RP:Sewer Plan

From HollowWiki

Part of the Rise of Larket Arc

Summary: Artia, Emilia, and Sabrina happen to meet in the center of town. Niceties are exchanged, and a plan to begin counteracting the fermin is hatched.

Larket Town Square

Sabrina heads west, an empty satchel at her side ready to be filled with herbs throughout the lands. It had been some time since she last visited Ara and it seems her clinic was sickly low on stock. Rohk is in her wake as they begin their trek in a distantly familiar vision.

Artia :: The witch appeared from the north, a basket full of empty vials as she had refilled everything. The dress whose skirt comes down to around the middle of the calf. It's modest, has short sleeves and full shoulders. Not as skin tight as most her dresses, this one had a relaxed fit but still does not hide any of her curves. The dress changes colors slowly, swirling in a long mesmerizing wave around in circles down her body as it follows the layers of fabric. The trilobite logo is small and unobtrusive on this one, sitting right in the middle of the chest in silvery, shimmering thread, in about the place where a necklace's pendant might go. The Apothecary sighed gently as she stopped to read the board, checking to see what was happening and see if anyone needed extra help. The clinic had gotten nuts lately due to those fermin, fevers and blisters. Naga had came to assist, as Muzo was a well experienced scientists and helped Artia break apart the posion killing livestock and those that ate from it. The female looked tired, exhausted even as she kept busy. She had given her apprentice the day off, as he took up extra hours. It was her lunch break, or she still be in the clinic working. With a loud exhale she read a note regarding a name she never heard of, reading the name aloud, "Emilia?"

Emilia with concern for the city that she was born and raised in, as well as appointed Emissary of which title she is unsure of to the validity of since the vanishing of the one whom bestowed it, found a familiar path that lead the ghostly woman to the public board of the town square. It was here the Genasi would post up a note that announced to the citizens she was offering up what protection and aide that she could once more. It was as she was walking away from such an area that a woman, Artia, pondering upon the board and voiced her name loud enough that the Genasi picked up on it. Spinning in a circle, booted feet nearly losing their placing as the woman turned to land ice-blue eyes upon Artia, “Can I help you?” She would question her. However, she was no longer the blonde hair freckled faced human, the Genasi was ever still recognized as the farmer whose farm had burned down on the outskirts of the city near to the edge of the forest. It is also in this location that she spots the familiar being Rohk with his companion Sabrina of whom the ice-woman waved to.

Sabrina was not pressed for time, else the River Elfess would have taken to riding the hellbeast for his feet were far faster than nearly all other local manner of unenhanced beings. As far as he was concerned he was the fastest- though at fault of confrontation would never need prove that point under threat of an honest beating to those who challenged his claim. Her pace falters as she peers at the tired looking woman speaking to the board, and in identical manner his pace matched hers far to mirrored to be passed off as a reaction. She stopped then, as did he; her hands clasped neatly in front of her frail form. She donned leathers, to the untrained eye nothing extravagant would stand out but upon closer inspection the tailored garments were the highest grade of Elven make; fine stitching with golden threads that glinted now and again to reflect tiny bits of light. There is a bow slung over her shoulder and an arched brow confirms familiarity with this Emilia- A smile graces her features and it almost looked genuine though Emilia would be used to this by now if she remembered at all the emotional range of the elfess before her. It was a well-practiced reaction now and it would be nice if Rohk followed suit. But this bitch was icy cold and he hated her for that.

Sebias comes meandering up the path through the city draped in the old familiar shrouds of black, finally starting to look and feel like his old self again. The sinister dragon in human guise observes the convergence of the three women in the town square, only one of which he knew. "Interesting..." He mumbles quietly. Always in need of a good source of entertainment, he weaves his way near the gazebo with the tip of his tail dusting the ground behind him. He nods to each present as he leans against the railing, remaining silent for the time being to cautiously keep his mouth shut until he sees what is going on.

Artia looked up at the female the responded, her eyes not being able to not but to read the female's aura. A soft smile spread across her face, "Your name..it..seems familiar but I'm always stuck in a book or at the sick bay. I want to thank you for posting this. Larket needs all the help it can get." With a sigh, speaking softly to not disturb the city people. "I've had to hire guards at the sick bay. The fermin are feasting on our dead, livestock is getting posioned and if eat the posioned meat you get ill. Fever, chills and blisters that ooze with rotting liquid flesh. Our people are dying, my apprentice is making potions at all times to help give those relief that catch this sickness." Looking to the other female she smiles to as well, scanning her aura before looking back to Emilia. "I'm Artia, Larket's Apothecary. Sorry, rude of me to not introduce myself. I've broken down the posion they use, Muzo and I are working on an antidote. But I fear the fermin are up to worse."

