RP:Sanmichel and Champion the Wonder Hamster meet Lahk

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The Soph Shop

3 Sept 2011

Lahk tries to comfort the anxious mother

You the merchant appears to have been weeping though she tries to hide this from her fellow lycan customer.

Lahk looks up in concern at the sound of the shopkeeper's tears, and asks, "Is something amiss?"

Sophie wipes her eyes looking rather embarrassed, she has bags under her eyes and looks both worried and exhausted. "This is no time to be a mother, what with the evil Vuryal and the brutally sadistic drow all over the surface."

Lahk nods slightly, "Yes, I had the misfortune to witness the flaying of someone on his...", he spits the word, "stage, outside the local tavern." He pauses, considering, "Still, look upon your motherly duties as one way of holding against the brewing storm. You need not fight all battles at once."

Enter warhamster rider stage right

Sophie the sensitive elf flinches sympathetically at the word flaying. "I worry so much for them. I will not let them go into Kelay on their own anymore. Did you hear that Vuryal has kidnapped the innocent Lycan child Niawtu, as is corrupting her into some vile monster to do his bidding? Why little Niawtu used to play with my son Kassy. " The mother is interrupted by one of her (adopted) children a 3" tall pixie lad, who rides his magnificent warhamser out of a hole in the wall adjoining the shop counter. The sign above said hole reads "Sanmichels' Warhamster Stables." The tiny rider calls out dramatically. "Champion the Wonder Hamster."

Lahk chuckles at the spectacle of the tiny pixie riding the warhamster and grins a little. "Well," he says, "it appears you have the makings of an army of your own right here, cavalry and all." His expression turning more serious, he continues, "Keep them safe. Then you, in turn, will feel safe and the turbulent doings of the world beyond will trouble you less. I have heard tell you are a healer of some note, and I believe I saw you in the town square helping another woman earlier." He nods, "Healers are not expected to front the battle. You should feel heartened that by staying back, and tending to the wounded, your efforts will be well appreciated."

Sophie, the slightly built woman nods gently "There is much wisdom in what you say sir. Please forgive my rudeness in not introducing myself sooner. I am Sophie the healer and this brave and clever young hamster rider is my son Sanmichel, named for my dear giant friend Sanmichel." Little Sanny loves having new people to show off to"I am a brave pixie Knight. I was trained by the famous paladin Guerin in his training school in Larket. Sir Guerin even made a special sword, just for me."

A concerted effort

Lahk makes a sketch of a polite bow as the woman introduces herself to him, "Likewise, my name is Lahk, and you give my wisdom too much credit. It is simply that I have seen war before, and suffering always ensues hand in hand. I hope however that I have put your mind in some small way at ease as to lifting the perceived weight of your duties." To the pixie, "And you, young pix, that is a fine sword and steed, indeed, but mind your mother, and stay from danger. Effort must be given in concert with others, as much as you may wish to prove your own worth."

Sophie is delighted as Lahk speaks kindly to her tiny son. Little Sanny listens seriously then asks. "Why do we need a concert? I don't play any musical instruments but my sister Arysel plays the flute and my brothe Hume plays the violin. I just plays hide and seek, and I spy neither of which is very musical, but they are lots of fun anyhow. Do you like hamsters mister Lahk? Or sharks?"

Lahk roars with a burst of laughter as the pixie speaks of concerts. He nods with a wide smile, "Yes, we need music. The music of all our voices raised as one against those who would stop the orchestra from playing on." Adopting a bemused expression, he says, "Of course I like sharks. *Everyone* likes sharks. But watch out for those who like them on toast!"