RP:Not Now

From HollowWiki

Summary: Brennia meets Krice.

Overlooking Gorge

Your stomach plunges sickeningly quick as you stare down into the seemingly bottomless pit before you. Thin tendrils of smoke lazily drift skyward from the massive chasm, and earthquakes and other signs of volcanic activity are quite common. The narrow strip of stony ground that is the continuation of the Milous Road is a web of cracks leading east, where the beginnings of a bridge over the endless gorge can be seen. a small paths trails northward, while south, the steep ledge you are standing on continues. There seems to be a lot of activity going on to the east as the finishing touches are placed on the new bridge.

Brennia walks along the path as she was headed her way to Cenril with one other bard belonging to the Bard's Guild, as they were going to check out the theater there for play ideas. Her wings are curled around her in such a way that from a distance she just looks like a tall woman with a black cloak. Brennia's long black hair is decidedly tied up this day in a high pony tail which only accent her long pointed and pierced ears. Those royal blues set out on the coarse ahead of them as they were humming along to a sort-of up beat type of melody and any others they pass seem to be happier for it, although… That tall tattooed woman looks out of place in these parts as she nearly looks like royalty, it was just the way the woman seemed to carry herself; old habits I guess. Brennia and the other bard stop a moment to sip from their canteens and take in the scenery around them as they appreciate it all and find the beauty in anything.

Krice also appeared to be walking with the intention of taking in the sights, his gold-streaked eyes scanning his surroundings at intervals throughout his progress. Dressed in his usual black attire with the sleeves of his shirt rolled to his elbows, and the collar open around his clavicle, the katana-bearing man proceeded -away- from Cenril, stepping further west on a stride that was strong and confident, but not purposeful or indicating that he had a destination in mind. His expression was thoughtful, but as he neared the humming bards, the warrior glanced over at them still several meters away and observed their behavior as their paths drew ever closer.

Brennia continued their own conversation as the stranger appeared, "Yes. I agree, but King Lear will already be performed at Rynvale. We should think of a separate one for Cenril… The place can be so… Romantic." That sultry alto timbre of her's flows out into the air as if it covered everything in a rose colored tint. Right away anyone could tell this is a bard and the nearer the warrior came to Brennia, the more he may pick up on his favorite scent from the avain. "Excuse me." She said softly to her own company as she took a step away and the lady responds, "No worries Miss Smyth." Brennia carelessly spanned open her velvety onyx wings for they are large and the time they spent walking with them bent so, took a toll. She let out a soft sigh and the area around them seemed to shrink… Good idea that they are outside. Her large oceanic optics takes in the sight of Krice… He didn't seem sad, but maybe he was in need of a nice distraction, "Merry Meet." She offered in her unique way while a kind smile is given from the plump lips of her's and in doing so caused dimples to poke in her caramel colored cheeks.

Krice 's gaze distantly wandered over the others on the road, those who seemed pleasantly affected by the sound of Brennia's voice. When she excused herself from her traveling partner, the warrior's eyes drifted to the other lady before returning to the avian, whose large, outstretched wings garnered only a moment of attention; either he was unimpressed, or he had familiarity with her kind., for his reaction was minimal. Returning his gaze to the face of the winged woman, the enigmatic man echoed her greeting with a casual, "Hi." His expression remained pleasantly neutral despite Brennia's apparent openness to interaction, and he slowed to a halt to interact with her further. After all, she was approaching him. "Need something?"

Brennia did not falter in her smile and the other she was with seemed sort of hypnotized in the span of Brennia's wings which were somehow different than most. I mean, who isn't trying to be different these days. The wings reflect hues of forest greens and navy blues in each marvelous feather, but other than that the blue wrapped silk shirt seemed to show off that a tattoo pattern looking as if it covers all of her supple skin. Anyone else walking the path stopped and starred at the six foot two (and them some, given the heeled boots) Avian. She cautiously took a half step closer to the man, bringing his favorite scent closer for more potency. Her brow furrowed softly in concern, "Say… I was just about to ask that, myself." Her wings had enough stretching, but stayed erect in their tight fold against her curvaceous form. Her warmth in her tone continued, "In your opinion… The sea holds a sort of… Romance, no?" Every vowel seemed prolific earning most of anyone she comes to speak with to hang on her every word… She seemed somehow, other worldly in a way… On her good days, anyway.

Krice lifted his chin at a slight angle, perhaps to enable him to better inhale that all too-familiar scent wafting from Brennia. How curious. The myriad colours rippling across her feathers were indeed a pretty sight, but when she drew nearer, his eyes returned to hers. "It's just water," was his response to her latter query, but he followed up with an answer to her previous statement; that she was 'just about' to ask him if he needed something. "I'm fine, thanks," said the stalwart warrior, before dipping his head in a nod and moving to pass Brennia, a little further south than his initial trajectory to make up for the span of her wings. Was he simply a heartless creature with no soul as to be captivated by the prowess of the avian? A strange human, to be sure.

Brennia would not care in the least for she holds not one expectation of how her presence usually has upon others. For heck's sake she used to perform in the Tavern of soulless creatures, for her songs brought them genuine emotion if only for a moment and she let out a surprised gasp, "How astute! Water brings such life and is one of the pinnacles that we need to survive. So, are you purposing that water, or the sea, is so much more than just fleeting affairs of the heart?" The way she speaks is truly of the poet while she steps aside to let him pass, but gently trails behind in her question. If he were to meet those large blue eyes once more he may spot a child like twinkle in her eye when she speaks of such things. "You see, my colleague and I are debating what sort of performance to host there in Cenril since it's by the sea, I thought. Romance. Am I wrong?" The fellow bard trails even further behind, "Brennia… Miss Smyth? We need to go the other way…" She sort of whine.

Krice continued on his way even as Brennia prolonged the conversation and followed him, though his steps were a little slower than previously - perhaps in deference to her wish to continue talking to him. Following the other lady's whining reminder that she and Brennia actually needed to head -east-, not -west- where -he- was traveling, the warrior said, " Who knows?" He halted thereafter and turned just enough to regard Brennia past his left shoulder, and the hilt of his back-mounted katana visible there. " You're the bard. You should already know what music to play."

Brennia halted along with him to humbly offer, "But of course. I only wish to fetch popular opinions." She paused as if listening to something… There was trouble. For a half a second it looked as if ink was dropped into the deepest oceans of those dark blue eyes, the ink atop her skin seemed to flicker or shift just slightly. "Not now…" She whispered just as she looked behind her at the other bard. Her company bowed half way, "I'll meet you at the theater in the morning." Brennia only nodded as she looked back to the stranger with a half smile, "Merry part till we merry meet again." She offered a half bow to him with a fist over her heart, again, in her own sort of way of pleasantries…. She just seemed odd to be perfectly honest. That troubled gaze looked up at how the moon was nearly full before those massive wings barely flicker with amazing force to bring her into the skies.

Krice watched the two women, his expression softening slightly at Brennia's revelation that she merely wished to gather the opinions of others. Nothing sinister or irritating in that, at all. However, it was her following stillness, and the interaction between the winged woman and her companion, that caused in the warrior a hint of curiosity and kept him from discussing the romanticism of the ocean further. Her farewell inspired one of his own, a simple nod concluding his part in their interaction, before the beating of her wings sent small gusts swirling at his legs through the duration of her ascent. The gusts weakened the higher she rose, until there was but a whisper of wind across the bangs of his hair to tell that she was there at all. Left with a sense of confusion, but ultimately pleased that he was once more alone, the silver-haired enigma turned to continue westward toward Kelay, while Brennia occupied the skies en route to her troubles.