RP:Pondering Helich

From HollowWiki

Part of the Incarnation of Abomination Arc

Summary: Arien and Rho discuss the implications of Helich’s reappearance. Riley is recruited into the clan, and into the fight against the black dragon incarnation.

Characters: Arien, Rhochielle, Riley.

Location: Kelay; Sage forest and The Fold compound.

Riley can be found standing amongst the multitude of flowers that grow just off to the side as you step into the compound, her head bent low and wondering gray eyes browsing through the different types. If one were to watch closely enough, they could see her chest rising and falling rhythmically as if she were inhaling deeply then releasing the breath slowly, perhaps enjoying the lovely fragrance the flowers in abundance give off. Strolling through a flower bed or garden was such an enjoyable past time, not to mention a calming one and something this lycan in particular took pleasure in doing. However, as her keen instincts detect she is no longer alone and her strong hearing picks up the soft thuds of feet moving over cobble stones, the woman turns and greets both the Lady Arien and fellow lycan with a soft smile and kind words, "Good evening, M'lady, Rho." To each, Riley offers a small bow of the head out of respect.

Rhocielle growled softly as he entered the gate alongside his mate, having found her just outside the compound. "He's back, Arien. I thought we were done with Helich... with Triyul... But its not over yet..." It was obvious that the topic at hand was a serious and particularly frustrating one for the wolf. That the black dragon specifically targeted the High Elf once before only added to his withheld fury. "I was so close to ending it, elf... I could almost taste his bloo-" he suddenly froze midstep upon hearing the greeting directed towards him. It took considerable inner strength to calm himself. "Mrm, good evening, Riley... I hope all is well?"

Arien was walking along side the armored wolf, and it would not be difficult to determine that she had spent the day at work. Her cloak of office swirled around her elegant height, serving double duty in both demarking her as a political leader of the lands, and disguising the ever growing curve of her womb. Silk and velvet and booted heels completed the uniform that complemented the pale dignity of the wife of the Warder and the general of the Fold. “How is it even possible?..Was he not trapped somehow, in the body of a preklek when last we encountered him?” she murmured. A glance was spared for her mate. “And I have to say I am glad that you did not engage fully beloved..not until we know for sure what it is with which we deal. It is never a simple story with that one..” eyes lifted at the discovery of his shift in topic, tension fading from her frame to be replaced with a warm smile of welcome. “Riley..a flower enthusiast perhaps? And out of rags..” Her tone was as warm as her smile.

Riley 's smiles slips somewhat as she over hears most of what was said by her two superiors before noticing her presence. A slight crease appears between knitted brows as the thought of someone or something harming Arien or Rho was somewhat distressing as she was growing quite fond of the both of them. Perhaps she should offer her aid in any way needed or perhaps she should keep her large nose and ears out of the Fold's business. Quickly, she decides on the latter…for now. The smile is replaced, maybe a just bit strained, and a single brow quirks in amusement at the High Elf's words, "I simply enjoy their relaxing aromas and lovely colors, M'lady. And yes, I am indeed properly dressed now, but I am afraid I will never find myself looking quite as elegant or dashing as yourself and your mate." A quiet chuckle can be heard rising from the young lycan, a twinkle of playfulness lighting her usually foggy hues.

Rhocielle looked over the female Lycan, nodding approvingly of her new garb. As he departed before the tour of the compound had ended, he did not know whether she was outfitted by the seamstresses or the quartermaster that was to be found on the premise. All the same, he responded to Riley's compimenting words, "Heh..., you flatter myself too much. I am but a wolf..." With a gentle prodding to his particularly fashionable mate, he added, "Though you flatter the elf not enough, me thinks." Lest Arien immediately seek to swat either his arm or muzzle, the black furred male was swift to take a step aside from Arien's.

