RP:Plain 'ol Farmgirl

From HollowWiki
    The Pass through Xalious

Dwarven craft is in this road, as it is well leveled, and smoothly done. The top layer is dirt, but beneath is an obvious layer of stone. Dwarven stoneworkers, being very good road builders, set this to keep rain from washing away the top layer and to also keep carriages from sinking into muddy ruts. It is a fine portrayal of ancient craftmanship.

Emilia walked along the path with leather boots making soft sounds on the ground as she traveled down from the North. The curly blonde hair woman dressed in a long sleeve button down blue plaid shirt and denim pants. Alongside her trotted a shaggy grey dog with his tongue hanging out. As the pair traveled the woman sang a soft tune full of sadness and death.

Sabrina stopped along the path and appeared to be viewing the dust on her garments with much dismay. She was looking down, lengthy trusses reaching mid-thigh and shining blue-black in the evening light. She was mumbling something to her companion in Elvish that may have sounded entirely more melodic than it was meant to. She brings her hands upward; fingers curved upward like carrying and invisible pail before splaying her fingers outward forcing a cloud of dust to part from her form. With a gentle push downward the debris found their home faster than gravity should allow. Sabrina listened to what might have been the prettiest sound coming from a Human mouth she had heard in centuries. It took longer for Rohk to hear the melody as he was more focused on the smell of drool and fertile mud. The massive beasty lifts his head from his daily entertainment of watching his person bicker about the ‘state of things,’ enough to prove he was taller than the fair female he accompanied, about fifteen hands- give or take. His grey scales did not cry out any alarm, as rarely they did this close to civilization, but he did take a moment to nudge his shoulder against Sabrina’s own.

Emilia slowly came to a stop as the dog that walked with her gave the slightest of whines. Just enough noise to catch her attention and end the tune that she had been singing since they left the farm in Larket. Bright blue eyes glanced up the path until they rested upon the woman with long locks of hair with some other creature with her. Eyes went wide for a moment as her heart skipped a beat with slight fright over the beasts. Never before had she seen something so large like that. A horse once, but she knew it was a horse and this thing she had no idea what it was. Instead of continuing on her way she stayed there, perfectly still in her spot hoping the duo would continue to walk away. It was Mutt that was more curious than his owner. The grey shaggy dog ran off with a small happy like bark as he ran towards the other pair with his tail wagging.

Sabrina stared at the female, even from this distance she could see dirt under her nails and smudges of what she hoped was earth traveling up her pant legs. She had never really met a farm person before but she automatically noted that this is what she pictured one looking like- but less pretty and more…bulky. Rohk reared up, one foot lifting off the ground like some frail bitty fearing the touch of a mouse. He pushed his massive demon maw under his upturned paw and sniffed hard as the shaggy hound made its way to him. Twin tails thumped the ground behind him, swaying enough to puff up the topsoil and irritate Sabrina who had just gone through the trouble of making herself clean again. Rohk gave his best ‘canine’ bark causing an upsurge that carried fast and hard towards the domesticated and very distant relative. Sabrina just turned and looked at him, thin dark brow arched in a fashion that said ‘what-are-you doing.’ Rohk stares her in the face, before blowing a round of snot that splattered her from the top of her forehead to the middle of her waist. She, in turn, balls up her fist and punches him square in the heavily scaled maw.

Emilia stayed where she was at just watching the scene unfold as her mutt ran up to the whatever it was. Mutt was blown back a bit by the upsurge from Rohk. The grey haired dog making what almost sounded like a barking laugh before scampering up onto his feet again and running back towards the other, thinking it was some game now. "Oh my.." Emilia said in a small whisper as her hand came up to cover her mouth when she saw the female haul off a punch at the beast she traveled with. As her hand came back down the nerves were getting the best of her. She could handle the ox's out at the farm, but she wasn't sure she wanted to encounter this woman if she did that to her own traveling mate. "Mutt! Get back here!" She hollered out before letting out a whistle, but the dog didn't come back. Instead, he started making circles around the duo before moving to pounce in a most playful manner at Rohk.

