RP:The Death of a Vampire

From HollowWiki

Location: Vailkrin

Synopsis: As previously agreed, Scandal and Eli have disguised themselves and met in Vailkrin to end the life of Lord Shenorath the Vampire. A mission Eli has been hired for. Not only are there a few awkward scenes, but the mission is completed, and the castle goes kaboom with a breath attack from Scandal. All in all, the two survive and live to fight another day.

The Death of a Vampire

Scandal growled at the nearby undead as he past by along the road. He had been here before, made his mark and had left the place with a memory of him, he wasn't even sure if the bounty on his and his sister's heads were present still, if anything though those glamour potions had done their job of concealing their identies. But his form seemed to intimate the dead, as if memory were still strong even if they could not remember who he was. Having traveled with Sandman to put an end to vampire of problems, even if it had taken considerably longer to come around to coming here and doing the deed, he appreciated the man's help. Lord Shenorath was not your typical Vampire, one who continued to prey on his own, as well upon enslaved children from neighboring cities. Standing at his usual 10' tall Scandal wore a pair of dark purple trousers around his waist, and walked like the anthro he was. Turning his head to Sandman he said, "Its too bad we didn't bring Larry with us, this seems like a great place to bury him."

The Sandman looked nothing like your ordinary undead. Draped in black robes that swayed with every step; emblazoned with crimson red stitching and odd silvery runes. For what stood next to Scandal is a man who looked more akin to an Elder Vampire - shriveled and gray, without hair but still bearing the teeth used to hunt. He half expects this glamour spell is the result of his own desert styled robes and brushes the thoughts of its appearance off. Elioyahazer the mage, what an interesting thought. He’s just glad that his blades can still hide within all of their usual places. Though Elioyahazer is not new to these adventures, and has even procured a few items which mask the smell a living humanoid creatures. As for the sound of his own beating heart, well, there isn’t much he can do to mask that. Vampires were known for having higher senses. Let’s just hope this all goes to plan. However, Eli hated that he was here. After swearing off killing for hire to Lanara herself, he mentally fought over upholding this deal with scandal, but his word is his bond. So without much further ado he gazes to his Draconian friend. “Bury him? Hell, he’d make a great snack down here. I’m sure a few of these people need a new, compliant sippy cup.” As for Lord Shenoraths crimes, the desert born couldn’t and probably wouldn’t care. As a man who used to sell his skills to kill, he doesn’t have much room to talk. “So what direction are we going Scandal?”

Scandal hearty giggle emenates from within his chest as he contemplates the usage of larry as a new sippy cup for some baby vampire. "On that note, we'd probably have gotten some decent coin for that rotted gruel, i bet half the dead would have thought it be some extra sloshy brains." With topic on lord Shenorath at hand, he said, "We need to go into forest, he has a castle in the woods, but I hope to see him here, as that would make things considerably easier, less undead thralls to have to deal with of his." As they approached the marketplace where the city of the dead was marketing there wears from spiced blood wines, to exotic dusts to necromantial items, and the like. Scandal makes note of the faces as he is sure that Lord Shenorath at least according to what Arkhen' vision had hinted was that Lord Shenorath was a figure to be reckoned with. In due time as they walk around and discuss various things that occured over the past few weeks, waiting for Lord Shenorath to appear. Grabbing a rare non Vailkrin desert not commonly sold and but from cenril some how here, he hands one of the pastries to Sandman. "Good ole powdersugar and honey, you ahven't let me down yet." Scandal said munching on the treat.

Elioyahazer rolls his eyes when Scandal begins to eat, nudging his comrade in arms with his bony elbow. They were here for a reason, not snacks, and this Vampiric Eli was sure to stay on task. “Didn’t you fill up on Larry’s gruel first? I mean there were plenty of flies swimming in mine to feed forty dragons for a month!” Eli is still finding the fact that Larry was fired, hilarious. After stifling back his laughter, which actually sounded like some sickly person wheezing and coughing, he grabs his chest. “Let’s get on to the forests then.” He needed this to end quickly, because he knew that Lanara was going to be furious with him. Just before the sandman moves he eyes Scandal once more, “Let’s try to be quiet. Move through the enemy and only appear when it’s time to strike.” Even if there were hundreds of undead to deal with at Lord Shenoraths complex, there is always a way to sneak in. This ex assassin was here to show Scandal the truth of such things. Without further word he heads towards the forests, hoping that his partner followed.

