RP:Something Greater

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Summary Emilia finds an odd lad, Rorin studying up on a familiar subject, she can not help but take a seat to offer help, if needed.

Rorin sat among an unusual number of books for the average Frostmawian. He appeared to be studying a subject with loose concentration at a table close to the fire pit. Shortly after lunch with time to spare the somewhat well-known pilgrim is a familiar sight to the raver and its patrons despite having recently been away with the warrior’s guild for the better part of a month. Glad to be back and getting in some much-needed rest Rorin looked over tomes and journals centered around medicine and curses though mostly written in elvish. His table seemed to have plenty of space left for anyone wishing to join him.

Emilia slid into the tavern behind another entering giant patron. The Genasi was nothing more than a child sized creature with skin as white as the snow coating the grounds of the city. Each skipping step of bare feet causing white curls to bounce and tangle themselves, an ever-unkempt mess that one might argue was more curl mass than there was ice-lady. Unlike others within the city this woman sport no furs for warmth having come from outside in just a spring gown with a full satchel slung over her shoulder. On her way to fetch her favorite drink Emi was distracted by the stack of books by Rorin bringing an end to her travel to the bar as she stood behind him, keeping her distance from the fire. Reaching over his shoulder she placed a glossy black finger down upon a picture in one of his medicine books of an herb, “Make sure to wear gloves when gathering that one, Ladd.”

Rorin 's choppy, short black hair, rustled in a breeze from the old door. He smoothed out the right side where a strip of white parted it to connect to a wild white scar cutting down that half of his face to disappear below the collar of his tunic. Other than the eye patch there as well Rorin seemed normal to be rather average. That socket asset empty however as the remaining organ peered about in a hellish black and white window to other worlds where Rorin could see the souls of those around him through window or wall. Despite this however he had has been fully concentrated on the purifying properties of the item described in the text at hand, and so he slowly tensed with a sharp breath as someone laid a digit upon the page. His gloved right hand had gone toward the knife on his belt but it didn't seem necessary. "Thank you," Rorin sighed while trying to relax. "Do you know if it grows near here?" Rorin right eye swivels behind the patch and tried to peer at the stranger’s soul through his own head. Half elven ears twitched with the young lad’s nose. For a 17 year-old, he certainly studied much.

Emilia came with a chilled aura of cold that seemed to leak off the woman in waves, leaving the area directly around her cold as if suddenly the outside temperature had found itself inside. The fire even did not warm the chill that came with the strange woman of white with a glossy black hand resting finger on his page. Taking her hand back the small lady pulled a chair over next to the strange lad with a passion for studying. Under the study of his eye at her soul he would find a mixture of ancient and young twisted into one jumbled mess of a soul spotted with good and evil, a hard read. “Technically, no that plant doesn’t grow wild around here. In fact, I can guess most the herbs in that book are not native to Frostmaw nor fun to find in the wild either, but I do happen to know a place near here that does happen to have them growing, along with a countless number of other herbs from all over the land.” Leaning back in her seat the Genasi waved a hand to signal one of the workers over to them, “The usual, please, and whatever this lass would like too,” a simple request to the worker that would wait upon Rorin’s answer before departing to fetch the drinks. Emilia glanced back to the books written in that which she couldn’t read, “What is it that you are studying?”

Rorin had always been an observant young man so the displaced cold did not pass by him. This woman was something else, a creature of ice and snow. "No, I wasn't looking for anything particularly native," Rorin gave with a small smile. "I'm on something of a quest for materials of this nature," Rorin had simple cider though it did need filled, "I'm hunting for resources against curses. Things for purification," he traced the spine of the tomes, some elvish, some dwarven, and a couple journals with scattered bits of the Frost Giant’s language so rarely seen written. “Do you mean the hidden garden in the city?" He knew of it and had payed visit from time to time. Majestic place though he wasn't sure he could simply cultivate what he wished from it.

Emilia took her glass of wine when the worker brought it along with a refill of cider for Rorin in her white hand. Holding onto it the glass it frosted over with a thin layer of ice before long from exposure the Genasi’s touch. Shaking her head, curls fell into her face hiding those light ice blue eyes and frosty blue lips behind the curtain of tangles, “No, I do not refer to the garden in the city. I am talking about a location beyond the city just north of the mines tucked away beneath a cloaking of magic is my Greenhouse where I keep a variety of nearly all herbs that can be found throughout the land. A private collection of mine.” Lifting her frosty glass to her lips the woman took a slow sip of the red wine, tinting her lips to a purple hue from their natural blue. “Purification? What on the land are you wanting to do with that? Clearing the world of evil?”

