RP:Oh My Cod!

From HollowWiki

Part of the Restoration of Lithrydel Arc

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Summary: On their way to what should have been a rather smooth trip to Cenril's best bakery, Emilia and Thamalys witness a proper stabbing in Merchant Street - in broad daylight! The two are forced to take care of a badly wounded fishmonger, before embarking into the hunt for the culprit. The latter turns out to be a violent psychopath, happy to kill to just get hold of a cod. The situation is dealt with swiftly enough, but it does leave the two healers wonder about whether the Guild should be taking some sort of action...

Cenril: West Merchant Street

Thamalys simply gave up. No point in trying to avoid the way too many people that stood in his way - much easier to just bump into them repeatedly, without paying too much attention to the endless string of insults that followed. “Is this really necessary?” he would have asked in a whisper the Blue addressing the Ice Genasi most likely not too far away from the huge features of the Winged Beast. Dressed entirely in white, the latter looked even more out of place than the usual, ambling slowly through the noisy alley without - apparently - too much of an intent. No Halberd, no mithril - just a rather odd presence right in the middle of the busiest time of the day of the merchant’s district. Oh, he hated that place… now more than ever, as the yelling of a young man against a bulky fishmonger managed to overcome every other sounds. “I told you, you idiot, I paid for these - I gave the copper to Minij, at the docks, five bloody minutes ago! Yes?” went said youngling, basically slapping the merchant in the face with a - frankly impressively large - cod. “No you didn’t, thief. I haven’t seen him anywhere in Cenril since… heck, I can’t even remember. No Minij, no docks, no money, you thief… thief, he is a sodding th -“ but the fishmonger had to stop mid sentence, as something silvery flashed into the sun - and it was no cod. A split second later, and the huge man was lying in the dirt, both hands clenched around is belly. The youngling, was already trying to flee through the throng, suddenly transformed into a swaying mass of screaming creatures. Proper panic descended into the street, threatening to crush some of the onlookers below the imminent human stampede.

Emilia managed to follow along behind the much larger figure of a winged man almost like a lost girl following her heart throb around, yet she was neither lost nor crushing upon the man with dreadlocks, simply accompanying him through the marketplace. The small woman’s curls had been tamed back into two long braids pleated against her head before falling freely at her backside barely missing the ground with each skipping step of the barefooted frozen woman. Unlike her counterpart her attire today was strapless gown of a deep midnight blue hugging tightly against her bony frame until it reached her waist where it flowed freely around her legs, dancing with her every movement. His whispers were returned with a smaller whisper, “Ay, I promise the bread this way is to die for.” The little Genasi always had a thing for fresh bread from the one baker in the Cenril marketplace. Too late. Her good spirits were lost when a fight broke out over cod just up the way. People started running this way while others ran in another direction, most of them fleeing the scene in fear of getting in trouble for the fight. Unlike Thamalys the Genasi didn’t stand much of a chance against the incoming crowd, she was easily pushed this way then that way as if she was nothing more than a stuffed animal being tossed around by children, yet she pushed herself forward following the commotion instead of running. By the time Em reached Tham those braids of hers were a torn up mess, half undone with curls falling around her freckled face now sporting a small cut across her cheek from when she’d been bumped into something sharp in the stampee. “Bloody heck is going on here?” Em stated half out of breath as she rested her hands on her knees, staring down at the fat fish seller on the ground.

|| Tholpok The Fishmonger || “A cod, I am going to die because of a single fish…” ranted the fishmonger, sprawled on the ground, pale as the apron he was wearing, were if not that the white fabric was turning red at an alarming rate. The youngling got him properly - not just a cut, but an actual wound piercing the flesh just below the liver. Or the liver itself? Hard to tell, the merchant was thrashing around like a dying fish - how apt.

Thamalys literally shoved away quite a number of people, just in order to facilitate the effort of the Wintry Lady to reach the merchant. With a small delay only, and fair share of swear words after, the Spellblade managed to regroup. “You are not going to die - not today, that is…” begun the Avian in a voice as flat as the ocean with no wind, while kneeling quickly at the side of the man, forcibly pulling away both hands of the latter to reveal the full extent of the wound - not looking good. Massive bleeding, blunt blade, probably rusty steel. “You may think I am being silly, but you shall know you have been quite lucky today… of all people in Cenril…” he continued, nailing his blue gaze on the freckled faced of the Genasi. A moment after, and both hand of the Blue would have been flashing into a gush of liquid blue fire, tearing the fabric of apron and shirt to offer a relatively clean patch to work on around the wound. A bit of an unconventional antiseptic, perhaps, or so Tholpok must have thought. “Sven, you are to finish me! Help! Heeeelp!” screamed the huge man, red in the face despite more and more blood leaving his body…

