supposing a life was on the line, she may have; the tyke acted more like a youthful civilian than his garb or his title gave him credit for. She is packing up a sizable bag of blood soiled linens and empty medicine jars. Once full she drags it off the table and it thumps heavily on the ground. It appeared as though she was ready to drag the weighty thing all the way back to another site all by herself. Truth be told it likely weighed more than she, having been such a slight thing.

Reinhardt watches as the pair, Kaori and Rorin, head off to help Old Ben. With this done, and the people steady at work, Reinhardt had some time. What does he do? He sees Sabrina hard at work, and refuses to let her pass without taking the heavy lifting from her, and taking it himself, as he says just as he falls in stride with her. " Where we off to now, m'lady?" It wasn't really a question of could he come, as more to where -were- they headed.