Rorin thought she was cute. Pretty- beautiful, honestly, this sort of playful majestic look to her. "North of the mines? I wouldn't have thought to look there," it was clear to him she was a woman who could handle herself in the tundra wilds. "Ah, so you're an herbalist? I didn't know if Frostmaw served any," suppose that would make sense for the magically immaculate grass he'd seen near the fort and such places. "Well, that is sort of my job," Rorin removed from beneath his collar a token of Arkhen on a long neck chain, "I'm a Pilgrim and of course I'm expected to fight such curses. I will admit I have a personal bid in it, but that's how it goes." He tucked the symbol back beneath his shirt and looked at the journals- a few of these were actually Rorins full of notes, "Usually I could find a store, or collect them myself as part of restocking them for merchants and such," he sighed a bit as he looked at the list of troubling items, "however some of these are much rarer. It's not just herbs either- I'm in need of metals and materials that are of the rated variety. Things that one must know of to find, collecting knowledge of them before collecting them. It's no simple feat," but he wouldn't give up any time soon. The personal stake Rorin had in these was far too high. In reality, it may truly be a situation of succeed or die. But no one needed to know that.

Emilia licked the wine from her lips with a tongue as blue as the midnight sky before she brushed her curls out from her face as she listened to him talk and watch as he revealed his token about his neck before tucking it away again. During his sharing, she sipped ever so slowly at her wine. “I wouldn’t say that I am an herbalist, but a healer. Emilia, Co-leader of the Healer’s Guild if you wish for my actual title in this chaos world.” That black hand was extended as she gave her name to the other for a formal shake. If he accepted the hand he would find that her touch was colder than grasping a piece of ice, a trace layer of frost would be left behind on his flesh. “If you write me a list of the items you are looking for I might be of help. I have traveled all over the place for both adventure and for healing aide to the people. I promise I am much more useful than just a pretty frozen face in the crowd.”

Rorin was both intrigued and slightly disturbed. On the one hand she was quite attractive, on the other- Rorin tried to banish a rather inappropriate thought. "Ah, it's good to acquaint you. I'm Rorin Deleas Gilead, I've done a lot around Frostmaw, and I'm actually looking to help heal some of the afflicted here as well. I've put in some hours at the local clinic but I've been away with the Warriors Guild lately." Rorin was quite apt to formally accept her hand like a knight to a lady, though he would have to rub his fingers against the frost after. "I look forward to collaborating with you, Miss Emilia, and I have no doubt you're both talented and beautiful regardless of a crowd," he smiled with a rather generous and innocent look to his young face.

Emilia took her hand back, resting it in her lap with fingers tapping against her knee as she listened to the lad. He spoke and she finished the last of her wine from her glass. The empty glass was given to a passing server while her attention never left that of Rorin, a gentle smile playing at the corner of her frozen lips. “Pleasure to meet you, Mister Rorin. I think that you will do great things in this world if you stick to your purpose, having something to keep you driven makes a world of difference when it comes to surviving. I think that it is wonderful you wish to help heal those suffering around this town. I also think that perhaps you will find it easier with some training under your belt more geared toward the nature of healing. Have you ever thought about cross training between your warrior guild and mine? Might be of good benefit to your cause for purification.”

Rorin was quite glad to hear it. "Cheers then, to doing great things in the world," he proffered his glad of cider to toast. After words he would reply,"I received training from the Ranger master of Kelay I'm herbs and physical healing, while the priest of Arkhen was able to give me minor training in spiritual and divine healing." He paused a moment to recall, "Eirik was the liaison between our guilds I believe. He fostered a spot of training or two before he exited our ranks," that was actually something of a careful answer but no matter. "To be honest I've had a couple of recommendations to join your guild." Rorin had thought about it and considered the addition resources and advanced training he could receive, "I've got good hands for stitching and splints, I can mix a potion or two and have a knowledge on herbs for healing and poisons, and personally I find divine magic to be an incredibly powerful source of healing magic. I'm not the most talented- I'm no priest- but I've saved a life or two." It had cost him. Dearly. The gravity of his sacrifice soon turned on him and now he was dealing with the backlash. Again, not something he'd like to mention now.

