RP:The Babes Of Frostmaw

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Day I Tried To Live Arc

Summary: Khitti seeks out Alvina to thank her for Diamond dust, the bow the engineer crafted for her. The two share secrets, become fast friends, and Khitti gains yet another ally on her path to ridding herself of Amarrah.

Frostmaw Fort

It had been a few weeks since the events of Sauriangate and the subsequent healing Khitti had to endure thanks to that damnable paladin, Rorin. Khitti had been meaning to meet with Alvina the moment she’d received the bow she’d since dubbed ‘Diamond Dust’. The blacksmith, unfortunately for Khitti, had become rather hard to find. It was Khitti’s own fault really; instead of asking for help from someone at the fort, she tried to find Alvina herself. The vampiress’ mood was a rather melancholy one, and she avoided the gaze of everyone she passed. They weren’t even staring at her, not like she thought. A passing glance maybe here and there. But, it was Khitti’s guilt that told her of such--murdering innocent people did that to a person, sadly. So, she wandered the building, looking for someone that -might- be a blacksmith.

Alvina was just leaving her office on the third floor of the Tower in Frostmaw, offices for a great many things and on red alert after some shady events began to unfold throughout the realm. She'd dropped her children off at the internal daycare and forgotten completely to leave their things. Since her separation from their father (who was not her husband, thanks for not asking), she'd been pulling double duty between work and nonstop mom mode. Hudson tried to offer her his mobster blood money to hire a night nanny but Alvina refused. When you quit the business, you quit the business all the way around! But even her moral resolve was thinning with these sleepless nights. It's bound to overpower her one of these days. Bag of baby goodies in hand, the bard charges off down the steps, running into an unfamiliar woman, with a melancholy expression darkening her otherwise beautiful face. The contents of her bag tumble down the remaining steps to land on the next floor and Alvina is apologizing profusely. "Oh my...gods...I'm so sorry, please excuse me I..." Her nervous laughter cuts through the dull silence of this floor. It's still possible to hear the hustle and bustle of the first floor from here. "I rarely see anyone on these steps, please let me buy you something from the cafe to apologize! The strawberry tarts are amazing in the morning, did you smell them when you walked in? So fresh and warm that you have to pretend it's a valid breakfast option to eat them this early."

That melancholy expression was wiped away as soon Alvina ran headlong into Khitti, jarring the unfortunate thoughts that was running rampant in her mind. There’s a fair bit of blinking, and quite a lot of her own apologies as Khitti backpedals down to the end of the stairs, “N-no. It’s my fault. I should’ve been looking vere I vas going.” The clearly foreign woman scoops up the woman’s belongings and hands them over with a feigned smile, “I probably also should’ve asked for directions, but I didn’t vant to bother anyone.” Liar. Well, her mood seems to have changed considerably despite her expression only moments ago. “As for zhe tarts, sure. I can’t ever turn down sweets.” She’d step out of the stairwell entirely, offering a cautious glance over her shoulder to see if anyone else was coming. It was just them for the moment, at least this general area, and the redhead allows a sigh of relief to come to pass.