Arien spared the wolf only a baleful emerald stare as a faint rosen flush stained her cheeks. “The wolf knows not of what he speaks..” she murmured dryly. A slender hand brushed aside the covering of her cloak to reveal that fullness that hinted beneath silk. “I’m getting fat..and it’s all his fault,” she teased. Her gaze resting on the female , lips would curve once more in a smile as compliment was returned. “You are looking more than fashionable yourself. You were beautiful even in rags.” Lifting a hand to indicate the shelter of the benches on the gas lit porch of the barracks, the elf would invite the lycaness to sit. “But come Riley..you have almost become a fixture in the compound, will you not consider making it your permanent home in these lands? There is always room for another, and your spirit resonates so well with my own. I have noted it from the start of our acquaintance..”

Riley accepts the High Elf's invitation and seats herself before legs cross knee over knee and hands lay in her lap to rest comfortably. At Arien's next question, the young woman's brows rise somewhat acknowledging that she heard though she says nothing immediately. So many things were to be considered and she had to take into account that once joining The Fold there were certain duties involved, she was positive. She already knew from her first visit and the explanation from Rho that this was a military based compound and the people that lived here were those that kept at bay the evil that may raise it's ugly head from day to day, fighting with hand, sword or even magic perhaps. So what would she, a lowly girl possessing no skill with any of these weapons have to offer these magnificent people? Was she willing to risk everything she had now? Grant it, it wasn't much, but still her own. Was she not free to do as she pleased when and where ever she wished? This was much more than many, she knew for a fact. So many questions seemed to rattle through the lycan's mind, so many decisions to make and indeed she needed time to think them over. Riley sighed heavily before turning her once more foggy gaze upon Arien, "I will not give a definite answer now, but allow me a night to ponder on it. Please, do not think that I am ungrateful for I know that what you offer is a great opportunity, but there are things that I must work through on my own. I need to decide just how much I am willing to give to this organization and keep for myself. Do you understand?" The young lycan's usually unexpressive gaze seemed to bore now into the High Elf's, pleading for her blessing and understanding.

Rhocielle rolled his eyes at Arien, but just as quickly returned to her side, come what may. Everything was his fault, nowadays, he silently mused and uttered with an amused snort. Bringing thoughtful attention back to the girl before them, he canted his head slightly as she grew silent. Wondering what troubled the female Lycan, he did not have long to wait. The black Lycan was silent as he heard Riley give her explanation for not immediately joining the clan. A canine ear flicked. he could not recalled if he had similar reservations, so long ago. Glancing to the elf beside him. No, he hadn't. The wolfen male had been inexperienced in the world that he joined, but eager to join the fight, to make a name of himself. She was her own person, however, and the black wolf respected her choice to think it over.

Arien had lowered herself into a seat beside the lycaness, and a touch ripe with understanding came to rest upon that near by knee as emerald gaze came to meet the eyes of the female directly. “Of course I do..” she murmured quietly. “It is no easy thing to put oneself in the position of being a target..as is often the case by the simple nature of who and what we are.” Her eyes roved the face of the girl, seeking the deepest truths of her concern. “You do understand that I offer you our hospitality and protection without price, do you not? We are not all made to be warriors..though we can all be taught. Rho is the best at what he does, there are few who do not learn under his tutelage. Even so..I invite you not to be a soldier..but a sister. What you might offer this family would be revealed in time. Still, you show wisdom to think on these things and we shall await your decision with patience.” A shadow might seem to pass across her face. “Especially as it seems you may be entering our number, if you choose to do so, at a time when peril may once again be on the rise.”

Riley 's chest rises and falls with another heavy sigh as the High Elf's words reignite the worry that had buried itself only moments ago. Uncrossing her legs, the young woman places a hand upon Arien's shoulder, squeezing gently before she then stands and moves to stand a few feet away, preferring to pace then to sit at the moment. Her gaze turns to Rho now, those foggy gray hues, once again, changing to a steely gray, "What is it you were talking of earlier that had your heckles on the rise, Rho? Who is this Helich and what threat do they pose for you and yours?" One thing could be said for this lycan; she certainly knew how to get straight to the point.

