RP:That Familiar Feeling

From HollowWiki

Tyler navigates the streets of Kelay in a panic. Heavy rain beats down on the man as he pushes past multiple civilians causing a few to send slurs in his direction that fall upon deaf ears. Reaching the towering establishment that holds haven to most all of Hollow's life at one point or another, he thrusts through the double doors accompanied by a loud clap of thunder. He ignores the looks of confused villagers as his caramel eyes frantically scan the tavern before falling upon the back of Skylei's head. He prays it's her, it has to be her. He walks quickly across the floor, bumping into tables, knocking over bottles and causing more frustrated shouts to emit in his direction. When he reaches the woman he slides around to the opposing side of her table and his shimmering eyes filled with tears provide a look of relief as he realizes it's her, the woman from Frostmaw. Pulling the amulet from his neck he tosses it down in front of her atop of the table and thrust his hands onto the table. His arms are severely injured. Multiple burns and cuts allow his blood to fall freely onto the table, the crimson liquid alive with sparkling blue mana as the human shakes and stirs before her. His lips quivering as he makes a stern demand. "Tell me everything you know about me." He presses his weight into the table allowing it to creak while cries of excitment echo around the duo as patrons grow ill from the sight of the man and a few more still remark on his rude behavior. He repeats himself, with a pleading tone. "Everything... please."

Skylei had been drinking ale alone. She didn't want to be with people and the best way to ensure that you are alone is to get lost in a big crowd. Tonight, that crowd had come in the form of the patrons of Kelay Tavern. Until Tyler decides to cause his usual ruckus and comes flying into the tavern causing trouble and leading to patrons edging away from the duo. She doesn’t realise that it’s him until that amulet is thrown down onto the table. She doesn’t want to do this. Not here. Not now. But, on seeing the bloodied and beaten body of the man she can’t help but love even now, she relents. He would see it on her face, first anger, then pain and finally defeated acceptance that she has no choice but to give in to his demand. But she won’t do it in public. Skylei is still part elf and she has the elven pride. Amazingly, she stays quiet and calm in the face of her beloved broken, battered and bleeding. Picking up Tyler’s amulet from the table, she would gently offer him her hand, “Not here.” If he took it, and even if he didn’t, she would lead him to the bar and converse with Mesthak, “The key. To our old room, if it’s free.” As the dwarf protests about the state of the human, Sky would continue to argue, “No, I don’t give a crap. I’ll pay for anything he ruins and I’ve slept in their in worse states. If you want us to stay down here and scare away your trade so be it.” The dwarf relents and Sky turns to Tyler key in hand. Her own words are just as much an order as his were, “Upstairs. Now.”

Tyler is still breathing erratically and the human has never looked under so much distress as he snatches the amulet from Skylei. His chest heaves and he's come to a pant as the blood continues to spill from his arms. The loss of blood combined with the freezing rain has left the human not just pale, but white. As Skylei moves to the bar, acquires the key and then instructs him to follow Tyler's eyes fall shut and his face morphs into a wrinkled mess as tears fall as he continues to endure the immense pain. The voices begin to get to him, and when one patrons mocks him the human grits his teeth before grabbing Skylei's bottle she'd left and throws it as hard as he can toward the human patron while releasing a blood chilling screech demanding the man to shut up. The bottle misses and shatters into the wall. Tyler releases his hold on the table and with the amulet's chain cluntched tightly he wobbles toward the stairs, having to catch himself on the bar as he slams into it. Regaining his footing he moves to the stairs and makes it up three before falling and popping his chin, sending his teeth to rib his tongue causing only more upset in the man. If Skylei offered her help, he would rudely push her away before continuing up the stairs and following her into the room.

Skylei pushes Tyler down into the crude chair that the pair had both spent multiple nights sleeping in. Undoubtedly, with his blood loss he would have no chance in fighting against the half-elf, who has always been the stronger of the duo. If he tried to struggle against her, she would continue to push him down until he relented. Rather than start to answer his request, Skylei pulls off her shirt and begins methodically tearing it into strips. Reaching into her pockets she would pull out a familiar pot of green salve and ask a single question, “Do you trust me?” If he answered in the positive she would begin treating the worst of the wounds as best she could, first applying the salve and then wrapping her make-shift bandages around them. If not she would simply hold out the ointment and bandages and he could do what he wanted. She can’t look at him and she deliberately avoids eye contact.

Tyler indeed resists the half-elf, and tries to pick himself out of the chair shouting out for her to release him but eventually falls limp in the chair. At her questioning, he replies as tears continue to fall. "What choice do I have?" He turns away from her but keeps his arms out. Skylei doesn't have to look at him, for her too avoids eye contact. But as she begins to work the man does enough talking for both of them. "What, in the hell, is going on? Why does everyone want me dead? Who am I? The tall lady, s-she claims that I'm her friend but I'd never seen her a day in my d-damn life..." The human pauses and takes a stressed inhale before continuing. "Then, the-the-the psychopath in the city that hit me with her purse. S-she told me to stay dead, and to *explicit* kill myself, and I don't have the faintest *explicit* idea who she is!" Tyler snaps his neck to face Skylei, caramel hues tainted with a blood red from crying and pain. Even if the woman refused to face him, he would hold his stare. "A-A-And-and-and then there-there's you! The other night, you-you thought I was the same guy! Everyone things I'm some corrupted, evil bastard who did something so inconcieveable that I'm being damned by those I've never even met!" He pauses and turns to spit some blood from his mouth that has been pooling since he bit his tongue on the stairs. When he turns back he doesn't face Skylei but instead drops his head to face the floor. "But the thing is. You're all right. If I'm not this evil *explicit* bastard that everyone keeps claiming I am, then who the hell am I?" He swallows hard and the taste of blood causes him to nearly gag before he allows a few moments of silence to gather himself, attempting to control his sobbing before he continues. "I had memories. I thought I did. But now they seem so foggy and make believe... A-a-and this thing..." He grips the amulet tighter before releasing it and letting it fall to the floor with a thud. "Everytime I fall asleep without it, it wakes me up with this constant *explicit* humming, and when I sleep with it on I keep seeing... seeing... seeing you!" He exclaims loudly, blood and saliva accidently flinging from his maw onto Skylei's visage. It's at this point that the human begins to rethink his coming here and would jerk his arms away from Skylei and begin to dig his fingers around her work and pull it all off. "And then! Just an hour ago! When I wake up from the storm in the woods, I-I-I try to walk to find some shelter and run into this abomination of a creature in the way, who tries to rob me! I insist I don't have a damn copper to my name, why the hell else would I be in the storm at this hour! But he keeps going, calling me all sorts of things and when he tries to hit me, MY ARMS COMBUST INTO FLAMES! I BEGIN BURNING MYSELF AND LEAKING BLUE!" Tyler seems horrified at the sight of his arms as he continues to destroy Skylei's progress and even allows his index finger to dig into one of the cuts. "Even god hates me..." He pauses and falls limp in the chair once more. "I don't know what the hells going on... I should've stayed dead." His eyes raise in an attempt to meet Skylei's once more. "He. Should've stayed dead."