Emilia watched with slight wide eyes at the amount of red liquid exiting the wound of the male on the ground, he was bleeding out and by her mental calculation Ara was much too far away to get the man to in time to save his life. Beyond that thought the lady could not mentally think of a clinic near enough to take him in Cenril. Nope, they would have to save his life out here in the open on the street. Mental note for later as now Thamalys was using blue fire to clear the fabric around the wound to allow access to it. Moving as if out of a dream the ice woman knelt down next to the man, a pretty white freckled face staring down at him with a soft reassuring smile, “We are healers, Sir, please calm down or else you will bleed out and die.” Now, that wasn’t as polite as she could have been, but it was the truth. Tholpok didn’t seem to believe it at first though staring into the eyes of a pretty lass seemed to calm him down to the point he wasn’t squirming about like a fish out of water anymore. “That a man,” she whisper as she turned her icy gaze over her shoulder to look upon Thamalys. The smile given his way was brief though it carried a great deal more real emotion to it. “Can you see the actual injury point?” Of course, not there was too much blood all over for anyone to tell clearly if it was in an organ or just a bloody stab wound. Reaching a hand down the Genasi rested a soft cold touch near to the wound, a comforting pat for the injured, “You will be alright, Sir.” she whispered allowing a gentle wave of pure cold exit her hand down onto the wound to a near frostbite point without actually harming the merchant. His blood would freeze in place to spot the flow from continuing to spill allowing the Blue clear visibility of the injury and slightly longer time span to patch it up.

|| Tholpok The Fishmonger || seems to relax a bit, turning his screams into steady grunts and moans as Thamalys assessed the damage. If only he could be bothered to learn how to deal with people…

Thamalys was getting consistently more and more worried. So much blood… could have easily been the liver. “Way better, thank you…” hurriedly noted the Blue in response to Emilia’s frosty fix. Solidly ignoring the agonising complaints of Tholpok, the Healer would have thus pressed his left hand below the right lung of the man, last two ribs, finding the liver. The pain must have been phenomenal, but it had to be done. “It’s intact…” would have whispered the Avian, before moving the same hand to hold onto to gaping wound. His right one, quick as lightening, would have fetched a vial filled with a blueish paste, the whole of which the Blue poured into the wound. “I know, I know…” murmured the Winged Beast, perfectly aware each one of those grains grinding the flesh of the man, mending, restoring, bringing new life into what was doomed to rot otherwise. Dragon scales, artemisia and sapphire powder - not cheap, but there was a good chance to make a difference. “A strong dose of your frosty magic, Emi, and the powder should set for good…” concluded the Avian. Matter of fact, the concoction was already crystallising into a sort of dark glassy material, stemming the flow of blood.

Emilia rested her hands on the face of Tholpok, allowing that cool-calming effect to wash over his face while the avian pressed down below the ribs of the man. There was a brief moment where she let out a gentle sight, elated to hear that the liver wasn’t injured in the stabbing as that would of meant for a much bloodier mess on the streets of Cenril. Something must be done to correct this. While the other healer worked Emi kept a soft smile on her face staring down at the injured, keeping him calm with a pretty face. Men? Why did they nearly always fall for a pretty face...she would never know. “Almost, done, now..” she whispered to Tholpok finally letting go of his face so that she could turn to watch the powder at work in the wound. Holding her hands over the wound a light of soft blue fell from her hands along with a cold sensation that sank floated away from those mismatched hands. A gust of chill rushed through the man with the icy-healing magic working on his insides to mend with the powder as a duo action. Soon all that would be left behind was a wound closed with dark blue crystallized powder and a forever place of flesh that would be ice cold to the touch when it scared over.

|| Tholpok The Fishmonger || was having a hard time trying to convince himself the whole of that truly happened. “Wait, what…” he went while frantically probing his brand new icy scar, still laying down into the dust.

Thamalys slowly raised on his feet, effortlessly brining the fishmonger along. The latter was not really steady, but he soon managed to find a sit on his stool, leaning on his on stand, both arms buried into a mass of herrings. “I appreciate all of this happened quite quickly - you are alive and well, though. And…” added the Blue, already scanning the small crowd that gathered around, “… we are going to get that youngling, see what in the name of Wind made him almost kill a man… just a fish? I am not having it… Emi?” he inquired in a soft voice, a last pat on the shoulders of the man before plunging into the throng, fairly confident the Icy One would have followed. The road continued straight enough, and the signs of a recent commotion were not hard to follow. Long, hasty strides would have brought the Winged Beast at the end of Merchant street, the Weapon Shop standing at one side, busiest than ever. There, the Blue stopped, sniffing the air much as a blood hound.

