RP:The Awakening

From HollowWiki

Ymheshphilun and Ramsi--the first meeting, and their bonding.

The RP

Ramsi was walking around the Underdark. Not her favorite place to be. She then eyed a cave. Her arm was in a sling and wrapped perfectly tight. Her head was also wrapped with bandages from falling on her head when the trolls dropped her. “Shay, let’s go into that cave.” Shay growled. “Come on, I doubt any trrrolls will be in therrre.” Shay groaned as Ramsi began to enter the cave. “Wow, it surrre is darrrk in herrre.” She said as is echoed through the cave. She then saw the bones of a drow. She paused. “I wonderrr if therrre is something in herrre?” She questioned.

There was something in there. It suddenly awoke, once more feeling the presence of someone in it's lair. The slow energy drain that enabled it to come out of stasis had activated, and this time it wouldn't make the mistake of eating it's power source. Gliding out of it's crevice with the grace and fluidity of a serpent, it began stalking it's prey--no, it silently reminded itself. It needed food, yes, but not this food.

Ramsi saw nothing yet. But felt something was deeper in the cave. "Sh-Shay... Let's go..." She backed up a bit more, feeling her head it started throbbing. Shay pulled her pant leg. "Hold on, Shay." She said lightly. "Let's just sit down." Why was her head throbbing so much? It was something she was reading in her head deep in the cave. It wasn't a good mixture with her concussion of her head. She found a rock and plopped carefully on it. Staring to see what was exactly in the cave. Shay barked and ran out of the cave, hopefully he wasn't going to get help again. But he would probably find no one.

Ymheshphilun's eyes were suddenly visible. They showed no reflection, and appeared only as deeper pits of black inside the cave. There were three of them: two huge, and one smaller one between them. They were moving slightly, staying in the same configuration but obviously attached to something dark and inhuman. They regarded her almost with distaste, though it was impossible to tell. They showed no emotion, and didn't even blink.

Ramsi widened her eyes at it. What was it, she thought? She stood up slowly, maybe it didn't see her. Heh, yeah right. She stepped back slowly. ~Carefully.~ She would say in thought. She stepped on the dirt and it made noise. This was bad. She let out a small cry of help, "Shay..." She strained out trying to call him back, but she was to in shock.

Ymheshphilun almost felt satisfaction. Fear at his presence simply felt correct. Her reaction hadn't yet reached it's full potential, however, and so he moved farther out into the regular cave, where the light was just enough to see something of his shape. Deeper black than anything Ramsi had probably seen before, heavily armored beneath plates of bone, it's thousand legs moving in sickly waves along the rocky floor, the massive, winding shape slowly circled the child, attempting to block any exits. Should she make a run for it instead of being frozen, he'd move with an astonishing burst of speed, easily outpacing most people her size.

Ramsi saw his legs, she then screamed completely terrifyed. She tried to sprint towards the exit, but of course it was blocked off. "No!" She yelped. She then pulled out her sword, it was perfectly fit for her size. She was actually crying though. Her sword shook underneath her hands. Her breathing went berserk with fear. She looked all around for an escape, but there was only one exit. "Eh..." She groaned and stepped back deeper in the cave. ~I'll be alright, I'll be alright.~ She thought, her eyes in horror. She kept stepping deeper back.

Ymheshphilun used his exceptionally long, serpentine body to his advantage, moving easily forward towards her while keeping the exit blocked. His mouth made a clicking, gnashing, almost salivating sound as he approached, and it was reminicient of old bones cracking. His antennae constantly feeling the air, his claws snapping, his eyes unblinkingly fixated on hers, he seemed more interested in herding her in one direction rather than eating or killing her.