Skylei listens, she just listens. Every word breaks her heart but perhaps, just perhaps she begins to understand why he didn’t know who she was. Something has destroyed his memories but at least now he seems just as upset as she is. She doesn’t know who the two women he refers to are, although she can guess who the first one is. The woman in the city who hit him with the purse could be anyone. Tyler had been known to steal from plenty to pay for his room and board and Sky can only assume that it was one of those poor women. It never crosses her mind that it was her own best friend. She almost giggles at his panic over his illusions, she’s so nervous at the entire situation and to someone who still has all of her memories intact, it just seems a little ridiculous. She still can’t look at him and eventually she gives up trying to bind his wounds for the time being. He is too panicked, too upset, he moves and flails and turns and makes it impossible for her to treat the injuries. Eventually, he slumps into the chair and she would attempt to soothe him, making quiet noises as she attempts to start again, “I’m going to tell you what I know, okay? But you have to promise to sit still and let me treat all your wounds, okay?”

Tyler continues to stare at Skylei. His huffing and panting has calmed to a mere sniffle here and there as the man's face falls numb and has a buzz as if a thousand bee's are buzzing around beneath his skin. She offers him the knowledge he seeks in return for his cooperation for the wounds. Lifting his arms to stare at the wounds his stomach turns. Tyler hadn't known his magic was just an illusion, the poor man believed they were real and as such, they had burned him - badly. At least it was enough to scare away the attacker. Giving his arms a final turn he flexes his jaw and simply nods allowing them to fall back with a sniffle. "Yes." He now waits, hoping Skylei to explain while she works.

Skylei knows full well the pain that can come from an illusionary wound. It was in this very room that Tyler had had to hold her whilst she had faced the vile effects of the potion sewing flesh and bone together. With his co-operation, Sky would begin to treat the wounds. First she applies the salve, warning him before it touches the skin, “It might sting a little, especially on the burns, but it’ll give way to a numbing and cooling sensation.” If he didn’t back away at that disclaimer, she would begin the treatment. Her eyes stay glued to his wounds, it’s a lot easier to pretend she is simply a young girl again living in the house of a healer and assisting in the treatment of a patient than the reality is. In truth, it still breaks her heart to see him and to see him broken and to see him and have him not know who she is. Eventually she breaks her silence and decides to start small, “So, you remember that your name is Tyler, I guess that’s a start, though it seems to be all you’ve got.” She inhales and exhales, this is more difficult than she thought it would be, “You’re an illusionist; that’s what those flames that came out of your arms were, they’re illusions. Provided you understand that they don’t really exist then they can’t hurt you. Of course, you don’t go round telling all that many people about that because then you lose the edge you have. But if you don’t know they’re not real then they can cause all kinds of damage…” Skylei pauses as she is hit with a wave of memories; Tyler in the tavern, showing her an orc, Tyler as an orc, Tyler projecting things using the illusions and sharing his memories with her, the two of them cloaked in illusionary armour and finally an angry Tyler in the forest attacking her with his illusions. The latter memory, Skylei is not sure if it is memory or an illusionary memory, but either way, each one chokes her up and she would fall briefly silent again as she begins to rub the salve into his other arm.

Tyler does well in ignoring the pain of the salve that Skylei works into his arms, the human pushing his focus onto her words instead. His mind is boggled as she makes a bold statement, one insisting he is of magi descent and capable of performing 'illusions', the human is ready to argue that she is wrong but quickly finds himself biting his already broken tongue. He's faced enough to know, that what he knows, he doesn't. Instead of presenting an argument he merely shakes his head for a moment and sighs. "What the hell is an illusion going to do to anyone?" His eyes fall to his own injuries that offer an ample reply to his question as he takes a deep breath. "Alright. So I'm a freak who can make imaginary flames... I find that provides little detail of who I really am." He pauses and decides to try something else. "My name is Tyler, Tyler Dyalus. I'm not from here. At least, I don't think I am. I remember my mother, my father, my brother and my two sisters. I remember them... well, I think I remember them. Caring, gentle, kind and sweet. I left home to find work here, and on the boat I was drugged by some blue skinned creep... I woke up in the frozen city without any clothes... That's all I remember." A sharp shaken inhale as he faces Skylei. "Is that me?"

Skylei continues to rub the salve into his skin as she listens to the story of his ‘life’. How can she tell him that what little he knows is complete and utter fabrication? She knows that this man is her Tyler, the human that she fell in love with all those months ago. If nothing else, the amulet alone tells her that Tyler’s blood runs in his veins. But even so, she doesn’t want to tell him any more, not until she is sure that he will accept that what she says is fact. So, as she pulls her hand away from the wounds and closes the pot of salve, she is able to look him in the eye for the first time. “Tyler, before you say any more, I need to know. Do you think you could be m-“, She stops, blushes and recomposes herself, “Do you think that you could be the same Tyler that people think you are? Because unless you believe you could be I… I don’t think I can do this.”

Tyler offers a look of confusion as Skylei caps the salve and begins to question him. At first the emotion remains and he seems ready to completely trash the idea all together. But after a moment the starving, insomnia suffering, blood covered, tear-stained emotional wreck of a human does something unheard of. He laughs. Raising his hand to wipe his nostrils with the back of his hand he begins to nod rapidly. "What other answer is there?" He holds his damaged hands up to her and turns them. "I've seen far stranger shit happen." He chuckles again, an honest to god smile visable for only a moment before his head drops back to face the floor, breaking eye contact with Skylei.

