RP:Royce And Rey

From HollowWiki

Part of the The End's Not Near Arc

Summary: Reginae, recently unfrozen, finds herself face to face with a member of some secret underground naga resistance who offers her a place among their ranks, unaware that she is the former Queen. Reginae makes up a quick name on the spot, and offers to meet him later to find out more information about the organization.

**Royce written by Xzavior

Weapon Storage

Reginae’s head was spinning. The more accurate description would be brain freeze but the naga never had a taste for cold foods and hadn’t yet experienced the blissful aching sensation associated with the term. So for now, she hides out in the smithing supply room, coiled up behind some frozen but intimidating barrels of Black Ice Rods, shielded from anyone who entered the room by the clutter of this Frost Giant Forge. Her hair is frazzled, cut short now to account for the damage of being ‘dead’ for so long. It draws a crisp line against the back of her unusually snow like skin, which is still tinted a fine blue from the ice and poison.

Around the time, a naga of shorter stature slithered into the room, constantly looking back and making sure nothing had seen him come in before giving a soft sigh and looking around the supply area. Sadly they weren't finished projects or anything, but they could very surely be used to sell in other areas for gold and such. Shivering ever so slightly, the naga was far from used to coming up into the frozen mountains. However, he would have to deal with it for a short time. Rummaging through the supplies, he chose what could be best re-purposed before coming to the ice rods and noticing the woman behind the barrels. Letting out a small gasp, he backed up quickly and placed a hand on the hilt of a dagger he had. Hoping he hadn't just been found out.

Reginae likewise turned when someone entered the space, trying to press herself against the barrel to avoid being seen. When the other naga gasps, she spins around, ready to pounce on her would be assassin to find him looking every bit like that. Her normal azurite gaze had turned a dull grey with the freezing, she looked nothing like herself. Any naga that had ever seen her before would fail to recognize the pale, thin fragility of the momentary Queen. Her hands were up, fingers extended like claws to attack this stranger. Her hesitation was bought by his race, it gave her pause. “Why are you here?” She asked, in the raspy voice of rusty vocal chords while her white tail twitched tensely.

The naga relaxed quite a bit more then she had, though he could see why she would still be tense. She looked as though she was drug through the underdark by her tail. Sounded like it too. Standing up straighter, the naga crossed his arms and raised a brow, "I could ask you the same thing. Better yet, how long have you been up here? you look like death." Coming over, he instead offered a hand up and said, "If you're thinking I'm here to harm you, you're wrong. Just came to rid the fort of some excessive supplies and head on back to my group." Not knowing who she was and only seeing a naga that really needed some help, he let his guard down quite a bit. Well, towards her. He was still cautious of his surroundings

Reginae reluctantly accepted his hand and shifted her coiled tail to stand more upright beside the barrell she’d been hiding behind. Each motion was grueling, her face winced with effort. “I was run out of Alithrya….” The woman hadn’t seen who usurped her, didn’t yet know who was taking her place on the throne but figured this male might. For all they knew it was some crazy naga impersonating her sister. After all, hadn’t she been thought dead? “..for being a supporter of Reginae’s.” Hearing her own lips speak her name felt foreign and surreal. It would explain why she looked like hell if she’d be thrown out by any of Jaize’s illusionist lackeys. “What are you doing here?” But then he explained, lifting some armaments off Frostmaw in this time of need. “Does Hildegarde know you are here?” Wasn’t this technically stealing if she didn’t? Not that Reginae had the most gilded past. “Who are you?”

The naga smirked a bit and shook his head, "I already said why I was here, but no. The Silver doesn't have knowledge of our presence. Don't worry, we're not ransacking the place, just grabbing what we need for the short term so we can get what we really need later." He explained. Hearing she was ran out like she was, he pursed his lips and said, "You're quite a long way away from home. How long were you out of the city for? I can only assume a few weeks at least." Placing a hand on his chin, the naga said, "In that case you wouldn't have heard, Reginae has died and apparently some naga claiming to be Jaize has taken over. No one questioned her because of her uncanny resemblance but she has control now. As for who I am, my name is Royce. A naga apart of the few not blindly following this... queen by birthright."

Reginae’s interest was piqued. A group of naga not following the Queen? It could be very valuable to have a potential partnership with such a group...especially considering her current state of affairs. “A few weeks? Has it been that long? Time feels like a blur..” Her raspy voice replied, followed by an empty laugh. “Royce, it’s nice to meet you. It seems Aramoth brought us together, to fight against this new threat.” Grey optics flash towards the empty doorway, and then regard the male once more. “Do you think it’s really her? Did you get a good look?” Curiosity was driving her mad. “I’d like to know more about what you are apart of? This a far way off from home…” Regi’s fairly certain the Alithrya / Frostmaw alliance could endure a few supplies being borrowed unless of course the City of War went into it’s own full blown War. Those in need come first...even if she didn’t want to sneak around behind The Silver’s back. Snek she was, but sneak? Less so in terms of friendships. “She could be a dangerous ruler…” Her mind snapped back to the present, and Jaize.

Royce nodded and offered a smile, "Indeed. Aramoth seems to always have our back doesn't he? But, we got a good enough look to know that she does look very similar to the previous queen. Didn't stick around long though. It was too dangerous." looking at the collection he's gained so far, he threw it onto his back and said, "I'll do you one better and offer you a chance to come with us. There's always room for another." When Reginae said that Jaize could be a dangerous ruler, the naga looked off to the side and muttered something along the lines of, "Alithrya has had quite a history of dangerous rulers..." Before snapping back and asking, "By the way, I never got your name."

Reginae nodded, glad for the chance to tag along. “I’d love to...Can I meet you somewhere soon? I’m afraid I’m not up to traveling very far just yet.” The naga gestured to herself in a ‘Need I go on?’ self deprecating way. She had very purposefully not offered her name, because she didn’t want to lie or have to clarify things in the future, when she looked more like herself. “It’s Rey…” She offered, clumsily flexing her hands to warm up the skin. She was cold to the touch. A name with an “R” beginning would be more natural to reply to. Hopefully Royce wouldn’t suspect...Aramoth forgive her, it was for a good cause. “I can’t argue that…” came her reply to the idea that all of Alithrya’s rulers had been dangerous. It was part of their culture. The biggest, baddest thing ran the show most of the time. And big bad things normally have even worse tempers or mindsets about how to use that power. The Silver did a wonderful job here in Frostmaw, leading with her power and her own kindness.

Royce nodded and moved back a bit, "We'll be here for a few more days. We're just about finished with our rotation then we'll be heading back to the main group. Be ready and we'll be sure to bring you along Rey." He was good on his promises and he wouldn't leave behind someone who looked as though they really needed some help. He doubted she'd get any around here. With one last look at his collected supplies, he waved with a hand before leaving the room and sneaking out of the fortress. Back to his group of companions and told them all about this new recruit.