RP:Oh, such a Blatant Lie!

From HollowWiki

This is a Healer's Guild RP.

Summary: Thamalys, while taking care of a Larketian errand, finds a injured, not to mention awfully drunk Dwarf, who is presently brought into the House of Ara. Luckily enough, Pilar is willing to help, but the conversation soon veers toward the situations of the Witches in Larket. The two actually visit the Labor Camp in the Forest, which existence Queen Josleen herself strongly denied. Yet another lie for the Avian to deal with…

Larket: House of Ara

Thamalys shoved the sodding figure in, the insecure steps of the latter sounding loudly enough across the entrance of the House. “Oi oi, you! You, I saaaay…” went the obviously drunk dwarf, sprawling himself on Mei’s desk, barely managing to stay, in fact, on his feet. That is, before the Blue himself came to his aid, or not, a sharp slap commanding upon his neck. “Now, that won’t do at all!” roared the Spellbalde, pulling the smelly creature away from the quite annoyed already features of the pale elfess. “Why, are you not content with what have you achieved today already? Look at you!” he continued the Winged Beast, utter disdain dripping from every word of his, while pointing at the obvious, open wound crossing the bulky, reddened face of Huli - that was his name. Blood pouring freely on the otherwise immaculate floor of this new Ara, the Dwarf was getting quite pale by the minute. The Avian, though, seemed in no hurry at all. “Mei, who’s in as we speak? This lad may seem cheerful enough, but that wound is a nasty one… I would need some help in here… anybody senior, at all?” he inquired, with one hand supporting the swaying, bearded form of Huli, who at this stage did not even manage to stare at the girl, a dull expression painted instead on that hairy face.

Mei hummed. "Everyone's busy... Well, everyone but Miss Solana-Mendez." Mei hopped down from her desk and scurried into one of the rooms. She emerged moments later with Pilar in tow. The vampire took one look at the scene and frowned. "Dioses mios..." she mumbled. She recognized the avian but vaguely, and regardless, there was a patient who needed her attention. She peered at the cut, frowning, then pulled a vial from her satchel and offered it to the dwarf. "Drink this, sir. It will taste awful but it will heal that wound right up."

Thamalys nodded gratefully, as the Elfess scampered along looking for some much needed help - which indeed, she retrieved quickly enough. “Wait, wait, this one…” he begun the Blue, desperately trying to nullify the swift offer of the Vampire. Too late, though, the greedy Dwarf had already swallowed the whole of it - sadly. Some solid hours spent wolfing down beetroots and absinth meant that whatever amazing concoction he had the privilege to receive, it was not doomed to last at all. Less than a split second later, and Huli the Awfully Drunken One threw up the whole of said potion - and way more than just that… - most likely spraying Avian, Vampire, and Elfess alike, only to fall on his knees soon after, whimpering horribly. “Oh, for pity’s sake…” growled the Spellblade, causally removing a good portion of purple vomit from his mantle. “Pilar, is it not? Too bad this rascal did not appreciate your draught…” Eerily enough, the Blue was entirely clad in black, that day. Dark leather pants, wrapping tightly those ludicrously tall legs, a leathery thing - shirt would have been quite an overstatement - covering some of his tattooed chest, an ample mantle swaying across his shoulders, there where those monumental, silvery wings were presently neatly furled. A long, thin blade hung ominously from his belt, the same right side where a scaly, pointy piece of black steel armour hid the whole of his arm. For once, the whole of his ivory dreadlocks were pulled back into a massive comb, his face even bonier, sharper than usual - and, most definitely, quite contorted in a curios expression halfway rage and contempt.

Pilar covered her face and Mei shrieked as they were doused in vomit. Pilar shuddered and looked at herself. She would need new scrubs. And these were cute, too; they had sunflowers on them. Mei ran to thr nearest bathroom to wash up and Pilar just looked at the dwarf. "Maldito... I should have just poured it on his wound. Damn it..." Pilar wiped her hands on the back of her legs, where her pants HAD been clean. "I... I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." She pulled another vial from her satchel, sighing. "Last one..." She knelt and poured it over the dwarf's face. The cut began to heal, though it would likely scar.

Thamalys removed said mantle, taking all the time he needed. After all, the Dwarf seemed to be in very good hands. Also, he frowned, albeit slightly, the moment he answered the doubt of his fellow Healer. “You do not? Thamalys, that is…” he offered flatly, placing the black garment into the outstretched arms of Mei, a brisk nod conceding before the latter walked away, a long sigh gifting to the magnificent space of the renewed hall. “I do remember very well one of your potions, though - terrific work, terrific work…” nodded, while positioning himself behind the still wobbling Dwarf, presently intent to mutter something with very little meaning, if any at all. “Do you reckon we could find a place for this one, then? I found him close to the CrabMan shop, can you believe it? With that awful slash across his face already… says he was quarrelling with a fellow Dwarf about some redheaded girl, go figure…” he continued, rolling his eyes while actually bending in order to support the poor Huli, now definitely not able to stand anymore.

Pilar blinked. "Oh! You were with Valen that day! I'm sorry, I suppose I have a lot on my mind... But you wanted the recipe, right? I remember now." Pilar hoisted the dwarf into her arms (vampire strength, yo) and turned to head down the corridor. "There's an open room down this way, I think.”