Sabrina began walking away from Rohk, who despite the solid punch to his face clearly won the argument as Sabrina flung snotty bits from her hair and face. Rohk continued thunderous barks, finding this method of pastime enjoyable for the time being. It was novel to him, like playing with the toddlers in a nursery. “Good luck with that lot.” Sabrina finally says miserably. “They will probably play till they fall asleep, or one of them dies.” The last part was a joke, but Sabrina was never good at delivering jokes so it probably just sounded disturbing; Her common wasn’t exactly the epitome of fluent either, so it really, really didn’t sound funny at all. This was the first time Sabrina was the first to talk to anyone, but she figured in a worst case scenario she could offer to help find her mutt if Rohk thought it would be fun to bury him.

Emilia watched as the woman walked away from the two creatures as they played. It was interesting to watch as Mutt continued to run back for more every time he was blown back from the bigger one. As Sabrina spoke she turned her attention to the snot covered woman. A small grimace of disgust at the look before her eyes went rather wide, "Dead?!" She exclaimed rather loudly, "I think not! Your thing kills my Mutt and I will kill your thing." It came a bit clear that Emi did not get the joke from Sab and that she had no idea what Rohk was. Her arms folded over her chest as she stared at the female who even dared mention the death of her dog. She'd already lost enough in her time, including the barn that went up in flames a few nights back.

Sabrina stops mid stride. She shrugs “It was a joke but fair enough. You are welcome to try.” Sabrina was fully confident this person was incapable of killing a demon hound even if he was only a half breed. She finishes wiping the speckles of snot and resides to letting out a small sigh. Another bath was in order making it the third one today. She stared up at the girl making mental notes of her human smell and her yellow human hair. An odd color from what Sabrina was used to seeing, and so she leans forward to grab a strand of it. She wonders if it is simply made this way or if there is an enchantment that makes it mimic the rivers in the quarry. Her eyes met the girls, then returned to fixating on the golden tresses in a minty and mesmerizing glow.

Emilia froze in her spot at the female took a hold of a strand of her hair. The locks were tangled waves of the golden blonde, slightly dirty from working all day at the farm. As the other inspected the hair she'd find nothing but natural waves and color to it. "Wha….what are you doing?" She said a bit nervously, feeling a bit uncomfortable so close to another being. Biting lightly on her lower lip she watched for a moment as the other female seemed so interested in her hair before slowly reaching out with a slightly shaking hand to attempt to snag her hair back from Sab's hand.

Sabrina pulled back instinctively as a small spark jumped from her hair fondling hand to the others shaking one. She looked perturbed but figured she wouldn't want anyone touching her hair either and apologized. “Looks like spun gold.” Yeah, that was as close of an apology a Human was gonna get from this girl. Meanwhile Rohk had grown tired of the pouncing pooch and took a short swat at him just before he would land on his haunches. Sabrina eyes Emilia in good detail, and after taking in all the ‘filth’ that resided on her person Sabrina takes a step back. No matter how little, no matter what content, the girl was covered on foreign entity and Sabrina couldn't fathom why one would resort to just leaving it there. “Excuse me.” She says dryly before turning about and walking back to Rohk who was about to slash twin tails at his new-found annoyance. “I told you not to encourage –that- sort of behavior.” The tables had turned, now Sabrina won the argument.

Emilia whistled and this time the dog of hers came running her way. Seems he too was tired of playing games with the other creature. As he reached her side she looked to the woman, "It isn't gold so don't be getting any funny ideas." She said with a glare before turning to head back toward the way she had come. Looking down to Mutt she whispered, "I think it's time for a nice hot bath, don't you?" And then the two were on their way back toward the farm they called home.

Sabrina didn’t turn to watch her go, by now she decided the hair was a natural occurrence for that race and deemed the girl unimportant. She slides her hand up beneath Rohks hackles and pulls herself astride him and they continue on their way.