Skylei is glad when his eyes drop to the floor. She can’t look at him any longer than she has to because, what he doesn’t seem to realise with his careless laugh, is just how serious this is for her. The man sitting before her, covered in blood is her life. She loves him without question in spite of all the pain he has put her through and whatever feelings he had for her have been completely decimated. And that hurts. So she continues with her clinical approach, both physically as she begins to wrap strips of her shirt around the worst of the wounds, and mentally as she attempts to keep the emotions she feels at bay, “Your name is Tyler. You never told me what your second name was because you didn’t have a good relationship with your family. You told me that no one ever really paid you any attention whilst you were growing up. So, the family you remember could be real but your relationship with them is a lie. I’m sorry. But you’re right; you’re not from this land. When you arrived you lived in this tavern for a while, in this room actually.” She pauses and ties a knot in the first of the bandages, tying a little tighter than she intends to. It’d likely pinch his skin but Skylei doesn’t notice as she continues, “You are an illusionist. You even once defeated a dragon in a tournament.”

Tyler releases a hiss as Skylei gives him a good pinch by accident, the human pulling his arm away to rub at the affected area before slowly lowering it back to the wood elf, he notices it was wasn't intentional and allows the moment to pass. Her words sting far worse. He has no way of telling if she is lying to him or not, but for some reason he believes she isn't. The man swallows and nods as she speaks. "So I'm not only a bastard, but a magical lunatic that fights dragonkin?" The short lived joyful emotions seem to fade as Tyler's past life sinks in a bit. "Even so... That doesn't answer why people treat me like, like, like I'm some *explicit* demon around here." Tyler's eyes raise to find Skylei's, if she wouldn't look he would attempt to lift her chin and force her. "Why did I kill myself?"

Skylei utters an apology and loosens the bandage on his arm. She takes up new pieces of cloth and begins to cover the next wound; it’s a wash, rinse, repeat process that distracts her mind from the fact that she still wants to burst into tears. But then he takes hold of her chin and makes her look into those eyes. She feels herself melt underneath his gaze. Those caramel eyes still make her feel giddy as they always have done. But now, she feels as though she’s looking into the eyes of her lover and a stranger all at once. As soon as he’s finished speaking, Sky pulls her eyes away from his and back to the cloth. If she had to force his hand from her chin, she would. And she certainly wouldn’t speak until his eyes were no longer boring into her. And Skylei can’t even answer that question. She wants to know the answer but she still doesn’t, “All you told me is that you wanted to be normal again.” At this moment, Skylei inadvertently lies to the man and breaks the one promise that she had made herself; that she wouldn’t talk about the relationship that she and Tyler had had. That was private and personal. “You… you filled my mind with illusionary memories. To help me get over you. That-… That’s how much you loved me.” Skylei believes this is the reality. If she was aware of the actual reality, Tyler would likely be receiving abuse and punches instead of treatment and care. He might even be dead by her own hands.

Tyler indeed has to have his hand forced from Skylei. As she shoves his hand to the side the hint is well received and his eyes fall from her back to his beaten arms. As she details what would be his final words to the woman, the man simply laughs again though this time it's a chuckle of pity. "Yeah. Normal. Poor bastard got that right, alright." He remarks sarcastically. As she tells him of the illusions he had filled her head with he sighs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He bites at the inside of his cheek, and splashes the blood in his mouth around a bit before swallowing. "I don't know why he... I did what I did. I can't give you any answers. I can't. I really - really wish I knew myself." The man pauses to wipe his nostrils again before looking to Skylei once again. "I don't know what I did. I don't know why it's got everyone in such a fuss about me. Whatever it was, I must've been... well, a dick." His idled hand moves to take hold of one of Skylei's as she works and he provides a firm squeeze. "Whatever he did to you. I'm sorry." He releases and would take a moment to look at Skylei's work before speaking again. "The lady in the city told me to stay dead. That the world is better off without me. Apparently, I haven't made a single friend in this area... excluding you before all of this. There isn't anything for me here... You said I at least had a home right? Outside of this place? ...Do you know where it is? I can't stay here." He grinds his teeth before turning to spit a mix of blood and saliva once more. Before turning back to the half elf, his ears peaked in hopes of an honest reply.

Skylei can’t listen to any more of this. Flat out ignoring his question she simply begins talking. Though she begins quietly, her words become increasingly quicker and more garbled, “Stop it!” She tells him, “Stop it. She was wrong, everyone is wrong, YOU are wrong! I loved…” She pauses and mulls over her next word, “him. I loved him. He didn’t hurt me. He made mistakes and so did I but he loved me and I loved him. And I don’t want him to be dead…” What Skylei is struggling to accept is the fact that whilst Tyler may physically be before her She seems to utterly lose her rationale at this point and simply begins shouting facts at him, “You hate fish. You can’t climb trees. You scratch your stomach when you speak because you got stabbed there and you don’t like the way they treated the wound. You don’t believe in the gods. You don’t make friends easily. You get injured on a near daily basis. You make crap choices – you ALWAYS make *explicit*ing terrible choices!” Skylei stops, wild eyed and out of breath and collapses onto the bed, “And… and…” She can’t continue, she just bursts into tears and buries her face in her hands.

Tyler is taken back by Skylei's sudden outburst. The man maintaining a look of confusion as she continues her rant up until the point that she falls onto the bed and begins to cry to the same degree that he had been mere moments ago. His right hand slides down until his fingertips reach the bottom of his torn shirt. They curl and grip the fabric as he slowly pulls it back. What he sees causes him to close his eyes and place the shirt down. Upon his stomach, a rather unfortunante scar that he suddenly has an urge to dig his nails into. Upon slowly opening his eyes he would raise to his feet and move to the bed, taking a seat beside her (her legs atleast). He doesn't say anything for a while. He listens to the elf cry herself out. Once she has calmed a bit he speaks. "So I am him then." He eyes his hands as they take a clawed form. He concentrates, as hard as he can. Small specks of mana spark from his fingers before fading only furthering the evidence to the human. "When I sleep with the amulet. I see you." He repeats. "I also see something else.. and someone else." He would raise his hand and spread his index finger and thumb no more than roughly three inches apart. "A small.. thing. It's yellow, but it shines. In the dreams, I'll see you. Then the shiny thing and when I look back to you. I see someone behind you. Some hooded creep. It's usually around then that I wake up." He turns on the bed and stares at Skylei. "There was a book in the bag I brought with me. Some journel with horrid handwriting in it. I lost it when I had to throw it at the woman in the city to get away from her." He stares into Skylei's eyes if she offers them as he tries to find an answer from her. "I couldn't read most of it. But it had something about blood enchantments as a title." He motions to his amulet now resting on the floor. "I'm assuming it was my notes before I... off'd myself... Why would he leave them with me? Does any of this make any sense to you?"