Alvina laughed with relief, trying to resort everything she’d dropped that Khitti is handing back to her. Diapers go in this pocket, bottles on in that one… “Have you been here before? Where are you trying to go? I’m fairly new myself but I can find someone who knows if I don’t.” The bard nods, satisfied that everything is back in it’s original place, only slightly shuffled. She’s watching Khitti now, as she looks around and sighs. Is she hiding from someone? It’s the first thing Alvina thinks. “First let me show you the tarts…It’s only fair and I won’t take no for an answer.” There’s something about this woman that Alvina recognizes. Maybe it’s her paranoia or her kind eyes, but it makes the bard put herself on a limb and reach for Khitti’s wrist to direct her through the heavy flow of traffic on the lower levels. They pass a liaison’s desk, where Alvina drops off her daughters things quickly, before coming back to snag Khitti from wherever she’d wandered off to while waiting. “Just over here,” She smiles, rushing along to hold open the chiming door for Khitti to enter the café. “Good morning, Miss Cordelia! A couple of quick tarts for me and my friend- urrrh…” Alvina laughs, only now realizing she’d forgot to ask Khitti her name. The old woman behind the counter nods and smiles, gathering their strawberry tarts, warm and fresh from the oven. “That’ll be two gold, Alvina dear.” The baker holds out her hands to accept the payment. “Thank you so much, ma’am. If I know me, I’ll be back later for seconds!” The bard takes the tray and moves to sit by an inward facing window so the women can watch as people file in and off our offices, filling the floor with life. “I guess I should have introduced myself before dragging you all this way, I hope you’ll forgive me.” A smile paints her lips, as metal fingers pluck her tart off the pastry paper. “I’m Alvina, I’m an Engineer here. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Khitti eyed each item carefully as she handed them over. Hm, she must be a mom. “I’ve been here a few times, yes. I vork for Hildegarde. I’m looking for someone, zhough. I heard she vas a part of zhe Eyrie so I zhought I vould check here first.” She’d give a nod to Alvina, offering a brief smile, “Alright, if you insist.” The vampiress would follow along behind the woman, quietly watching those that pass by them, a faint bit of concern written on her face. Khitti seemed to be in the clear, though; no one up here seemed to have heard of the unfortunate deeds she was made to partake in, in Kelay. Once things were paid for and they’d taken a seat, the redhead would be mid-bite when Alvina introduces herself. She coughed, nearly choking on her incredibly delicious tart before she managed to swallow her food, blinking at Alvina. “I’m Khitti. You, uh, you’re zhe one I’m looking for. You made my bow.” Another set of blinks was given before she nommed her way through the rest of the tart--if it wasn’t obvious by now, she really liked sweets. “Also, I zhink my...hrm…” Khitti pauses as she ponders on what exactly to refer to Brand as. What -was- he to her? It had never been officially specified despite their obvious intimate relationship and now she was distracted by the thought. He was her best friend, at the very least, and so she’d go with that. And now she was wondering how she managed to become best friends with not one, but three Catalians. Weird. Seconds pass as Khitti’s brain goes off on this horrid tangent, and she finally shakes it off to continue her original thought, “...my -friend-,” the word friend is stressed a bit, as if she were still unsure of the word, “said he’d met your, um, significant other? At zhe tavern, vhere ve’ve been staying. He had mentioned you, I guess.”

Alvina is licking some of the filling off her finger, looking at Khitti with devoted attention. "Khitti!" She shouts, startling the woman behind the counter, who laughs and carries on about her business. "Yes! Your bow! It's magnificent..." The Engineer pauses, sighing and picturing it's perfectly pointed destruction of that villain in this very building not long ago. This thought train brings her to thinking about a certain someone, as she's struggling to catch back up with Khitti as she starts talking before Alvina finishes reliving the memory. "M-my what?" Now it's her turn to blink, tilt her head slightly to one side and let her crimson curls brush her cheek. Alvina's afraid to supply a name, say the wrong thing so she tries to fill in the blanks without giving herself away. At a bar? Who would be at a bar? Certainly the Knight-Commander might find himself there but...it's too presumptuous to say so. Hudson was another possibility but they were no longer together... Are they staying in Frostmaw? Her and her -friend-? If so, it would have to be Lionel. It makes all the sense in the world, now. "Oh yes, he mentioned you when he told me about the bow. Said you were a marvelous archer. I hope it suits your needs." A smile, while Alvina tries to eat another tart anxiously. There's a lump her throat, and a nervous nature to her motions. "Khat von Schreier," She repeats the words in a faux tone of authority, as if announcing the vampiress at a party. "Your friend, Dominic? Another Catalian, right?" The bard beams, letting her mind exhaust all the tidbits she'd gleaned from the ashen blonde in a time before. "Can't imagine what he said about me..." she mutters, pouting mouth full of tart. Her eyes glaze over with a forlorn expression that makes her look much older. "Tell me about your bow, please. Do you need me to alter it?"

