RP:Parsithius Detains Murder Suspects

From HollowWiki

Locations: Kelay Tavern, Larket: Sheriff's Office.

At the Kelay Tavern
Parsithius and his Knights detain Tiphareth and Cecil for interrogation

Built and rebuilt, torn apart and set like stubborn bone, this tavern is the pinnacle of Hollow's entirety, wrought around the premise of peace, equality, and consummate amity. And of course, the old place had seen all of the three, but so much more. Dire markings of claw and steel cut deep into wall panels and floorboards. Set against the land's usual motif of destruction are signs of comfort. Twisting shadows and smoothing out a careful blanket of light with soft, quaint fires, a candelabra dangles down by thick cords, gripping the circular holder. Each twists up, converging upon the center, where they snake about one another and form a thick, secure anchor to Kelay Tavern's high, accommodating ceiling. The candelabra rattle now and again from the inn patrons overhead, pouring down globs of wax to the center of the room, which is wide and unobstructed. Cheaply carpentered tables and chairs grow outward around the bare dancing area, keeping to the rounded theme, and also keeping to a dwarven barkeep's avariciously born taste for 'economical' furniture. Hardly any expense has been wasted on the actual upkeep of the public center though, as can be garnered from the smell of deep pine, rich tobacco, and even richer spirits. Stairs twist away dimly near the high bar. And atop that side rests the inn logs, quill, and ink. This establishment's fine keeper, Mesthak, can be seen smiling out from his post at the bar, straight across to the room's always crackling stone-wrought hearth. Behind him, atop lofty shelves, sits an array of dark, amber, and clear liquids. Food smells waft from somewhere near at hand. A carefully printed and hung sign details the purchasable items here in the place of merriment, loss, laughter, and life. Also, tucked into a corner near one of two windows closest to the tavern doorway is a thickly papered bulletin board. A sign has been added next to the board that reads, 'The management requires patrons be fully inebriated at all times and that no curing spells be performed in this tavern-Thank you'.

--Kelay Tavern, Kelay

Cecilnezuto, as he walked into the tavern, would greet Mesthak and order some wine, which Nancy would begin getting his order together. As he waited, he went to the boards and read the messages as of late, he was always looking to see if help was needed in the land. Seeing nothing of interest, he'd take his normal seat near the fireplace. As he pondered many things, he'd see Nancy come with his usual order and thanked her with a smile and leaving her a tip, as he always did and just sipped his wine, deep in thought.

Cecilnezuto bought 10 apple wine. Cecilnezuto drank an apple wine.

Athxess was asleep, not from alcohol, but from simple exhaustion. His mass of silver locks were a mess covring his head and half the table.

Puck lands on her rear as she teleports in to the tarven. She gets up, dusting herself off and gives Tiphareth a wave.

Tiphareth returns a slight gesture toward the child with his hand.

Parsithius 's entrance is something more than unusual; the 'click' of armored greaves is echoed with the multitude of many others, that resonate in a cadence of highly-trained, multi-colored, platemailed knights. Only Parsithius neglects wearing a helm and shield, as the others are swift to move into position. The exit becomes blocked by not one, but three knights, as the others move to secure the perimeter.

Puck looks at all the knights, head tilted, one-by-one becoming disinterested in them and goes and sits with Tiphareth.

Cerinii lofted a brow, as she witnessed the knights blocking the door. She sighed softly, shrugging her shoulder and rapping her fingertips against the bartop. Well.. this was certainly boring.

Cecilnezuto as he sipped his wine and pondered his thoughts, he'd notice the sounds of many armoured feet outside the tavern. He -was- half dragon/half elf, after all, so he could hear them clearly. The Knight would look around and wonder what would entice these soldiers to act as such.

Dezerae looks up to the new entries, eyeing the familiar knight.

Puck leans over the table, whispering to the drow.

Tiphareth casts a glance toward the door, curious as the sentries near the door, though just as quickly returning his attention toward his previous tasks.

Puck whispered something to Tiphareth.

Tiphareth whispered something to Puck.

Parsithius icly however, slices his gaze across the gathered within the tavern; two of them. The first is Cecilnezuto, to whom he gestures with an armored gauntlet. The other? Tiphareth, who has earned the courteousness of being approached by the King Consort himself. A man whom the drow had bested in battle so long ago, using magic which the knight had no defense, let alone could study. It takes some tact, this situation.

Knelltic bows to his master as the King-Consort approaches, and before the knights finish thier movements, the forsaken elf disappears in a azure haze.

Puck whispered something to Tiphareth.