Scandal gave a pained but kind of little child like groan as he followed. Truth be told sometime scandal ate because he was hungry other times it was easier to eat rather than. oh nevermind. Following Sandman, as they made their way through the forest until they came upon two large black iron gates with pools of muck beyond them leading up to tall towering black steepled castle. "Obviously the man is religious, despite his god wanting him dead, or more dead than he already is, why can't anything just be dead, or alive anymore why in tarnation..." As if the mock Scandal the pools exploded with a large tar bubble and spewing it over the fench where scandal moved to avoid. "Why in Tarnation..." Again being interrupted with a spew of from the pools. "Oh nevermind." He whispered. "You have a plan?"

Elioyahazer came to a slow stop, crouching low within the shadows of nearby trees - hiding his presence from all but Scandal who is beside him. His mutated eyes flick from the gates to the walls and then to the bubbling pit of tar which just spit at his partner. Scandals low tone and question is responded to without any words; a single digit is raised asking for just a moment. The Sandman continues to examine their surroundings until his peripherals catch the sight of an object stepping out from the wall. There was a hole! Though a guard happened to stand nearby, he had found his way inside; it’s large enough for even his partner to step through comfortably. A single digit lifts in the direction of his find, pointing out the space and the guardian who comfortably stands there, smoking. “From what I hear,” his voice is super low, barely audible. “It was a curse placed upon mortal kind. But you know how bards operate. Any story that involves sucking, they elaborate on.” Like booze and terrible romance stories. They all were sucky stories. Without further word, Eli waves Scandal to follow behind him. When the duo get closer he points out some shrubs for his draconian friend to wait behind. For in an instant Elioyahazer has vanished from sight. Was it magic? Nay, for the assassin has begun his dance of death; ghost walking through the shadows which run rampant through this forest. Finally he’s visible behind the guard, and like death on wings, this unknown guard finds himself dead. Seriously. Dead for reals. His head twisted backwards, but his rotting flesh gave way, and eli is suddenly standing there holding this face. Which is frightening, but he quickly tosses it, and kicks the body, both into the bubbling tar pit. For now the way was clear, and Elioyahazer calls for his companion to join him. His hand a ridiculous motion of waves.

Scandal needed little more than a single wave to move forward and around following as soon as they were up near the door he stopped. "Either its enchanted, or to heavy to simply open, if can't sense anything about it, we can always use the direct approach." Scandal took a step back if they were going with the direct approach.

Elioyahazer eyes Scandal at his comment about direct approaches. “Look, I’m no Knight in shining armor. I mean jeeze man. I’m an ex assassin. We sneak around and get into places unnoticed. Combat isn’t my fortay. If you want to smash through those gates and cause a major disruption and battle to your wits end, go for it. I’ll use it, sneak inside, find this vampire lord and end him.” He thinks about it a little longer. Actually that could work. He smiles brightly. “You know what? Go nuts. I’ll set the keep on fire as the signal for the job being done.” He only waits for a moment to see if Scandal didn’t like this plan and then slips off into the shadows.

Scandal chuckled, "I can settle for your talents, if you settle for mine." He pulls his fist to warm up a punch, and nods to sandman, "KNOCK KNOCK!" As his hand touches the door, a screaming twist of metal and stone his heard and the entire fortress shakes. If one were able to see in slow motion the door seemed to behave like ripples on a pond from the area of impact ripping itself from the enchanted hinges causing micro explosions as the enchantments shattered under the strain and curses disentrigating from a blow that they were not made to withstand, the doors sail with intensity smashing through the first wall and then the second ripping though the entrance hall and smashing through the hordes of undead servants, but the doors do not stop not until they have burrowed themselves almost a half a mile into the solid rock of a cliff almost a league away. Scandal smiles. "Whoops, maybe i should have just knocked once." He laughed as he walked in through the wrecked entrance way. "So I knocked no one answered, figured I needed to knock louder to wake the dead."

Elioyahazer is speechless when the door seems to defy the laws of physics beneath the might of Scandals punch; lodging itself deep into the side of a cliff well beyond his view. Hopefully no innocents where in the trail of that wooden frisbee. Then again, he just shrugs, giving a toothy grin to Scandal. “Well let’s hope that door didn’t cut our target in half and spoiled our fun.” Otherwise this trip is for naught. What a waste that would be. Though he does think this particular disguise would be rather funny to spook Lanara with. Actually. On second thought. He’s going too. What a splendid idea! But never mind that, he shakes his head to clear the fog. “Alright, Scandal.” Elioyahazers words are cut off as the dead seem to rise once more. Looking around trying to figure out what in the worlds just happened. However, they quickly spot the duo just beyond the door. “There goes that idea. Can you provide the distraction? I can sneak around easily. I’m afraid my muscles,” he raises an arm and flexes. “Aren’t like yours. I’m not much for a meat shield. But if I can get behind them, I can end them quickly.” Once more, Eli vanishes from sight, using the surroundings to sneak around the group to turn this battle into something more advantageous for himself. Meanwhile, the undead start to charge towards Scandal.

