RP:Testing the Tree

From HollowWiki

Summary: Linn finds Artia angry over Victor's abandonment and decides it's best to change the subject. The subject turns to Linn's past which holds several points of similarity to Artia's. The two really take to each other and go out on a date at the Xalious Tree.

At the tree, the two decide to see how scraps of bark from the tree react to various forms of assault. Their work is cut short when they push one of the pieces too far, resulting in an explosion that causes their magic to backfire. Artia seemed to get the worst of it, releasing the energy of her magic in a massive wave of force. Linn fared slightly better, managing to vent his own unstable power through the ground and forming a brilliant cluster of mana crystals that he keeps. The two clean up their mess and part ways afterwards, calling it a night after what felt like both of them very nearly exploding. Theories and ideas fly of what exactly happened, but it's made clear to them that the Xalious Tree is capable of defending itself.

Elegant Bridge

Artia can be seen leaning against the rails, dried tears to get eyes clenching a letter tightly in her hands. So tight her knuckles were pale against her honey hue flesh. After her sister left, her thoughts ventured back to Victor.

Linn might have just been on his way through sage, passing near the bridge going to wherever. Seeing Artia and the change in her skin color from their meeting in Xalious he remembered wanting to talk about that. His boots began to click on the stone bridge as he approached, wearing the same armor that he had at their other meetings. Approaching Artia to peer over in to the river alongside her he spoke up, quickly eyeing the letter in her hands. “Missing someone?” he said softly.

Artia sighed, gritted her teeth. "He lied that he was back. Three years ago he promised he be back. Almost a week now since he sent this letter that he was back. And came back to me. I'm a fool." Dropping the letter into the river. Cleaning her face off, "I curse Victor's name and those stupid feelings."

Linn continued to look in to the river, his heel idly bouncing behind him. He nodded his head at the sentiment. “I can’t help you there. I know if I made that promise it would probably end the same way.” He sighed before continuing. “Three years since and you get the letter I assume, and now nothing. You planned on meeting him tonight?”

Artia sighed, "I waited three years...its why I believe love does exist... He broke my heart. He sent me the letter four days ago I was to meet him four days ago I've held on and waited. He left three years ago leaving a letter to promise to be back. And explain it all...three years...three years of pushing others away being a fool."

Linn frowned, something didn’t make sense to him. “At that point why even write the second letter?” The question had him completely hung. It took him a while before he finally released himself from that problem with a sigh. “It may or may not, for me it comes and goes” He looked up to gaze down the length of the river. “Just like everything else… I can change the subject if you want at least.” He said wryly.

Artia nods, "We should before I destroy something..." Frowning deeply, "I met a dragon that plans to teach me how to fight... I adopted a little girl as my sister. She is a fixkin."

Linn cocked a brow with great interest. “A dragon huh? That should be quite an experience. Do you know who it might be?” He only knew one dragon in this area of Hollow. The odds of it being the same one were slim, but amusing. He shook his head with a forlorn expression before looking back over the river. “Never turn your back on her if you claim her as family, no matter how angry she may make you. If she ever does something truly irredeemable…” He choked on the next few words, tears welling up against his will. “At least tell her to leave before something extreme happens.”

Artia grabs ahold of Linn and pulls him in for a hug, picking up he must've lost a sibling, "What happened?"

Linn closed his eyes and sighed. He arched his head forward to reveal a chaotic mess of scars on the back of his neck, as if he had fallen –hard- on broken glass. “They tried to kill me for this. Thought it would bring about their doom.” Pinching his fingers together and drawing them apart a stream of visible mana was flowing between them now. “Went too close to the unknown. Something that scared them. There was no hiding it the moment they saw my eyes.” Somehow it seemed he was referring to more than just his family, though they certainly weren’t exempt. He slammed his fist against the rail. “Not even a chance to leave before they tried.”

Artia held him close, running her fingers along his scalp, "Linn its not your fault like my mother slipping an illusion and temporary love spell on him. Not my fault I was cursed, or my fault my father tried to kill me. is it my fault for killing him? No I was one, but I would've done it anyways." Artia exhales slowly giving his cheek a kiss, only to comfort nothing else.