“At zhe moment, no, nothing needs to be done vith it. It’s zhe owner zhat needs adjusting, sort of. I’ve not vielded a bow since zhe var ended as my old one vas lost in zhe mines during zhe cave-in.” She doesn’t mention the fact that -she- caused the cave-in. Having started with the easiest answer first to deal with, she goes on to the next, “And it is, I love your vork. Absolutely beautiful. I heard zhat you built my sister’s leg as vell. Pilar. You’re quite good.” She tilts her head somewhat, “Dominic is my boyfriend, yes, but it vas Brand zhat met zhis person--said his name vas Hudson. Brand’s, erm, my friend. Yes. Definitely friends.” Totally not that other guy you’re in love with. Definitely not the guy that, uh, sets your heart aflame, Khitti. Not at all. “Brand’s Catalian too. Keeps to himself mainly. I’m probably zhe only one he gets along zhe best vith, and zhat’s saying a lot considering the fact zhat ve fight all zhe time.” Khitti coughs awkwardly. “As for you, Lionel’s not had much to say lately. Ve’ve been, uh, busy.” That was putting it mildly. “Zhere vas all of zhose dinosaurs for a bit, and zhen I ended up getting hurt, and now he’s helping me vith a side project.” The vampiress doesn’t elaborate though, quickly changing the subject, “Have you known Lionel long?”

Alvina freezes, her left eye twitching. It wasn't Lionel that...this Brand person talked to? It was Hudson? Seven hells... She tries to play it off as a funny coincidence but the bard is not a keeper of secrets. It's written plain as day on her face that there's been a mix up of some sorts. "Oh-h well, Hudson and I are no longer together..." She clarifies, just in case Khitti might take the wrong thing away from this conversation. When the vampiress mentions Lionel again, Alvina picks at a bit of tart left behind on the pastry paper, unable to meet her eyes. "We've known each other a very short while actually..." Not so short, in truth but she didn't want to give the wrong impression. Didn't want to tell anyone how the Catalian filled her with some renewed spirit. How he'd so boldly confessed to loving her when she came to treat his wounds after the battle between Larket and Frostmaw. When he was stripped of his rank and presumably deep in his cups. She was also pregnant when they met, with Hudson's daughters so loving him back had been...forbidden. Impossible. The bard tells herself none of these things matter, but her face holds a pink hue, defying her direct orders to stand down. The pitter of her heart is deafening, better pull the subject back around to more important things. " Fighting all the time just means you're close! Invested, care about one another, you know..." A pause, while she tries to dodge around all the delicate topics between them. "Side project?" She perks, wanting to know more but sensing discomfort in her new acquaintance, Alvina redirects things. "Pilar is a dear." This makes her smile, it was the truest of statements. "How can I help?" When the subject was back on business, Alvina could regard Khitti again with those emerald eyes, backlit by a contagious smile.

Khitti was definitely picking up on pretty much all of Alvina’s signals, even the ones she didn’t realize she was putting off; sadly for her, Khitti was deceptively observant--unless it came to things pertaining with herself, however. First, it’s quite obvious that what she says about her and Hudson are true and she’s quick to apologize, “Oh, I see. S-sorry. Maybe he vas drunk or something. Or zhings got mixed up in communication. I vas a bit out of sorts zhat day and Brand vas a little stressed because of it.” She gives a slight wave of her hands as if to say ‘it’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it anymore’. Hell, Khitti’s certainly been there. Then there’s that bit about that Catalian who just so happens to be her best friend and she’s left to blink a few times at the bard, “Uh, I see.” And then...then Khitti does something she never does. This is show-stopping, heart-palpitating, anxiety level-raising thing right here: “You know...if you ever need someone to talk to about zhings...zhings zhat -totally- don’t matter vhatsoever to you--” Hint, hint, Alvina, “--you can talk to me about it, okay?”

