RP:Tests Before the Xalious Tree

From HollowWiki

Part of the The Ice Plague Cometh Arc

This is a Mage's Guild RP.

Xalious Tree

Svilfon is sitting cross-legged beneath the arcane braches of the Xalious Tree. Before him, resting on the soil at the roots of the tree, is a straight piece of dark wood which appears to be a staff. Every so often the wizard will speak words to it; soothing and cool, they whisper like shared secrets between those in love, loud enough for others to hear, though the few priests around the tree are giving Svil as much room as they can. As is usual when the wizard comes to pay homage to this physical manifestation of his choson God. But clearly, Svilfon doesn't care if anyone hears. He is preparing the wood to become a weapon, and such things should not be done in private - at least, as far as the wizard is concerned.

Kovl's wings buzz as they carry him to a clearing by the gigantic tree where he had agreed to meet Svilfon about possible induction to the Mage's Guild. From what he heard, notes have already been sent to the wizard concerning the earlier display of the pixie's abilities in the presence of Satoshi. He caught sight of the wizard, sitting in the presence of the tree, whispering words to the staff in the ground. Could this be Svilfon? The pixie floated toward one of the priests at the tree, inquiring as to which one of them was the mage he was supposed to be meeting. A hand pointed to the cross-legged man. Ah, just as the pixie thought. Kovl made his way to Svilfon and waited for him to acknowledge his presence.

Svilfon turns his gaze slowly from the staff to rest upon the illusionist, Kovl. A small smile twists the corners of the wizard's lips, though the expression may be hidden beneath his beard, before the deceased spellcaster gets to his feet, giving the pixie his full attention. "You must be Kovl." It's not a question, nor are the wizard's tones overly friendly. "You wish to join the Guild, I have been told. And already you have impressed other members. Tell me, do you understand what you will gain and lose when you join the Guild? Are you ready to walk the paths which lead to arcane mastery..? They are long, those roads, and painful." A wry grin appears now on the vampire's features. "We do not tolerate weakness in our ranks, which is why our organization is stronger than all other Guilds."

Kovl nodded as the wizard stated his name. The pixie's face was beaming as Svilfon had mentioned that another in the guild has been impressed by his use of magic. The pixie's features became more serious as the wizard asked him a series of questions. How could the roads be long and painful? Kovl thought he understood what he would gain by joining the guild, but he hardly understood what he would lose. "I'm not entirely sure I understand what to expect, sir." Sir? Yes, that is the title the pixie chose. "But I'm ready."

Svilfon shakes his head quickly, "Do not call me sir. You can call me Svilfon, or wizard. But never sir." A smile accompanies those words, robbing them of any sting, before Svil carries on speaking. "In truth, Kovl, most do not understand what it is they will gain and lose when entering." A small, almost sad look washes through the wizard's pale gaze, before he shrugs to himself and carries on. "Anyone can throw around fireballs, but we seek more. Knowledge and power, strength and will. These things are not gained easily, but the price is worth it. Believe me." The wizard tips his hat. "If you are willing to sacrifice to grow and learn within our ranks, I will test you this day. If you are unsure or afraid, then you may leave here without penalty and think it through. When decided, you can return and I will test you then. The choice is yours. Make it wisely, Kovl, for it could set you on a path to greatness, or send you down a road to damnation." Svil ends the words with another hap tip.

Kovl watches Svilfon closely, nodding in understanding as he is apt to do. This wizard appears to take his work seriously, and his style of teaching, though he had not offered a lesson to the pixie yet, was assumed to be strict. This is a great contrast from the informality of his previous teacher. However, the wizard talked of greatness, and the pixie certainly wanted to be great in his magical ability. "I'm willing to sacrifice and learn," he said with another nod. Will this test be anything like the test the pixie had encountered from Satoshi?