Linn made no resistance to the hand being run through his hair. Artia would feel the faint lines of scars further up the back of his head, ceasing the moment she made it over the top. The scars on his neck were of similar coverage, extending down below the leather that backed his armor. How far they extended was a mystery. He nodded his head passively with another labored sigh. “Sins of the past… Are they sins?” He suddenly shook it instead. “All that’s left is where we stand here and now, picking up the pieces, looking to make something better of it.” A smile broke his expression “Had the power to kill someone at one? I’d say your chances were worse than mine at getting out alive. What a curse…” Suddenly something clicked in his mind. “Eyes tell everything don’t they?”

Artia slowly pulled back visibly embarrassed over her right eye, "They do… my eyes reveal my curse.. the scar where he tried to kill me. wanted to remove my eyes first i was born a demon in everyone eyes." looking at linn directly, "Till you… you caught me in a spell..didnt run off. or threaten to burn me."

Linn returned her gaze, focused on the scarred eye for a second before shifting back to the rest of her face. “Some people fear what they don’t know. It’s a very contagious fear too. The grey you see in mine, it would mean nothing other than unusual in any other context. Fear is what made me a demon to them. It would probably be the same in your case.” He looked at her other eye, now blue. It definitely wasn’t that way back at the feast or at the tree their first meeting. “What’s unknown is my life at this point. Magic is just something that happens.” He glanced sideways. “There were a couple other reasons I grabbed you over anything else.” A small chuckle interrupted his speech.” I didn’t want to fall. Not that it was of consequence that time…” he ended with a mutter.

Artia 's plump Ruby red lips curved into a smile, "Little ol' me almost knocked you over Linn?" Laughing she gently pushed on his chest. "We are definitely kindred spirits. But got to ask...I'm working on being a flirt so I'll be more social..is that the only two reasons you grabbed me? Or you just wanted me close?" The witch teased her friend. Being playful was new for her.

Linn looked up for a second. That really didn’t add up. “Yes. That one reason counted double. I was thinking about another place, one that wasn’t so forgiving if I went down.” He cracked a grin before continuing “You can think I wanted you close though. I wouldn’t argue if we were where I was mentally.”

Artia lofted her brow, laughing "Oh so you don't want me close?" with that she stepped a small step away, "I enjoyed it though. Anyways where was the place you were mentally? Only place i am happy at is here."

Linn playfully rolled his eyes at the accusation. “Where I was at, well, it was where it everything began going downhill for me. Better shown than talked about really.” He smiled before bringing his ring that had the figure of the Xalious tree in it up, opening in the same manner as it had last time. It appeared briefly as the first image, much more defined than when Artia saw it last. He looked at it for a second before turning the exploded loop of diamonds, causing the image to vanish. A few other images flickered through until he stopped his manipulations, the space in front of him blank. “Where what happens when there is just too much magic for the earth to handle.” A flat, open surface drawn in white light appeared before him before rippling and curling to make hills and valleys. Cracks began to appear to outline a fissure in the middle of the image before the space enclosed vanished, leaving what appeared to be a massive pit. “That tree in Xalious contained more than enough power for this to happen. That’s what I find so special about it.” The details within the ravine began to draw themselves in, rivers of light faintly flowing through the air between the walls, jagged, crystalline spikes projecting out in to the space opened up. He continued drawing down. The impression of the size of the opening massive.

Artia eyed it looking up at him, "It did that?"

Linn nodded in confirmation. “It’s making more sense to me why though. Rocks are brittle. Life is much tougher. Everything aligned just right for this to happen on the scale it did.” The ravine finally bottomed out, parts of it flat, others wedged between the walls. He turned the diamond in front of him ever so slightly, the image vanished. A new one began to appear, this time set as a view inside the ravine with the features on the walls set high in the image. In front was a flatter section of the bottom, punctured by a hole going down. “That hole was maybe three, four feet across. I still don’t know how it formed.” Another turn of the diamond, and the image vanished again. His breath became short as he drew the next image, his expression anxious. Just the hole was drawn out, edges irregular as the split earth above. A huge crystal was outlined to cross the surface, buried in both sides of the hole, making a sort of bridge. He hesitated at the next move.

Artia pats his shoulders, "Linn...we need to be ever careful with this..maybe not tell to many we have this. They might shun us like those of our past." Worry haunted her voice, if he looked her face paled. "How long ago did the crack happen? Maybe was from me when spell back fired...other then restoring my blue color and little of my blindness..maybe my magic and the magic of the true waz to much.." Pulling away rubbing her arm nervous, "Is this between us?'