Rhocielle said to Riley, "Evil." There was always some shade of gray to most individuals, some underlying reason, some warped sense of reality. Helich, on the other hand, there was no gray shade to the dragon. Everything about that creature was to serve his own petty desire. "He is a being of pure evil, Riley... He goes by the name of Heltri now. If you see him... run. Don't think, run. I do not care what your inner Lycan demands of you... You will die, or worse... We do not yet know his intentions this time around, but he must be eliminated..."

Arien: The shadow on the elf’s face became an open frown. “It is as Rho says Riley..the Black is a master of manipulation, an empath..an illusionist. None but the most powerful of minds will be secure around him when he is at full strength, and who knows his state of mind. Until we know what he has endured, and why he has returned, we will be advising our kindred to avoid all contact with him.” Her eyes lifted to meet those of her husband, a tinge of the fear she felt for their unborn shimmering in the gem like depths. “He has no qualms hurting those I care for..am responsible for..in order to get to me, or to Rho.” She looked to the female again. “His hatred is irrational..and if you are mine..he will hunt you.” It was not perhaps, the best of advertisements, but the girl deserved to know what she might be setting herself up for.

Riley was silent for what seemed like hours. Her stony gaze had wondered from Rho to Arien as they both spoke, but then moved off towards the small garden to gaze upon the brightly colored flowers that grew there. The young woman seemed tense, her jaw flexing then relaxing only to tighten once more as her teeth ground together in their normal fashion when ever something bothered the lycan and became deep within her own musings. Her arms had lifted to cross over her chest, her right arm bent at the elbow so that her fingers on that hand could be lifted to her lips to run the tip of a single index finger over her lower lip; something she also did out of habit. Her chest continued to rise and fall with deep rhythmic breaths as her inner animal fought for control over her more rational human mind, the heated anger beginning to simmer deep within her belly and spread through her limbs, making her skin crawl and itch for the change. The words of both the elder lycan and the High Elf had painted quite an ugly picture within Riley's mind and now she fought the urge to simply attempt ridding everyone of the source of such panic and worry. Such was a lycan's life, though, to restrain ones self from making such irrational actions and though young, Riley knew it would be smart to heed Rho's words. Giving a soft final grunt, the woman turns to face her superiors, "I will think upon your invitation. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go for a run, clear my head a bit." Bowing her head low towards the High Elf, she then lifts it to offer a small crooked smile, "I highly doubt anyone could harm you with so many loyal followers, M'lady. I wish for you a peaceful evening." With this, the young woman turns to leave, but stops to look upon Rho for only a moment, "I hope you understand why I must leave." The young woman was shaking by this time with the effort of withholding the change, not wishing to endanger those that were precious around her.

Rhocielle said nothing to betray the woman's reasoning for leaving. He saw it in her eyes. If Arien would ask him about it afterward, he would confide in his mate. She knew of Lycan behavior, wed to one, and knowing many others. "Safe travels, Riley..." he said, turning to watch the woman depart.

Arien rose politely to her feet, eyes upon the female who was evidently in distress. She understood the urges being fought, and empathized. “Indeed, may the gods go with you Riley. We shall see you soon perhaps..” she murmured. When the female was gone, the elf turned eyes still shadowed with worry toward her mate, a soft “Shall we?..” her only invitation to him that they retreat to the place where the shadows of the world could not touch them. The heaven of each other’s arms. Within moments, the pair would be gone from sight.

The following night…

Riley lounges about in the boughs of the trees, their low hanging branches easily enough accessed from the ground with a well aimed leap and a bit of wrangling of the limbs to make way for a comfortable seat upon one. After having run several hours the night before, more so than her usual time limit, the lycan woman felt a bit lazy today and preferred to remain within her wolf skin. Her usually grey hues, now a more electric green, gaze upwards into the canopy above, the browning leaves whipping in the slight breeze and the flecks of sunlight casting shapes upon her torso as they shine through the foliage. Riley had a lot on her mind at the moment, what with finding the postings upon the tavern board as well as the invitation to become apart of Arien and Rho's Fold. She did indeed wish to help those she now considered friends and had planned to tell either of the two she first came across today, but it would seem that fate had other plans and she would have to wait. Though as this discouraging thought crosses the she-wolfs mind, grey tipped ears flick towards the sound of suddenly approaching footsteps, the sounds of those footsteps soft, but bearing some weight it would seem as they trudge along almost wearily. Almost as if a woman with child were walking this way. Quickly, the lycan rolls from her branch, landing with a soft thud upon the ground, knees buckling to kneel and absorb most of her weight upon impact, hands stretching forth to steady herself before a black muzzle rises so that the woman may peer into the gaze of her superior. With a small twitching of the corners of her lips, she relays a mental message to Lady Arien in hopes that she will recognize Riley and not become alarmed, ~M'lady. Tis good to see you this evening. I hope my wolfish form does not alarm you?~

