RP:Prison Break

From HollowWiki

Larket Zoo

A multitude of animals are caged up here, some of which you recognize - the mountain bear and water snake - whereas others are bizarre beyond belief. One thing with three too many heads hisses at you menacingly and in the adjacent cage, something that looks like a bright yellow hydra is sleeping. You notice empty cages and walk up to them to inspect them. It would appear that the inhabitants of these cages were eaten somehow. Looking around, you see a massive lizard, close to the size of a dragon. Tapping on the glass of its cage, you startle it awake. A massive, rope like tongue whips out towards you, only to hit the glass. Looking carefully at the framing, you can see holes where bars might once have been. You can only assume that this is what ate the others.

Corbin is quite the sight, he is! There is a pointy hat on his head for one. Not a big deal. He left the robes at home because they get in the way of his stabbery. Hanging from his person is a wand (that is totes just a stick) and an expensive looking dagger that he didn't steal! A scary drow gave it to him. On his arms and legs and left cheek, he has glued flat pieces of various stones. So what is the kid doing now? He's got both hands pressed against that glass, peeking in on that lizard. "Woah..." he breathes out a whisper.

Nowfaleena walked with her cubs through the zoo, "You can look around." She said gently, "But don't go too far, and don't irritate the animals!" Her tone turned warning, but she was trying to give the children a bit more freedom. So they hurried off, intent on looking for their favorite animals. Lyla spotted Corbin first, and blushed slightly as she paused in her step. Strend grinned as he saw the other boy, "Corbin!" He called out, hurrying over to his friend. It was then that Lyla pulled herself out of her staring session to make her way toward Corbin, "Hi..."

Corbin has his face smashed against that glass so he has a pignose and everything. "Hey there, lizard. You're so cool." His name is heard, tearing him away from the glass just in time to keep from being smacked through it by that ropeish tongue. "Hi guys!" He waves and moves closer, meeting them somewhere in the middle.

Nowfaleena watched her children as they ran off. She headed towards the cat portion of the zoo, pitying the simple beasts that weren't real felines, but only wild animals. Her children, meanwhile were waving back at Corbin, hurrying over to him, "How are ya?" Strend asked, while his sister twitched her ears and tail, trying to fight off the blush that was evident upon her cheeks.

Corbin doesn't have any sense to notice Lyla's blushing. Although he does take a moment to notice the mother over there looking at other things. He leans forward and whispers oh so softly to the two. So softly that not even catbatears over there can hear what he is saying to the twins. "I'm planning a prison break."

Nowfaleena wasn't paying attention to her cubs, for the time being, and didn't hear the whispered words. Strend grinned, "Oh? A Prison break, huh? Tell me more!" He whispered back. Lyla was silent. She knew her mother wouldn't approve of this idea, but she really liked Corbin, so she listened, and went along with whatever the plan was.

Corbin places a hand on each of their shoulders while popping his head up to look around. Left. Right. Left again. He pulls them close so all three of their foreheads are touching. "All these animals don't belong cooped up, see. And I'm gonna bust 'em out, see. An' youse guys are gonna help out, see." Where did that Italian mafia accent come from? No clue. But it makes the boy giggle all the same. He drops the accent the next time he speaks. "What do you think?" He looks between the two siblings. "Wanna help me?"

Nowfaleena was still oblivious to the plotting. Lyla blushed brighter as her forehead touched Corbin's. Strend nodded along as the plan was revealed, "Sound's good!" He agreed, not caring about the mafia accent. Lyla was a little less quick to agree, between the danger of the prison break idea, and the fact she was so close to Corbin she could feel his breath on her cheek. "U-um...s-sounds..." She wanted to say dangerous, but she didn't want Corbin to think her a coward! "Sounds like a plan..."

Corbin seems to have just invented peer pressure! Imagine that. And he doesn't even know what the word peer means. He grins at the twins and nods. "Good. Follow me." The boy crouches down low and heads for anything they can hide behind. A tree. A trash can. A bench. In his eye, they are completely invisible to anyone watching. Really they just look like a bunch of kids messing around. No harm, no foul. Eventually they get to a small building with windows on the wooded side. "See in there?" he whispers. "That is the zookeeper's office. We gotta get his keys."