Lemme break down Khitti’s thought process here for you by showing you this lovely chart. This here (points at a stick figure with red hair) is Khitti von Schreier. She has some major awful social anxiety. This dude over here (points at a stick figure with three blonde streaks and a pointy fiery sword), that’s Lionel. You know, the guy Alvina wants to make out with. He actually trusts Khitti! Despite all of this Amarrah drama that’s happening and will continue to happen for awhile (spoilers)! So, if he trusts Khitti with her crazy shadow magic, then Alvina must be perfectly fine! Also! This guy here (directs your attention to another blonde stick figure, except this one has a bottle of alcohol and a fireball) is Brand. He’s an alcoholic that likes to smooch Khitti and set things on fire. He’s pretty hawt. And this is Dominic! (motions to a black-haired dude with a book) He’s a little sprout that loves Khitti and tea and--oh. I’m way off topic.

Khitti’s narrator promptly shuts up and returns to the task at hand, which is actually writing her character’s actions. “As for Brand, yeah, I guess so. Zhings have lightened up a little lately. I don’t really know vhat zhat means, to be honest. Zhe side project is, uh, difficult really. I wouldn’t even know vhere to start.” Khitti frowns a bit, side-eyeing the floor, “Zhere’s a whole mess of problems and really only Lionel, Brand, and Dominic know right now.”

Alvina’s waving her own wrist when Khitti mentions Hudson. “Oh it’s okay!” It was weird but not impossible to talk about, they did have kids together after all. When Khitti mentions being out of sorts, creases form on Alvina’s forehead. “Are you all right??” Come to think of it…hadn’t there been an accident that she’d heard about? Khitti’s nervous mention of being able to talk to her makes Alvina’s heart stop, for a full minute (really, it had to happen, she wasn’t even breathing it was a little scary actually). Several people had offered something similar; strangers on their first introduction, with charisma and flair. Elegant, well meaning beings Alvina could probably trust but hadn’t with this particular information. No one knew, save maybe Lionel and that was still a strong maybe at best. So to reply in kind to Khitti’s adorable offer, Alvina stammers, turning a positively concerning red in the face and actually tries to hide momentarily behind her open hands. “I-I-I- ….” Well, her mouth isn’t working, oh geez that’s not a good sign. “I-I hope you can feel the same – feel free to do the same, as in talking about things that don’t matter because they really don’t you know, heh…” And now her face may actually burst into flames, exposing all her secrets (come on honey, everyone already knows, give it up). “Side projects or boys or really fussy cats, I’m good at keeping secrets.” Maybe other peoples, but not her own. Sometimes not other peoples but she’d never rat out Khitti to anyone. She only rat Valrae out that one time and to be fair, Valrae was Hudson’s mistress so…it’s complicated. Alvina’s author nods at the chart, noting the adorable stick figures and drawing a little Belisama next to Lionel’s. Kitty! And pffft, she doesn’t wanna make out with him! How silly. This isn’t working out how Alvina had hoped. She always wanted to seem cool, and totally awesome. Not like a nervous, bumblingly adorable child. The protective barrier of her hands falls onto Khitti’s nearest hand, trying to reassure her. “Whatever troubles you have, you can trust me too.” A confidence nod punctuates her sentiment. “Really, you have my word.”

Khitti could only blink as Alvina magically turned into a pile of stuttering mush. You know, like Khitti usually does with pretty much everyone nowadays. She lets out a ‘hm’, then gives a single nod, “I know how to remedy zhis.” She put her hands out in front of her, like someone getting ready to tell the biggest story of their lives, “Alright. So, zhere’s a zhing my sister and I vould do vhen ve both had a secret we didn’t vant to share, but knew it vould come out eventually. Okay. So. On three, ve both say it at zhe exact same time. Trust me. I’m sure ve’ll both feel so much better afterwards.” Counting with her fingers slowly so that the bard can see that she’s not going to try to trick her or something, she sticks out her index finger, “One,” then her middle, “Two,” and lastly her thumb, “Three!” And then, she finally says the thing, quietly enough though that the lady working in the cafe can’t hear her, “I have a murderous shadow creature inhabiting my body and I don’t vant to be a vampire anymore!” There’s a bit more blinking, and then she’s definitely shifting her line of sight off and away from Alvina. Oh man, Brand’s going to murder her for saying something.