Svilfon grins brightly, then, the coldness of his former words melting beneath a look which is welcoming. "I am glad. You were spoken of highly, but I had to be sure you understood." The wizard tips his hat once more, the gesture entirely unconscious, "You have made the right choice." That said, Svil wanders away from the Tree, out into the grass which surrounds it. Without speaking he extends his hand and clenches his fist, causing his Xalious-wood wand to appear in his grasp. Spinning it through his fingers, the wizard speaks again. "But before I will teach you anything, I have to see what it is you can already do. So come... show me." The wizard spreads his arm out to either side in an inviting gesture. "Once I know you, the real fun can begin. So let us see." There the wizard waits, patient it seems, though his gaze is carefully on the pixie. He'd been knocked out by Ezekiel for not being prepared not so long ago, and he'd rather not have a repeat of that!

Kovl begins to follow the wizard as he walks from the tree, but he stops before approaching Svilfon too closely. Watching as he twirls the suddenly appearing wand, the pixie wonders at the next bit of magic that will erupt from it. Nothing happens. In fact, it seems as if Svilfon wanted the pixie to do something first, but it was not clear to Kovl what exactly what Svilfon wanted him to do. Just do a spell? Well, he might as well conjure up his favorite and most practiced spell. Whispering an incantation under his breath, the pixie caused a thunderous noise, a boom, to surround the area. There was no origination point of the sound… it was just... there. The noise was not as loud as the pixie could do. He didn't want to deafen his potential teacher. The priests jumped, not expecting such a sound to occur in the midst of their regular worship. The pixie hovered and watched the wizard, trying to gauge his reaction.

Svilfon does not jump like the priests do, though he finds much amusement in their actions. Enough that a quiet laugh sounds as they stare amongst themselves, at the two facing each other, back at themselves, before deciding as a group they want nothing to do with what's going on here. They offer Svil a bow, before turning and scampering away. "Not bad." His voice was just a little louder than usual after the thunderous sound. "But have you tried to aim it..?" Without waiting for an answer, Svilfon begins to speak a series of words into the air; they flow easily, like river water around stones, mixing with the natural sounds which come from the village. In front of Svilfon, a muted blue light bursts into existance and the moment it does, the wizard raises his wand and twists it through a quick series of deft, intricate patterns; its tip trailing the light until a web has been created in the air, forged from the dull azure light. Without pause, Svil draws in breath before yelling as loud as he can at the spell. It amplifies the sound tremendously, causing a wave of noise to roar between the pixie and vampire. If the illusionist is not quick, he will be struck by its force. Hardly a lethal attack, but one which could cause problems later... especially if he cannot hear the words Svil will speak to him.

Kovl answered the wizard, "Yes, I can aim it, but I…" the pixie stops talking, watching the wizard weaving his magic between the two. What could the mage be doing? Kovl was not expecting Svilfon to be blasting any type of magic at him. Perhaps he was merely showing the pixie a trick. His emerald eyes were following the flick of Svilfon's wand in silence, and as the wizard began to shout, a blast of magnificent force engages the pixie. It was incredibly loud for the pixie's ears to handle, causing him to clasp his hands over them as the blast caught air in his wings and forced him to tumble backwards several feet in the air. The pixie stabilized before he hit the ground, but there was a loud ringing in his ears, causing him to be unable to hear the sounds of nature around him. Kovl's hands still were on his ears. "I see what you mean now," he shouted, hoping he would be able to hear the mage if he were to reply.

Svilfon ponders the wisdom of not hiring a full-time healer for these pre-lesson tests, and decides next time he'll have to speak to the Healer's Guild about setting up an arrangement. All this goes through his head as the pixie shouts at him, and the wizard, not knowing how well the illusionist will be able to hear, merely motions his hands; the gestures saying, 'you try now'. They are quickly followed by the Magister Templi muttering the words of a counter spell, just in case the pixie is stronger than he thinks. All this as he files away information on the illusionist before him, judging him within his mind to see whether or not the wizard thinks he is worth dedicating a lot of time towards teaching. And though he'd not admit it until much later, so far the wizard likes what he sees.

Kovl 's eyes watch the mage. What could he possibly be saying? Svilfon's gestures aid the pixie in understanding much better than his words ever could. He wants me to try. The thunder in his ears was impossibly loud. And that gave the pixie an idea. It wouldn't be the same spell the wizard had cast, but it would achieve a similar purpose. Where Kovl would normally mutter his incantation under his breath, he unwittingly was speaking louder than he had thought. The words he was saying may only make some sense to the wizard as it was partially an incantation the pixie had invented himself. Except this time, he was adding an extra element to his spell. Envisioning the booming which is blocking exterior sounds from his senses, Kovl's spell is incredibly loud, and this time, it had a point of origin. It was from the pixie himself aimed toward the one who had deafened him a moment before this one.

