RP:The Most Unwanted Of Visitors

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Day I Tried To Live Arc

Summary: Valen discovers that one of Frostmaw's citizens was gravely wounded and on bedrest at the fort. Unfortunately for Khitti, he shows up unannounced with York, a stranger. Not long after, Brand returns to check on her and finds her visitors.

Frostmaw Fort

Valen would be making his way through the fort, with a York in tow, on a sort of 'field trip.' He had overheard previously some others mention that there was a wounded person on bed-rest pretty much, and they seemed to be in grave condition...or at least that was his interpretation of things at any rate. Not a sound would be made as he knocked on the door, other than the...sound of knocking, before he would open the door and quietly enter...a large Vase full of red roses in his hand, intent on just leaving them on the first flat surface he could find, not looking just yet at where the patient was, but stopped his gaze at York "Thank you for coming with me, by the way. It truly makes me happy.." And with that, his head...and eyes, would turn to the sight that awaited them.

Unfortunately for Valen, he’d not heard -who- that gravely wounded person had been. Perhaps he’d overheard that this person had been most difficult, screaming bloody murder at the healers. That’s to be expected though with the third degree burns that’d been received, right? Well...not exactly. Khitti slept soundly now, a few days after that irritating kid Rorin decided to make with the holy magic light show. Days after she’d been rushed via Hildegarde to the fort, days after she cast the healers out of her room. Dominic had slipped off to get some food from the tavern while Khitti slept, but now...now there was a vaguely familiar voice entering the room. It stirred Khitti somewhat, and then the smell of the roses only furthered things, the vampiress awakening to find Valen, and a stranger, entering her room. It took a moment to register, but when it did, she’d quickly shift her gaze away from the two, an unhappy frown forming, “Vhat zhe hell are you doing here?” There was an uncomfortable air of vulnerability about the redhead, that frown worsening by the moment. Thankfully for her, Dominic had brought her favorite black dress to the fort and she was wearing it now, beneath the light blanket that covered her. It was short and allowed the air to get to the wounds that marred her legs. Otherwise, she would’ve been quite naked and this would’ve been an even more unfortunate meeting indeed.

York would follow close behind Valen. He wasn’t entirely sure why Valen had asked him to come along on this ‘field trip’. He was almost completely certain he didn’t know the ailing person in question, but he wasn’t going to ask any questions this late in the journey. He was there already, and he would just go with it. However, the actual sight of the one they had come to see gave him some pause. The ranger would not fully enter the room just yet, lingering in the doorway, because this woman didn’t exactly seem happy to see them, or maybe just not thrilled to see a stranger. An uncertain glance between Valen and Khitti, and then he would speak quietly. “If I’m, um, if I’m not wanted here, I can just stay outside,” he offered, gesturing back out into the hall. He wasn’t directly asking either of them in particular, but it was definitely for Khitti’s benefit.

Valen , regardless of whatever reasons he had for bringing York along, felt his eyes grow wide at the voice that slipped from this woman's form. He -knew- that voice, had fought against that voice, had -argued- with that voice, been shunned by it, been laughed at by it...and yet all he could do now was simply take a few steps closer, as if trying to verify that this was indeed the same female. "...I came.." He clears his throat, correcting his mistake. "-We- came...to simply check in on someone who I had overheard was injured, and..uh..." Dammit how was he going to explain that this had also been meant to be a quick stop, before going on to experience a breathtaking surprise? "Well it was on the way, and I figured a quick stop was not going to hurt..." Looking back to York at his offer he would nod in understanding, though after what had happened with their last meeting he felt like he would not mind the added comfort of someone to pull him back if she still had her sharp wit. No, No Valen... With a sigh, hand fumbling around a black ring that was on his right hand, as if in nervousness, he would calm himself...or try to at any rate. "I just want to wish you my sincerest apologies ma'am...At whatever happened to you. Those burns....Id wager done by holy magic?" With a blink, he would reach into a pocket and pull out a few vials of blood. It did not take a genius to know when one was speaking with a fellow Vampire..."You could probably do to drink something. I had been holding onto these, just in case I needed them, but I think you need them more? Or maybe I can at the least get you some blood-wine....just to take the edge off?" One might indeed ask, why someone like him, would be trying so damn hard for someone that could not trust him as far as she could throw him, but the answer was much more simpler than the question. Either way now, he was pleading silently that York not leave for what he felt was to come.