Parsithius 's knight said to Cecilnezuto, "Sir, do not be alarmed. Do not make any movements to escape. By evidence, you are required to come to the city of Larket for questioning concerning a recent investigation underway. You will be released afterward when your innocence is proven."

Liana slips through the door in the wake of the knights, looking somewhat dismayed as they move to block the door. Nevertheless, she was here, and might as well make the best of the situation. She slips swiftly through the chairs and tables, stopping in front of the board for a quick scan of information. This done, she turns away, moves to the bar and perches upon a stool, her eyes returning to the immovable wall of steel where once a door had stood.

Tiphareth whispered something to Puck.

Parsithius cringes slightly at the knight's loud words, but his eyes were, and always have been, determined, as he turns to Tiphareth. "I need you to come as well, Lord Tiphareth." Arien appears from the south.

Cecilnezuto would nod, "Aye, I may not know what ye're speaking of, but I shall come....shall I hand over my weapon, also, sir Knight?" He'd ask to the Knight as he thought over this new predicament.

Puck looks to Parsithius with large innocent eyes. "It's alright. He isn't a random man whore anymore."

Tiphareth grins slightly, the mage was hoping that Roldan would perform the impending inquiry, as would have been far more fun, but he plays along with the request, gathering his things into the satchel before standing from his seat.

Parsithius 's knight's words are somewhat reverberating beneath his helm, making them deeper than the man's actual voice, "Sir, hand-" Then Cecilnezuto speaks, causing the knight to halt, pause, before nodding, "Yes, sir." Two knights move to accept weapons being handed over, as the first knight speaks, "You are to be handcuffed for the safety of yourself, Larket, and those escorting you, and the handcuffs will be taken off when you arrive at Larket."

Cecilnezuto gave 1 Grey Blade of Symmetry to Parsithius.

Parsithius momentarily blinks at Puck, before looking toward TIphareth, "Aye." The man glances at Tiphareth, scrutinizing him for any weapons that may be familiar to the mage, "I'm going to have to handcuff you, Lord Tiphareth. It's only a precaution. We are going to take you in through the back way of Larket, so the citizens aren't as aware of your presence."

Cecilnezuto nods as he hands his weapon over and rises, "That sounds fair, though I know not why a fellow Knight need be bound, I'll accept these terms, until I know just why I'm being questioned and what for." Was his response to the fellow Knight Liana looks up as she hears the name of Larket. Her gaze wanders through the crowd of steel-clad men until it settles upon Parsithius. There it remains, for she would not speak until his eyes connect with hers and an acknowledgement is given.

Tiphareth chuckles slightly, "You'll do no such thing King Consort.", at that moment a soft whistle emanates from the mage's thin ebon lips, a number of his own personal sentinels appearing from unknown locations behind the guardians at the door.

Parsithius 's knight doesn't handcuff Cecilnezuto roughly, due to the other's co-operation, but does handcuff him securely. "Just a precaution, sir." The knight would escort the other outside, aid him to the back of a horse which is tethered to another, and eight of the twelve Larketian Elite Knights would escort Cecilnezuto to the Sheriff's office in that city.

Puck pouts as her friend and the knight converse, lifting her unicorn on to her lap for protection whether it her protection or its would be a matter of opinion.

Cecilnezuto follows peacefully as they make their way to Larket

Parsithius 's other troops, which have the perimeter secured, number four knights; they are immediately moving to unsheath their swords in response to the sudden arrival of the drow's personal sentinels. It is only with a raised gauntlet of the Outcast Knight that they refrain from attempting to attack and subdue the other guards, "I am well aware of it's insult to pride, Lord Tiphareth, and implore that you understand that it is more for the ease of my men's mind than suspicion of you. However..." He pauses, the man is certainly bending many procedures for the Lord Mage, "I will be willing to bypass the handcuffs provided your word that you will not slay any of my guards or citizens on the journey to and from Larket."

Parsithius 's eyes may have inadvertently moved toward Liana to issue her a nod during this delicate situation.

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "I shall accompany you, but of my own volition, I've been a friend of the Queen for many years, and I'll visit her city in the same manner as I always have, not bound in primitive chains, though they would not hold me anyway. If your guards and citizens do nothing to cause their own demise, then I shall not act toward them."

Arien had watched events unfold in silent observation. For reasons known only to herself, the elf was present incognito, lingering at some shadowed corner table, nursing a non alcoholic drink. Her distinctive hair was hooded from the world, and only the emerald gaze set in pale features might betray her identity to any who cared to look closely enough. This latest round of detainments would be of interest to her husband.

Veriun sat upon his usual rafter, peering down at all the going-ons

Liana waits until the hostilities have settled before approaching Parsithius. The last thing she wishes to do is get herself in the middle of a fight. "When you have a moment," she mouths whilst his eyes linger on her.

