RP:Reaching Out Ilydia and Sequoia

From HollowWiki

Summary: Ilydia and Sequoia meet and agree to search together.

Characters: Ilydia, Sequoia

LOCATION: Kelay Tavern

Sequoia had been in the tavern for a while, enough for anyone to take notice even if only a little. But he hated crowds, found them intimidating. Though a lot of people found HIM intimidating at the odd height of 6'9. So, out of the curiosity tearing a hole in his mind, he found himself in an odd little room. As he walked in the broom fell over, and he hastily picked it back up. There were other people in the room. One. An elf with.. a turtle? "Hey." he said, flashing her a grin. Seqioua cautiously kept his fingers around the door-handle, just to be safe.

Ilydia looked around, but feeling a strange presence, she quickly scrambled and hid behind a large board that appeared to be there.

Sequoia frowned, noting that she was scared.. or something like that. He understood that emotion more then anything, though it was often hard to tell. "What's wrong?" he asked, half rhetorically. He was concerned, but Sequoia tried hard to keep that out of his voice.

Zuliss was actually sleep in one of the open crates within this little room, soft snore hardly heard comes from one. Only one with great hearing could possibly locate the lycan, but there would be a hand sticking out from the side as Zuliss slept.

Ilydia froze as she noted that someone had noticed her. Like a timid mouse, she hid herself even more, her eyes darting around, searching for another place to hide, perhaps even a way to escape. Yet only her current spot seemed safe and even then it was only relative. She bit her lip as she pondered what to do, and finally, very timidly, she spoke, her voice panicked and her speech flustered. "I'm not very tasty, I don't taste good at all, I don't have a lot of meat."

Sequoia crossed his arms, and tilted his head in confusion. It had always been hard for him to understand people. Was backing into corners in fear 'normal'? No, it really shouldn't be. He felt like doing it often enough but this was strange. Quickly he let his arms fall down to his sides again as she spoke, remembering his height for the moment and that crossing his arms never helped to calm a situation like this down. He had to duck in the room as he went over to her. "Hey, no. Nobody's going to hurt you, okay?" he reassured her, putting a scarred and calloused hand on her shoulder, then taking it back because he didn't want to frighten the girl. There was a man snoring over there.. what the heck kinda place is this anyway? People sleeping in storerooms, girls backing themselves so far into the corner that it looks like they're trying to 'become' the wall or something.

Zuliss 's ears twitched quickly at the voices nearby and opens his eyes to slits. Peeking over the crate he had no idea how he got in here...Blinking a couple of times before emerging from the crate rubbing his strange colored eyes, his nose flared at the scents of the ones gathered here. "Noise..."

Ilydia shivered as the person neared her, it was dangerous and she feared for her life. Still, she had no way to hide if he had already found her. She froze at his touch and stopped moving. She dropped to the ground, playing dead for most predators would not eat something that was already dead. Of course, then the other creature spoke, a creature that she had not quite noticed before. Even more so, she stayed still, not desiring to be eaten. She still had no trust of others.

Sequoia looked a little frustrated now. Anger is his middle name. Metaphorically, of course. He doesn't know his middle name. He sighed and took a step back, then knelt. Trust was a hard thing for him, but it was obviously pretty damn hard for her too. "I swear, I won't hurt you." he started, the anger only appearing at the end of his voice, though he'd tried his hardest to keep it back. "Listen, it's dark in here. Let's leave, okay?" he added, this time more calm. He was a stranger to her, and she was alone with him in a dark-ish room. Maybe that's what's freaking her out.

Ilydia slowly crouched, her voice came softly like sweet wine, "I like it better in here though, it is quiet here, fewer strange people who would eat me." She looked past Sequoia before she spoke again, "At least, you have not eaten me yet." She closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them slowly, her hair slowly drifting-swaying from the light draft. She curtsied quickly, before her voice came, this time as a light and gentle voice that was soothing and calming, a voice as if singing and if ears could taste sound, her voice would have been like a mild honey, "My name is Ilydia Ze Arl Infinitum"

Sequoia smiled. She was talking! A pretty voice, too. "Nobody's gonna eat you." he stated, frustration on the subject tinging the undertones of the statement. She had a nice name. Pretty and long. Sequoia didn't have a proper name. "Mine's Sequoia. Like the tree." he said, pointing gently upwards "`cause I'm tall." Those born into slavery normally don't have names. The man knelt next to her, then crossed his legs. "Nice to meet you." he said, smiling. It really was damn dark in here, his eyes were just starting to adjust. "So I take it you don't like people then?" he asked, partially out of the lack of conversation going on here.

Ilydia nodded once to affirm that she did not like these 'people.' "The people frighten me. I found myself here, not knowing where I was, not remembering anything of myself but my name. And I looked to ask where I was. And I saw it." Her eyes darkened almost literally. "They ate meat. And if I am meat too, then they surely would eat me. I did not dare allow them to find me after that."

Sequoia looked a little started by her sudden explanation. He wasn't used to people being so open with him, he was used to them ignoring his presence or trying to pick a fight with him or something. "Did you know that if people don't eat meat, they don't get the iron, and that makes them kinda dumb?" he asked, trying to help her out a little. He glanced at her ears for a moment. "I'm not sure if it's the same with elves though." Sequoia added, smiling. "It's okay. I don't exactly like people either." he confided. Maybe letting her know that they felt the same about something would help her out a little.

Ilydia looked at Sequoia before tilting her head slightly. "Elves?" What is that?

Sequoia frowned. "You're an elf, right?" he asked, suddenly feeling foolish. "I'm sorry. That;s rude of me, isn't it." he apologized. It's often hard for Sequoia to understand what's okay to say and what's not, due to his previous lifestyle.

Ilydia looked at Sequoia before she spoke, "I don't know if I am."

Sequoia felt even more foolish. "Right.. everything but your name." he said, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry, that must really suck." Sequoia added. Truthfully, he thought it would be amazing. Forgetting everything up until now. A miracle. No more nightmares, no moer fears, flashbacks, nothing. A whole new person with no past what-so-ever and a whole future in head of them. But that was just his own opinion. She probably didn't think it was so hot.

Ilydia nodded slowly. "Still, if you thought I was an elf, then perhaps that is what I am." Her eyes closed before she continued to speak, "Though I have lost so much, I know that it merely means I have so much to gain, so much to learn. But so far, I've had no clues. Perhaps this will be a start, perhaps this is a clue for me." Her eyes opened, the red of her eyes almost shining as she spoke. "I will learn about this world, about myself, and perhaps I will eventually learn of my past and what I've forgotten."

Sequoia smiled. "I'd be happy to help, if you'd like. I've got some mental searching to do, too." he suggested. It seemed like a good idea at the time, even though he normally doesn't like company. At the moment it sounded kinda nice to have someone around, someone he could talk to.

Ilydia nodded once more, her voice seeming to only follow her thoughts instead of speaking them. "It would be good I think." She smiled slightly after speaking.

Sequoia was happy that she accepted. "Alrighty then! What should we start with?" he asked.

Ilydia thought for a moment before she spoke, "I don't know what we should start with." Her eyes seemed to wander for a moment, wondering slightly. "Perhaps I should find out more about this place."