RP:Of Pickups and Pickpocketing Plans

From HollowWiki

Summary: Leoxander and Eleanor retrieve a delivery for an unknown client and discuss other plans for staying busy, and wealthy.

Mercenary Shop

It was late. Night had settled comfortably in the city, drawing from the shadows all manner of unseemly folk as the proprietary citizens scurried safely into their homes and hovels. Gangs oft roved throughout the alleys and even boldly along the thoroughfares, and one such ruffian was making her debut back in the city. Having disappeared without word - as she was inclined to do at times - she had made plans to meet up with a certain lycan at their agreed-upon drop, an exchange of Firefly Steve in the books for this evening. Although covered in tattooes and wearing her usual garb of azure and cerulean fabrics, the rogue was also wearing a cloak that was such a deep blue it was almost black, pulling her into the shadowy embrace between street lights as she hurried along toward the rendezvous point. Without a word, she ascended into the shop after ducking down a dimly-lit alleyway, the shop's lone candle casting dancing darkness across her face. "Bob," she parted with, a crooked grin pulling at full lips. Moving into the shop, she lowered her hood, letting it pool around her shoulders as she cocked a brow at the shopkeep. "Onie bark?"

Leoxander was finally taking the time to fulfill his duty. He had been working too hard, too often, but this shipment was due. Not long after that dark dressed 'spell blade' had entered the shop, he was simply opening the door without a knock. His attire had changed, weapons stapled all along his frame - knives holstered in harness along his ribs and a compound bow on his back, his choice of color the usual black. His sleeves were drawn down to conceal his inked markings and his face was covered with that black bandit mask over the bridge of his nose, but it only signified that he was ready for this drop. Closing the door behind him, he risked a look ahead to spot Eleanor, and although no expression could be truly seen upon his features, his blue eyes squinted in appreciation. Following her lead and trusting his employer in that underground system, Leo drew down the fabric to reveal his face, which hadn't been shaved in over a week. "A mermaid aground..." He murmured just low enough for her to hear him, before he approached her position toward Bob, and greeting him with just a nod, not a name. Sensitive ears and nose tested for anyone who might be trailing, spying, but he was confident they were alone in that trio. He allowed the woman to take control of the transaction, waiting for direction solemnly.

Eleanor stepped further into the stop, leaving only the large desk between herself and the clerk, before she turned a gaze askew toward her associate, a ghost of a smirk settling into the corner of that crooked grin. There was that name, the one reserved for her that only he could use. She was sorely tempted to reply in kind, referencing his moon-curse, but she bit her tongue in the mixed company. Turning celadon twins shrewdly back toward Bob, he grunted at her before jerking his chin toward the backroom, the door hidden behind a ragged curtain. Eleanor lofted her chin, straightened her posture away from the casual slouch she often found herself in, and sashayed in Bob's wake past that moth-eaten barrier, expecting the lycan to, in turn, follow her. Once they were in the backroom, Bob pushed aside some crates to reveal a wooden box that was clearly marked with a small glowing blue insect, revealing it as the shipment of alchemically-altered pixie dust. Although she knew all-too-well Leo had to take care when handling the product, her gaze swiveled toward him expectantly - it would be his job to ensure the product was intact within the wooden vessel as it would be his job to do just that in the future. In her husky burr, she murmured to the lycan, "Gang aheid." He would not be expected to partake of the dust itself, only to ensure it was, in fact, inside before Eleanor was willing to part with the coinpurse hidden on her person.

Leoxander obeyed, for a rare occurrence in his time. He gave a glance at 'Bob' with just a nod before he made his way to the back room, drawing his mask back over his features for good reason. If he had a hood, he might have done the same, but he hadn't spent the gold for that sort of tailoring accessory, yet. "I'm not too worried for what I've seen on these streets." He had dealt with several 'gang' leaders thus far, and he was not entirely impressed. They were as easy to spot as a bird among bats. But he did take the time with that mask in tact to open the crate if Eleanor hadn't already, and make sure the shipment was gold, in a metaphorical sense. Once that was determined, Leo stapled back the nails into place with not a hammer, but the side of his half gloved fist, a single thump of lycan fist drumming the crate closed, but giving the rogue no wound. "We good, then?" He glanced between the two, waiting direction of where it was to be delivered.

Eleanor jut out a hip, crossing her arms as she allowed the other room to inspect the merch, breathing steadily through her nose. Once the package was resealed, she gave a curt nod and tossed the previously concealed coin purse toward Bob, who pocketed it after a quick jingle to test its weight. "C'mon, let's gie it ay haur," she said to Leo, their business done. She'd not discuss their destination in Bob's company, and without another word, she returned to the front room, hoping Leo to follow suit with the package in hand. Before she was gone from the premises entirely, however, she turned to see the clerk's hulking form facing her. "He'll be back next week," the rogue informed him. With a bit of a threatening undertone, she added, "Nae problems." Those celadon twins flashed toward Leoxander then, a hint of appreciation in that steely stare before she turned toward the exit once and for all.