Skylei continues crying for some time. When he takes a seat by her she just starts to cry harder. She wants to throw her arms around him and have him offer her some comfort. But he doesn’t even know her well enough to know how to comfort her. Eventually she would regain her self-control, her breathing would slow down and the tears would stop rolling down her face. That face is now red and puffy and she simply looks like a wreck. Then he starts to talk again. She almost begs him to stop and to let her rest and they could try again tomorrow. But something stops her from stopping him and she listens as he tells her about the horrible dreams that have been plaguing him. She knows exactly who she thinks the figure that stands behind her in his sleeping visions is. And it’s exactly what she has been dreading. Skylei has her own suspicions surrounding Tyler’s suicide and it all boils down to one thing; Relyt. He had told her that he had destroyed that darkness inside of him so that he could be with her. But she had seen the vision where he had sobbed like a child over the destruction of the dark entity. She had seen the pain in his eyes. And, in the days that followed his death in her few moments of lucid thoughts, she had formulated the idea that Tyler couldn’t bear to live without Relyt and so had decided to die and join him. She takes this as confirmation of her theory and opens her mouth to speak. Instead of words what comes out is a huge shuddering sob.

Tyler remains near motionless at the edge of the age old bed. His hands are now locked with one another as Skylei listens. It isn't until she lets out the sob that his mouth twists into a frown of disappointment. The man was becoming certain that he would gain no aid from this woman, but still, the nagging in the back of his head remained beckoning him to persist. He turns to face her and calls out in a low tone. "Do you know anything?" He hopes this doesn't press the woman too far. He didn't like seeing her upset, even though she still seemed a bit insane to him.

Skylei manages to nod once before another sob forces its way out of her unwilling mouth. Tyler clearly doesn’t realise the trauma that he has managed to cause this woman. To recap; in his life he caused her days of worry, nearly dying on a weekly basis before confessing that he had destroyed the root of his evil, an evil that she hadn’t even been able to comprehend or believe existed, and then enslaving her mind before allowing her to believe that he had committed suicide. Any lesser woman who didn’t possess the loyalty that Sky possesses would have run for the hills. And yet, here she sits, breaking her already shattered heart into a million more pieces. Of course, Tyler knows nothing of this and instead thinks she’s insane. Well isn’t that a nice thanks for her unwavering love, hey? In between sobs, the red faced half-elf manages to choke out a few words, “I know. I know about the journal and the amulets and the figure in your dreams. You told me everything.” She falls silent before telling him something that destroys her further, “I don’t think you want to know. You can have a new life without it.”

Tyler eyes the woman and a devilish smirk spills across his complexion at her attempt of reasoning to withhold the information. His pushes his hair from his face and holds it at the top of his head allowing a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. "I think you're wrong. I think, I don't know, what I -really- want to know." He releases the fistful of hair which unfortunantly falls right back into his face. A turn of the neck is given to try and toss the bangs from his sight. "I think the only way for me to know, what I want to know... is to know." An open palm falls onto Skylei's leg and caramel eyes pierce the woman. "I think there is a lot of questions left unanswered. For both of us. I think it's only reasonable that you help me find out about my past life, so that you can find out what happened to your husband-to-be." His fingers tighten on her leg in an attempt to assert his tone. He wasn't trying to give her a choice.

Skylei attempts to push his hand from her leg. There is an uncomfortable undertone of violence behind his touch that leaves her feeling uncomfortable; she knows without doubt that he will not relent until she gives in and gives him what it is that she wants. And where he isn’t willing to bend, she is forced to sway. She continues to tray and brush that hand from her leg, though her hear is clearly not in it any longer and she begins to speak in a low tone, “You had a darkness inside of you, like an alter ego if you will, that pushed you to do things that you normally wouldn’t do. You were good and sweet and kind and he was dark and twisted.” Skylei doesn’t know how best to emphasise the depths of Relyt’s depravity, “You dreamt of killing me.” Admittedly, Sky doesn’t realise if he would realise how unlike himself this behaviour was but it’s the best she can do, “I don’t know how long it had been there but it was there for as long as we’ve known each other. I don’t know why you’re dreaming about him… you destroyed him. You showed me how you did it. And you cried as though you’d killed your best friend.” Skylei wants to add an extra note on the end, although she doesn’t. What does it matter to the man with no memories that he had once chosen her over part of his own persona. That wouldn’t mean anything any more.

Tyler runs his tongue across his top teeth in thought before nodding and finally releasing his hold on Skylei's leg. He offers a low hum before nodding and picking himself up from the bed. He snags the amulet from the floor and quickly tosses it around his neck. Almost immediately the amulet comes to life with a beauitful glow that Skylei's would mirror on cue. "I'm going to find my satchel." He raises an index finger to point to Skylei's amulet. "And that thing says you're coming with me." The man doesn't seem to care of the late hour as he reaches down and offers a hand to Skylei. "I tossed it in the city out east of here. It isn't that far." He eagerly waits for her to take his bandaged hand. The human didn't want to go alone. It was also likely he would have more questions for the woman along the way.

Skylei presses her hand over the top of her amulet in an attempt to mask the glow. The light spills out from around her fingers and, after a few moments, she drops her hand to her side and allows it to shine, paired with Tyler’s. She attempts to reason with him; it’s late, there are criminals on the road, doesn’t he remember Kelay’s reputation (of course he doesn’t, Sky. Poor boy barely remembers his own name)!? But likely these protestations would come to no avail and she would be forced to go along with him. But she doesn’t take his hand. Her arms are crossed obstinately across her chest. The last time she took the hand of a stranger and walked out of this tavern all that it got her was a world of pain.

Tyler's extended hand is ignored causing his finger tips to slowly curl over his palm until he is left with a fist. A partial frown and nod is given in acceptance to the rejection as Skylei rises and crosses her arms, a clear hint that she doesn't want to be touched. "Alright. Well enough then..." Her arguments of the hour and criminals are indeed noted, but quite ignored. "Easy. You said I can do illusion-doodle-magic right? I'll just summon' something up to scare off the bad guys. Hmm..." He ponders for a moment before snapping his fingers. "I've got it! Super bad ass undead coming up!" His eyelids fall and arms extend as Tyler begins to concentrate as hard as he can. Blue mana sparking from his finger tips for a moment. Though rather all that Tyler manages to conjure up is a rather shady looking pair of high heels that take to his feet for just a second before vanishing. He blushes and clears his throat. "Ah, ahem. Erm, so... maybe this stuffs a little harder than I thought." Reaching down he pulls a makeshift dagger from his boot and stuffs it into his pocket before nodding. "Off we go then." He is quick to make his descent out of the Kelay Tavern and into the way. The human suddenly becoming very aware of the creatures of the night as he tries to stay huddled a bit closer to Skylei in hopes that the woman will intimidate a few of the beings with her... super elfness. After all, humans were little more than food in Hollow. Either way, he continues the path to the east. A direct course set for Cenril, to Beloy street when the crazy purse lady had attacked him.

