RP:The Dawn of New Trade

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rynvale New Dawn Arc

This is a Merchant's Guild RP.

Summary: Aranhil delivers a report on the progress of the Merchant guild’s proposed road to the Bazarr, and Arien offers him the Directorship of the reopened Hollow Trading Company.

Characters: Arien, Aranhil

LOCATION: Rynvale; Governor’s Study

An overly large desk dominates this room almost entirely, and spread across it, is a marvelous collection of papers, deeds, applications, stock inventories, book pages and memoranda, all organized in some manner of chaotic order that clearly has meaning for its occupant. Up against the walls are a number of smart looking bookcases, brimful with nick knacks and well used books. This room is neat and clean, save for that cluttered surface, a clear reflection of the orderly nature of its user. Tasteful and subtly feminine decoration might betray the design preferences of the room’s primary user, as you notice you are standing on a very regal looking red carpet with a gold pattern. The chair behind the desk is currently empty and nobody seems to be around, you had best return to the landing to your east.

Arien was seated at the large oaken desk, feathered quill scratching across the surface of the parchment before her. A frown knitted the pale brow, concern evident upon her features. There was something in the air of the city, both here and on the mainland, a certain restlessness that bespoke some coming action. She had not liked to hear that the prekleks were active again. Where fear and chaos reigned, opportunities for criminal behaviors abounded. It was past time she shored up the arm on the law on the island’s shadier shores. Perhaps the note from the one seeking a job as sheriffs deputy would be indicator of things to come. She had directed her secretary to let him up, when and if he arrived at the residence. She lowered her head to sift through the pile of letters that littered the surface. Whom was she forgetting? Someone else she was supposed to meet. Of course.. Aranhil. Expression turned pensive, her proposal was one of equal risk and reward, if he expressed an interest.

Aranhil wondered into Rynvale, it was a place he would be finding himself for many days ahead. The Road preparations were complete. It was time to begin their march for Rynvale. He was here now to update the governor upon recent events. Knocking twice at the door he would wait for a response before entering with the woman that had directed him up the stairs. "Lady Arien," he would say bowing out of respect for the Fold's leader as well as current Governor of the Isle of Rynvale. After introductions were complete once more he would take several steps inside towards the woman, though still keeping his distance. "M'Lady, I feel it is my duty as one of the head Merchants leading this task to inform you of the progress we have made thus far in the affairs of the roads construction through the dragonlands." A moment would lapse as he took another breath. "May I proceed?"

The knock of the door caused fiery head to be raised with mild curiosity and turned in that direction, a pleasantly neutral expression resting upon the Governor’s face as she lifted a pale hand to invite the merchant deeper into the luxuriously outfitted office. “ Please..come in Aranhil, I must admit to having had some curiosity upon the matter, as I had not heard any further news from you since our first discussions on the subject.” She indicated the chair opposite, setting her work aside and laying feathered quill down upon the surface. “ How fares your project? Have you been to the lumber yard to see about the provision of wood for the task? The quarries are also working at full capacity since our push towards rebuilding after the war. You should find what your guild needs quite easily available.”

Aranhil took the seat offered, "Thank you M'Lady," Situating himself comfortably in the chair he would continue. "Sorry for not being by sooner, things have kept me very busy. My clan among other things require more attention than I would have originally thought. Forgive my rambling," he would say with a wave of his hand. "I am here to update you on the Merchants progress. As I have told you before the Merchants Guild has prepared to take a road through the dragon lands and ending at the shops of the Bazaar. We have acquired our work force, orcs and ogres from Gualon. They are to be led by Greux and shall leave their homeland once I give them a day to be here. Also, protection has been gathered to an extent. Some of my clan has vowed their weapons in name of our cause. Just the same many of Aldred's Centaur brothers are to help in protection and operate as, pardon the expression, pack mules for food and other such supplies. I spoke with Allanon of the Lumberyard, he has agreed to give us the wood needed for an amount of gold that the Guild is happy with. The only thing I believe we have left to do before we begin is to cross the great ocean to your Isle. Also, as has become apparent to me, Centaurs may not travel over seas in just any vessel. It seems to me that they may need a special ship. Or one that is modified in some way to fit their needs on the ever-shifting waters. By chance should one of our group that is knowledgable in such ships make contact with you, could a ship be prepared to carry roughly twenty or so of these horse-like creatures?" Aranhil wondered how much help he may be able to aquire from Arien, his former leader, and now his Clan's ally.

Arien leaned forward in her seat, careful note taken of the details shared by the merchant as quill was lifted again to jot observations and questions upon the strip of parchment before her. A quick glance was shot his way as he made his apologies for the tardiness of contact, free hand rising to brush his words from the air before her. “ You need not apologize to me, for the burdens imposed by multiple responsibilities Aranhil. I know them only too well. I have never been stretched as thin as I am now, in attempting to lead a city and a clan.” Her expression rested on him, thoughtful. “ I will be holding you accountable, of course, for the conduct of such a massive influx of work force while they are upon our shores. I will admit to being somewhat uneasy to admitting such volume of armed ‘guards’ while we are yet recovering from the damages of war-but there is nothing for it but to trust, I suppose.” She smiled, a shade cooly. “ As to the question of the ship, you may indeed commission such a vessel of our master shipwright. But it will cost you, especially if you wish him to divert labor from other projects so that it might be made in haste. I assume you do not have another month to wait before marching..” She scratched a name and address upon the piece of paper, tearing it off to pass to the merchant. “ His name is Lyfen.” An idle finger tapped upon the polished surface of her desk. “ If you have finished your report, Aranhil..I have my own proposal to put before you, if you are willing to listen.”