Arien was making her way back to the compound after some time spent in the shrine of her Lady. She had not been able to shake the impression that the unnaturally significant growth of her children in utero was something that should be of concern to her-though Keturah had declared the pups healthy and hale enough. Hours had been spent in meditation before the ascendi, until darkness had come upon her unawares. Still thoughtful frown was etched in that pale face, though she was not so distracted as to remain unaware of her surroundings. Beneath the disguising cover of her cloak, a slender had lay at rest upon the hilt of Shoales which lay silent in its sheathe. Her wolf was not within range for its mate to call to the blade. The thought made her ache a little, that he would not be home when she got there. For a split second as the lycaness dropped out the the greenery above her, the elf thought that the blade had lied, and that her wolf had sought to play prank on her. But even before that familiar impression of self was imprinted on her mind, the elf’s eyes told her that the wolf before her was not the form of her husband in natural form. Pale lips would curve for the irony of the question. “I am married to a wolf Riley..” she said softly with a laugh. “It would be a sad thing indeed if the wolfen form bothered me..” Emerald gaze shimmered in the moonlight as the female drew to a halt before the wolf. “How was your run?..And have you given further thought to our discussion of yesternight?”

Riley rises now to her full height of about six feet, give or take a few inches, before leather padded palms move to rest at the lycan's back. Her large wolfish head dips ever so slightly so that the she-wolf may keep eye contact with the High Elf as they speak on matters for a time, that black muzzle sparkling somewhat in the moonlight with the silver grey that seems to weave in and out unnoticed at first. Though as Riley steps more fully into a larger beam of light, the Lady can see that her new wolf companion looks somewhat similar to her own husband, though with some differences. Same jet black covers most of the woman's head, running down over her back and over her tail, with the minor exception for the tips of her ears which are of the same silver grey as is in her muzzle. At about mid torso, the black fur begins to lighten as it treks inward towards the woman's stomach and abdomen region before it too also becomes the full silver, rising to her neck and encircling behind like a necklace, but stopping at about mid shoulder. The silver in the she-wolf's muzzle travels up and towards her eyes where it spreads in stray strands at the corners of those soft emerald hues. The tail at her back swishes lightly, revealing that it too looks as if the tip has been dunked with in the same silver liquid as the tips of her ears. Having gotten a better look of Riley, the High Elf might perhaps think that she looks more like an overly large house dog rather than a wolf. Again, the corners of the lycan's mouth rise somewhat in a mimicked smirk she had seen Rho himself do and had been practicing most of the day while lazing about on her back backside, ~My run was…much needed and aye, I have given much thought to your proposal and I accept with gratitude.~ Breaking at the waist, the she-wolf dips low into a bow before continuing, "With what ever power I possess within this body, whether it be with fist, tooth or claw, sword or staff, I pledge to offer my protection to you and to all who stand for you cause." With this, the lycan's eyes slowly begin to drop till they rest at her own feet, giving to Arien, in her own way, her full trust and loyalty.

