RP:The Eyrie Grows

From HollowWiki

Part of the Thy Kingdom Come Arc

Summary: After meeting with Sykule, Hildegarde welcomes him into The Eyrie and both tend to Pilar who's grown tired after practicing her magic all day.

Main Hall

Hildegarde had decided that it was high time she acted like the Queen she intended to be and see to the needs of her people. With that in mind, the knight had made her way into the main hall of the icy abode: claiming a high chair and taking a seat there where she could keep an eye over the proceedings and deeds of daily life within the war camp. Of course, life was much different in an enclosed manse rather than an open field. It was better protected, but it was more cramped. But space was a price worth paying if it meant they were better protected. Hildegarde sat in silence, her halberd held loosely in her hand and her other hand gently resting against her chin whilst her finger draped across her lips as if in some gesture of silence. The men and women of the camp continued on with their daily routines: training, eating, mending, preparing. All was busy here in the manse, all was in motion but Hildegarde: who remained still and watchful.

Pilar was huddled by herself in her little corner, with her bedroll and trunk, practicing her magic. She held a small flame in her hands and stared at it intensely. Bags under her eyes signaled her exhaustion. Her hair cascaded down around her face and back, uncombed, and her dress was rumpled. She was not taking care of her appearance, it seemed. She wasn't vain, but she rarely left herself in such disarray for long.

Sykule silently dismisses the guard scouting him while he approaches The Queen, clearly aware he is in the presence of a living legend, and bows respectfully as soon as she's made aware of his presence.

Hildegarde, not one to be ignorant of those who are new to the manse, finds her attention swiftly upon Sykule. He appears to be a weary traveller and she can only think of one who had been made explicitly aware of her presence at this location. As he respectfully bows, the knight waves her hand in a dismissive yet not disrespectful manner. “There is no need to bow to me,” she says reflexively, “I am not quite that important.” But wasn’t she? She was to be Queen, should the war go her way. Perhaps she should let people simper and bow before her. “Am I correct in thinking that you are Sykule…? The one who wrote to me?” she asked politely. Her sole eye glanced around the room, spying Pilar in the corner practising her magic. The girl looked weary and dishevelled. But now was not the time to yell out ‘get a bath’ or anything to that effect; not with the stranger here.

Pilar blinked when she heard her name and looked up. Who was this guy and why did he know her name? She looked at Hildegarde. And when had she got here? Her little flame disappeared and she ran her fingers through her hair, as if that could fix the tangles.

Sykule said, "Indeed, you are correct. I am Sykule, the young. I have come from very far to join your forces, only to learn far too late about your recent.....death."

Hildegarde opened her palm and moved in a gesture that simply said ‘as you can see’, “And my resurrection. Surely, you do not believe a spectre to write to you and to sit before you?” she offered him a smile, suggesting that her words were meant to be taken jokingly. “I am alive,” though not entirely well, “and willing to accept those who would pledge themselves to my cause. But you came to speak of The Eyrie, did you not?”

Sykule said, "I realized something was wrong once I got near the city, but the information was worth the risk. Learning not to draw unwanted attention is one of the first things you learn as an Illusionist, so I managed to sneak in the city and catch bits and pieces of rumors from giants boasting their war feats. I received your message as soon as I got outside of the city limits. ."

Hildegarde’s fiery eyebrows raised slightly upon hearing Sykule’s version of events. He sounded a bit like Pilar, in that he had learned to conceal himself from unwanted attention. Perhaps he had not done it in quite the same way as the vampire, but they had both managed to avoid the unwanted attention. “That is very brave of you,” she praised, “to enter a city that is beleaguered by civil war.” The Silver looked the other dragon over with quiet curiosity. An illusionist. Always useful.

Sykule said, "Indeed, it was the legends and tales of The Eyrie that have brought me before you today. I wish to join as a member, for there are many things out in the world that must be protected and many more things out there doing everything they can to strike down those who oppose them. I seek an unbreakable bond, a force that can't be stopped by mundane means that acts as a standing stone in the world everchanging. And most of all, I want the strength to protect that which I care most."

You said to Sykule, "The Eyrie operates as a family. We value loyalty and trust, not the strength of a sole individual. We do not take betrayal lightly. But being part of the Eyrie allows one to find family and friends, to find their brood and those who will have their backs. Is this still something you wish to be part of?"