Linn turned his head with a reassuring smile. “It was this way years ago, so far away that no one here even knows of it. As to how it is now, I wouldn’t know unless I spent the time traveling back. That would take months, maybe even years again.” He looked back to the image. “A backfired spell couldn’t cause this unless it’s of the most colossal of proportions. And if there was a situation where it could, you would know.” Again he hesitated, looking down at the crystal that crossed the hole. “Everything I show you here is at least ten years old now.” He looked just as worried, almost helpless, though at something else. Cracks tore through both ends of the crystalline bridge at lightning speed as it detached, falling in to the imaginary pit. The scene quickly frayed and dissolved afterwards. “That. Was where I was in my mind.”

Artia keeps her eye on it, speaking with relief, "Oh thank the goddess! Wait...if that was years ago..what is it like now? Could we use my ability and I connect to you allowing you to see what I see to get an update on it without you going back in time?" She cared for Linn, he was someone she could discuss magic with. And he didn't use her as a tool. "Linn you ever been on a date?" She wanted to move out of the opening with all this talk.

Linn turned his head slowly at Artia with a very inquisitive look. “How many miles are you willing to walk to know that answer?” It sounded rhetorical, he knew the answer was going to have to be ‘a lot’ unless she had some trick to close that space or view it from here. He thought for a second about the date. “Not yet” he said with a smile. A date of outcasts, magic, and curses and their like? This had too much potential to pass up.

Artia leaned forward to whisper hushed tones to Linn, "Well let's go walk to the date. I'd walk all night to be with you. Right at your side.." Locking her arm with his.

Artia whispered to Linn, "We have peeping toms, in the bushes something been watching. let's lose it. *sneak a kiss to his ear*"

Linn flinched a little at the end of her whisper. This was something new to him after all the time he spent travelling. He gave a halfhearted shrug and followed Artia’s lead. She probably had a better idea of where to go than he did at this point.

Xalious Tree

Artia unhooks her arm and pulls out a picnic blanket a tea kettle, tea bags and various snacks. "I only drink tea here lately..I hope that's okay." Sitting down as she poured some water into the kettle. Getting back up to gather some wood to sit back down and began brewing some tea. "Beautiful night.." She says as she pulled some bark off the xalious tree and two leaves that she stored away. "Need these to test cloning spells on." looking to Linn, "Our first date, might as well do it with someone we care for."

Linn gave a weak, nostalgic smile. He realized just how long it had been since he really shared mutual care with someone. He set down with his pack. “Unfortunately I don’t have much fitting for a date. Have to keep the pack light to deal with everything else in it. Tea is perfect though, thank you for this.” The dull thump against the ground and short rumbling from within the pack seemed to give an idea of what was inside. It was hard, and probably heavier than its bulk implied. He brought his ring back up to view as it expanded to create its images again. “Do you mind if I take notes?” he said with near puppy-like eyes. To him this was far more valuable than the mithril, diamonds, and any other baubles he carried.

Artia jumped up on her knees, eyes wide, "Oh gosh yes!" Artia quickly pulled out a note pad and a feathered quill. the serpent arm band came to life slithering down to rest in her palm. Pull back out the piece of bark she just got. "So..shall we try your magic then mine?"

Linn gave a slight look of surprise at being put on stage. “Works for me, there anything in particular you want to see? I’ll try to make it work from there.” He unzipped his pack in preparation. The gems inside might just give him what he needs for some of the work that diverges from what he usually does.

Artia smiled tilting her head, "Or you want me too and you take notes and make a copy for me?" Leaning over taking the teapot and pouring a cup for both of them. Handing him a cup as well. "Let's try acid.."

Linn held the ring back up for display. “I should be able to record notes on this thing much faster than paper, after that it’s just copying it down. I’d prefer to take notes on this first.” At the mention of acid he pursed his lips. “Acid’s tricky. I’ve thought a little bit on making some kind of magical bomb with it. Though the delivery makes it very…” He got the teacup and looked in to it. “That can be changed.” He sipped from it, looking up towards the sky with ideas brewing. Some maybe literally.

Artia unwrapped the acid vial that was constructed of black dragon flesh and scales, "Well did you ever think of using dragon flesh and scales? Black dragon uses acid, so I used acid from a dragon." Placing the piece of bark down, she tips the vial lightly to put just three drops on the bark. The acid as expected sizzled and smoked. Once was over the bark had nothing on it. "I'm keep this for over night.. No way acid didn't do anything." Sitting beside Linn, pondering picking up a muffin pulling off small bites.