Arien was surprised to discover the form of an anthropomorphic wolf before her when Riley loomed out of the shadows. The darkness of the night and her own assumption that the woman was feral lycan..one of the cursed..one of the irrational beasts that she had first learned to fear before she had understood, had led to her not realizing that the from crouched low before her was humanoid in nature. She had assumed a half shifted wolf, and now cursed herself for her stupidity. The rational sentience, communication of mind that they had shared would not have come from a rabid wolf, it was the bond she shared with her own mate. None of this surprise would show on her pale face however, as she solemnly took in the wolf’s form. Her lips twitched softly as she looked on the black and silver bitch with her own wolfen instincts. Riley would not know that she too owned a form, divinely gifted that would mirror the lycan’s own, save for the fiery coat of rust and ivory. Perhaps..some night, they would run together. “ And to your pledge is my sacred bond given. Until the gods part our hands in death or dishonor, you shall be blood of my blood and heart of my heart. I am honored to call you sister..” she replied somberly. “Rho shall be delighted to hear the news. Shall I show you to your quarters now?..And then, there are places you may see, that we were not free to show you before such a pledge..” she added with another curve of lip.

Riley rises once more to stand at her full height, hands still tightly clasped at her back before a small shake of the head is given in answer to the High Elf's question, ~Perhaps not tonight, M'lady. You are weary and burdened with your ever growing little one. You need your rest. Rho would not be too happy with me if I were keeping his mate and beloved up at all hours of the night, traipsing about the compound. I would like to keep my hide, thank you.~ At this, the lycan gives a few short snorts of laughter, the sound rough and gravely upon the Lady Arien's ears. Silence ensues for a few moments after the small jest, the light mood about the she-wolf quickly growing somber. Sighing heavily as if something weighed upon her shoulders, the wolf speaks again, ~I would ask for only a few moments of your time, however, to speak on a matter. The same as the night before. Shall we go and sit upon the bench in the compounds entrance?~

Arien cast the wolfen female a curious glance, her reply an instantaneous nod. “As you wish..what is it?” she asked quietly. Falling in beside the female she would make her way once more toward the great gate that secured the compound from the wilderness beyond, a nod to the minotaur guard enough to suffice for entrance. A few more steps, and the pair would find themselves upon the porch of the barracks once more, the cool winds of evening teasing across fur and flesh alike. Only when she was seated did the realization of the female’s earlier comment cause pale lips to twitch in the face of the elf. “Rho has learned over time that worry for me, is perhaps one of the greatest wastes of his energy. Though I am perhaps more vulnerable now than I have ever been.”

Riley nods thoughtfully at the High Elf's words, acknowledging that she accepts the veiled warning to not worry for Arien's safety too much, though the Elf herself will also learn in time that Riley sometimes allowed such warnings to pass through either a round and fleshy, or in this case furry silver tipped ear, and out the other. A black, well muscled arm extends slightly to offer the Lady a seat upon one of the stone benches, but does not take up one of her own. Rather, she lowers herself to rock back on her haunches as if sitting like a regular wolf, though her upper body remains upright and erect, with arms resting upon fur covered knees. Her gaze was direct as it bore into Arien's and hides none of her concern, again, despite the Elvin woman's words, ~On the board, in the Kelay tavern, I read a posting by a fellow who goes by the name Demon. In one of his several posts, I read the name you mentioned the night before. You said that being…this dragon has returned and is going by a different name now. I believe this fellow is the same man you and I fear. This Demon is Heltri."

Arien’s brow furrowed slightly at the news. “Admittedly I have not travelled to the tavern as often as I used to, having made my business to focus on the island for the time being. But if this..Demon, is possibly Helich or Heltri as he is known now..then it might pay to take a visit and review the entireity of his discussions upon the board while in that guise. Something might perhaps be revealed.” She said thoughtfully. “If he is out and about, it may mean I have to do so incognito.” She glanced at the wolf. “thank you for being so attentive, it has given us a place to begin exploring the motivations for his current manifestations,” she murmured.