Emilia smiled from ear to ear to hear him talk about the world of healing that he had dabbled in. The woman was a healer at heart so the topic never failed to warm her frozen heart just a little. When Rorin went silent she reached out with her squishy soft white hand and rested it on his knee with a gentle pat, “Don’t focus on the dark spots of your past or it will turn to madness. Focus instead on all the great you have done to save lives and all the great you still can do to save lives in the future. Remember what your goal in life is and it will keep you in the light side of things.” Removing her touch the Genasi leaned back into her seat after plucking up one of his journals from the table, fingers carefully thumbing through the pages without actually reading anything of this. Holding the book in both hands with it open to a random page the eyes of the female fell upon the lad once more, “I find that we are left without a liaison between the Guilds and you very clearly have a background in the healing field that perhaps we should initiate you into the position. Besides the great expanse of knowledge that will be opened to you think of the benefit it will both Guilds, especially the one you come from? All the knowledge given to you for healing will make events of the warrior guild much more protected if they have a member beyond basic skilled in the healing arts? I can give you some time to think about it, but I can always find use for an apprentice.” Finishing her words she offered a smile with a fluttering of those white eyelashes at him then ran her dark fingers through her curls.

Rorin had to admit he was a tad smitten with the gorgeous pale woman. He was thankful for her words as well, "I truly appreciate this." He was wary however as she flipped open one of his journals, there were some very personal things in there. At least it was hard to actually read since it was written in a paladin shorthand- for followers of Arkhen that meant a mix of elf, dwarf, and common, making it otherwise difficult to decipher with a mere glance. It was also full of ancient glyphs and symbols that appeared to denote some sort of corruptive magic Rorin had come across by the diagrams. "It is true, Eirik has left an opening. I would no doubt see fit to gain much knowledge from being within the Healers Guild, gods know I could use the practice alone. It is a deeply intriguing offer miss and perhaps I will see fit to run it by my commander. I think he'd be delighted to appoint a new liaison. A full apprenticeship though? I'm not certain that just yet," Rorin was honestly a bit too busy to delve that deep I healing. It would be nice to find the time though and definitely aid him to aid others.

Emilia though holding his journal did not read any of it, her eyes however may have skimmed over his writing would not have been able to understand much if any of it as she only knew common and only a small amount of it in the written form. She’d never admit it to anyone around them that she was not as literate as most of the world would think she was. “I am most glad to hear of your interest in learning more of the healing talents that you already have, expanding them into something greater that later on could save not just your life, but another’s life too. I would greatly enjoy you passing on the offer to your leader. If you enter the healer’s guild you will need a sponsor to support you through your journey while you are within the ranks. I am just offering to be your sponsor in our ranks should you choose it. It in some places also called an apprenticeship, but the terms are exchangeable. You would report to me and not perform public healing without me or another guild member with you until you hit the next rank. All of this is done at your pace and your choosing, so no need to stretch your time any thinner with things than you like. We all learn at our own pace and one cannot rush the healing arts and learning them. I do hope you really consider this opportunity it doesn’t come around often and you show great potential in this world.” There was a gentle smile flashed his way before she leaned forward and rested his closed journal back in place, “Don’t worry I won’t tell what you write, I cannot read well anyways.” a whisper of admittance of her downfalls.

Rorin stood out with all his books mainly because only a handful of frost giants could read for it was outside their tradition. Now he thought he stood out by sitting next to a dazzling lady. "To learn is to grow, and I believe we never truly stop either. I just hope to save as many people as I can," generous, yet oddly uncharismatic. "I see, that is interesting. That would be a great opportunity I should think. Still- my travels with the Warriors Guild often require me to use extensive healing powers regardless of who's with me. Perhaps we can work something out with my commander though?" Rorin was assured that his personal notes were private and such was . "I wouldn't worry, half of Frostmaw can't read," such an oral culture. It was an interesting difficulty.

Emilia always stood out in any setting that she found herself, mostly because she was a snow woman that never fit in, everywhere she went the Genasi was different than the others. Turning her gaze between the books and the man before staring at the fire with an inner desire to put the bloody thing out. Shaking her head to rid the thought she looked back at Ronin with that award winning smile of hers, “No worries. I am fairly sure that you would be a special exception into the ranks and almost easily land yourself in a rank able to heal on your own since you have been for awhile, plus I don’t think we can do anything to stop you from healing in your own guild.” There was that look of fluttering lashes and charmed smile, “I would love to attend one of your warrior guild things. I met Eirik once or twice, but that is my extent in the warrior knowledge and I would much love to learn some more. Perhaps you can teach me a thing or two about fighting in return?”