Alvina thinks this sounds like an amazing idea, and listens intently as Khitti explains. "Okay!" She cheers, sorting through quickly to see exactly how to word her own big secret of secrets. Khitti counts them down and Alvina bites her tongue, tensing from fear. What would happen if Lionel O'Connor walked into the cafe at this moment? His Catalian heart might explode. "I'm in love with Lionel and Hudson, and no one knows!" After she spills her words out into the space between them, she pieces together Khitti's confession. A murderous shadow creature. She doesn't want to be a vampire anymore. Alvina likewise blinks, feeling like the biggest idiot for having such a MINOR confession as loving two people in comparison to this problem her new friend has expressed. A murderous...shadow...creature. Her lips are set in a firm line while she inhales deeply, to buy time. "Well. I have to tell you, I didn't see that one coming." She exhales all the air in her lungs and nods, determined. "And your secret is safe with me. I just have one follow up question...how do I help?"

“Welp, I mean, I had a feeling, but uh...yeah...zhat’s a bit of a problem you’ve got zhere. I can relate, actually, funny enough.” Khitti side-eyed the floor, gnawing on her bottom lip, “Zhat Brand guy, I’m in love vith him too. It’s not your normal sort of love triangle and I vish I could elaborate further on it, but, just trust me: I -completely- understand.” Hm, how -could- Alvina help, she wondered. In the off chance that Dominic didn’t want to use his magic to help them or if Brand needed to be the one to fight, it was likely better off that they’d need some sort of trinket to keep them safe from whatever might be in the Shadow Plane’s air besides those damned spores. “Vell, zhere might be something you could do actually. See, I’m trying to find a vay to get to zhe Plane of Shadows. Long story short, it’s vhere dark magic comes from and Amarrah, zhe shadow creature, as vell. From vhat I’ve read, it’s like a echo or mirror of our vorld, “ she shakes her head, getting off that tangent, “Anyway, zhere’s zhese spores zhere--you know, plant-like stuff--and zhey’re not exactly something I vant Lionel, Dominic, and Brand to breathe in. Vould you be able to make some sort of trinket for each of zhem? Maybe an extra or two as vell depending on who I manage to find zhat’s crazy enough to come vith me? I know an enchantress in Kelay zhat can take care of zhe fine details vith zhe air magic needed for it. I can pay you, of course, and give vhatever back zhat I don’t use so it can be used for scraps for something else.”

"No need to explain further! You can come talk to me about it, or shadow monsters, or whatever you want whenever you want." Alvina was quick to rush to Khitti's aid. In truth, her face is washed with relief to have someone in this messed up world to know the truth. What her heart sang. Someone knows! It filled her, made her smile shyly. Someone knows. "W-what? You had a feeling...?" Urgh, guess the bard wasn't as stone faced as she wished to be. She heard Khitti reassure Alvina about her romantic problems and it thrills her to know she's not some monster for loving two men, opposite as they might be. Their meeting has been very fulfilling. To trust another woman, really ANYONE with her secret lets her breathe a little easier. On the note of helping Khitti, Alvina did not have a strong understanding of the shadow plane and so the task of constructing something to help anyone breathe there seemed a challenge except...hadn't she made something similar to dry her clothes? Hudson had used his alchemy to trap air inside but that air...would be too strong to breathe in. There would have to be some kind of modification to slow down the air or filter it in slowly from some kind of back panel.... The bard's holding her chin in her hand, staring down at empty space on the table in heavy thought. Would it make sense to make it small, portable or give it a bulkier feel with more air? Better safe than sorry. Eventually, after an extensive pause, Alvina nods with a definitive decision. "I think I can." She doesn't suggest Hudson for the air magic, just leaves the space empty for whoever Khitti would trust. She and Hudson aren't on great terms currently, better to avoid asking any favors of him. "I have just the thing in mind; I imagine it'll be a bit like a mask. You know, cover the nose and mouth...Are you only taking humans? Urh, Human shaped faces? I'd have to adjust the model size for longer snouts and mouths but...." A beat, while she finishes some invisible sketch in her mind's eye. "I think we can make it work!" How exciting!! A new project! She'd give it her all, especially because Lionel was involved...and her new fast friend; Khat von Schreier.