Riley , again nods thoughtfully, happy she could have been of some help so early into her acceptance as a member of The Fold. But something was eating at her, something she couldn't quite remember. It was something important, this much she knew and it was driving her a bit mad to say the least. The large wolf stood and began to pace before the High Elf, the frustration evident clearly through the lycan's jerky movements, ~There was more. Something that caught my attention but never-~ As if a light suddenly flickers into existence within the wolf's mind, she halts her pacing and turns to gaze down upon the Lady once more, ~Demon is asking for Helich! He is searching for his whereabouts. He said something about Helich owing him his soul or some babble. But if Demon is truly Heltri or Helich, why would he be searching for himself?~ Riley's voice grew distant and quiet before altogether fading from the Elf's mind and again takes up her pacing as arms cross over a wide chest, one arm bent to allow a hand to rise to a wolf muzzle and run a single padded finger tip along course whiskers, deep within her own musings of this mystery.

Arien nodded in thought once more. “If he is looking for himself..or for people who knew his former self, it would seem to imply either that he does not fully realize that he is in fact Helich, or that he wishes some verification of what he has done in his former incarnations. Regardless, it speaks to him being incomplete..being weak, which means our opportunity to strike while he is yet capable of being thwarted still exists.” The emerald gaze lifted to stare off unseeing into the darkness of the compound clearing. “If he regains full awareness of himself, and his capabilities. If he remembers how to hate, and whom. It will be a dire day for us all.”

Riley snaps from her thoughts as the Lady Arien mentions going to battle with this thing, this being what ever it may be. Such a disturbing thought, it had the lycan's skin beneath her fur crawling, not for the change, but for the fight alone. The instant of combat with the blood rushing and adrenaline surging through her veins, ready to make the kill and crush the very life from what ever being she may find herself in heated battle against. Sighing, the lycan pulls forth a strength she did not know she possessed and calms herself considerably before stepping over and kneeling before the High Elf to speak with her eye to eye, showing to her again the respect that this elfin woman deserved. Reaching forth with a single paw, she takes up one of the Lady's soft and small, but capable hands into her large leathery one before speaking, ~M'lady, I have grown to care for you and those you love, but especially you very quickly over a few short days. It is as if my soul speaks to yours, as if we are sisters though I know not why or how. It would grieve me greatly to lose you now when already, I look forward to the time spent in getting to know you better. Your company alone brings me comfort. Now, if you can instill in me, a person who does not trust easily nor accepts many as friends, this kind of passion, I can only imagine what the other members of the campaign may be like and just how much they love you as well. This Helich or Heltri or what ever he may call himself now, will not touch you or your unborn for your army of loyal followers will not allow it. I know I will fight until the last breath has left me to keep you safe.~ Riley didn't know where this outburst had come from, such a declaration, but she felt as if it truly did need saying and now that it had been, a slight weight had been lifted from her heavily trouble mind.

Arien reached out to lay her pale palm over the wolfen paw, a subtle squeeze communicating without words her appreciation for the shared sentiment. A wry smile curved her lips. “You will find Riley, that it is impossible for care..or even love to protect entirely. I cannot always be with my kin- I am too free a spirit. There are assignments in my many roles that take me to far flung reaches. It is a risk that I accept, and have lived with for a long time.” She murmured. The elf patted the paw affectionately, much as one would a beloved child, or pet. “You heart is strong and pure..you were born to trust and live for your passions. It is unfortunate that was taken from you.” The fiery head canted, and piercing emerald gaze met lupine one. “I too sense the kinship between us. Somethings are perhaps, fated to be..” she added softly with a smile. “But for now..the hour grows late, and tomorrow brings another day..and who knows what along with it. We should retire to rest..”

Riley nods once in understanding before regaining her feet, gently pulling upon that soft hand still clutched within her own to help the Lady to her feet. Once there and steady, however, the she-wolf drops the small embrace and bows her head in polite farewell, ~I believe I will take up residence beneath the starry sky again tonight, M'lady. I will allow you to spoil me with me own room within the confines of the compound tomorrow~ That same quirky grin can be seen tugging at the corners of the wolf's muzzle now as she attempts to make light of such a heavily emotional evening, ~Besides, I believe you still owe me a tour. Good evening and a pleasant night to you, Lady Arien~ With this, the lycan begins retreating towards the large stone entrance of the compound, anticipating her run beneath her mistress, the moon and stretching from her muscles all the tension pent up within the last few hours or so.