Emilia dug a hand into her pocket to pull out a handful of coins, a mix of gold and silver, to set in the hand of the man recently mended, “This should help keep the business going while you heal, Sir.” With that the Genasi was off into the crowd chasing after the winged man who was chasing after the youngling that had possibly stolen a fish from the merchant, but most definitely did attack the man before running. Finding her way through the the crowd was only easy if she kept pace with the Winged One before her as the crowd parted more for him than it did for her little child sized body, easily lost in the busy streets. When Tham paused to sniff the air the Icy One leapt with great effort off the street in an aim to launch herself onto the back of her friend. It would not have been the first time Em had a piggy back ride, if the Blue allowed it. Higher up Emi could look out over the crowd for the running lad, “There!” she’d scream with a finger pointing in one direction where she could see a bouncing figure darting through people clutching that fish still.

Cenril: Sandy Beach

Thamalys felt a tiny weight climbing upon his shoulders. First instinct would have been to shake it off, but given the circumstances, that was bound to be the Frosty Lady’s attempt to get a proper visual upon a good portion of the whole of Central. Without uttering a single word, the Winged Beast would have thus broken into a swift run, less than six or seven stride only, while unfurling those silvery curtains of his into the morning sky. With a single swooping motion, the two of them - at this stage, there was very little doubt the Ice Genasi would have held on to the Blue’s wings without even flinching - would have climbed above the roofs of Cenril in no time. “There indeed…” would have yelled the Avian, his keen eyes easily pinpointing the blurred shapes of the thief-almost-murderer trying to carve his way through the crowd. Much like a falcon dealing with his lunch, the Blue would have suddenly plunged from the sky, a knotty mass of feathers, fabric and dreadlocks - not to mention the addition of a Genasi - hammering at full speed toward the young man, presently running madly toward the Rynvale ferry. Not quickly enough, though. In a messy blur, Avian and Genasi smashed into the man, knocking him down into the sand, wind out of his lungs, utterly bewildered. Not the smoothest of the landing, but the Winged Beast found the way to stay upright, crouching upon the fallen man as a bird of pray feasting on a dead rabbit. The Wintry Lady?

Emilia on first instinct after leaping on the back of the Blue was to hold on tight, especially in a chasing moment knowing full well they would be in the air before long. Traveling in the sky sure did cut time it would have taken to shove their way through the crowd allowing the lad to get away for sure. For a moment she enjoyed the sensation of flight once more, almost forgetting it wasn’t a pleasure flight, almost. The sudden change of direction from air to ground reminded her of the reality of the moment. It was a crash landing of three people, two airbound hitting one single ground unit. The light, but not that light anymore thanks to a few surgeries, woman rolled away from the pairing through the sand performing a few somersaults before leaping up onto her feet. She was dizzy and stumbling this way and that before finding her land legs once more and turning to walk toward where Thamalys had the land pinned down, cod laying on the ground some few feet away. “Boy, the hell is wrong with you?! You nearly killed that man!” the Genasi shouted at him in a most unprofessional manner while going to pick up the fallen sand covered cod.

Thamalys got on his feet, slowly, his solid blue gaze not really leaving the youngling for not even a moment. Probably unnecessary, as the man was way too confused to run anywhere, at the moment. Absolutely caked in sand, the lad sort of stumbled onto his feet, mightily perplexed. Was that a tiny lady brandishing his cod - with bloody hands? And what about that enormous creature that fell from the sky? The Avian, in the meanwhile, was quite intent to remove most of the sand from his clothing. Wings at this point mostly furled, there was a hint of a smile on those grey lips. Facing a particularly angry Emilia? Poor boy…

|| Ningad || “Who… who are you? Silly girl, I’ll gut you like a hare!” went the young man, apparently out of the blue. Regained some coordination, he dashed toward the Wintry Lady, a long dagger, a butcher blade, almost, in his right hand, eyes red with anger, the eyes of a mad man.

Emilia had just recovered the daze of her crash landing onto the sandy beach. At least this time Tham’s bad landing was on sand over a harder ground, saved him a scolding from the icy woman. Blinking the crazy lad was now on two feet dashing in her direction with blade aimed at her. Giant cod in hand the lady wagged it like a nagging mother in his direction, “I don’t think so, Mister Crazypants.” Em nicknamed him while releasing a wave of cold from her feet that rushed over the sand, collecting the moisture in the air turning it into a path of ice along the sand. Mind set on the woman he didn’t seen the sudden formation of ice below his feet and went sliding around the Genasi without warning into a bank of sand once a castle built by small beings, knife a flying in the air out of his hand. A smirk on the face of the winter woman as she whispered, “bet he wasn’t expecting that,” in the general direction of Thamalys.

