RP:Not Exactly A Children's Story

From HollowWiki

Summary: Sykule visits the Mage's Tower to retrieve a special book. Overhearing the guards keeping Sykule away, Kovl invites the child in and gives him the book. Sykule is told that when he is ready to come back to the Guild if he wants to learn.

Mage Tower

Kovl sits atop a table in the Mage Tower lobby, idly watching the guards nod to those allowed admittance into the building. The tower has been emptier than usual as of late. The Guild has fortified the tower and restricted admittance ever since they were infiltrated by imposters posing to want to learn more of the arcane arts. Instead they only sought after Guild secrets to raise hell on Xalious. This is all so new to Kovl: turning so many away because nefarious mages used Guild secrets against them. The pixie takes a breath, thinking of the events that have transpired in Frostmaw. He just returned today to escape and to distract himself. The distractions so far have consisted of watching one of the guards to the tower's funny way of walking.

Sykule's voice echoed through the hallways of the the tower. "I told you, I am not a spy, I am not a necromancer and I am certainly not a creepy old mage disguising himself as kid to try and avoid any suspicion!" The boy stood before the guards on the entrance, wearing his trusty travel cloak and his wizard-like hat over his white hair. He looked quite displeased, stomping his feet with his arms crossed. "I'm just here to find a book! I did not come all the way from Hildegarde's camp for nothing! There must be a way for me to get in!"

Kovl tilts his head as a commotion appears to be happening at the front entrance of the Mage's Tower. The mention of Hildegarde especially perks his interest. His wings buzz as he takes flight toward the entrance, and upon seeing the young boy, Kovl speaks, "It's okay. You can let him in. I will keep a close eye on the boy." The Provost Esoterica smiles to the guards, and the clout of his recent promotion causes them to step aside to let the boy inside the tower. "What can I help you with, little one?"

Sykule walked past the guards and stepped inside the tower. He approached the pixie, inspecting him with a curious look. It was the first time he met one, and he had never heard about that race before. "Thank you, kind sir" the boy said, with a simple courteous gesture."My name is Sykule. I have just heard about your tower from one of my friends, he said you had a library filled with all kinds of books about magic. I was hoping I could find one in specific."

Kovl gazes at Sykule, tilting his head again, wondering at his curiosity. "What sort of book do you seek? You may not know this, Sykule, but our Guild is under high surveillance. We can't just let anyone wander in to find the book they are searching for." The pixie lets out a smile, a hint of his charm for those childlike as he. "And I heard you mentioned Hildegarde. What is your affiliation with her?"

Sykule raised his eyebrow at the pixie, trying to figure his intentions. "I am a recruit of The Eyrie, untrained illusionist and currently part of Lady Hildegarde's army." He paused, to consider revealing that he was also a dragon. But the boy figured the pixie was still a stranger to him, and decided to keep the fact for himself. "I am looking for a book I once read a long time ago. It's not exactly focused on teaching magic itself, but rather a collection of tales about magic users. It's part of what inspired me to become a mage. Maybe you could help me find it?"

Kovl has heard of the Eyrie, and he, of course, knows Hildegarde's army. A wide smile fills his face at Sykule's introduction. "My name is Kovl. I am a Provost Esoterica in the Mage's Guild, trained extensively in illusion magicks, friend of Hildegarde and Frostmaw. Now, what is the name of the book you are searching for? If it is in our private libraries, I will not be able to assist. And what is your reason for searching for this book?"

Sykule blinked, with a spark of fascination in his eyes. "The volume I'm looking for is called "The Serpent", it's about a dragon that could shapeshift and control his enemies, and was a master illusionist. I'm sure it is just a tale, but the story always inspired me." The boy had a genuine smile on his face. He could not reveal any detail about his mission, but he figured he could tell a little more about himself to the pixie. "I've been training on my own to become a better illusionist, I figured a little inspiration would help. If I could not find the book, maybe I could find something that could help me become stronger here."

Kovl watches Sykule with interest as he describes the book he is searching for. "I've not heard about that one in a long time. It's a little heavy for a child like yourself, but to be honest, I am confident it is a book I would have wanted to read as a child. How do you think it will make you stronger?" The pixie raises a hand to his chin. "The book is in our general library. I can lend it to you, but you may learn a lot more if you train here with us." Kovl smiles again. "However, that takes a lot of dedication and practice."

Sykule opened and closed his mouth once, before he spoke. "Really? I figured I wouldn't be able to get help from the guild, given how strict things are at the moment. But training here, is just...could I?" He really did want to learn about magic, about everything. But he thought back to The Eyrie and Frostmaw, he still had a job to finish there and Pilar offered to help him with his learning. On the other hand, maybe learning about the guild and proving himself worthy would be exactly the training he was looking for. "Do I need to pass some kind of test?"

Kovl nods at Sykule. "There is a test involved with joining the Guild, especially under these current circumstances. I'll tell you what. You take this book. Learn what you can from it, and come back to me. When you return it to us, you can see if you have the discipline and loyalty it takes to be in the Mage's Guild. I will happily help you learn what you need to learn, but I know that you have quite a war on your hands if you're Hildegarde's. But, if you're dedicated, and you're loyal, and you're determined to learn, I think you can benefit greatly." Kovl pauses. "One moment." The pixie asks one of the guards to keep an eye on the child as he leaves. Minutes later, Kovl returns with a book. "Here." Clearly printed on the title is 'The Serpent'. "Come back with it and you can show me what you learned." Kovl grins.

Sykule waited for the pixie to return, tapping his feet while he looked around the room. He smiled when he saw the pixie coming back with the book. "I'll take very good care of it, Thank you!" The boy held the book closely to his chest. Everything he could learn would be of help to The Eyrie and Frostmaw, and they were both in great need. "I promise, I'll come back here once Frostmaw is safe, and I'll be sure to show you what I can do then, Mister Kovl."

Kovl grins again. "You're very welcome." The pixie lifts his hand to his chin once again. "And you see Hildegarde on a regular basis, do you?" Kovl thinks, wanting to wish her good luck through her young army member. Then he thinks better of his name being spoken among her and her army in front of the young boy. Kovl is sure Josleen and Hildegarde already discussed the conversation he had with the bard earlier. "I wish you the best. Hildegarde is a good leader. It's a shame that many of the giants do not see that. Frostmaw has been and will be safe in her reign." The pixie leads Sykule to the door. "Until I see you again, Sykule. Good luck out there."

Sykule eyes were fixed on his book until the pixel asked him about Hildegarde. "I'm not one of her closest friends, but we do see each other, given that she's the leader of The Eyrie." Walked towards the door with Kovl. The boy nodded, then gave Kovl a wide smile. "Don't worry, I'll be sure not to die. I still have to return your book."