Khitti actually shrank away from Valen, and certainly did not meet his gaze even still. A brief glance had been cast first towards York, then to the blood vials, then to the wall across from her to the right as she sank deeper beneath the blanket. “I’m fine. I don’t need it.” Liar. She could sense Valen’s own discomfort, for it practically radiated off of him like that idiot paladin and his holy magic. “He doesn’t have to leave.” She still sounded unsure, but how else was she to feel? It’s not like she could just get up and leave. “It...vas much vorse a few days ago. Stupid kid can’t control his magic. Realized it vould affect my magic, completely forgot about zhe fact zhat I’m a vampire.” She sighed heavily, resisting the urge to just cover herself completely with the covers.

York apparently didn’t have to leave, so he didn’t. He entered the room but still didn’t get too close, seeing as she didn’t like Valen being as close as he was. So he just sort of leaned on the nearby wall and watched as the exchange unfolded. There was clearly some sort of history between the two and he wasn’t going to pry into it, especially not now. He already felt enough like an intruder in something, but then, that wasn’t anything new.

Valen knew better than that, and so would leave them over by the roses so that -someone- could give it to her if needed. "You might like it actually. Tastes just like a Mint Julip...It was from one of my dearest friends." with a sigh he wondered why he was even sticking around right now. However, at the mention that York did not have to leave, and the fact she was making small talk...he would actually visibly relax and say very plainly "Well, you know kids. Always wanting to do their best, never really thinking things through." a soft smirk would be offered at his small joke, though would continue "You know...I -could- simply supercharge your healing by giving you some of my energy. It most likely will not heal you fully, in fact I’m sure it wont, but it could still help...a lot." As York entered the room he would simply take a few steps back, trying to not be so close to the wounded Vampiress, but at the same time to not appear as rude and distanced. "I do believe I gave you my name, last we spoke, allow me to at the least ask you yours, so I can introduce you to my friend here properly? I promise you, he is a bit more level headed than I could ever be."

Khitti’s crimson brows knit together as he offers to heal her, to which she gives him a quick shake of her head, “N-no. It’s fine. Just...don’t vorry about it.” She deliberated in that head of hers whether or not it was a good idea for her to even give her name. What did it matter anyway? But, she seemed to have some massive change of heart considering the fact that she couldn’t flee like she wanted, and sat up a bit. “Khitti” was all that was given, for the moment, as she got situated and then a polite nod was offered to York. She side-eyes the flowers, and the blood vials that now say next to it, muttering a faint ‘thank you’ to Valen.

York gave Valen a bit of a strange look- /What does being level headed have to do with this…?/- but let that go. Instead, he gave Khitti a nod in return, trying for a bit of a smile. “I’m York. It’s nice to meet you.” And that was true enough, but… it was clear that the ranger was still a bit lost in this situation. More than a bit, actually. He crossed his arms and finally decided to speak up about it. “I’m sorry to sidetrack this… conversation, but how do you two know each other, exactly?” he asked, this time directed more to Valen, sounding more than a bit confused. The way he saw the two vampires talking to each other was odd, almost like they were practically strangers as well.

Valen would not press the issue of healing her, it certainly wasnt for everyone. "I wont press it, but I certainly cant promise not to be at the least, a tad bit concerned." At the mention of her name, a gracious and soft smile would grace his lips, flashing his pearly whites in response before moving next to York. "I wish i could say these were better circumstances, Miss Khitti, but I appreciate you at the very least allowing me the pleasure of your name." Finally, he would add after that "And you are most welcome." As the introduction, at least York's side for now, and that question of his asked, Valen would pale a bit. "Ah...well...Without getting too much into it, we first met at the battle between Frostmaw and Larket and...well....were on opposing sides, and then the second time was here in Frostmaw but by the tavern...It was kind of touch and go." A sheepish grin before he looked to Khitti "I think that about covers it, don't you?"