Nowfaleena just kept watching the cat section. Lyla and Strend followed Corbin from hiding spot to hiding spot as they moved to the office, "Yeah." Strend nodded, grinning, "How are we going to do that?" Lyla said, hoping that this task would prove impossible and keep them from setting the dangerous animals free.

Corbin grins widely at Lyla. "I wasn't sure before, but now I have help so it'll be easy!" He peeks into the window again then looks back at his friends. "He keeps his keys on a hook by the door and only takes them for feeding time. That doesn't happen for four more hours so we don't have to hurry, but we should hurry anyway." He does another scout around to make sure they're not being listened to. "All you two have to do is distract the keeper. One can pretend to fall and the other can get the guy to come help. I only need a minute to get in, steal the keys, and get out. Sounds easy, right?"

Strend gave a nod as he listened to the plan, "That'll work. Lyla, you pretend to fall." Lyla wasn't so sure. But she nodded anyway, "Alright." Her tail swayed behind her as she hoped their plan wouldn't work.

Corbin slips a hand into Lyla's to give it a squeeze. "Are you sure you can do this?"

Lyla blinked at teh hand in hers, blushing profusely, and nodding, "I...I can do it!" She let her hand linger in his as long as he would allow. Strend just rolled his eyes, "So let's do it then!"

Corbin nods, gives Lyla's hand another squeeze, then lets go. "Alright! I'll wait here while you lure him away."

Inside the office, the zoo keeper is sitting at his desk. He has a bag of gold and is greedily counting it. Kind of like the Sheriff of Nottingham in the old Disney Robin Hood. Totes what the guy looks like too. Yeah. That sounds good.

Lyla gave a resolute nod, her blush increasing some. She would stroll out onto the path, and fall, "Ahh! My ankle!" She feigned a sprain. Strend ran out onto the path, then down towards the zookeeper's office, "Mr! My sister fell and hurt her ankle!"

Mr. Zookeeper stands up right away. "What? Show me!" He has to make sure the kid is alright and that it isn't the zoo's fault that the kid got hurt! There will be a lawsuit and if he has to shell out money for a broken ankle then Fat Vinnie won't get his money and we all know what happens when Fat Vinnie doesn't get his money. *shudders* So the zookeeper waddles around to the door, staring Strend down. "Show me where your sister is."

Strend motioned for the fat zookeeper to follow, hurrying down the path to where his sister lay writhing in false pain, "Oh, owwww...." She groaned out convincingly.

Corbin waits until Strend has lead the zookeeper far enough away before slipping around the side of the building. Being small has its advantages, you know! Once inside, he goes right for the wall where the keys hang. Ha-HA! There they are. The boy grins and reaches up to grab them. Being small has its disadvantages too. Why are they so high!? Darn it. He peeks out the door to see the zookeeper kneeling down by Lyla. Good. He's got a little more time. Grabbing the dagger of drowish stabbery from his person, he lifts it to hook that ring of keys. This is the part where he would do an airpunch if this were some bad 80's teen movie. Dagger tucked away and keys held so they don't jingle, he darts out of the office. Hopefully the twins see him and follow soon!

Lyla and Strend kept up their distraction. The latter kept an eye out covertly for Corbin's escape, and when the boy had made his getaway, he stealthily signalled his sister. Lyla sat up, rubbing at her ankle, "It feels better now, thank the gods!" She chimed, climbing to her feet. She and Strend then took off running down the path.

Corbin hides just long enough for the zookeeper to waddle back into his office. Once the coast is clear, the boy heads out to catch up with his friends. "You guys were awesome!" The twins are glomped in a tumbleroll sort of manner. "Now we just gotta unlock all the cages."

Strend grinned at the glomp, while Lyla blushed deeply. Strend gave a nod, "Right!" He looked around, wondering what cage they should open first. Lyla kept silent, not wanting to ruin the moment by suggesting caution.