Svilfon watches carefully what the pixie does. Not out of wanting to prepare himself to counter the spell, most just to learn how the pixie casts, what methods summon forth his archaic power, and how much control he has over what he does. That last is perhaps the most important; some are dangerous if they have no control... to themselves and others. The wizard hardly worries about his own safety - he is, after all, a Magister Templi, a Master of the Mage's Guild. Even still, with his gaze on the pixie and focus intense, he's almost caught unawares by the illusionist's attack. He snaps the final word of his counter spell, creating a brief shimmering in the air around his head, but it's not enough to entirely dampen the thunderous sound which rips through the area, scaring animals and citizens alike. Ringing sounds from the vampire's ears, and more than one shake of his head is required to fully regain focus, before he looks at the pixie and grins; the look accepting and content. He nods once briefly, though there is perhaps a measure of respect in the gesture, before speaking again... this time even louder than earlier. "Good, good... very good." He lifts his wand and uses it to scratch the inside of his ear. "Focus is more... oh, by Sven's balls." He waves his hand again, "Lessons can wait until we can hear, yes? I like you, Kovl, and I think you'll fit in." In truth, the thing which Svilfon has liked most is the pixie didn't fall down when the wizard hit him with his magic. He flew through the air, but righted himself before striking the ground below. That shows, to the wizard's eyes, the type of internal strength required for mages, despite it being a somewhat inane thing in the midst of the spell casting. "Let us see what else you are capable of." That shouted, the wizard stands, ready again to see what the pixie can do, the look in his eyes almost eager... he always does enjoy a good spellcasting battle.

Kovl's eyes narrow as he attempts to decipher the wizard's words. The booming in his head overwhelmed Svilfon's compliments completely, but his emerald gaze captured the Magister Templi's pleased expression. The pixie's blank face was soon replaced by one of comprehension as the wizard told him to show his skills. Kovl nodded and again he said an incantation louder than he expected. A silent azure ball of flame enveloped the pixie, obscuring his tiny form from the world around him. It grew larger by the second until its radius nearly matched the height of an average human, but still the flame did not touch the ground below. As the flame grew, an unremarkable replica of Kovl appeared behind him within the sphere of flame. The pixie's split concentration caused his double to be very simplistic in nature. It had no face. Its wings were stationary. Its outline was blurred and without solid appearance. Suddenly, Kovl darted forward, still enveloped by the ball of flame to cause the illusion of a fireball quickly approaching Svilfon. Estimating his distance from Svilfon and then even shorter for safety, the silent blue flame exploded into tiny embers while Kovl's double blinked in and out of existance. The pixie hid himself in one of these embers as an attempt to shoot past the wizard unnoticed. If the vampire's hearing was keen and unaffected by the noise tricks earlier, he may have heard the pixie's wings flutter past him during this silent display. The flames quickly dissapated, and the only illusion remaining was Kovl's double, hovering where he once was. The real pixie, however, would be buzzing far behind the magus if he his attempt was successful. Did it work? Was the ball of flame convincing? Did Svilfon see me pass him? Kovl looked to the wizard to encounter his reaction to one of the pixie's more fancy tricks.