Skylei can’t help but laugh in spite of herself at Tyler’s utterly pathetic attempt at magic. The man she loved had more talent in his little fingernail than he is displaying now and it is comical to see him fail so badly. She doesn’t bother to mask her amusement, and a smirk is seen on her face. Skylei would follow him out of the room and down through the tavern, aware of the dirty looks that the pair are given as they wander down. She pulls away from Tyler briefly to throw a couple of coins on the bar top for Mesthak, though she retains the key for that room, sliding it into one of her pockets. Having shed one of her layers to provide aid for Tyler’s wounds, the half-elf shivers as they make it out into the night, pulling the oversized coat she wears tighter around her body. As they begin to walk, she produces a small ball of fire from her left hand, holding it in her palm and using it to light the darkness of the path that they walk along. She doesn’t make conversation.

Tyler finds himself rather envious of the giant coat Skylei wears. The man all too aware of his near naked state. He supresses a whine and then jolts as Skylei conjures an open flame in her hand. A look of surprise going between the flame and the half elf. He tries to huddle a bit closer, careful not to touch her as he craves the warmth from the flame as well as the protection it provides from any would be thugs. Tyler doesn't offer much for conversation either, not because he doesn't want to, but quite honestly because he is scared out of his mind. It isn't obvious to him but he is walking at a near sprint in an attempt to get out of Kelay as quick as possible and it actually doesn't take long for the bridge to Cenril to come into view just on the horizon. It's at this point that he whispers to the half elf, "There's a couple of greenskins that like to hang around here... Not too fond of humans, but I've never seen them during the ni-" The man is cut short as a group of three orcs can be seen moving from the right of the bridge. Tyler halts in his tracks and sighs. "Know another way in?" He asks from behind chattering teeth. His arms wrapped tightly around himself now.

Skylei finds herself utterly fed up of Tyler by the time they reach that bridge. She’s used to the human being whiny, clingy and annoying. But this constant inability to do anything or remember anything without her prompting quite frankly is beginning to piss her off. Something has changed inside of her, leaving her bristling with irritation by the end of that short walk. Now, Skylei hates orcs. Skylei hates very few things more than she hates orcs and a close encounter with a group of imbecilic creatures is not something she would often willingly walk into. But she is so utterly sick of Tyler, and of this entire situation, that she simply brushes past him and walks straight towards where the orcs lurk at the bridge. Does she want to see him suffer? Perhaps a little bit. It is his choice whether he wants to follow her or not.

Tyler nearly squeaks as Skylei takes off in the direction of the Orcs, an open hand extends after her as he calls out, "Wait!" but to no avail. As Skylei makes it to the Orcs, they let her pass with no issue excluding some perverted eyes. Tyler swallows heavy and sighs before taking a deep breath and attempting to follow the woman. His head falls and his knees begin to shake as he gets closer to the Orcs. He isn't even able to reach the bridge by the time they are moving in on him. As the trio surrounds him his head remains down. Some banter is passed between the greenskins as they recall Tyler and begin to mock him. It doesn't take long before they start shoving him around. The already injured man turns a dark red in a mix of anger and embaressment. It's around this time that one of the Orc's sends some spit on a collision course with Tyler's face. The glob of mucus and saliva landing direction on his cheek. As they laugh, The humans face turns to a scowl. His hand lunges for the crude blade in his pocket and he goes to work. Before the orc's know what's happening the blade has already been driven into the gut of the one in front of Tyler three times. To his left, one of the monsters goes to throw a hard punch aimed for the scrawny humans skull. He ducks to dodge and then brings the dagger up in an uppercut, catching the orc's arm before turning his head and digging his teeth into the rough hide of the beast. The orc screams in pain as Tyler's free hand, which is gripping his armpit, burst into flames and severely burns him. The third orc manages to catch Tyler during his attack in the ribcage, a loud pop signalling a fractured or perhaps broken rib causes the human to release his hold on his victim and stagger a few feet. Though as he regains footing those caramel eyes show a strong hint of malice as Tyler stares to the final Orc with hate in his eyes and blood spilling from his mouth. He shakes excess fluid from the dagger and readies for the attack. The orc roars and pulls back to heave a blow in Tyler direction, though he doesn't get the chance. The illusionist has already lunged toward the Orc and jabbed the dagger into his chest while pushing his full weight onto the beast sending him toppling to the ground with a thud. Tyler mounts the beast and grips his dagger tightly. He pulls it from the Orc's chest and repeatedly begins stabbing the Orc in the throat, cheeks and eyes multiple times with both hands, all without saying a word. Once the final Orc lays lifeless on the ground, Tyler finally picks himself up and begins moving to the bridge. The duo of remaining green skins moving out of his way while their open hands clinch their wounds. He doesn't make a sound as he bumps into Skylei to move past her. He pockets the dagger, places a hand on his ribs and continues toward Beloy street. His skin burning hot now, at least the cold wouldn't be an issue.

Skylei doesn’t even bat an eyelid as she walks past the orcs. Act confident and no one will mess with you; and for her it works. Tyler is less lucky, and Skylei cannot help but think that it would have been so much easier if he had simply held his head high and walked on by. Turning her attention to the dirt trapped in her nails, she misses the initial confrontation between Tyler and the greenskins and only realises that something is afoot at the sound of confrontation and screaming. Pulling the bow that always rests on her back ready, Sky is horrified by what she sees. So horrified that she doesn’t actually do anything at all. Tyler is neither offered assistance nor told to stop and her face doesn’t betray any emotion. As Tyler walks towards her with orc blood on his hands, Sky would put the bow back on her back and begin walking a pace behind him. After three paces, Skylei would grab hold of the human with both hands and yank him back towards her, pulling at his arm so that he was facing her. She wouldn’t stop pulling on his arm until he stopped and looked her in the eye. Tyler would likely feel the warmth in his skin for some time longer as Skylei aims her flattened hand as his cheek with some degree of force, and admonishes him for his behaviour, “No! What in Sven’s name was that? This isn’t you! This isn’t what you’re like, Tyler!” Her voice is low, quiet. She’s aware of the night and the people and the likely presence of the guard, but her tone carries all the condemnation in the world for his behaviour. Skylei hates orcs, but she also hates Tyler in that moment.