Emilia was for a moment struck by a sudden twang of sadness as the blue gaze of the Genasi landed on Rohk as he along with Sabrina changed in pace that they walked with, she would never be able to pet the hell beast again, not that she had ever really petted him prior, but now she would never be able to. Fire and Ice? Not going to happen. Compared to the fine Elven clothing worn by Sabrina and the colorful garment worn by Artia the farmer was out for the count in the fashion show. The ever so frail looking woman with skin white as snow, currently sporting a series of visible bruises and minor healing gashes, wore a simple summer gown with fabric that was faded white with a pair of worn leather work boots. Those white curls that flowed past her waist were a tangled mess as ever they were at most any time in life. Were it not for the injuries and boots on her feet one might mistake the white one for a ghost. “I was raised in the city…the farm that burned down about a year ago? Maybe longer? I ran the farm here…” There was watchful eyes on the gathering, she could sense it and as such her blue gaze moved to land on Sebias a moment before looking back to Artia, “I will help where I can.” Then her gaze fell on Sabrina, “Good to see you again.” Here came a smile for the elf before Em lifted a foot to slip off her boot only to dump a pile of snow out of it onto the ground before replacing it back on her foot and repeating with the other foot.

Sabrina cleared the few steps between herself and the Genasi though Rohk for reasons understood would not clear that same distance. She did not offer a shake of hand or anything else that could be an invitation for contact though a formal bow of her head was presented with a cascade of ebon locks slithering over pointed ear to shield a pale contrast portion of her face. Gloved fingers push back the silken strands to their foremost position in an automated response to their folly. Long black lashes squint lightly over her viridian gaze as those keen eyes take in Emilia’s differences whilst taking note of the things that were vaguely the same. “You have changed much, my friend.” And after all this time amongst these people the accent was still thick as the words flowed with poor execution. It is not that she does not see the others present, more a lack of concern than anything but she is not familiar with the others and so she owes them nothing. But as the male enters the area Rohk makes no further hesitation to approach his Elfess and place himself between the woman and the distant male. His massive head turns in the direction of Sebias; his eyes swirled like a black abyss and each person there could attest that he was staring directly at them though truly he was keeping an eye on them all. No pupils could dictate which target took precedence but such was the case when dealing with his kind- looking everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Twin tails lashed at the ground behind him and like an overbearing father he gave what he considered fair enough warning to that damnable male standing just there. Sabrina’s attention is now on Artia and the look on her face is a mix of displeasure and mild acceptance. “Are you what has happened to Ara?”

Artia placed her hand to her chest, "I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you. Thank you for handling the farms, I am sure the people enjoy it. There seems to be many farms now, and at least three livestock. I read before that this is war tactics to weaken others, our death count is at twelve now. It's not acceptable for any to have died because those creatures. If you could, could you help me keep an eye out for anything? We have a young child missing now, and with fermin trying to surface more I worry they might have started to take living now." Seeing that the beautiful ladies knew each other she took a step back to give them space. "No, I am the Apothecary. It's been hectic in these lands, keep eyes out please." Looking to the creature Sabrina brought with her, "I've been healing and making potions anything that needs to be done in the sick bay. May I ask who you are?"

Sebias ,for trying to remain quiet and out of the way, sure did get a lot of looks. He did his best to suppress his unsettling aura and remain a silent witness. As the Hellbeast stares at him he stares back for a moment with similar featureless eyes that churned like grey smoke trapped within a glass orb. There was no challenge in the stare, in fact in a gesture to let it be known he wasn't there to cause trouble, he looks away after a moment as if disinterested in what was going on. He could tell he had already been pegged as bad news despite having done nothing as of yet. It's the robes... no well meaning person ever strolled in broad daylight in black robes. Still Sebias continues to listen on as he pets a small resurrected rodent that crawls out from his sleeve and into his hand.

Emilia could not argue against the statement made by Sabrina as in nearly every aspect of the statement was true. Once a human now a creature of Ice, once blonde now with stark white curls, once lightly tanned now ever white as the snow, and once pink lips now a pale blue. Only those blue eye show no change, still the same shade they always were. “Only just a bit of change,” she would lie with a well-practiced smile upon those lips. Admitting the truth might land her another person wishing to see just how far they could push the change in the Genasi to see just how she ticked on the inside. Sabrina? With her knowledge and skills could most likely open the ice-lady up and put her back together again if she really wanted to. Tangled curls fell into a blue-freckle dusted face as the woman as she turned her gaze away from Sebias after another glance as the oddity of a man. Staring at Artia the female nodded sending more tangles into her face, “I think that we can do something about these fermin. Perhaps we should start by not only continuing to treat the ill, but to find a way to close off the sewers and prevent them from such an easy access into the city.”

Artia 's cyan blue optics rested on Sebias offering him a smirk, turning her attention back to the two as they spoke. "Yes, can you arrange a team to help you in the quest to get the sewers covered up? If we can trap those that are hiding up on surface it make it easier to capture one to question it." Popping her knuckles, "I have ways of making things talk about anything I want said." Looking to Sabrina, "I just restocked the vials, but everything else is needed. I have apprentices that been helping at the clinic and guards. Xzavior and Nasada, they help a lot but Xzavior spends his time there mostly. And yes the clinic is always open, as I've been on call nonstop." Looking to the sky, " I must be going or the last flower I need will be closed up, and I won't now the flower. Sabrina, Emilia I hope to see you both around. If need me ask any Larketian, if I'm not in the kitchen working than I'd be in sickbay. Emilia thank you, have a great day." Artia wouldn't know Sabrina as the healer as she had been gone before Artia was asked to step in. Offering the three of them a soft nod as she started to head to the enchanted forest.