Svilfon remains entirely motionless as the illusionist casts his magic. Attuned as he is to the element of fire, the wizard's magical perception sees through the spell cast. But were it any other element, perhaps Kovl's spell would have completely fooled the powerful Magister Templi. Even still it warps his perception enough that he doesn't notice the pixie darting past him. His gaze remains on the illusion cast for a long time, before he senses the man's power coming from behind. A grin is sent to the Xalious Tree as the wizard leaves his back to the illusionist while slightly nodding to the ancient, powerful tree – sharing a silent moment with the physical manifestation of his choson God - before at last the wizard speaks, “Very nice, Kovl. Very nice.” Slowly the vampire turns and sets his pale gaze back on the pixie, ignoring whatever remnants of the illusion remain around him, before he speaks again in a voice the pixie would hear – enhanced as it is by Svilfon's magic. “Very few who walk this world would see through that spell... very few.” He nods, more to himself than the pixie. “Perhaps only myself, the Archmage and the Kensai would see the deception. I am impressed.” It wasn't so much that Svilfon could not emulate the power – perhaps he could, though it would take him much longer to cast it. It is more the layering of the deceit which tickles the wizard's fancy, though he doesn't feel the need to tell Kovl that had he used any element other than fire, it probably would have completely worked. “Though I could do it, I am not going to induct you into the Guild. I will leave that job to Satoshi. But I will send a letter to her and the archmage with a recommendation that you be allowed entrance to the Guild. It will be adhered to.” There is certainty in those words. “There is another you could seek out, also. Redhale, Lord of Vailkrin's Undead. He is a highly skilled illusionist and speaking to him about the Guild could have many benefits. Though, he is not a member, he may well aid you.” The wizard nods at that. “Have you other tricks you wish to show me, or any questions about the Guild, the roads walked to gain power, or even myself which you wish to ask? I will answer honestly if you do.” With that, Svil falls silent.

Kovl wonders about the illusion he casted that caused the wizard to say these words. Was the flame not convincing? Did the magus see him dart behind him and just choose to not react? As he was darting above the wizard, he saw no reaction, and the pixie ponders if Svilfon's experience nullified the full effect of his illusion. Kovl's ears were still ringing, but the pounding was fading as he listened to the Magister Templi. A slight tug of disappointment at the words, "I am not going to induct you" was overcome by the hope inspired by Svilfon's certainty of his inevitable induction. Kovl nodded at Svilfon's words and referrals. "Thank you." The illusionist paused as the wizard asked for questions. He wondered if he should ask about the attack that was rumored to be an attack on Svilfon and Satoshi's life in Frostmaw. But what would he even ask? "I heard a rumor you and Satoshi were attacked near Frostmaw not long ago. It was not a question, but the pixie hoped to broach the subject, waiting to hear the wizard's reaction.

Svilfon sees the disappointment on Kovl's face as he says he will not be inducted by himself, and so the vampire decides to clarify despite the word of thanks. “You see, Kovl, Satoshi was the first to meet with you. It would be presumptuous of me to induct you when it is her place to do so.” He offers a brief smile at that, though the look fades as Kovl speaks of the battle between himself, Satoshi and the exiled Frost Giants trained specifically to nullify both his own and the snow queen's magic. But he said he would answer questions, and so he will – even if the pixie's words were only meant to bring the subject into play. “What you heard was correct. Satoshi and myself were ambushed by those trained to stop and destroy mages. They sought my life and her freedom, but we prevailed. Cost her a hat of worth beyond measure... but we won.” The words, 'we always do', are not spoken, though the look on the wizard's face speak them in silence. “I do not know exactly why we were attacked, but I am sure I will find out in time.” At that, the wizard leans a little closer to the illusion-weaving pixie and his bearded face grows dark and cruel; this vampire, despite his typically jovial attitude, is a predator like all his brethren, the Coterie, are. “And when I do, they will beg for death long before I grant it.” He keeps his gaze locked on Kovl for a moment, before leaning back and offering a brief smile which never touches his eyes. “What do they say about the battle, these rumours you've heard? And what do you know of those who seek my death?"

Kovl nods at the explanation Svilfon gave for not immediately inducting him. "I understand." The pixie watches the wizard's smile fade, and the light of curiosity is still in the pixie's eyes as Svilfon speaks. In truth, the pixie did not know much more than the wizard revealed in his response, but a part of him desired to embellish and even fabricate information relevant to the topic. It is not uncommon for Kovl to throw false bits of information in the rumor mill because the chaos that follows is often entertaining. But no, the pixie would refrain. Already he stifled himself from infusing chaos to protect his chances to be inducted into the mage's guild. He intends to preserve good standing with the wizard, the Lady of Frostmaw, and the guild itself. "I know only what I have heard from others. The attackers were worshippers of Aramoth and exiles from Frostmaw. I also heard they put up quite a fight. You say they specifically intended to kill you and take Satoshi's freedom? They had you two in mind when they ambushed you?" Kovl asks, pausing thoughtfully after his question. "You know, I am much smaller than the average citizen of Frostmaw would expect. And my ears hear much." The thunder in his ears though still present is much less severe than moments earlier. "Reconnaissance comes naturally to me. Perhaps I can learn what lies behind the curtain of uncertainty surrounding the attack."