Tyler winces as Skylei pulls on him. Gritting his teeth and offering a sharp inhale as he is spun to face Skylei. The anger still very evident in the man's eyes as Skylei begins to berate him. His face begins to twitch as he attempts to hold back from shouting in her face. The human trying to compose himself, and succeeding only in resisting the urge to shout and keep some rather foul words out of his vocabulary for the moment. " -I'm- not like anything. I don't know what the piss he would have done there, but I'm damn sure you wouldn't of just left him alone like that, would'ja princess?" Tyler's eyes rapidly jolt between hers. He then promptly wipes his mouth to try and clear the blood and turns on his heel continuing.

Skylei could happily slap him again. It’s a miracle she doesn’t. Instead she simply snarls a few words right in his face before he stomps off, “Don’t you *explicit*ing dare call me princess.” She doesn’t follow him. She’s in half a mind to turn around and walk straight back to Kelay, but the bodies of three dead orcs lie on the bridge and right in her way. She knows full well she doesn’t want to be anywhere nearby when the relevant authorities make that discovery. So she takes a seat on the bench, whilst she fumes with bottled up anger and attempts to plan her next move.

Tyler growls as Skylei calls after him. The human jerking the amulet off of his neck yet again, this time throwing it as hard as he can to Skylei's feet. "Fine! Just sit there! Just cry some more! But don't you dare *explicit*ing blame me when you realize you gave up the chance to get your husband back you self-centered bitch!" Tyler isn't really aware of what he's saying to the woman. He feels a pang of guilt but the anger of her leaving him to fend for himself is more than enough to keep him fueled. As he continues to hobble across the bridge and into Cenril he keeps his hand on his ribs but finds the other constantly going to grab at the amulet. He feels heavy and can't hold back the tears that are welling up in his eyes. Despite everything that's been happening, the amulet some how brought him comfort. But still, he felt his point was made. He presses on.

Skylei is as angry as Tyler is. But the bounce of the amulet off the cold hard stones of the pathway, instead of calming the rage that’s bubbling inside of her, simply bring it to the surface, “FIANCÉ.” She screams after him as he walks away from her, “You are my fiancé! Not my bloody husband! And thank the gods for that, because clearly only an idiot would marry you.” There’s one key thing in this tirade of anger that Tyler probably wouldn’t notice – the use of the present tense. Perhaps, in her rage, Skylei doesn’t realise this, but it is the first time she has equated her relationship with Tyler post-fake-suicide to her one with Tyler prior to that unfortunate incident. She doesn’t move, save to pick the amulet up from the ground. Running a finger across the front of the heart shaped charm, she checks to see if Tyler’s rage has caused any visible damage; it hasn’t. Then she slips the chain of the second amulet over her neck so that it sits side by side with her own.

Tyler is mostly out of ear shot by the time Skylei calls after him. All he hears is the echo of her voice. It doesn't take too long before the human enters the city, though he gets a few stern stares from the guards he is allowed to enter without much dispute. He begins making his way to Beloy, trying hard to remember the location he had his confrontation with Josleen. Eventually, it pays off but of course after two weeks or so it only makes sense that his satchel is no where to be found. A hefty sigh is given as he begins to scour the area. Under benches, in dumpsters, pretty much everywhere the man can look. He groans, as he bends over to pick up a rock, the busted rib causing him discomfort. Twirling the rock around in his hand he sighs and is ready to give up. But something catches his eye. A nearby street lanter's reflection off of a shop window reveals a very familiar brown bag sitting in the front of the store. A light chuckle, "You've got to be kidding me..." He notes the sign. 10 Copper coins. Another chuckle. "Oh, c'mon. It's worth more than that." At this hour all of the shops are closed and the streets fairly empty. He digs in his pocket for a moment and pulls it inside out. Of course, he's broke. His lips press to the side as his teeth begin to bit at the soft meat on the inside as he thinks. He stares at the window, then double takes to the rock in his hand. His expression lights up as he checks over his shoulders to ensure he is the only one around. Then, he pulls back and launches the rock through the window. The smash of the glass rings out much louder than he'd like as he swings into action and grabs the bag. Without a doubt it's his, but it's also empty. He curses beneath his breath as he crawls in through the window and moves into the shop. Looking all over to see if the journal is located nearby. The sound of dogs barking and footsteps rushing down the street can be heard just a bit away.

Skylei would like to pretend that she doesn’t give a crap about Tyler. Once she’s calmed a little she starts swinging her legs on the bench and whistling a jaunty elven tune; one might almost be convinced by her devil may care attitude towards the human. But then she hears the crash of breaking glass and, a few moments later, the sounds of dogs and of movement. Her hearing is far superior to the human’s and so it doesn’t take her long to realise that this is Tyler’s doing. Of course it’s bloody Tyler’s doing. When has he ever managed to do anything without causing a whole heap of trouble?! Without a thought, she takes off in the direction of the sound of the broken glass, amulets bouncing up and down as testimony to the pace that she moves at. As she reaches the site of the disturbance she takes in the new carnage and peering, through the smashed window, she sees him. “What in Sven’s name are you doing?” she questions. She doesn’t wait another moment before following him into the shop, through the window no less as he continues his hunt for the journal. The sound of people and dogs are growing increasingly louder; they’ve got a grand total of two minutes, if that to flee the scene. “We need to get out of here, Tyler. Now.”

Tyler doesn't spare a glance to Skylei as she arrives. Instead he replies in a monotone at her hissing. "Y'know, I'm starting to see why I don't like gods, you know with you mentioning one every five damn seconds." The human continues to knock items off of the store shelves and even rips the cardboard doors off the back of the display cabinets in his search. As the sound of authorities growing louder, the pressure starts to press down on the already wounded human. He whines a bit before seeing a small box sitting beside the store owners stool. He grabs hold and dumps the contents onto the floor. It's mostly junk, old quills, torn parchment, a few shirts that have been turned into rags, odd and ends but at the bottom of the mess he finds it. His journal. He snags it and flips it open to examine a few pages and confirm it's his. A sigh of relief is given as he stuffs it into his bag. Jumping the counter he charges towards Skylei and grabs her by the hand. He pulls her to the window as he climbs over, then turns to aid her out. As he does he hears a voice call out as a group of eight or so guards turn the corner at the far end of the street. "You there! Halt!" Another curse as he pulls Skylei over. His teeth biting into his lip hard as his rib spikes yet again. When the duo are over he keeps hold of the half elf's hand and pulls her back toward the direction they came, his frail frame surprisingly fast as he sprints.