Aranhil was speechless, another month. He expected to move out in as little as two weeks or earlier. But his speechlessness allowed for Arien to continue her own conversation. Setting the information he had just been given to the side and still etching that of the name, Lyfen, into his mind's storage bank he would nod his head to Arien. "I shall accept responsibility for all actions taken by the parties brought upon your shores by request of the Merchant's Guild. Now, explain this proposal that you speak of." He leaned back in the chair now, trying to clear his mind of the many distractions that threatened to make him zone out of the current conversation with Arien. He concentrated on her now, on every word she may say, repeating each of them to himself to keep his attention on the task at hand.

Arien leaned forward again, templing her fingers beneath her chin. “ I am, to be honest, a little leary of making this proposition, as you are so clearly already stretched to breaking point with your current responsibilities-but I have found, with thought, that perhaps one of them at least is a complementary burden.” She smiled. “ You have begun to make something of a name for yourself as a merchant, Aranhil, and are proving, it would seem, a more than capable leader in putting together this project that will see the restoration of a major commercial zone within our borders…” The elf let the observation linger in the air for a few moments before continuing. “ The Hollow Trading Company, head quartered here in Rynvale, saw depleting revenues under the tenure of The Time Lord. He seemed more interested in insulating the territory, it would seem, than in making commercial connections with the mainland. I would see the company thrive again, and it is in need of a Director. I am, in fact, in need of a Director for Trade and Commerce for the island as a whole; an officer with oversight of all the trade that takes place on the island, and between the island and other territories. This would include oversight of everything from the fish markets, to the Bazarr once it has been reopened. Might you be interested..or more to the point, free enough to take on such a responsibility?” Arien scanned his face, seeking the truths hidden there. It was a tempting offer, but one that demanded sacrifice, perhaps, of other current priorities.

Aranhil did not respond right away, in fact he remained silent for the following couple minutes. Any other thoughts that had attempted to divert his attention were gone now as he contemplated the offer set before him. Indeed Aranhil was a merchant, and so he was good at judging investments and deciding when one was worth the time and effort needed to put into it. He had judged his clan to be a good investment, though he had underestimated the need of time it would take, he still considered it as such. He thought further into the offer, Hollow Trading Company Director. That of course meant he would be in charge of the trade in Rynvale, but of course should other quarters and buildings be established in other territories he would also be able to establish a trade center. A place any number of Merchants may gather to trade stock or sell what they may have. Trade between cities would be increased as well...the offer had little downsides, though time was obviously the biggest. He decided, after a few more minutes what he would do. "Arien, the offer is a great chance to grow as a Merchant, even further than what you yourself may even realize. I believe I can allow another to help co-lead my clan while I give more time to other duties, I accept." honestly he was worried once he had first heard the proposition. But after thinking it threw he knew that with just one other person leading the clan beneath him, his time and mind would be less taxed. He was confident in his decision, this much could be easily seen.

Arien’s emerald gaze remained fixed upon the merchant for some few moments as he uttered his acceptance of the offer. Slender finger tapped against polished wood surface as she considered whether or not he would truly be able to commit the time and effort needed to see the company thrive. Evidently what she saw in his expression, and heard in his words satisfied, for she replied with a sudden smile. “ Oh..I am more aware of what I offer Aranhil, it is why it was so very important to place it in the hands with the strongest potential for seeing it succeed. It is in the city’s interest that the Trading Company prosper. The elf rose to her feet then, her hand extended in offer to shake upon the deal. “Let us consider it done then, Director. It will be most useful to have a government official with oversight of trade, present for the supervision of the bazarr project. I will expect regular reports of progress there, within your new capacity.” Moving out from behind her desk, she would walk ahead of him towards the door, a clear indication that the meeting was over, at least for now. “ As for your clan..it will survive. I have learned in time, that all does not fall apart without my person at the helm, if I surround myself with competent support. I am practically leading it from a distance at the moment.” She smiled faintly. “ But it is hard to let go, especially in so early a stage of development. This I know”

Aranhil stood and shook the High Elf's hand, sealing the agreement between them. He nodded to her many times in agreement with what she had said, each of course, was a plus to her and her possible investments. When conversation turned to that of his clan, he made mental notes of her words. He knew he needed to find someone to work beneath him and yet trust them enough to answer directly to him and him alone. He began to contemplate who this might be, though right now he had not the slightest idea as to whom he might choose. Walking to the door as she instructed, though without words, with a final nod and a few words of farewell he would exit and work his way to the Rynvale Tavern.