Khitti shakes her head, lighting up a bit as Alvina has a solution to her problem, “No! Just zhe Catalians and maybe a vampire. He’s just an elf, zhough, so it’s nothing too different. And, if it seems like verbal communication might be a problem vith zhe mask, I could always have Rachelle add some sort of speech amplifying enchantment to zhem besides just zhe air magic zhing--so ve can all understand each other, zhat is. I’d rather have zhat be an issue instead of bad zhings in zhe air getting zhrough, you know?” The vampiress taps at her chin a bit, then realizes it’s getting late. “I should probably go. I told Brand I vouldn’t be gone for too long, “ Khitti pauses for a moment and offers the bard a faint, yet reassuring smile, “I promise I von’t tell anyone about your secret. Mine, uh...vell, I have a feeling people vill find out eventually. It’s increasingly becoming problematic--vhich is vhy I need to get Amarrah out of here as soon as possible.” The redhead paused again in her thoughts, eyeing Alvina carefully with a tilt of her head, “I’m not sure vhat zhis Hudson has done for you zhings to get vhere zhey are, and you certainly don’t have to tell me, but...Lionel is a good man. Must be a Catalian zhing. Zhey’re all good men, even if zhey don’t zhink so. But, Lionel? If he feels zhe same for you as you do for him, after all he’s been zhrough, zhen maybe zhings vith Hudson are meant to end. I vas vith zhe one zhat sired me vhen I met Dominic and Brand...and zhen I quickly realized zhat zhe elder vampire vas not zhe one meant for me. Even if vhat I have vith Dominic and Brand can never be anything more zhan it is now, I’m glad at least to have zhat. But, maybe you’re not meant to be vith Hudson, you know? He could’ve just been vhat you needed to cross zhe stretch of time until you met Lionel.” Crimson brows furrow as she ponders on her words with regards to Dominic and Brand. What if nothing happens with either of them even after this journey to become human again? What if they leave her? What if it’s all pointless? She sighs heavily, sliding from her seat, trying to mask her worry, “You might just zhink me biased because Lionel’s one of my closest friends, but zhere’s a theory about soulmates zhat I’ve read: Not all of zhem last forever. Some people zhere’s an immediate spark vith and only lasts moments. Some months. Others could last for years before the spark is dead, whether it’s as friends or something more. But, zhere’s always zhat one soulmate--zhe one zhat really feels like home and gives your heart zhat certain, undying fire--and if Lionel is zhat to you...zhen you should not let it go.”

Alvina lifts a hand to wave Khitti goodbye before she rushes out. Normally she'd offer to hug her but the words she's said are sitting heavily on her chest, breaking her smile once the vampire turns her back. "I'm sure we can work on. Some bardic enchantment to allow your voices to be heard. I'll start on it soon and let you know when I make progress. It won't take long." Consider it a promise. All the advice she might offer about Brand and Dominic are lost in the void Khitti leaves behind. Alvina doesn't understand her situation, why she's caught between two men but she knows the pain of it. Feels the unease, the perpetual discomfort of 'why can't they be like....so and so'. "Thank you!" The bard calls out, just before Khitti reaches the door before sitting back down to eat the remaining pastry and feeling the space that Khitti leaves with a renewed sense of gravity. A twinge of fear, that someone out in the world knows her secret, is masked by having a secret of her own to tuck away in it's place.