Skylei is about to reply with some witty retort about how the gods don’t like him either, when she realises that time is running out quicker than she realised. Instead of that, and instead of leaving him to face the music alone she simply hisses his name repeatedly, until he finds the journal and decides it’s finally time to make a break for it. She doesn’t even object to him taking her hand and dragging her out of the shop and through the window. Sods law that by this time the guard have shown up, though fortunately they are still half-way down the street, and the duo are left running through the streets. She keeps pace with him for the most part as they run, but can’t help but chide his approach, “We can’t bloody outrun them, T-“ She stops before saying his name, realising that if there’s any time not to give away a man’s identity it’s whilst running from the Cenril guard. Eventually, as they reach the turn on Beloy Street, she tightens her grip on his hand and pulls him in the opposite direction and into an alleyway between two rows of houses filled with bins. Panting for breath she asks him a question, repeating it until he answers, “Did they get a good look at us? Do they know what we look like?”

Tyler is out of breath and clinching his side as he hunches over in pain once they make it into the alley. The human hissing back at the half elf; "How the hell should I know!?" He falls against the wall of the alley and lifts his chin to face the sky taking heavy, rapid breaths. The sound of the guard signals that the duo only have a few seconds to make a plan. The human holds out his hand and tries to summon something, anything. Besides a few sparks of mana he's got nothing. He looks to Skylei pleadingly.

Skylei doesn’t have time to wait for his answer. She doesn’t have a proper plan, certainly not enough of a plan to be certain that it’ll work but they can’t run any further and there’s nowhere to hide. As it would happen, Josleen, or rather Josleen’s choice in literature (namely terrible romantic literature) is the form of inspiration for her ‘plan’. Her coat is pulled from her back and thrown around Tyler’s shoulders before he can say a word and her hands pull her hair out of their neatly bound braids, allowing curls to bounce wildly around her shoulders. She has enough time to mutter a few words of ‘warning’ before she enacts the final part of her plan, “Just pretend you’re enjoying it, okay?” Then she places her hands underneath his chin and pulls his face upwards, whilst pushing his back against the wall and she kisses him. She can only hope that if the guards look down this alleyway, all they’ll see is a pair of lovers engaging in a clandestine night time tryst. If not, they are royally screwed.

Tyler doesn't get to assess the situation long by the time Skylei makes her move. One second he is staring at her pleadingly, and the next her lips are locked with his. It's hard to breath in his winded state as their lips touch. Though he does as she instructs and tries to enjoy the moment. His tense body begins to relax as he wraps his arms around her. His lips moving in perfect rythmn with her own. The sound of the guard coming seems so distant that he nearly forgets their in trouble. In fact, everything around him seems to cease to exist as he melts with the elf in his arms. As the duo finally break apart it seems their plan has worked as the sound of the pursuit is now off in the distance, they passed them completely. Tyler doesn't speak, instead he rests his eyes on Skylei.

Skylei doesn’t enjoy the embrace half as much as Tyler does. The juxtaposition of the familiarity and strangeness is almost too much to bear and she struggles to fight off the urge to cry and the urge to run away. In that moment, more than any other they have shared since he has come back to her, Sky feels as though she is with her Tyler. His body fits hers just as perfectly as it always has and his lips move against hers in the most hauntingly familiar way. And now, as they break apart, she stands under the uncomfortable gaze of his eyes and there are so many words that are left unsaid. Instead of waiting for him to speak or offering him anything real and meaningful, she simply smiles a false smile and takes a few steps backwards so that she is pressed against the opposing wall of the alleyway, “I guess that worked well enough.” Her hands begin to scrape her hair into some semblance of order, before tying it in a simple ponytail off her face. Once her hands are free, she leans towards him and plucks the coat from his shoulders, “And I’ll be having that back too.”

Tyler doesn't speak as Skylei pulls away, straightens herself out and then takes her coat. The man instead stares to her until she begins adjusting her hair at which point his eyes fall to the cobblestone beneath his feet which allows Skylei to grab her coat with ease. Finally, after she's ready to move he offers some barely audible words. "Uhm... I... Yeah." He turns to begin exiting the alley. His left hand raised to press his fingertips against his lips before falling under his eyes examine. He then places the hand back on his ribs and steps into the street. His head turns to the stars and he calculates for a minute before nearly whispering to Skylei. "We should be back to the tavern by the morning." Without another word he holds the satchel close to his side while his other hand continues to clutch the wounded ribs, he presses on to Kelay.

Skylei slides back into the coat and waits for Tyler’s response. Funnily enough, she’s almost forgotten the chill of the night air thanks to her strange plan. At the sound of his flustered words, Skylei feels a strange pull in her stomach, which she’s hard pressed to ignore. Could it be that he felt something? She doesn’t even want to question it yet. It’s too much to hope for. Instead she simply follows him down the alleyway and back onto the street. When he lets her know that they will be home by morning, she nods and falls into pace with him. They would walk for two minutes in silence before Skylei does anything else. Reaching over her head she takes the second of the two amulets she wears and removes it from her neck. Edging closer to the human and seeing that his hands are occupied, she would attempt to put the chain over his head, if he would let her.

Tyler savors the silence between them and constantly finds his gaze wandering off to the sky. He couldn't explain it, but for some reason he found the night sky fascinating, more interesting that even the highest level of any magic. He is able to spot a shooting star just as he feels Skylei moving to place the amulet around his neck. He doesn't resist. As the heart falls to his chest he moves his hand that held the satchel to take hold of it and refuses to let go. As they step back onto the far end of Kelay Way he speaks; "Did he enjoy the stars?" His voice is still soft and a bit lost. All of the anger from earlier has faded completely despite his person still being soaked in blood and the dagger pertruding from his pocket speaking loudly of his actions.

Skylei pauses as he asks that question. Her hand would fall gently on his, the one resting against the amulet on his chest, and encourage him to fall still alongside her. If she persuaded him to do so, she wouldn’t wait for him to drag his eyes from the stars. She knows the man, she’s seen him walk like this a million times with his head in the stars and his mind on something beyond what they know to be real. Instead of waiting for his eyes to meet hers, she would speak just as softly as he had, “You love the stars. I often wonder what you see up there that I don’t; perhaps you’re looking at the beyond and seeing whole other worlds.” Once she’d spoken, she’d drop her hand from his and cast her own gaze up to the heavens for a few seconds.