Linn nodded with a smile at the container of acid. “It’s easy when you already have it. Actually making an acid or its effects with nothing but magic isn’t very straightforward.” He watched and opened up the ring to begin taking notes as the acid began to do its work. “I don’t think it’s necessary to do with just magic either though. It works just fine by itself” he said with a smile. The bark, freshly stripped clean by the liquid poured over it, had its image recorded in the space above him in the same light as many others, though Linn frowned a bit. “Color is too important here.” He muttered as a couple labels found their way into the image. He looked up towards the tower of the mage’s guild in the distance for a second before turning back. “I wonder how that wood is going to deal with it…” he mused.

Artia 's serpent bracelet unwrapped itself moving it her palm pointing the want to the bark making to levitate in front of them. "No color change, no signs of the acid at all." Pointing to a small spot, "I don't think that black spot was there before. If okay I'll store it and examine it again tomorrow." Waiting for his answer before placing the bark in cloth resembling the vial, "What next? Think we should try fire? We will do everything natural before magic is used. That okay?"

Linn nodded. “Yeah, keep it around. Something might change over a longer amount of time with it.” He continued watching the fragment of bark until it was put away. “May as well try everything we can. Who knows what this wood might do?” He got up to move over to the tree, taking more pieces of bark hanging off for further experimentation. He glanced at the fire heating the teapot next to them before putting a thin section of the bark over the flame, hovering it just as Artia had the other one for display. Evidently the same trick of force wasn’t anything new to him either. He watched with continued curiosity, moving the fragment so that one end was bathed in the fire while the other faced him.

Artia watches Linn, leaning forward smiling at him. It was wonderful having another person around with similar past experience. Watching the wood being put in, backing up a little as it began to spark. Artia knew that kind of spark, standing up quickly she moved to Linn jumping to knock him away from it, landing on top covering him as the fire exposed in all directions by few feet. Looking down in to his face, "Sorry, but I didn't want you getting burned." Carefully she moved to get up. Looking to where the fire was is now black, the tea pot broken in three pieces yet the bark remained. "That was one hell of defense."

Linn blinked once or twice on the ground. “You didn’t have to do that. I’m not exactly wearing anything flammable.” He sat back up and checked the back of Artia’s clothing. A couple singe marks here or there but nothing was on fire. A look of dismay and embarrassment at the shattered teapot along with a “Sorry about that” was all he could muster. Then the widest grin thought possible came across his face as he saw the bark remaining in the fire. “I need to see that again. That was something special.” He picked up the bark carefully with magic before setting it down to move everything out of the way and relight the fire. “Luckily the fire didn’t last long enough to spread.” Looking back in to the fire he couldn’t help but smile in anticipation. “Ready to try again? With some good notes this time.”

Artia nods, grateful for the check. "Thanks for checking." Watching him carefully, "Should we stand back a little bit to avoid one of us pouncing the other?" She chuckled at this, "It was definitely special. Should we try magic fire or re do some natural?" Artia double checked herself, with a sigh she was grateful she reacted. Even if he didn't wear anything flammable she wanted to be sure.

Linn motioned for Artia to stay back. “I kind of have to stay close to make sure this goes right. I’ll be fine… hopefully. Have the book ready.” He closed the ring before pulling something strange from the pouch on his belt, a deep violet crystal that was unrecognizable as any type of typical gem. Something else was odd about it, an inky, sinister black seemed to suffuse whatever spaces in the crystal it could find and would every now and then reach out with tiny wisps. With a motion a veil of blue light came from it, rimmed in a similar black that tried to swallow the light just as much as the rest gave it off. He took the fragment that had they had just used and put it back in to the fire just as it was before with the field of blue light interposed between his face and the fragment, watching intently for the explosion of fire.

Artia obeyed and moved back, picking up her book writing everything even how close he stood to it. writing down the description of the crystal adding may be part of amethyst with question mark. the black inside the gem Artia didn't like, "Linn..i don't think you should use that.." As soon as the fragments were put back into the fire it sparked for few seconds as the flames reflected the gem perfectly. The bark then split releasing a green liquid that boiled like lava. "Linn...step ba-" she was cut off by a loud thundering boom. The bark began to burn, "We bleed it's defense and life from that piece.." The green like lava had as well caught on fire turning to ambers. "So has a great defense but needs the rest of the tree to replenish." She scribled down everything and triple checking.