Khitti gives a nod in the affirmative at Valen’s explanation, “Yes, I believe zhat is it. He also seems to have a particular fancy for Catalians, I’ve learned.” She squinted her eyes a bit in thought, “Apparently, it’s something else ve’ve got in common.” After another moment, she’s quick to add, “-Not- zhe same Catalian, zhough.” Khitti made a face at the thought of having romantic feelings for Lionel, then shook her head. “How did you find out…? About me? I guess not everyone gets flown in for healing via zhe Queen…”

York thought maybe he misheard that at first, as where he was from people didn’t generally, you know, visit their past enemies and wish them well. Or bring them /flowers/. So that was strange and left more questions than answers as to why they seemed to get over their differences so fast, but he tried not to seem too bewildered. The ranger gave a nod in response as if this all suddenly made complete sense. However, once he had a chance, he would lean toward Valen and ask quietly, completely oblivious, “...hey, what’s a Catalian?”

Valen would pale once more before immediately looking to York and linking his arm, with his own. "As well as a fondness for Half-elves. Honestly Miss Khitti...I honestly never thought much past a romantic evening with Lionel in the first place and never would have expected anything long lasting with the man. Besides, he was much to enthralled with Miss Raphaline. Kinda felt like a third wheel that night." Lies somewhat, but the majority of it was true. He adored this one next to him, felt blessed even at their newest revelation in their relationship. "I...never actually put it together that it was -you- per say, my dear. I just heard someone was in extreme trouble while I was in the area, and made a mental note to visit and give my well wishes, no matter who they were. Though even if I knew it had been you, I assure you I would still be here." Truer words were never spoken, that was just how Valen operated. York's question though had him forzen on the spot, as one...he did not know. Two, he had a vague idea. "It is my understanding that a Catalian...Is someone who hails from a certain city, probably the name-sake for the title, but beyond that I honestly have no idea.." Then to Khitti once more, and perhaps this would be the first time announcing this about the Half-Elf, but best to avoid misunderstandings, Valen would say "York also happens to be my boyfriend." Nope. Not awkward at all Valen, good job...thumbs up!

Khitti laughed at Valen. She actually laughed! She laughed quite a bit, so much so that tears started to form in her eyes. “Lionel? Making googly eyes at a female? Ha!” She facepalms a bit as she leans her head back against the wall behind her, “No, no. Zhat’s zhe best joke I’ve heard in a long time. Zhere’s no vay zhat can be true. His head’s all about battle and zhe varriors guild and being second-in-command to Hildegarde.” She wiped the tears from her eyes, “D-don’t joke like zhat. You’ll kill me vith laughter.” The redhead manages to compose herself, and goes on to explain the term ‘Catalian’, “From vhat I’ve read, it’s a republic, actually. An entire country. Zhat is vhere Lionel hails from, and a few others. Quite zhe hero, zhough don’t tell him zhat I’ve actually read up on his various achievements zhat he accomplished over zhe past decade or so during his stay here. Zhere vas interactions vith dark gods and all sorts of other evils. I’m sure you’ll happen upon him at some point and he may or may not tell you. He’s everywhere zhese days it seems. Mostly here in Frostmaw, zhough, to help Hildegarde.”

York was… pleased of course, at Valen’s words, leaving a bit of a smile on his face. And didn’t seem to dwell too much on the whole.. situation? with Lionel. He hadn’t had any time, at the sudden outburst of laughter from Khitti. He was glad for it; must mean she wasn’t feeling so bad. The ranger nodded at the explanation, glad that something about all this was finally making some sense. Leaving out the whole business of ‘dark gods’, that is, but perhaps that could be discussed at another time. “Well, I’ll have to meet him sometime,” he said without a trace of irony or sarcasm. Then again, it isn’t like he’s met that many people since arriving in Hollow, even at the one event he went to. They weren’t likely to meet for some time, if at all.