Tyler halts with Skylei and though it would be hard to see in the darkness, offers a bright blush as her hand falls on his, but he doesn't fight it off. Instead he would turn to her until she looked to the sky and he would follow suite. He allows silence to engulf the two of them for a moment before speaking. "I don't know what I see either." He become aware of the chill on the back of his hand as hers falls. They stay locked in a stare to the great galaxy above them for what seems like forever before the man finally decides to keep up their pace. Clearing his throat he would drop his head back to the road and continue on his path without another word.

Skylei doesn’t see the blush that falls on his cheeks thanks to the cover of darkness. She would wait until he had looked up at the night sky for long enough and then, she follows him. She would walk half a pace behind him as they continue along Kelay Way, drawing closer to the more heavily populated area; it wouldn’t be all that long until the duo reached the steps of the tavern. Eventually she would speak once more, “Is there anything else you need me to tell you?” she falls silent again briefly before adding a second part to that question, “I mean, I know you better than anyone else in this world, yourself included. I just don’t want you to walk away from this and have questions unanswered.”

Tyler has pressed his hands into his pockets before they reach the taverns steps. He comes to a stop a few steps ahead of Skylei and turns to face her as she speaks to him. He starts to rub at his ribs yet again and lifts the shirt to reveal a dark purple/black afflicted area. He pretends to be assessing the wound, though he is actually wondering if he should ask what comes to mind. He waits a minute before lowering his shirt and bringing his eyes to meet Skylei's stormy greys. He bites at his lip for a moment, then parts his lips to speak but the breath seems to leave him and he closes his mouth exhaling through his nostrils as he shakes his head. Lowering himself onto the steps he sits for a rest as the sun begins to break the horizon. Tyler offers one final glance to the quickly fading stars and becomes disappointed that the comfort they offered is fading rapidly. Reaching into the satchel he pulls out the notebook he had stuffed there and pulls back the cover. The first four pages are just jotted notes on blood enchantments with crude drawings and highly illegible writing sprawled across them. As he reaches around the center of the book there are illustrations of the necrolyte temple and mentionings of Relyt on the page. Tyler examines them with little interest as he slowly folds the notebook closed before leaning back and hissing at the pain in his chest before looking back up to Skylei. "What happens to me, when this is over?" An tender tone is offered as his eyes quickly fall to his feet as he awaits an answer from the woman before him.

Skylei doesn’t know if she understands what it is that he is asking. Still, she is pained to see the wound that litters his body; it seems that, in spite of his loss of memory some things never change. Tyler will always be a walking disaster, a ticking bomb that could explode and cause injury (likely to himself) at any moment. She can’t understand why he waits so long to speak, she sees him open his mouth and then close it and cannot ascertain what it would be that he wouldn’t feel able to say to her. The words he chooses leave her confused, so she would take a seat beside him and ask softly, “What do you mean?”

Tyler chuckles a bit and shakes his head in dismissal to Skylei. "Nothing." He responds in a light manner. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly as his eyes fall shut, the sound of the birds singing their morning tune surrounding the man quickly as the darkness of the way fades to nothing. He presses all of his weight onto his left elbow before allowing his head to fall on Skylei's shoulder. "I'm sorry for what I said back there. On the bridge." His right foot digs around in the dirt as he offers the apology, his eyes glued to the ground in shame.

Skylei doesn’t move as Tyler rests the weight of his head on her shoulder. She lets him sit there quietly without responding to his apology. Is she trying to make him squirm? Eventually she moves the hand closest to him, resting it on his leg. “It wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry.” She reaches her hand over and puts her fingertips against his cheek to guide his eyes to her own. Even if she succeeds, Sky wouldn’t drop her hand from his face. She almost forgets that he doesn’t know her anymore, “And I don’t believe it is nothing. Tell me?” If he would maintain eye contact with her, he would see that they are laced with an overwhelming desire to know exactly what it is that troubles him. She cares. That much is obvious.

Tyler trembles beneath her touch. His eyes shaking as they connect with her own. Underneath the pressure he finally relents and admits to the worry. "I mean... what happens if we get your husban-... fiance back. If we find out a way to reverse whatever the hell he did and have him return amongst the living." His lips purse for a moment while he flexes his jaw as a bit of anxiety clutches his already hurting chest. "What happens to me?" He pulls away from her and drops his eyes back to the dirt below before continuing. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I know I don't have any one or anything to worry about. Hell, I've already been told I'd be better off dead anyway, and I know I'm just some stupid spell or summin' conjured up by the real Tyler, but if something happens, what do I become? A soul? A memory, or do I just fade to nothing?" He shivers and it isn't from the cold. He is worried.

Skylei doesn’t know how to answer that question. She doesn’t know what to say or how to reassure his fears. She waits, contemplates and thinks before she replies. Her words are careful and well thought out, “That’s up to you. If we find a way…” she doesn’t even contemplate the fact that the two of them would be doing it together, “then it’d be up to you if you wanted his memories back or if you wanted to carry on without them. I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to do.” She pauses and pats his leg awkwardly before retracting her hands completely, “You and he are the same anyway. Everything that you are, he is. You just don’t remember anything…”

Tyler doesn't find comfort in the woman's words. He would remain silent as she provided the pat and then retracted her touch. He remains still to let the thought sink in before painfully rising to his feet and nodding to her. "Alright then." He mutters before getting ready to take off back to the woods. He secures the satchel and the notebook inside before turning to her and tapping his foot on the ground for a moment before nodding to her. "Thanks, Skylei." Then he's off. Wandering back toward the sage to find the tree he currently calls home. His mind is alive with thoughts of Tyler and him being one in the same. "What the point of living if I'm just his shadow..." He mutters to himself as he hand takes the amulet and twirls it around. "I'm just a reflection of someone else... They all care about him, not me." He drops the amulet and nods to himself as he continues down the battered old way. "You win, purse lady."

Skylei can’t keep chasing after Tyler forever. If he won’t accept her then it’s probably less painful to accept that he’s gone. She can just continue mourning as though Tyler is still dead. That’s the only thing she can think to do. As he leaves her head is buried in her hands for a few moments in despair. After a minute or two, she gets up from the step and makes her way back inside the tavern. She still has that room key after all, and she’s had no rest that night. Sleep is calling her and it’s call is stronger than her desire to follow after Tyler.