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "I will gesture with an act of faith by being the only one to accompany you."

Puck cuddles her unicorn closer to her, sucking her thumb. "It's okay kitten. The knight is only rounding up random whores so the angry lady can give them candy made from eyes."

Parsithius lifts his gauntlet once more, palm upward, to signal the dismissal of his knights. They, though reluctantly, file out of the tavern to accompany the half-breed knight.

Parsithius in his movements, happens to miss Liana's mouthed words.

Tiphareth nods toward Parsithius, "Very well then", a wave of the hand is offered toward the doorway and the assassins which appeared so quickly disappear at a similar pace, becoming unseen as they depart in various directions. "We shall go when you are ready."

Liana said to Parsithius, "Have you but a moment, good sir Knight? I wish to convey a message to your queen, and none of my couriers have been able to approach."

Parsithius nods toward Tiphareth, but Liana's cordial interruption momentarily holds his attention. "Aye?"

Liana rises to her feet before stepping, as sure-footed as always, through the throng in the tavern. She glides to a halt in front of Parsithius, her chin lifting slightly so that cool, blue-grey eyes can maintain their contact with his. "She spoke to one of my rangers not so long ago, requesting aid with your horses. He, not being skilled enough in anatomy, could not aid her, and so passed the message to me. I have tried in vain to get a courier to her, but all return with messages undelivered. Would you be kind enough to inform her that Archdruid Eladrelle will give aid when required? I must needs know the full extent of the problem, however, together with whom I am to work with to rectify it, before I can begin to help." She falls silent then, her expression serene, her eyes revealing nothing as they study the man before her.

Parsithius scrutinizes the elven woman before him in a detailing manner; it is the 'gift' of the knight to be able to methodically peruse and memorize such characteristics, and in thus a manner, peruse further. When nothing more is revealed of the diplomatic woman, the man nods, "Aye." A single word answer, as polite as the knight could make it, before turning to Tiphareth, "Let us go." Thereafter, it is a matter of clicking greaves and journey to Larket's Sheriff Office.

Liana nods in some satisfaction before returning to her stool at the bar.

At the Sheriff’s Office in Larket…
Parsithius Interrogates Tiphareth and Cecil

The smell of fresh white paint hits you first as you enter the makeshift office of Larket's latest Sheriff's department. Several paper-strewn desks are packed into the windowless room along with a few hollow filing cabinets, waiting to be filled. Detailed maps of familiar Larket locales and wanted posters litter three of the walls. The fourth wall boasts several rows of rusty, secondhand shackles, obviously meant to temporarily house prisoners. With the current state of Larket's economy, very few luxuries are afforded the stalwart sheriff and his dauntless deputies. The only item of comfort is a steaming coffee pot sitting on a tiny stove on a table in the back of the office. Beside a sack of sugar and a bottle of nearly spoiled milk you see a fresh mug and wonder if the sheriff would mind if you helped yourself to some of his department's hard-earned coffee.

--Larket Sheriff's Office, Larket

Parsithius 's knights have led Cecilnezuto to sit in an interrogation room, which is a room with a chair and table in it, while Parsithius leads the Lord Mage to another, more comfortable room. The room with Tiphareth in it seems only to be a lounge for the deputies, furnished more suitably as the King would take a seat across from the Lord Mage. "I'll start with your liege first, since it is quite imperative that we clear your name for the sake of Larket's alliance." Cecil, unfortunately, is left to wonder and wait for a time.

Tiphareth nods toward Parsithius, grinning a bit as he accompanies him to the intended room. "Ok... now what?"

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "There is a large amount of circumstantial evidence around you, but I'll start simple. Did you know Beatrix Huxley?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "I can't say I recall the name in particular, though at my age, many names of insignificant figures escape me. I'd say.... probably not."

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "Can you tell me where you were the past five nights?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "I have been in the Underdark for the last couple weeks until a few nights ago, since then I've been staying in the Cenril Inn while on the surface."

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "Do you remember when your last trip to Eternal Forest was?"

Tiphareth rolls his eyes upward as if attempting to recall a lost memory, giving a slight sigh, "Don't really remember exactly, probably not that long ago, I go there from time to time for peace and quiet. Most others won't venture there so I can usually be content that I won't be bothered while studying."

Parsithius grimaces for a bit; apparently, that was an answer that didn't work in the Lord Mages favor. "Forgive me if I an unaccustomed to the ways of the drow, but should one... accidentally... interrupt your studying in the forest?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "I suppose I'd have to find another place to study... or convince them to leave me alone."