Valen would find it actually endearing, her laughter at his words, glad now to actually hear the merriment. Still though, he had seen Lionel with Alvina at least at the wedding and while not Lady Raphaline, Alvina was still a female and it was with no small personal amount of satisfaction that the male Vamp would say with quite a straight face, but that devilish smirk as revenge on the Catalian seemed within his grasp. "Maybe, maybe not. But I can almost guarantee you...say the name Alvina around him. Hell, even say she was inquiring about him. I -promise- you that his heartrate will most likely increase, or he will grow nervous." A wink would be given "Consider that a little get well present that may bring more of that laughter...He seemed quite nervous around her at the wedding..." The Vampire would not his had though at the mention of her doing research on the man. "As ive said, I have certainly run into him, and we actually seem to get along quite well...He..." his eyes grow somber at this point as he looks down. "He agreed to help me find my missing son, Percivaale." An awkward moment of silence would follow, as how does one recover from that? York's words suddenly rang in his ears about meeting Lionel, and he could only agree. "Maybe one day I can introduce you to him. He may be a stubborn one, but he is definately a loyal friend." Looking to York, he would say with a blush "I had a surprise planned for tonight but It seems to be a bit late for that, I will owe you....alright love?"

Khitti allows a slight grin to appear as fuel for the fire that was Khitti’s love of tormenting Lionel was given. When the name Alvina rings a bell, she blinks, “Oh. She made my bow. Guess I’m gonna have to go zhank her after I get out of here. And probably varn her about how awful Lionel is.” A pause. “Zhat’s a joke, of course, but I vill likely make fun of her for cavorting about vith him because I’m zhat awful.” There’s another grin, but it soon fades as Valen and York begin discussing other things. She looked towards the chair where Dominic had been sitting, wondering what perhaps had been keeping him, a slight, concerned frown forming.

Perhaps Khitti’s wondering had summoned this particular Catalian. Perhaps not. But at any rate, it was just as Khitti glanced towards that chair that Brand appeared, tromping through the doorway and stopping short of his destination at the sight of unexpected guests. Emerald eyes glanced from York to Khitti to Valen -- one guest, at least, he knew -- before he grunted something vaguely resembling a greeting and flopped heavily into that aforementioned chair. He’d brought some kind of a pack with him, and this was discarded into the nearest corner, for going through later; among other things, it contained more clothes for Khitti and a few personal effects. “Had to go the long way ‘round to get back here,” Brand grumbled at the vampiress. “That gorram pointy-eared bastard was creepin’ again.” Wait. Double-take in the guests’ direction. “Er. No offense or nothin’. Not you. Also, hi.” Brand looked for an instant like he might rise again to partake in the usual formalities -- a bow or at least a handshake -- but no, he was just shifting in his seat to get at the flask hidden within a coat pocket. Never a bad time for whiskey.

Valen would allow his own grin to match hers, he could not help but give off his own laugh. It was light, a mix between a giggle and an actual laugh, and actually somewhat melodious, pretty really. "No no no. I think you should do just that, tell her how awful he is...at wooing." Truth be told, that -could- actually end up causing more help than anything. "Seriously that poor guy though seems to be about as clueless as a blind rooster in a hen house." The fact that Alvina had made a bow for the Vampiress, made him ask out of curiosity "Do you know if she can make anything else? Or does she mainly just specialize in bows..." York, at being called 'love' would simply give a blush but remain silent, having been so caught off guard that he may actually be fearful of saying something silly, and just busied himself at a respectable distance....of inspecting the walls, deep in thought. At the Catalian's entrance however, familiarity assaulted Valen and for a split second a soft bow would be given, before he listened at his reason for seemingly being late? Immediately he would look to York to make sure no offense was taken, none seemed to be, and the half-elf would even more than likely offer a smile before excusing himself to just wander the halls, telling Valen to just come find him when it was time to go. A soft kiss would be given to York's cheek, a whisper, and then would watch as he left. Turning around to Brand now, and seeing he had whiskey...Well, if they were going to be drinking he would make sure for this to be a grand affair indeed. Taking out three bottles from his pocket, he would also take out an empty glass and start mixing his own...signature drink. Five parts Whiskey, three parts vodka, and two parts of cognac...finished with no less than three shots of blood, he would mix it together before taking a soft sip with a shudder down his spine. "Pleasure to meet you again Sir. Id like to say your...tip, on practicality went well, but it seems to have either been the wrong gift...the wrong color, or perhaps he just does not wear such things in public." Another smirk tugged at his lips, as he explained "Not that I mind it not working..."