Sykule shudders and his eyes close for a second. "Yes", he responds, serenely. "Loyalty and trust, the unbreakable bond of a family, are the things I choose to protect. While I lack the strength as an individual, I have the will to do whatever it takes to stand side by side to those who are important to me, even if it means death.". He slowly opens his eyes, and sends a determined look towards the queen, his hands now shaking. "I've lost people dear to me before, that bond is the only thing in this world that can stand against greed and envy. I can see in your eyes, and your scars that the battle isn't easy." he pauses pauses for a moment and sighs briefly while trying to calm himself down. "But It's worth it, isn't it?"

Hildegarde understood such a feeling all too well. She had lost many friends and those she had considered close enough to be family, she had fought hard to protect them too if her scars are any indication to go by. “Will can mean more than strength,” she said gently, “and it is worth it. We do many things for those who we love, even things we might normally consider to be wrong. But I see in you something I feel passionately about: that will to protect. That determination.” The Silver offered Sykule a little smile before rising from her seat and moving to stand before him, where she would extend her hand to shake. “Welcome to The Eyrie, Sykule.”

Pilar looked up from her practice. Another Eyrie brother? That sounded good. She slowly got to her feet, took a step forward with the aim of meeting him... and promptly fell on her face.

Sykule shakes Hildegarde's hand firmly, blushing slightly due to her praises and more than a little intimidated by her strength. Only to be startled by the sound of Pilar's face hitting the ground.

Hildegarde gives Sykule a firm shake of the hand. “First task as part of the Eyrie… look after your family,” she gestured at Pilar. The Silver moved towards Pilar and crouched down besides her, gently shaking her shoulder, “Pilar?” she asked gently.

Pilar groaned. "I'm fine... just... tired... I think I'll take a nap... Don't mind me..."

Sykule examines the fallen girl closely. "Was she practicing her magic all day? She probably needs to rest...a lot" he stated. "Maybe we should carry her somewhere more comfortable?" he nods towards her bedroll.

Hildegarde nodded at Sykule’s assessment, “Likely,” she agreed. “I’m going to lift you, Pilar,” she told the illusionist, waiting a few moments so she might pass her halberd off to someone else and scoop Pilar into her arms. Hildegarde was immensely strong. She was no mage, so her skill was her strength. Lifting Pilar must have looked like Hildegarde was only lifting a cat: it was nothing to her. “To the bedroll,” she said, wandering over to Pilar’s bedroll and gently depositing her there. “We’ll fetch you another pillow and a little blanket,” she said gently, knowing this was more for comfort than warmth. “Sykule here has just joined the Eyrie. Perhaps he shall keep you company and you two can get to know one another, hm?”

Pilar slowly nodded her assent. "Mm... thanks..." She felt comfy in Hildegarde's arms, like she was a little kitten being cuddled. She was loathe to leave the dragon for her bedroll. It was a glorified mat, no cushion to it at all. "I heard... Nice to meet you, Sykule..."she murmured sleepily.

Sykule nods to Hildegarde. "I'll keep watch over her, don't worry." Sykule says as he also collapses to the floor. "I am also in need of a little rest"

Hildegarde nodded at the pair and departed for a few moments. The woman returned with a few pillows, a bedroll and a blanket. To Sykule she offers the bedroll and a pillow, “If you’re staying, you’ll be needing this,” she said, feeling he would be capable of setting up himself. As for Pilar, the knight knelt down by her, plumping up the pillow before passing it to her and laying the blanket down next to Pilar before grasping the corners of the bedroll and pulling it onto the blanket with Pilar upon it. It seemed almost effortless to the dragon, but it’d be a bit more comfortable. “Well. I bid you both goodnight and good rest!”

Pilar said to you, "Thank you... good night..." She turned bleary eyes to Sykule. "Welcome to the Eyrie." Her voice carried with it a foreign accent. She yawned. "Sorry... You were right. I've been practicing all day."

Sykule smiles slightly as Hildegarde walks away. "This already fells like home" he mumbles to himself as he unfolds the bedroll."So...I'm quite curious, what kind of magic were you practicing? You seemed quite concentrated while at it." he asks, with a pillow still in his hand.