Leoxander had no difficulty at all lifting the crate, no matter it's weight. He was back up to a decent strength and with his lycanthrope blood, it was easily hoisted into his arms. One glance back was given to confirm Eleanor's words that he would be around again, because he was working for a significant amount of gold and needed it, for the voyage ahead. "Not yet." He responded to her words as he left, blue meeting that aquamarine color. But Cenril was full of peril these days. Outside, he lifted the crate onto his shoulder so that he might have a hand free if he needed it, several knives strapped in a harness against his ribs. He intended to follow Eleanor's direction be it in her steps or with her words, to deliver that 'firefly' where it needed to go.

Eleanor pulled that dark hood back over her head, letting it cast her face back into the shadows it afforded as they stepped out into the alley, only thereafter sending those pale glass-green eyes up at the lycanthrope. "We'll drap it aff at mah loft fur noo," she said to Leo, her voice low and meant for his ears only as she made her way toward the nearest doorway. "Meetin' wi' someain tha' moorns nicht, if ye want tae accompany." In case he wanted to see more of her business, that is -- she needed to meet with one of the dealers in order to renegotiate prices now that Firefly had been on the streets for several months now. She and her business partner were wanting to expand, and with the upcoming journey to Rynvale, El needed more than what currently lined her coffers. The rogue swayed her steps toward the door, the runic tattoo on her palm taking on a fluorescent blue hue as it activated, her hand curling around the doorknob as the spell took hold; but the other side of the door remained the back of a shop until she turned it to open it, and it was in that span of time that she turned toward Leo once again, while they were still more or less out in the open. It was a safe space, in a sense, and it was then that she said to him, "Ye swatch guid." He'd certainly packed on the muscle in all the right places since they'd last parted ways properly, and she was inclined to appreciate it -- before they were behind closed doors. While it was still safe to say so without context. She even parted with a cheeky wink before she opened that door. No longer a shop, it opened into the familiar territory of her attic apartment in northern Cenril.

Eleanor's Place

Leoxander didn't particularly want the company, but he would comply to his employer. Although he sometimes had difficulty understanding her syllables, he almost always understood her words. "Eleanor... I've got to tell you." Once the were in that shop, he placed the crate down, drawing up his sleeves a bit to reveal ink, broken and faded. "I think I want more... I think I'm going to Rynvale with a crew. And you should be part of it. My first mate. Even if it isn't my ship." It was the only way he knew how to explain the direction he was going. "In fact... I heard rumors of a gig worthy of our presence..." He didn't divulge the information right away, but it was common knowledge. So maybe she would guess on. Leo took a few steps closer to her. "Few days from now. The King... marries his Queen."

Eleanor eyed Leoxander as he revealed this new piece of information, processing the news as she pulled an herbal cigarette from her belt. She pinched it between full lips as she considered the lycan's proposal, cupping her hands around it to ignite, but held off a moment. "Ah heard ay 'at," she spoke carefully around the unlit stick. "Supposed tae be aw fancy an' jobby." Her smirk was sly as it spread across her lips. "Dornt ye reckon we'd stain it a bit amongst aw ay society's elite?" It wasn't a rejection; rather, she was curious to know if he had any sort of plan for what he was implying. This thing with Rynvale ... well. She'd already told him she'd accompany him there, but she wasn't sure just yet how she felt about being a part of someone else's crew ... things with The Oracle were complicated. That being considered internally, she couldn't help but nod at length, agreeing to what he had said. "Alrecht." There was something about Leo that she just couldn't push aside, and she found herself drawn to whatever dangers they could get themselves mixed up in. Finally lighting the cigarette, she drew in a deep lungful of smoke, celadon twins shifting over Leo from head to toe, and she whistled out the smoke in a low, appreciative sound. "Ah bit ye clean up nicely." They would have to if they wanted to get into a royal wedding without drawing too much attention to themselves.