Svilfon nods his head slowly to Kovl's words, though he doesn't address the specific questions he asked. Instead he responds to the final words spoken. “You know, Kovl, beyond being a Master of the Mage's Guild I am also a Wingleader of The Eyrie. We are a clan based mostly in Frostmaw, though our members span the entire world, and being a citizen of Frostmaw is not important. All we care about is loyalty to the clan, and when the hounds of war are baying, our members heed the call to come fight. If you are not affiliated with another group, I would like to offer you membership to that, also. I like you, illusionist. I think you would fit in well.” The wizard raises his hand, then, to stop any answer which may come. “You need not answer right away, but do think on it. As for your own offer... I would appreciate that very much, and indebted I would be if you could find any information within Frostmaw, the exiles... and beyond. Whatever is coming draws more than just Frostmawian citizens into its grasp... truth in such a situation is a weapon far more dangerous than a wand.” The wizard nods and tips his hat.

Kovl raises a brow in surprise, causing it to hide behind a length of mahogany hair. He must have really caught the wizard's attention to be invited without a prompt, and this fact he celebrates with a smile. He felt honored to be invited to The Eyrie though he notices Svilfon's neglect to answer his questions. "I appreciate your offer, and I will think on it." The pixie gave a slight bow before repeating his question. "Do you believe the attack was directed specifically toward both you and Satoshi? Knowing the answer to this can aid me in finding who was behind this and why." Kovl's dark green eyes look to the wizard.

Svilfon is silent for a long moment, thinking over the question, before finally he nods. "I know it was directed at Satoshi more than myself, but the fact they attacked us both in Frostmaw... means they are either very desperate or very formidable. Sadly, I fear it is the latter, though we can hope the former leads them to mistakes. Other than that, I don't know for sure. The rest you will have to find out for yourself, though I would suggest speaking also to the queen. She may have more information. If you are in Frostmaw, I am easy to find." The wizard reaches into his robes and pulls forth a small medallion shaped like a snowflake. He offers it to Kovl as he speaks again, "If you channel a small portion of magic into this and speak my name, no matter where I am I will hear it, and if I can, I will come to you. Just be careful with it... if it falls into the wrong hands it could be used to lead me into an ambush... or worse." Svilfon nods at that. "But I trust you with it." A grin is flashed, though it's brief. "Now, before I continue with my work," The vampire motions towards the staff resting at the base of the Xalious Tree. "Do you have any other questions about the Guild or magic in general?"

Kovl listens intently as the wizard speaks. Desperate or formidable? The pixie thought for a moment. An attempt on the queen's life is certainly an ambitious goal. In the scenario of desparation, the pixie can understand a weak plot of revenge to assassinate Satoshi, but if the foe is bigger than that, perhaps something as big as a coup could be brewing. The pixie nods slowly as he contemplates the new information. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Hmm. Thank you. I don't have any other questions at the moment. I appreciate your invite to The Eyrie as well as your recommendations to Satoshi about my possible induction."

Svilfon offers the pixie a final tip of his hat. "Think nothing of it." That said, the wizard turns and walks back to where the staff rests beneath the Xalious Tree. He slips down into a cross-legged position and resumes his meditation and enchanting the weapon. He had a lot to think about, though. But he is happy. Kovl will prove useful to both the Guild and Eyrie, if those are the paths he walks, the wizard is sure.

Kovl bows to the wizard and flutters away from the Tree. Indeed, there is much to think about, and the pixie is excited about his possible induction to the guild. Additionally, he had this invitation to The Eyrie to consider. The pixie has heard of the clan, but his knowledge of it is limited. He needs to send a courier to Frostmaw in regard to Satoshi, and this is exactly what he plans to do as soon as he gets the chance.