Linn had taken a stance ready to get pushed back by the explosion, though he still wasn’t fully prepared for what was just about to happen. The explosion that released the last of the wood’s power pressed against the field, being deflected off to Linn’s sides instead of straight in to him. The rest of the force hitting his body was enough to push him back and over, a faint blue flashing from under the metal of his armor due to some enchantment of his own. He wasn’t quite blown off his feet, but he still fell backwards, his bottom hitting the ground with the thump of his body and armor. “Well then” were the words before he made a motion for the field to retract back in to the gem, immediately turning to his ring to record the events. “This is one tree I don’t want to push too far.”

Artia moved over to linn, "Stay still." She read hid aura which would show any internal damage. "Your lucky ti have barely any bruises Linn." Offering him her right hand, her other hand to his chest to help balance him. "Seems after a bit, fire is a weakness like most trees. But! The first flame was fought against, almost put out. I bet if it was the whole tree that explosion would've put out most the fire..i think that green stuff was either sap or its life melting out. What do you think?"

Linn didn’t really show any notice of the fact that he had just weathered an explosion; he was too busy taking some very extensive notes on each stage of the fire. His aura showed little damage, maybe a bit of drain from the energy needed to deflect the explosive force that would have otherwise done some serious damage, but nothing more than a bruise or two. If she could sense the magical energy radiating from the tree as well, she would definitely notice it passively mingling with his own for some reason. He kept switching between the two sets of notes, one from the first explosion, the other from the second. “First it tried to purge the energy assailing it. The first blast of flame was likely due to it being expelled from the bark and the fire.” He gave a deep breath “The second… is what happens when its limits are breached. The power inside the wood found a way out and did exactly that, very quickly. I think the green stuff is just sap, but it may have to do with the magic as well.”

Artia slowly turned him, looking at the tree then Linn. Shaking her head, "Not possible.." she grabbed his hand leading him to the blanket. But instead leading him her hand emitted flames of blue. It wasn't a hot flame but stung from it being so cold, jerked her hand back. taking a few steps back, yet where she was flames of red were in her wake. Looking up at Linn, shock over came her beautiful visage. The red and blue flames began to crawl up her body. Black pulsing veins began to show any where her flesh was visible. "Linn.." her voice shook, "Step behind a tree...the blast is to mess with magic.. its messing with-" Artia was cut off by being fully engulfed now. Falling to her knees, her head falling back. Releasing a ground shaking scream, the ground around her even cracked. Wind swirled around her, till she slammed her fist to the ground. The force from her magic and somehow the trees had blended like his aura had. From her body erupted a strong force wave making anything loose on the ground to go flying out of sight. Slowly the flames descended as Artia fell to her side, the witches voice shaking. "Linn...that blast was more then just.. a..blast." she cringed from her body stinging all over. The blast was to mess with those that sought to destroy it. Artia taking most the blow from it had messed with hers.

Linn looked a little confused at what supposedly wasn’t possible. He took her hand to get up and head back over before the icy blast made him jump back as well. Seeing the fire under her he became somewhat panicked. The magic around her had become incredibly unstable, expressing itself through the swirling fire. He didn’t run, but pulled the crystal he had from before, looking in to the inky black of negative energy before focusing it towards Artia. Fragments of the power broke off of the fire, falling in to the void never to return. So long as they didn’t find their way back in to her to concentrate and make something much worse happen. The explosion she made sent him back, slightly dampened by the crystal absorbing it. He stumbled towards the ground, the crystal burying itself in the dirt under his hand that wielded it. Little did he know the scars on his back had begun to glow brighter through the whole ordeal, the web of magical effects beginning its own work on him. It was once he was on the ground that he began to feel the building energy beginning to push against his own life. He grimaced and opened his palm against the ground, looking to make a quick way out for all of the magical energy. Somehow he knew how to handle this kind of situation with himself. The power that had infused his aura before began to flow straight in to the ground like a blazing torch, eventually leaving him completely drained, his aura looking for once like that of a normal person’s. He coughed and fell over to the side, curled up in exhaustion. Where his hand laid the dirt was fused together in an unidentifiable multicolored mash of crystalline material.

