RP:The Jester watches the Dark Phoenix fly in the night skies

From HollowWiki

Date:Sunday, May 15th, 2011 (5/15/2011)

Location:Kelay Way

Purpose:The Dark Phoenix Decides to take a flight in her Dark Phoenix form on a warm night, and The Jester decides to take a stroll and watches.

Synopsis:Just a Nightly RP of The Dark Phoenix and The Jester!

Participants:Crimsona, and Korike

Crimsona in her dark phoenix form cruises in the sky above Kelay Way on this warm night, back and forth, circling the sky or something that it seems. She looks down at the area slowly somewhat as she continues to fly in the sky back and forth enjoying the warm weather on this night indeed. She also goes up and down somewhat in the sky but mostly is above the Kelay Way. She even stares at the moon some with her lava flowing eyes. She takes breaks and stops in the sky and breathes fire. But mostly she flies back and forth, back and forth in the sky is this gigantic dark phoenix here above Kelay Way on this warm night in the night sky she was indeed.

Korike , still looking towards the sky, spots the dark phoenix he saw the other day. Forgetting, for a moment, how dangerous the creature was...the gnome lets out an impressed whistle.

Crimsona did not hear the whistle if any as she is still in the sky flying in her dark phoenix form, she looks over cobblestones here and there and thinks to herself. She continues her flight above Kelay Way on this very warm night indeed she was, enjoying the warm air and the night sky as she flew around on this night indeed, surveying the land from above Kelay Way as she was taking a tour you could say indeed. She stopped at times and breathed dark fire in the sky a few more times before flying, but mostly she was flying back and forth and all around in the warm night sky above the Kelay way she was as she was looking around, up and down indeed, but mostly taking a flying tour in the skys was this dark phoenix indeed in her dark phoenix form.

Korike breathes a sigh of relief as the phoenix did not hear the whistle. The gnome tilts his head to the side, slightly...curious as the why she kept breathing fire.

Crimsona continues to fly in the night sky on this indeed warm night. She Kept Touring the warm night sky up and down, back and forth, upside down, sideways, and in Circles indeed. She was just having a tour of the skies above the Kelay way in her dark phoenix form indeed. She was thinking about her homeland and her race and integration into these lands and whatnot. At times du her flight, she continued to breathe dark fire. The clouds had even become a reddish color from their normal grey, "The Dark Phoenix" might have had something to do with it during her flight now, who knows, She then continued to survey the Kelay Way indeed but was mainly flying. She then started to go in circles, her burning body on, and made a giant ring of dark fire in the sky, then the burning body was turned off. She then decided to fly off to who knows where else. However after she left, a black phoenix shadow was seen above the ring for a few seconds. this was the same exact one that appeared the other day before she got out of her big red meteorite.

Korike goes wide-eyed for a moment at what he had just seen. Without a word, he sinks into his own shadow, and vanishes from sight.

Korike exits east.

Korike appears from the east.

Korike exits west.

OOC Note:This is only her Third Arpee, but it is the first time that I arpeed her in one form the whole time, she was in her Dark Phoenix form the entire time, also Korike is also the first one to be in Multiple Arpees with The Dark Phoenix!