Corbin takes a quick glance around the area. "The whole place isn't very big and there isn't anyone else here today." He holds up the keyring. There are three keys, each with labels: Reptiles, Mammals, Stuff That Will Eat Your Face While Your Mother Watches (Or Kuzianimals for short). "I think we should each take a key and just start opening cages. Ready?" He offers the keys to his friends so they can pick the ones they want.

Lyla moved first, figuring mammals was a safe bet. She hoped, anyway. Anything super dangerous would be in the third category, right? Strend was next, and took a moment trying to decide what key he wanted. The one labeled Kuzianimals (for short, of course) was by far the most exciting. But he could see the concern on his sister's face, "I'll be fine, Lyla." He assured her, snatching that most dangerous key. "Okay, let's go!" Lyla shifted uneasily at her brother's enthusiasm, but gave no protest, lest Corbin think her a coward.

Corbin doesn’t care who picked which key, just as long as they all opened the doors in a verily quickly fashion. “Fast as you can, guys. Unlock, pull the door open, run to the next. Don’t try to coax the animals out. That’ll take too long.” He looks around to make sure no one has caught them yet. Nope. Coast is clear. “It may get a little chaotic. That is okay. Just find your mom. I’m sure she’ll be looking for you once she sees the animals running around.” He places a hand on each of their shoulders and grins. “Lady and gentleman… let’s liberate some oppressed.” And he turns with his key to take off towards the reptiles.

Nowfaleena wasn't being neglectful, really. She was trying to give her cubs some space. She knew she tended to be over protective, but what trouble could they really get into in the zoo? Little did she know. Lyla smiled at Corbin's hand on her shoulder, and Strend grinned broadly as he exclaimed, "Right!" He and his sister took off in the directions their keys indicated they should go, and began unlocking doors. Lyla was sure to get away as quickly as she could after unlocking her doors. Strend moved quickly as well, following Corbin's instructions.

Corbin reaches the reptile house and starts opening cages. Turtles, crocodiles, snakes, lizards. If it has scales, he is letting it out! Click-run-click-run-click-run. This is so easy! And no one is even any wiser either. Probably because the animals don’t even know they’re being freed! “Hey. Alligator. Psst. You can go now! Frogs. Hop to it! Get outta here!” And as if by some sort of magical convenience, one by one the various creatures start to find their way out. “Good.” He grins and heads out to see how the others are doing.

Lyla opened the cages of the mammals. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The large creatures roared as they ambled out of their cages, spotting the young half-elven caracal and pondering making a potential meal of their savior as they growled menacingly. Lyla mrewed and hurried on her way, and the animals seemed to think better of eating the scrawny thing. A shout sounded from the area full of more dangerous animals, "Get back! I'm warning you!" It was Strend. Apparently his animals, unidentifiable as they were, had decided to turn on him. In particularly a ridiculously large beetle that clicked its mandibles as it moved toward him. The air was fill with hissing and roaring and shouting of various animals. Now Leena saw what dangers were possible at the zoo, "What the..." She was on her feet, running toward the sounds of her son's shouting.

Corbin checks to make sure that Lyla is alright first. Mostly cause she’s a girl and when you’re eleven, girls need protecting more than boys do. He stays out of the way, watching the tooting elephants, quacking ducks, croaking frogs, and even the seals going owowow. There’s a stampede of various sounds as they run amok. This is the greatest day ever! He grins and spots the fox just as he goes-- Oh no! Strend is in trouble! Without hearing what the fox says, the little mageling takes off towards Strend. “Oi! Give her a cookie and run!” He throws a cookie from his pocket at the giganto beetle and takes off towards the zoo’s exit. Leena is spotted and Corbin has full faith the caracal can snatch up her kids and escape.

Lyla was fine, but mostly because the predatory mammals had decided to ignore her. She saw Corbin and gave a wave to show she was alright, then she heard her brother shout! She was off at a sprint, she had to help her brother! The large beetle blinked as it was pelted by a cookie, which it promptly began to eat. Leena took the opportunity to grab each twin by the wrist and haul ass away from the chaos. Meanwhile, the zookeeper was left to get all the dangerous animals back in their cages. Good luck!