Khitti tilts her head as Brand waltzes in, her eyes squinting a bit to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating and that it was -actually- the blonde. Yep. It was. And now he was drinking. And now -Valen- was drinking too. What sort of fresh hell did she find herself in? Was this one of the fabled ‘seven hells’ that Brand always went on about? It must be. It really must be. “Alvina? I don’t know vhat all she builds. Zhere’s my bow, and my sister Pilar’s leg. As I said, I intend to find her soon after I get zhe hell out of here, so maybe I’ll ask her and send her your vay.” She eyed the bag, trying to move it with her mind, in hopes of inspecting it to distract her from Brand but alas, her brain didn’t wield the Force. Whatever that was. With the focus of the conversation shifting to the two of them and their last meeting, she looks about for anything at all that might hold her attention. It was suddenly starting to feel like Raiez’s cave again, but worse. The vials of blood Valen had left her were studied carefully, but not picked up quite yet.

Brand’s gaze followed the departing half-elf. “Huh. Shy sort, I guess?” A shrug. “Another time then. Room’s a bit small for four, anyway.” Valen’s drink concoction was viewed with interest. He was a man after Brand’s own heart, having drink on hand and the knowledge to create a decent cocktail to boot… Wait, no. ‘After his own heart’ was a bad choice of words. Ahem. Anyway. “Aye, well don’t take it personally. I’m under the impression the man’s showered with gifts on the regular. It seems, doin’ what he does here for as long as he has, he attracts quite a bit of attention. Poor sod.” Brand shook his head, scoffed, and downed another gulp of whiskey. “Better him than me.” Only now did Brand catch Khitti’s dismayed expression; a few nudges from his boot brought the pack close enough to the bed for her to reach. “I assume Lionel’s what brings you here, then? Or did you really come to the fort just to say hello to our resident bad luck magnet?” That’s not nice, Brand. She has a name.

Valen 's eyes quirk a brow at the name of Pilar "Pilar...? The one who is involved with the dragonesse known as Casandra? She visited me, they both did, at the Academy in Larket about a month ago, and before that I first met Pilar in the courtyard. Poor dear was so upset and distraught...And after I heard about a number of things, she had every right to be." Here he would knock back some of his hooch, eyes almost rolling back from how good it tasted the second time though he composed himself, while taking the vials with a smirk and handing them over to her to inspect closer. "If you are able to get Lady Alvina in touch with me, I would greatly appreciate it." Returning to the drinks, he would make another concoction almsot immediately, without blood, and hand it out to Brand. "Here. It will put hair on your chest, do you some good." Regardless of whether the drink was taken, Valen would shake his head. "Oh no, Im not pining after Lionel anymore...I actually came en route with York, on our way to another venue...but I am afraid we will have to go tomorrow instead as it is already over. I was going to take him to look at certain constellations in the sky, teach him how to find where he is based on each one, maybe even tell him a few stories behind them as well." Reaching into his pocket, he would garnish his own drink with a strawberry, humming a nod of approval as he continued to sip from it. "Ah, the rest of the reason for being here. I simply overheard the other day, of someone badly injured. I did not know Miss Khitti's name then, so even -if- they had said her name...I could not know it was her. I figured there would be no harm in paying a social call and visit, bring some flowers, express sympathy...well wishes, and then be on our way. -Buuuut-~ Well...here we are, and as I said even if I had known it was her...yes, I would have come just the same." The Vampiric elf would then run a hand through his own hair, feeling the luxurious strands run through his fingers as he ponders something inside his head. "Allow me to ask you a question.....Miss Khitti." Eyes would now be upon her. "If you had...someone trying to control you, who -is- you....how would you proceed to keep them out...?"