Parsithius nods, lifting his gauntlet to brush at his stubbled beard, "And if they were quite intoxicated?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "Then I suppose they'd be pretty annoying and would likely not be easily convinced. So the easiest thing to do would be just find another location."

Parsithius nods satisfactorily, before turning to his side. There is a stack of papers there, detailing the effects on the body, likely results of magic. He offers them to Tiphareth, "Can you tell me which spells would inflict these wounds?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "Well.... the burns could easily be caused by any satisfactorily trained mage with elemental control, though of course fire could be natural as well. The vine could be forced either through physical means if it were rigid enough, though if it were of a pliable nature, the act would require either a druid with plant control, or a mage of significant skill in manipulating water or telekinetic magics. Also a psion of sufficient skill could cause these effects."

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "If one were to accuse you of being capable of this, would you be able to prove your innocence?"

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "Prove that I did not perform these acts, or that I am not capable of these acts?"

Parsithius said to Tiphareth, "Both, in separate instances. Your knowledge of the arcane provides you the ability to kill Beatrix in this fashion, but what I cannot wrap my head around is the motive. You would stand so much more to lose than gain in killing her. Further investigation may be required, but do not be surprised if others may come to question you. As for my involvement with questioning you, it is finished, and Lord Mage, you are free to leave at your wish."

Tiphareth said to Parsithius, "Well, if you ask if I am capable of these feats, the answer is most certainly yes, I am Sublime Master of the Mage's Guild, I am capable of this and much more. Though to the question of my guilt, the answer is no, I did not kill this "Beatrix" in any fashion. "

Parsithius nods toward Tiphareth, "That is as I suspect." And, with that, the King Consort politely excuses himself to go to the next room; exiting this one beforehand.

Tiphareth stands from his previously seated position, "Very well then, I'm sure the sheriff will be even more wary than yourself, so I'll await further inquiry regarding these events." shaking his head as he smiles slightly, finding some sick humor in his consideration.

Cecilnezuto was sitting back in the room, patiently waiting for the knight to come back and question him, though he hadn't a clue as to why or what for. As he looked around the simple room, he pondered some things through his mind. He'd visited Larket several times for purchasing goods and equipment, but never really stayed for long or approached others too often. Though, he did know many looked down on him just for his being a 'half-breed', as they called it. Possibly, he'd think to himself, that was the reasoning behind this situation

Parsithius 's entrance in to the room which holds Cecilnezuto is rather bland; the 'click' of platemail greaves orchestrates the sound followed by the 'creak' of the door being parted, swung ajar by a manipulating gauntlet. Upon stepping within, the knight closes the door behind him, before turning, and narrowing azure eyes upon the other in scrutiny. "Do you know who I am?"

Cecilnezuto as he heard the sound of heavy and armoured footsteps approach, he looked to the door. As he looked over, he saw the knight whom seemed to be in charge walk in and shut the door. Noticing the narrowing of eyes, Cecil would lock his own crimsons on the knights, before responding to the mans question, "Nay, Sir Knight, I do not. I fear I do not know many in Larket." This was said in politeness to a fellow knight

Tiphareth makes his way toward the door, seeing the King Consort was finished with him and set on investigating the Knight Cecil, though just as the Eldermage pushes upon the door, the Queen and Sheriff make there way into the offices.

Jacklin was halted from entering by a pair of finicky guards barely turning their eyes to notice her. Eventually, after a gruff clearing of throat, she gained entry to the office where she stood just to the right of the door. Face wrinkled and ruffled from a night of worry coupled with a bottle of bad whiskey only intensified her fury. So there she would seethe while the questioning continued.

Parsithius nods slightly, his hair taking the wake of the action by rippling golden tresses along a silver-hued platemail, of which is stained with several crimson splotches from brawls and battles so long ago. "I am Parsithius Invernizzi Mediccino, King Consort of Larket." And that's all that he offers him so far, as the methodical 'click' of greaves brings him to the table. The human eases into the chair across from Cecil, before settling papers between them and withdrawing the top of it; atop there is a portrait of the young woman murdered, when she was alive. "Have you ever seen this woman before?"

Jacklin saw Tiphareth pass her by during entry but barely acknowledged his presence. She'd heard of his place on the list of suspects. And under that suspicion…she simply couldn't bring herself to look at the man.

Parsithius 's elite Larketian Knights are here, who watch Tiphareth suspiciously. But one has the gall to approach the queen, "My Queen, shall I notify the general of your presence?"

Cecilnezuto would likewise introduce himself with a courteous nod, "And I am Cecil 'Winterwing' Nezuto, Knight of the Balance." As he finished speaking, the Parsithius had sat and showed him a picture of a young woman. After hearing the question, he'd nod, "Aye, but only in passing. I've seen her at the Red Ogre, when I've stopped in for a drink or a bite. Never spoke to her, though."