Scandal smiles showing off his fanged teeth, and cracking his knuckles, "Ah the distraction, my speciality" he waved his hands hey you rotting corpses, "Your maggots would abandon you if there only was something less disgusting they your disfigured faces!" He laughed as they ran towards him, "The stairwell is yours my friend." Scandal said as he drove the hoard towards the courtyard, To give eli some room either to get behind them or to make his way up to the tower where the Lord Shenorath was just waking up, clearly scandal's knock had woken the dead. A very very enraged dead, but dead nonetheless. "What the,.. Guards Guards, get me that draconian pest!"

Elioyahazer finds this situation rather difficult to not laugh at. Scandals massive frame leading a plethora of undead out into the courtyard. They all looked like they wanted a fresh meal and a Draconian was probably rather appetizing right now. He pulls himself free of these thoughts and focuses on the task at hand, slipping up the stairs without a sound. If Scandal provided the distraction, Elioyahazer would provide the kill. Just as promised. The ex assassin climbs those stone steps in a hurry, but ever light on his toes. He practically tiptoes up to the door, which is cracked open and allows him a moment to glance inside the massive room. Sure enough, there is a man half dressed in armor leaning out of the window screaming obscenities to the monsters chasing Scandal. “I am Lord Shenorath, How dare you invade my home you filthy scum! My guards will have you in no time!” The Vampire is so absorbed in his ramblings that he hasn’t noticed Eli sneak into the room. Nor does he catch the sight of a blade that severs the Achilles tendons of both heels. The sight itself sends the man forward - further ripping the back of his feet. Where his well manicured hands scramble to keep balance upon the slippery stone. But it’s too late. Elioyahazer grabs him by the armor and yanks him back, where he falls to the ground with a thud and a wince of pain. “Fool!” He shouts, but it’s not enough, for Elioyahazer has already descended upon the vampire, plunging a long and rather pointy dagger squarely into his chest. The vampire gurgles, spitting up blood. For good measure, he plunges that thing into him a few more times. Sure as the day this desert dweller was born, this vampire has found true death. Eli grabs the lit candles and sets fire to the corpse and the curtains. To his coffin and the bed. Soon the whole place is up in a blaze where he now seeks to make his escape.

Scandal laughed out loud as he ran with hoards of dead trailing after him. As he ran ahead of them he slid and turned his hand and claws to scratch the ground to give himself an edge, then pain began, like before transformation was horribly painful practically the only pain he felt anymore other than loss. His body transforming his form shifting his appearance becoming that of the dragon he was known to be, albeit smaller than his size that was known to family, the 500' tall dragon 1200' long inhaled mightly as blew out sending the dead careening back into the fortress keep just as he saw the tower light up in fire, like the pilot light on massive furnace. He focus his mind on sandman speakng quickly, "Get out quick because this dragon's gonna burn it down till there's nothing left." He waited a second blowing a second gust to push the zombie hoard back in, then inhaling again a glowing light illuminating the back of his throat, and then gushing forth like sea of neon green liquid bearing resemblance to lava and mercury splatters against the castle, causing stones to dissolve on impact, cascades of bubbling dead, and moving forward he opens his jaws an instinctiual thing, unsure if it were taken upon he, would know later. He ran quick, shaking the earth a bit, as time seem to slow down in his mind, as he ducked behind a cliff. He pulled his wings over his head, and closed his eyes. But even while his eyes were shut, he suddenly could see, through his eyelids, and then it darkened, then a sound so loud and heavy that it rattled him to the bone. He felt dust in the air, in his nostrils a metalic taste upon his tongue, and then the heat, utterly blazing he felt it blow over him like a hot desert wind, he knew though that what was not dragon was feeling a much hotter temperture. He opened his eyes, and turned towards where the castle had been, now a bright glowing crater with a green fireball rising, easily thrice his size, at current, and still rising it glowed like alien sun rising, and then darkening as the fire within was finally extinguished. "This is why, I don't breath in this size. Or any bigger." He said his voice croaking as his mouth and throat were dry. From what he could see the cliffs and mountains had protected vailkrin from the blast but he was certain that all would know of the events, as smoke continued to rise from that furnace of heat. Scandal moved about searching for eli, hoping to find him, he'd hate to have to explain to his sister how he died, and worse he was concerned about it. But who knows maybe he got out or he hid in something, like corkwood, he never could understand how his breath could destroy so much but never corkwood, it drove him crazy, but his anxiety arose, and he wondered whether or not maybe his insticnts had served him well maybe sandman was in his mouth, he reached with trying to find his friend.