Thamalys was sporting an expression halfway between amusement and anguish. His right hand still merrily on fire - he was about to take action himself, but perhaps unsurprisingly the Wintry Lady dealt with the matter already - the Winged Beast calmly walked toward the pile of frosty sand the delirious man was presently trying to feee himself from - with very, very little success indeed. “Why, from what people must interpret as a frail girl with a blackened hand? You can hardly blame him for that…” begun the Spellblade answering the Icy One, perhaps even allowing himself something not too dissimilar from an actual smile. “You are definitely to blame for a number of more pressing matters, though…” continued the Avian, literally lifting the lad from the sand pile via his right ankle into the salty air.

|| Ningad || “Let me go, you bastard! I’ll…” would have gone the boy, desperately trying to escape the clutch of the Winged Beast - in vain. Also, a good chunk of sand must have found its way into the lad’s throat, as Ningad start coughing like a sick dog. The Avian, unfazed, simply watched in return, much as a kid holding a defenceless small fish from the tail.

Emilia chuckled at the lad upside down in the air unable to fight back against the avian that overpowered him. Slight bit sadistic, but it really was just a funny sight to behold. Turning icy eyes upon the lad the Genasi glared a moment before looking back to Thamalys, “Let us turn this stealing and murder attempting lad into the jail where they can tend to his crazed behind. I think if we do not spend too much more time with this lad we might still be able to get some of that bread I told you about and talk about things not meant of the ears of the lad.” She wasn’t sure what else the pair could do with him. They had mended the wound he made, saved a life, chased him down, and now had him caught thusly preventing any further damage for the moment.

Thamalys nodded more or less gravely. “In fact, it would seem we don’t even have the privilege of the choice…” noted the Blue, witnessing a small contingent of City Guards running toward the trio. Not a huge surprise, there were always some of those watching over the transport to Rynvale - especially at this busy time of the day. A rather heated conversion followed between guards, mad man, and healers as well, a proper fight avoided most likely only because of the Wintry Lady’s presence. The net result? The psychotic youngling in the hands of the City, and the two Healers more or less free to go. Watching the guards walking their way back, the Blue would have shaken his head, dreadlocks following as a whole nest of white snakes. “It still does not make sense… we are talking about a seriously demented human… casually stabbing people in the middle of the day - in Cenril? Perhaps we could consider delocalising some of our resources in here… “ muttered the Winged Beast, slowly moving from sand to gravel, re-entering the winding alleys of the city. Sand and blood equally distributed all over Avian and Genasi alike, the duo did stir some attention while strolling by…

Cenril: West Merchant Street

Emilia after all the back and forth words between guard, crazy lad, herself, and Thamalys was glad to be rid of the mad man, as well as the cod she handed over for evidence in the matter. Shaking her head in turn those braids had long since fallen out leaving her curls and even curlier crazy mess around the icy woman, dragging in the sand with their well past needs a cut length, “I do not understand what happened to that man. I have seen worse and I have seen better, but I do agree that we could due to put some resource in this city. With the ports to the island and the market there is always crime happening and injuries to be had. I will later send word to the area leader to see if they agree. I am think go big or not at all here. An entire new healing center! A Cenril version of Ara. Perhaps then we can spread other centers to other major cities. Chaos never seems to let us rest and Ara is way out of the way for many outer cities. What say you?” The Genasi questioned the Blue while walking alongside him. Onlookers might think the winged man traveling with a stack of moving white hay over a little lady.

Thamalys stayed in silence for a little while, pondering the implications of the Icy One’s proposal. It was true, the Guild did not feature a decent presence in Cenril, and there was certainly some scope to extend the reach of the Healers there. “I say…” begun the Blue, actually stopping in the middle of the narrow cobbled road, “… it is about time for the Guild to make a difference, in here. Yes, we would probably need to recruit some fresh work force to deal with a large scale project such as the one you are suggesting…” he continued, a few steps away, eventually, from the long-awaited bakery the Genasi was so fond of. “But I am confident we have what it takes. I never dedicated too much time to this place…” he commented, looking around briefly and soon after opening the small wooden door from which a beautiful scent of bread welcomed the duo, “… but I am sure you would know whom do we have to involve to make sure things would proceed smoothly enough. And, why I am not necessarily fond of this salty air, I found myself enjoying flying above the sea… who knows, maybe a part of me would come to accept this noisy town…” and without waiting for an answer, the Blue squeezed into the entrance to triumphantly set foot within the floury realm.

Emilia paused when he paused, listening to what she considered a valuable voice on the topic at hand. There was a smile on her face when her thoughts were agreed with. Yes, it would need a good deal of work to do such a large task, but she had the funds hiding away to pay for the builders needed. Secretly Emilia was a rich little lady. Walking into bakery behind the man she nodded, “A project in the making, but I am more than sure it will be worth it in the end even if it takes us a good deal of hard work and making new friends.” Inside the bakery she would work with Tham in finding some fresh bread to fill their stomachs after such a crazy moment.