Jacklin snorted at the approached knight, "Talk to me again and I'll rip out your spleen." Today was certainly not a good day for talking.

Tiphareth notes the look upon Jacklin's face, the Drow curious if his long time friend actually considered him a guilty party. He expected suspicion from the sheriff and even from the King Consort, though he did not foresee such a response from the Queen.

Parsithius continues to eye the half-breed across from him with that methodically perusing gaze, holding it fair that he is studying and chronicling the words and antics of the other within his mind for future reference. "When did you last see her?" He asks, after a pause, his eyes intent on the other's answer. The knight that approached the Queen however, had suddenly widened his eyes and quickly retreated to the corner at which he was assigned. Tension is beyond high in that room, because of the Queen's words; yet, they all wanted to capture the killer.

Cecilnezuto thought on the question for a moment, his crimson hues looking up from the picture as he responded, "I believe I saw her just the other night, she seemed occupied and was drinking rather heavily. When I asked the owner if he knew what troubled the lass, he said he wasn't sure, but that she had come there often."

Parsithius reminds himself to speak to the barkeep in the future, if the soldiers had not already.

Jacklin snakes eyes to where Tiphareth began his departure from the office entirely. A passing thought bubbled into voice before she had the mind to choke it down, "If you killed her I will hate you." It was nothing profound. Not a promise of might or weight or even resonance to the listener. But for Jack it was brutally honest. Her hate was the wrong thing to slither beneath. Lips pursed closed sharply and the human returned to her silent statue stance. No more words would be released.

Tiphareth's mental inquiry was instantly answered by Jacklin's matter-of-fact statement. The previous smile upon his face displaying his amusement at being considered among the suspects immediately transformed into the stoic visage he maintained in only the most dire of times. Iniquitous claret eyes narrowing unseen behind the spider silk veil about his face. Her reaction was a disappointment to say the least, but it was her reaction nonetheless and it would remain among the more vivid of memories within his aged mind. Continuing past the Executioner, Tiphareth continues outward through the door.

Parsithius tilts his head, "You wouldn't be able to leave it at that. Your honor must've made you act on your beliefs. You would've certainly approached her. Or at least tailed her to make certain she was alright, would you not have... -knight-?"

Cecilnezuto nodded at the fellow knights words, no matter if they were harsh, "Aye, I would have, but consider this, also; one that looks like myself, knight or no, following a drunken, troubled lass would certainly invoke some rather decent suspicion, would it not? Besides, I could smell the mana exuding from her person and know it was rather strong and I had no intentions of becoming a roasted....'half-breed'." This last part was said with disgust, he'd always hated that term, but it was the only way to say it currently

Parsithius now narrows his eyes, watching Cecilnezuto with more intensity, "So you forsook your honor because of a fear that you would be killed?"

Cecilnezuto would sigh, "Nay, it would be against the delicate balance I follow, but I did watch from a distance." He'd reply, making note of his wings, "These aren't just for show. I stayed above the treetops of the nearby woods and it appeared she was following the path towards a house, which I'd assumed was her home. I likewise assumed that her parents, if she indeed has them, would possibly be outside and waiting to see her at such a late hour. When the trees became too thick and a more dire matter called for my attention, I left."

Parsithius nods, "In which direction did the path lead?"

Cecilnezuto said, "It looked as if it lead to the northwest from the towns northern exit"

Parsithius continues to watch the knight for a moment, still not having told the half-breed why he was brought in. "Was anyone with her?"

Cecilnezuto shook his head, "Nay, she was alone. 'Tis possible she had a small pet on her, but I couldn't catch it's scent, if there was."

Jacklin fidgets with the dirty wraps covering her fingers as she listens to the interrogation continue. There was no need for her presence in the office and just as quietly as she'd arrived the woman exited.

Jacklin exits west.

Parsithius sayto Cecilnezuto : Perhaps you should not have left her. She died that night. You are dismissed. Be prepared for others to detain and question you.

Cecilnezuto nodded, "I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that more is found about it that I may help with, somehow, to atone for failing my duties as a knight." He'd rise, a grim look on his face. He knew all innocents couldn't be saved, but it still troubled him to know he'd failed his duties

Parsithius with that, leaves the office, likely to find the Queen.

Parsithius 's guard returns Cecil's sword.

Parsithius~give Cecilnezuto 1 Grey Blade of Symmetry

Cecilnezuto had accepted his weapon back and followed the Consort out of the building and continued on his way, many new things now in his mind.

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