Artia shaking she crawled over to him, pulling out a sapphire to hover above him giving him energy again, even if a little. The sapphire would begin to loose its blue turning transparent as glass. Gritting her teeth, even as she gave them both energy she was burning it back up. Worriedly a hand touched his face with an exhausted smile. Looking over him, seeing where his hand laid in the dirt, gasping at iy being fused together. Albeit the color mash was gorgeous she was worried. "Linn…"

Linn breathed slowly, steadily. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about giving me back what I had to get rid of. It will come back on its own. So long as you are okay as well.” He stayed curled up for maybe another minute before opening his eyes and seeing the results of his focused purge of energy. He tapped the mass of crystal with his finger to get a sharp click against the metal on his gauntlet. He blinked a couple times in shock, his mouth half-open as well at what was before him. “Oh my…” he scrambled to his knees before beginning to dig around it with his hands. “This…” he shook his head as he dug faster, some kind of greed and desire for whatever it was overtaking him as he recognized the nature of the material.

Artia nods and takes the sapphire placing it back in her pouch. Moving back watching him dig "What did we do?" Just now noticing how she caused everything to blast away. "That power.. its still inside. What if..what if that power binded itself to us? i wonder if wr could call upon it again." looking back at Linn, she kneeled to help him dig if needed.

Linn didn’t seem to respond for a second, continuing to get deeper under the loose dirt before finally freeing the cluster. It tapered off to a point at the bottom, a vaguely circular surface at the top where the energy had first entered. Finally the question seemed to hit him as he jolted a little bit as if just addressed. “Doubt it. It takes a lot more than that to permanently bind power to something. Whatever energy is left over should dissipate with time without something to hold it together.” Looking at the mass of sparkling crystal in front of him he realized he had lost the other one in the ground. He reached out to where he had fallen before, the dirt in one spot beginning to swell before the violet crystal was torn from the ground. The surface was glazed over with more purple material, the black energy now completely trapped within as a new layer of crystal had formed over the surface. He looked at the two gem-like materials in front of him. “We got lucky. Very lucky.”

Artia eyed the crystal, nervously rubbing her arm. "Problem is, i always been able to do the burst of force..but not that extent. Flames i been working on they didn't work till now. I think we both almost died.. no I'm sure we almost did. My own magic turned against me..Next time need be more careful.." looking him over, "Are you okay?" she paled, feeling woozy.

Linn finally looked back up to Artia with a nervous smile. “The explanation is simple.” Pointing to the tree he continued. “All the magic that the tree puts in to the air amplifies spells. Makes them easier to cast, but makes them much harder to handle.” He put the violet crystal back in to his pocket for later before laying against the ground, holding the strange aggregate in front of him like some sort of treasure. “I’ll be fine. If the energy here isn’t trying to kill you, you will be surprised to find out how much you can walk away from.” He glanced sideways. “Of course it might have tried to do exactly that at that moment.” The exhaustion seemed to be fading from him unusually rapidly, the neutral energy given off by the tree making its way back in to him and restoring him to before this event. This time though it was leveling off instead of overpowering him. “Just have to be careful in places like this. Even if the tree can contain this energy, spells can still go much farther than they should around it.” He began to turn the mass of crystal above him, looking a little disappointed but nonetheless happy at having it.

Artia smiled wickedly, "More powerful...hmm.." she shook her head, "I think I'm done testing this tree today." she sat down s her flesh returned to its honey hue, "Come here. Let me see that please."

Linn got back up to a sitting position and eyed Arita at the request. “This stuff is more valuable than any other rock you will find in the earth. Don’t lose it.” He glanced downwards knowing he was trying to claim it for himself. “I’d also like it back once you are done with it. The work that may be done with this material is very special.” With that, he handed the aggregate over before retrieving the crystal from his pocket yet again, examining the effects of the events that just happened and comparing them with the material he just gave Artia. If she had dealt with crystallized mana at all the cluster of material would be recognized as such, otherwise it would simply appear to be a mass of crystal shapes and colors that defied categorization in to any known gems. The ring on his finger found itself open again, writing in the notes of the events.

Artia rolled it between her palms as the rock began to pulse with colors, moving into her hands. Opening her eyes she watched the colors moving along her flesh, "I studied crystalogy..its a mana crystal. you are right," sighing relaxed, looking away from the crystal breifly to see what he was doing. "Linn, I don't recall it doing it to you? Maybe my close relations with all nature is reason for this reaction." Offering the rock back to him. "Want my notes too?"

Linn nodded in response to the identification of the crystalline material. “Shame it didn’t form any large pieces that were more usable.” He muttered, rather disappointed. He shifted his focus back and forth between the crystal in his hand and the mass in front of him; the piece he held was definitely made of the same material, though the inky black intrusion definitely wasn’t something that should have been part of it. He looked up, brows furrowed in response to the question. “Doing what exactly?”