Khitti dug through that bag for the one thing she specifically asked to be brought from home: her stuffed, white rabbit. It’s found with an ‘aha’, but the excitement of having it with her was immediately crushed by Brand’s unkind remark. She surprisingly doesn’t glare at him or give her own snide remark, but instead shifts her line of sight towards the bed, her lips creased with a deep frown. As if she needed -him- to rub it in her face, she was doing well enough on her own with the self-hatred act thank you very much. But then there’s that incredibly odd question from Valen that manages to divert those ill thoughts she’d been having in regards to herself and her accident-prone nature. As the words leave Valen’s mouth, the vampiress’ spine stiffened, and quite suddenly, all of that relaxed air she’d assumed with Valen was gone. The briefest side-glance is given to Brand as her fingers dug into the soft plush rabbit in her hands, before fixing on Valen finally. That inquiry of his seemed to have hit some sort of a nerve, and oh she tried not to show it, but her tone was much too curt, much too stern, “I don’t zhink zhat’s exactly a subject most vould bring up in polite conversation between acquaintances, don’t you zhink? If you speak of Casandra, I vouldn’t know. I don’t exactly see eye to eye vith dragons right now unless zheir name is Hildegarde. Regardless, I have no opinion on zhe matter and I vill leave it at zhat.” Hastily, she returns to the backpack, digging through it to see what else might be in there.

Brand’s countenance was confusion, first and foremost. “Why would I need more hair on my chest?” The idiom, it seemed, was not one he was familiar with. But after a cautious sniff of the drink he chose to down it anyway. “Ugh. Vile.” His face had contorted as the drink crossed his tastebuds. “I love it.” Throughout all this, it seemed he’d not had much interest in Valen’s final question, so engrossed was he in both his usual poison of choice and the drink offered to him. In fact, Khitti’s reaction might seem over the top for an inquiry she -- and anyone else here -- should not have personal feelings on. Shh, peach, you’ll tip him off. Once the vampiress had said her piece, Brand adopted a thoughtful expression. “Very carefully, I imagine,” was his own answer to Valen’s question. He had no experience on the matter. Nope, definitely not. Nothing to see here.

Valen looked to Khitti at her reaction and took a step back for a moment, a look of hurt on his face but also one of understanding. It seemed, for the moment, that his own problem would go unsolved as he looked down at the black ring that was on his right hand. "I was simply looking for how -you- might go about solving the issue as it is one that I am actually forced to face, and we appear to be at least somewhat similar. Rest assured madame...It will not happen again." As Brand downed the drink that he had just made, a certain sense of pride washed over him but the look of a kicked puppy still remained on his features. At the male's response to his question, though it had not been asked to him...rather the recovering female, a shake of his head and a sigh as he starts to put his bottles of libations back into his pocket...a most curious site, as it seemed they simply vanished once inside. "Unfortunately I do not believe I have -time- for careful. I appreciate the insight from the two of you, but It appears I will simply have to trust in my other friend who claims he can simply kill the one responsible, while leaving me unscathed. Seeing as how we -used- to be one and the same regardless....I highly doubt that." With a soft and amused chuckle, he would muse "Who knows. I wish there was something else to be done about it, but he just gets so cranky when he is upset."

Khitti narrows her eyes in thought as Brand gives his much unneeded two cents and Valen then takes his turn to speak. She leans back against the wall again, her verdant stare fixating on the other redhead in silence. The conversation isn’t dropped entirely, not yet anyway, as she finally asks, “Vhat...happened...exactly?” She chose her words carefully now, biting the inside of her bottom lip as chewed things over in her mind thoughtfully, “I have read some zhings about dual-minded people, vhether it be another entity zhat inhabits zheir body, a mere defect of zhe mind, or something more entirely.” There’s a pause before another question is given, “Zhis ‘friend’...vhat exactly is it zhey propose to do in order to rid you of zhis other version of yourself?” Oh, the gears were turning now, and if Brand was following along at all, he’d know exactly where this was going in her mind. Perhaps, things weren’t so hopeless after all, with regards of ridding herself of Amarrah.

Brand was, for the moment, more interested in listening than in chiming in further. As the conversation between redheaded vampires continued, he put away his flask (for once) and busied himself with emptying out the pack he'd brought with him. Clothes were folded and put in the dresser, personal trinkets and books left on the end table, and... one book in particular was gifted directly to the vampiress, a tome she'd recognize as her book of fairy tales.