Thamalys was slightly taken aback from the display of sheer strength put up by the Vampire - and yet, he was more than happy to let the Dwarf go with her, as frankly, the scoundrel stank like a dying dog. “Ah yes, I would love to have a look at that recipe… this way, aye?” he went, duly following the fellow Healer through the shiny gangway. “Valen…” he sort of whispered in an undertone along the way, “I haven’t been seeing him for a while, since those rumours about the Witches reached in Frostmaw, in fact… speaking of which, what’s the status? I flew here because of what I though it was a quick and easy errand, and instead here I am with a pitiful Dwarf seeking help into the House… ah. I am not missing Larket that much, that is…” he concluded, dashing in front of Vampire and Dwarf alike to pull the curtains hiding a rather vast room at the very end of the corridor. Strikingly enough, nobody else was to be seen, but then, dusk it was - people and Healers both had on average much more interesting things to do than taking care of a bloody Dwarf.

Pilar frowned. "I haven't seen him in awhile either... I hope he's alright." Pilar placed the dwarf in a bed, scowling at the mention of witches. "Those awful monarchs are forcing them to live in a camp in the woods, as a condition of getting work. And they're not doing anything about the abuse witches are facing from their own guards. It's terrible.”

Thamalys smiled - so to say, a broad, thin, almost cruel grin surfacing on those grey lips.”Are they really?” he asked in a low voice, producing a clean cloth from a low table nearby, and carefully proceeding to wipe away some of the many layers of dirt framing the lumpy face of the Dwarf, who eventually fell asleep, snoring as there was no tomorrow. “How interesting…” he went on calmly, albeit the faintest gleam of blue would have shimmered in the dim light, swaying softly upon his tattooed skin. “See, I heard similar things in Frostmaw… and came here, not long ago, to ask the Queen herself whether this was true. She assured me that was not the case… a blatant lie, then, I wonder?” he added raising his voice while turning suddenly toward the Vampire, eyes nailed upon her, hungry for a truth he started to fear long ago.

Pilar scoffed. "She's either lying or delusional. Given her husband's cruelty, I'm not feeling too charitable." She pulled the covers up over the dwarf. "They also let a murderer go free with only a slap on the wrist, after he killed a witch. And she has the gall to blame the protestors and not the environment of hate and fear she created!" This was obviously something the vampire was passionately angry about.

Thamalys folded the soiled cloth, having decided that enough was enough - Pilar’s potion sorted the bulky Dwarf neatly enough indeed. “Lying, I can tell you that. But then… what?” he sort of yelled mid sentence, as he was not expecting that very last bit of news. ”I mean, who are you talking about? By the Wind, how can the Larketians just stand there and watch? This is madness!” he continued, thin streaks of gold building swiftly into those eyes. “I wonder what the Guild Leader thinks about this… very keen on diplomacy and manners, she is, and righteously so… but then, killing witches? Surely this is too much… are we, as Healers, supposed to do absolutely nothing? There are plenty of places where Wicthes could find peace out of this sodding town after all…”

Pilar was pleased to find someone else as angry about it as she. "I wasn't here for the trial, I only heard about it after. Eric was his name, I think, but I never caught his last name. The woman he killed was called Hanna.”

Thamalys recoiled as if a Giant hammered him with a mallet in the chest. “Eirik, you mean? You can’t be serious…” went the Blue shaking his head in disbelief. “He was even part of the Guild for a while, he… well, I would have never thought…” he voiced in a rather broken voice. Suddenly, the Winged Beast raised his head, his eyes filled with intent - Avians, such dangerous creatures when aiming for whatever goal they set their minds upon. “Where is this wood you mentioned? Could you lead me there, you think, yes? This one won’t wake up till down anyway…” commented the Spellblade, a bony finger pointing toward the snoring Dwarf nearby.

Pilar frowned. "You knew him? I'm sorry. Yes, yes, I'll show you." Pilar led the way out of the House and into the woods. They headed north, until they found the space. "This is it. Sad, isn't it?”

Larket: Labor Camp in the Forest

Thamalys cautiously approached the massive clearing, the last light of the day abandoning Vampire, Avian, and the whole Larket indeed. A tiny, if fiery, gush of blue flames left the right hand of the Spellblade, hovering in the middle of the queer couple while casting an ominous light, timidly, into the dead woods. Not too far away from them, some three or four Larketians soldiers were plainly occupied with some game of cards, loud yells occasionally breaking the silence. Beyond them, and in fact behind the ominous wall they were apparently patrolling, laid a tall gate, shut. Still at a safe distance from those guards, and most likely still unseen by the latter, the Winged beast leaned toward the Vampire, whispering. “Sad… why, that wouldn’t quite get the whole of it. Bastards…” he let go in a sigh before reprising: “You know, it would cost me less than two wing beats to overcome that silly barrier and get the both of us inside… shall we?” he inquired in a perfectly flat tone, his eyes however flashing wildly into the night.

Pilar looked up at the Avian, slightly confused. "That won't do us any good... there is a protest tomorrow, though. Would you be joining us?"

Thamalys raised an eyebrow only, possibly expecting a bit more from an angry Vampire. “A protest? Why, that sort of things I do not fully understand… I either do. Or do not. And yet, I shall thank you for showing me this place. I believe… yes, if you do not mind, I believe I will pay a visit soon enough to the poor souls within…” he noted, eyes fixed on the wall. “For now, though, I shall make my way back to the House. I would love to have a word with Lady Sabrina about all this… not to mention, I have a battered Dwarf to look after. Till soon, then…” concluded the Blue, with a flick of his wrist extinguishing the merry flam still dancing around them, only to vanish into the woods, long, measured strides bringing him to mingle into the darkness. || Feeling a bit rebellious, are we not, Silly? || commented the Ageless Black, a part of him having figured out already what was brewing in the deepest corner of the Winged Beast’s mind. Avian loath walls anyway, do they not?

Pilar nodded. "Okay, just... Be careful. And let me show you that recipe sometime," she said. She watches him disappear into darkness, and with a last look at the camp, headed home.

This RP is linked to: RP:Alternative Rumors