Ramsi had an idea. ~It won't work... But I'll try. That's all ye can do.~ She started moving her legs faster, and faster until they were running at full speed. She then ended up in the back of the cave, she took her sword and started jabbing it into the wall. She wasn't tall, so Ym could reach her anyway, but she was trying to climb on the sword and swing across him. Nope. As she was dangling from the sword, she saw it wouldn't work out. "Stop following meh! I'll kill ye!" She shouted, putting her feet on the wall and pulling her sword out, falling on her back, her hood fell off and it revealed her bandages that had blood on the back of them. She grunted as she landed with a... thump! Slowly getting up, she trembled a bit, she gripped her sword and started to swing it a little bit.

Ymheshphilun paused, watching her attempt at trying to escape. Apparently the connection was already taking effect on her, or perhaps she was already that fast? It was hard to tell at this point. When the weapon was pointed his way, however, he knew it was no longer time for games. Blasting forward, faster than anything his size should logically be capable of moving, he swung a pincer claw at the sword, attempting to knock it out of her grasp. Rearing up, turning almost nine feet of it's length into height, it towered above her, then shot a substance almost like spiderweb from the top five pairs of legs, aiming for her torso and arms, trying to stick her to the wall.

Ramsi’s sword flew out of her hand. The next thing she knew she was looking up at the centipede. She moved her lips, nothing came out, just gasps. Then, she flew back and hit the wall. She slowly sobbed and she tried to wiggle herself from the web. "Help! Somebody please!" She whined. Elements... She didn't know how though. Earth. ~Come on...~ She looked as pebbles swirled around the front of the centipede. Her eyes slowly moved with the rocks. But she was getting very tired doing so, but she was trying to get herself out of this mess.

Ymheshphilun noticed the pebbles, but really didn't care. They were nothing compared to his might, or at least that's what he assumed. He brought his body back down to the floor without a sound, save the faint, gruesome whisper of many legs gripping hard rock. He inched forward again, until his "face" was just inches away from hers. It's antennae waved through the air, then slid towards her ears, attempting to push their way in, trying to directly touch the brain. Should they get there, alternating waves of pain and numbness would flash through her nervous system for a few seconds, then an overpowering, ancient precence would be felt. One thought would push through her mind, a foreign voice, yet speaking in her native language: ~Ymheshphilun awakes.~

Ramsi gritted her teeth at the pain. But it was over. Her eyes stared forward. The girl's mint green eyes swirled like she was hypnotized. She heard the voice in her head. She would try to control her own thoughts, but it was hard to. ~W-what...?~ She thought and then she froze. She was being taken over and nobody could help her now. She didn't see anything out of her eyes because she was focused on her thoughts. Darkness and the echoes filled her head. On the outside her breathing slowed down and she was still. Just gazing forward at nothing. But yes he was in her face.

Ymheshphilun wasn't even trying too hard to take her over, but he could feel her mind slipping away. He continued, ~You are brave, young one. And by being my herald, you will be stronger and faster than ever before. We are tied now, you and I, thus I will not kill you. But do not anger me, for where one comes, more will arrive, and I can find another herald easily enough.~ With that word of warning, he implanted an instruction in the back of her head, to be carried out later. He released her then, tearing off the webs that ensnared her, but before he disconnected he sent a wave of weakness through her, attempting to knock her unconscious.

Ramsi in a brief response, she replies. ~Okay.~ She then stepped forward, then fell. Yup, unconscious. It was easy to do this because she was weak already. She fell on her arm, hurting it more. Great. Her head throbbed, but everything was okay hopefully.

Ymheshphilun carried her to an exit, and, connecting once more, wiped her memory of him. She'd remember soon enough, though. Had he been capable of laughter, or even smiling, he would have as he slinked back into the cave, to wait.

Ramsi twitched. Shay was there, licking her. How long has it been? She opened her eyes. "Huh?" She ached in her head and her arm. Shay nudged her. She pushed herself up with one arm. Looking back at the cave, she scratched her head. "What happened?" She said slowly and faintly. She started walking away, but she paused and turned back to look at it again. She was dizzy, her concussion not too good. She fell to her knees, "Shay, get help... Please..." But he wouldn't go, he was too afraid something would happen to her. Shay then put the girl on him and ran off.