Artia looked back down at her hands, tge crystal still pulsing the colors as well spreading them into her hands, "This pulse and move into your hands?" concentrating on the crystal, "I wonder if i can call on it to go brighter .." in her mind she did, only it caused more colors to appear. Reflecting off of Anything within two feet. "It's beautiful." lifting her hands to hand it back. Once it left her touch the pulsing stopped.

The moment the crystal left Artia’s hands Linn knew what was going on with it. “It’s the gloves” he stated curtly before removing the gauntlet on his right hand and picking it up with his bare hand. Just like that the lights returned and scattered off of his armor and environment around. “They only do this when there’s also a lot of magic in the air. Makes for an interesting show.” He got up and walked towards the tree trunk with the crystal in hand. It began to glow brighter as he got closer and dimmed as he returned. “What’s so special is how responsive it is to a push of will. With a bit of work…” he motioned with the violet crystal in his other hand to form the veil of light again, the black edges much more contained now, no longer seeking out the light around them, but still devouring any what they receive. “You can get them to do absolutely fantastic things.”

Artia moved behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "What we can do together could be limitless. I think we might be able to use this as a source but still need more artifacts.." unwrapping her arms, touching the tree saying a blessing over it. To other not druid would sound like gibberish, but she was simply thanking the tree for the bark used.

Linn flinched a little at the hug before quickly relaxing. In all of the commotion he had forgotten why they came here in the first place. A peaceful smile came over him for the gesture and he disengaged a little to turn around and return it. He began to go around to gather up the other pieces of bark that they planned to use before respectfully burying them by the tree’s base. Whether or not the gesture was actually received didn’t matter. It was just how it should have been. “The mana crystals will be consumed in the process. We need a way to make more if we want to use them as a source, and that doesn’t happen easily. That alone is going to take something else.” He went back to retrieve the gauntlet and put it back on along with cleaning up the remaining fragments from the events. “Can’t leave a mess now can we?” he jested.

Artia follow suit, helping clean up the mess. "i almost forgot we were on a date." As she picked everything up she planted it by the tree, glancing his way she beamed "How yoi know to do that? Your offering it everything back we took and thanking it. Everything we take has to be given back in return. like you are doing, you sure you aren't a warlock?" she jest, finishing up her part.

Linn broke in to a laugh at the fact that both of them had forgotten what they came here for. “I just don’t want to piss this thing off. We got a good deal of what we wanted to out of it. I’m not looking to try running any more tests quite yet. May as well return everything we didn’t use.” He chuckled at the end, he wasn’t typically superstitious but this tree had proven itself something to be respected for many reasons now. Artia shook her head laughing, "Its the same for anything living. even stones have hearts and souls Linn. We must always give back in someway. Everything in the end goes back to nature."

Linn returned the smile with a slightly nervous chuckle. All of those gems that he has run through for his tricks and enchantments… “Just don’t waste anything and everything else typically goes well is how I’ve had to deal with my work. So long as everything has a purpose fulfilled.” Artia winked at him, "Its definitely been an interesting date." she laughed, "Be hard for anyone to top this date, we both almost exploded!" Linn gave a deep sigh. “Man, that’s something I don’t want happening any time soon” he jested. “It certainly wasn’t what you would expect. I don’t think it was that way from the start though.” A wide grin crossed his face as he picked up his pack, the mess finally collected to be removed. “I’d call that a good thing though. Makes things interesting.”

Artia laughed, "Either do i, i like living. " moving close to him, "Things are always interesting when we are near one another. Second meeting you caused spell to back fire. this time we both almost died. Sparks definitely fly!" she hardly got the last part our, "I'm glad my first date was with you, and not some jerk. Thank you."

Linn shrugged with a smile. “That’s just how it goes it seems. Who knows what’s next?” He chuckled, “It was a good first date for me as well. Glad to have had it with you too.” He accepted her approach by putting his arm around her. Just what would the future hold for them?

Artia laughs, "Hopefully not exploding. I'm go to mage library maybe i can find more information on this tree and how we should approach it next. See you around my friend?"

Linn gives a nod. “See you around, I’ll look over some of the notes of what the tree did. Pretty good reason for people not to try messing with it.”

Artia waves, as she turned walking off, "No exploding yourself "

Linn returns the wave on his way out. “You neither.”