Leoxander used that deposited crate as a seat if it was sturdy. It was sealed well enough that carrying it hadn't agitated his allergies, but he'd still be cautious on how well the wood held his weight. Arms rested casually over his bent knees while his gaze lingered on Eleanor through his overgrown hair, taking her inspection and compliment in the usual solemn stride. "As far as I know, I haven't met either of them," (Only a 'Layla'), "so I'm not too worried about them recognizing me. It might be suspicious to be uninvited, but I gotta hunch if this shindig's as big as I've heard, the crowd'll be enough to blend in... if... yeah. Clean up." Bloody hell. Dressing up and fitting in was about as far from an enjoyable task as Leo could imagine. "But if we can somehow... scout it, or figure out somethin' of their plan, there might be some valuables worth pocketing. Or some pockets for you're picking." He'd seen her sashay down the common streets ever so casually lightening the weight of jackets and belts before. Leaning back against the wall, hands motioned for the substitute of a shrug, before he reached out, expecting her to share a drag from her cigarette. "Jus' a thought."

Eleanor wasn't quite ready to sit down, feeling just a smidgen restless as she nursed that cigarette another moment before reaching out, letting the lycanthrope take possession of it. Shifting from one boot to the other, she considered the situation, chewing on her lower lip before she offered up a hesitant, "Ah, uh ... used tae wark wi' th' bride-to-be." Celadons settled on Leoxander, trying to discern his reaction amidst the facial hair and stoicism. "Indirectly, 'at is. Ah dornt hink she an' Ah ever mit, but ... mah mucker has mentioned 'er a time ur tois." The rogue paused to consider something, leaning heavily into her left hip as she tilted her head. "'spikin ay, Ah bit he'll be thaur." It was then that she moved nearer, taking a seat on the corner-edge of the crate, just barely enough space for half a cheek perhaps besides the lycan, as she plucked the cigarette back for a deep drag. "Ah bit he can gie us intae th' venue. Hae oorselves a bit ay a look-see."

Leoxander squinted his eyes in approval as he held the burned herb in his lungs for a moment to enjoy the full effect of it, not bothering to scoot over to give her more room, nor did he look uncomfortable for her proximity, as he might with most. His words would be laced with a subtle exhale of smoke when he replied. "I figured you might have a connection or two." And as usual, Eleanor didn't disappoint. "An' I happen to have some access to a few fine garments. You might stand out a bit in yer usual attire..." This time, the pirate gave his partner in crime a look over, even if she was dressed in a blue a little darker than her usual, more colorful wardrobe. "You won't believe it, but 'Kree' has been payin' me to watch over the shop at night, an' keep an eye on his assist. Lanara, the witch." An ironic employment, considering he had once spied on the crustacean for a handful of days, in order to collect information. "Basically, they let me take or borrow what I need." A seemingly perfect solution to fitting in with the wedding plans.

That smirk grew into one decidedly more wolfish at the mention of the strip club she co-owned with Huds. Although she was normally a bit stubborn about her wardrobe, she conceded that she, too, would need to dress for the occasion, and the pieces all seemed to be falling perfectly into place. "We're gonna gang aw proper-like, arenae we?" Cue a beat taken for another drag, which she held deep in her lungs as she passed the herbal stick back to her partner. "Main e'en hae tae brush mah hair, an' ye shoods probably shae," she tacked on with a husky snicker as she gave him an edgewise wink. "A royal weddin' needs us lookin' respectable." Oh, and they would be dressed to the nines no doubt, blending in wonderfully as the occasion required. "Can e'en rent a carriage, arrife in style -- also makes fur a bit ay a getaway ride if necessary." There were likely to be magical wards on such an event, so their usual method of getting around would have to be temporarily back-burnered. "Whit dae ye hink?"

Leoxander murmured as he took the passed smoke, before taking a pull off it. "Now yer pushin' it..." Suggesting that he should brush his hair. Though the getaway ride, at least a couple horses pulling or carriage or not, was not a bad idea. "Gonna be a busy couple days between tomorrow's business an' tryin' to plan this in the time we got. I gotta get back to the shop soon enough for my shift, but if you think the package is safe enough here for a few bells, you can come with me and pick out yer dress, now. They got so much sewn up over there they won't notice one missing." One more small hit and he forfeit the cigarette to her to stand, indicating he would have to leave, accompanied or not, to make his way across town. It was a wonder when the rogue ever had time to sleep with all the work he had piled on.

Eleanor chuckled as she took the cigarette back, finishing it off with one last, deep drag before she reached forward, partly over Leo's knees, in order to deposit it on a small ashtray that was on the floor near the foot of the bed. As she straightened, she twisted from waist up in order to address him, the hand nearest him draped over her thigh, the other rising to scratch idly at her temple. "Aye, it'll be a thrang coople ay days, but ... coods also be a grain payday." Nodding, she added, " It's a guid idea, Leo." It was then that she chose to rise, following the lycanthrope's suit, and tossed out offhandedly, "It'll be braw withit me fur a wee while." She gestured loosely toward the crate they'd both just left, and although she was inclined, for a moment, to add that she wanted to accompany him, she left it inferred as she then joined him on his way to the shop.