Valen took in an unneeded hiss of a breath into his long since dead lungs at her question. The long version, or the short... "Is it by chance or by fate...I can never seem to decide..." he would mutter under his breath before turning to face her and Brand with a moment of silence, before beginning. "Maldoravia, is his name. Long ago, when he was twelve...Our court wizard seperated us as it seemed that he had a split personality. Little did our parents know, they would gain a second son that day. The split, was not intentional. Fast forward past a Vampiric uprising in our kingdom, and my 'brother' trapping himself in a mirror as a last ditch attempt to survive a man known as Kasyr in a fight, recently Maldor tried to possess me and make us one again, simply because he saw how depressed I had become recently. I...was taken from his emotion of love, at the time of the seperation. Should anything happen to me, he loses that ability, and I am certain his wife...who also resides in that mirror with him, would be no less than pissed off, let alone himself. I am certain I can give you the -full- progression of events at another time, but there is another bit to add per your request. My friend's only response thus far is this ring of lesser binding." Here he would hold up that black band around his right ring finger. "It is a temporary fix, allowing me for now, to be free from worry of another attempt to take me over. It will not last. Otherwise, the only other course of action he has mentioned is simply killing Maldor, something I will not allow no matter the cost as he is family. He -does- seem to believe there is another course we can take, and he is currently looking into it."

Of course, Valen’s situation would be nothing like her own. She’d waited with bated breath throughout the entire story only to be let down like a child denied the biggest piece of chocolate it had ever laid eyes on. Khitti let out a heavy sigh, taking the book from Brand and clutching it to her chest, “Oh.” That seemed to be the only thing she could muster for the moment, her disappointment obvious. A mere bit of jewelry was not the answer she was seeking. Perhaps what she sought was unattainable altogether.

Honestly, Brand couldn’t make heads nor tails of that story. It was nothing like his, either. “Huh. I met a Kasyr once.” Okay, technically that was Dominic who’d met him, but Valen didn’t need to know that. “Odd fellow. Was performing some sort of soliloquy at the theater in Cenril, then just… hopped offstage and vanished into the night, all mysterious-like.” Brand gestured his impression of the man’s disappearance, fingers splayed and hands expanding outward with an accompanying ‘poof!’ sound. “Didn’t seem the fightin’ type, from that one encounter. A different Kasyr, maybe.” Brand rolled his shoulders, dismissing the thoughts as the tangent they were. “At any rate, I’m afraid neither of us know anything relevant.” It was true enough. Even if Brand -were- to divulge information on his, er, other half… they were more or less symbiotic these days. ‘Blocking out’ Dominic was more a matter of guarding his thoughts and senses from being snooped upon, not protecting against an unwanted invader.

Valen would blink heavily at the females response, and then something clicked inside of him. "Well if anything Miss Khitti, it shows that two such beings -can- be separated. I happen to know bits and pieces of the ritual that was used, plus, I know fully how to activate the mirror spell. It will not be enough if they want to get back with the host, as even Maldor found a way to breach that barrier with magic, but it -is- a start I believe." At Brands words he would shrug "All I know is a Kasyr was after me, faked my death, and ran like hell. That will be the last time I ever listen to a Kitsune....thank you very much." With a sigh he would go back to packing everything up, and down the rest of his glass before thattoo went into his pocket. "I...will just have to trust Jarith then it seems. He has not let me down yet, and I am pretty sure that he knows what he is doing." With that he would start making his way towards the door, with a glance over his shoulder "I hope you get better soon Miss Khitti...I really do." To Brand he would say "If either of you need anything, I will do whatever I can.."

Valen’s seemingly heartfelt words further twisted the dagger in her chest, and for a moment, there was a descent into despair when it came to her own plight. Until he mentioned doing whatever he could to help in whatever way was needed, at least; that information was filed away for later use in the back of her mind, a silent nod given to the other vampire. As he backed away, she’d give a slight wave, as well as a ‘goodbye’ before she sunk back underneath the blankets, clutching book and bunny closely, and staring at the floor near Brand’s feet.

Brand saw Valen off with a casual salute before quietly shutting the door after the vampire's departure. With Valen gone, he addressed Khitti with a long exhale accompanied by raised eyebrows. "That... sure was a hell of a thing to walk in on..."