Thankfully Eli had already been running out of the room and down the stairs because of the giant fire he had started as a signal. If he hadn’t been things might be much more difficult for him when the acid starts to eat away at the stone. Forever light on his feet and nimble, due to the training he has received. Eli is leaping from one stone to another without skipping a beat, over pools of acid that splash into the castle from Scandals breath attack. What’s going on? He isn’t sure what’s about to happen, but he can hear his friends call and exits out of the shattered entrance way the two had made on their way in. His run turns into a full on panic of a sprint, like he would think to jump into the maw of a giant dragon. Oh shite. Oh shite. Oh shite. He can hear his mind clicking away every second. Each and every freaking one of them. Before he knew it ‘kaboom’ and Elioyahazer finds the initial blast of air fondly cradling his form. Not really. In reality, it simply picked him up, and threw him twenty feet into the woods where he hits the ground with a thud. Wheezing from having the wind knocked from his lungs, yet still scrambling to climb behind a giant stone seeking the protection that it provides. It’s not quite enough however, and he has to activate the last reserves of his strength to manifest a magical shield. An item that always clung to his frame, a golden locket; a gift from his mother. Enchanted with the power of protection in dire needs. A veritable shield of ice surrounds the spellblade just before he would be engulfed by it all. Even his spell wanes a hair too soon, and Eli finds the heat almost unbearable for the millisecond he had been exposed to it. Thank the gods of the sand and time, he survived. His hands grab at his chest, his legs, and then his face. He is alive! He gives a giant sigh and stands up looking back on the damage caused by the breath attack. His eyes go wide in surprise. When he catches sight of Scandal he starts to wave, indicating that he was alive. His glamoured clothes were a little scorched, a little bit of blood littered his frame, but he was no worse off.

Scandal eyes finally find his friend. His form rapidly shrinking down and pulling the man into a hug. "Your alive," He grasped his friend. "Here," he said causing his hand to glow with mana, to be able to help him heal from his hearing or from the heat. "I think from now on, I won't be breathing at any size larger than 100'." He said with as he gazed at the still rising cloud, the heat from the pit still unbearable, and trying to lead his friend away from it. When they find a pool of water a few miles away. He allows Eli, to drink his fill, before he too, would drink, a blast like that takes alot out of you, even if your a dragon.

Elioyahazer watches Scandal approach, but there’s an awful loud ringing in his ears. “What?” Eli actually shouts at Scandal when he’s near. “What was that?” He’s still yelling. A pinky is raised and plunged into his left ear, digging around as he desperately tries to stop the clamour of noise that just won’t quit. “Wheezing man thighs?” Clearly he has no grasp of anything Scandal is saying. It’s terrible to try and read a draconians lips. When he realizes that he’s being offered a drink to heal himself, he partakes of it. However, the effects don’t work as quickly as he would like. Man his head was killing him. “What was that about?” He’s still shouting, though it’s unintentional.

Scandal shakes his head, when he realizes he not being understood. Taking sandman and holding his hands over his ears a mana manifesting as lightning jumps painlessly into the ears, restoring them. "That was my breath power, and I think from now on I won't be using it at any size other than a hundred feet. Scandal contineus to try to reassure him, "Just don't develope PTSD from this, and I won't have to take the full earful from my sister about this, actually how about if I stay silent you stay silent, it's probably best she doesn't find out."

Elioyahazer finds that his hearing is suddenly restored, and that his voice has grown hoarse. He really was shouting. “Well, there won’t be any PTSD from this. That I can assure you. I’d like to see it again, just not when I’m trying to run out of the building your blowing up. Good gods. I didn’t think I was going to make it there.” He shakes his head for a moment. “I won’t say anything, if she doesn’t ask about it. I won’t lie to her though if she asks.” Eli gives Scandal a curious glance. “Mission accomplished Scandal. Let’s get the heck out of here.” Elioyahazer finds himself laughing again at escaping death once more. The two eventually find themselves leaving Vailkrin and the destruction they had caused.